Running Head: Lab 3 – Test Plan Lab 3 – Test Plan by Andrew McKnight of Team Blue for CS 411 Spring 2012 with Prof. Brunelle McKnight 1 Lab 3 – Test Plan McKnight 2 Table of Contents 1 Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 3 2 References ..................................................................................................................... 3 3 Test Plan........................................................................................................................ 3 3.1 Testing Approach ................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Identification of Tests ............................................................................................ 5 3.3 Test Schedule ......................................................................................................... 9 3.4 Fault Reporting and Data Recording ..................................................................... 9 3.5 Resource Requirements ....................................................................................... 10 3.6 Test Environment ................................................................................................. 10 List of Figures Figure 1: Prototype Major Functional Components Diagram………….....………………4 Figure 2: View of the presentation area………….………………………………………11 Figure 3: Schematic plan of the presentation room……………………………………...11 List of Tables Table 1: Identification of Tests……………………………………………………………5 Table 2: Test Schedule…………………………………………………………………….9 Table 3: Fault Reporting and Data Recording…………………………………………...10 Lab 3 – Test Plan 1 McKnight 3 Objectives The Traffic Wizard ecosystem involves several interdependent parts. All must be fully functional, including communication capability. Risks do exist, from availability of user base from which to gather data, to hardware malfunction, to cellular signal strength. The prototype serves several purposes with respect to risk mitigation. It helps find the bounds of normal operation of a given server configuration by experimentation. Algorithms can be troubleshot and fine tuned to the actual amount of input they will receive in the real world. The prototype also provides a test plan that serves as the foundation to building an automated testing framework. Finally, the prototype shall serve as a demonstration of the capability of the system in its own right, and as a realization of a small but significant societal tool. 2 References McKnight, Andrew. “Lab 2 – Prototype Specifications.” CS411. March 28, 2012. 3 Test Plan The Traffic Wizard ecosystem is comprised of several different entities, each with their own components. Databases, algorithms, smartphones and other hardware must all work together to ensure a good user experience. Each component part must be tested individually and together as an integrated system to discover potential problems and either eliminate them or minimize their impact and probability. The prototype demonstration will present a subset of the tests needed to shape Traffic Wizard into a fully functional collection of applications. Lab 3 – Test Plan 3.1 McKnight 4 Testing Approach Figure 1 shows the prototype’s different components and how they interact with each other. There are three tiers of testing to validate the proper function of each part. Unit testing performs basic checks of functionality of algorithms. Integration tests will combine the algorithms together with the databases. System testing will incorporate all aspects of Traffic Wizard to give a thorough picture of interactions of all the parts together. Figure 1: Prototype Major Functional Components Diagram Lab 3 – Test Plan 3.2 McKnight 5 Identification of Tests Table 1 is a comprehensive list of tests needed to prove the proper operation of all Traffic Wizard components. It is broken down into categories and subcategories to compartmentalize testing. The order describes a bottom-up approach of testing the smallest components and then integrating them and testing their interoperability. Categories Subcategory ID Subcategory 1.10 Virtual Checkpoint Databases 1.20 Driver Profile 1.30 Speed Limit 2.10 Speed Aggregator 2.20 VC Reallocator Algorithms Test Case Name Description 1.1.1 Database Structure Test Verify the structure of all tables and fields 2.1.1 Test Aggregate Speeds 2.2.1 Source Code 2.2.2 Open VC Database 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.30 Route Matcher Open Speed Limit Database Add Checkpoint Delete Checkpoint 2.3.1 Source Code 2.3.2 VC Database Connect 2.3.3 Input Parameter 2.3.4 Proximity To determine whether the aggregate speed function is working and if it is accurate. To check if the code is written in Java or C++. To test the ability to open the Virtual Checkpoint Database. Test the ability to open the speed limit database. Test the ability to add a checkpoint. Test the ability to delete a checkpoint. Verify code is written in Java or C++ Verify Virtual Checkpoint Database is accessible Verify parameter acceptance for input coordinates Verify ability to return checkpoint ID's within Lab 3 – Test Plan Categories McKnight 6 Subcategory ID Subcategory Test Case Name Description vicinity 2.40 2.50 2.3.5 False Proximity 2.4.1 Route Analysis Accuracy Test 2.4.2 Route Analysis Data Test 2.5.1 Source code 2.5.2 User Interface Route Analyzer Blockage Finder 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.5.6 2.5.7 2.6.1 2.60 Next Checkpoint Estimator 2.6.2 Simulation Console 3.10 Region Selection 3.1.1 3.1.2 Accessing Information Geographical Area Virtual Checkpoints Route Analysis Result Verify ability to return no checkpoint ID Verify that the Route Analysis Algorithm properly validates a route against the Virtual Checkpoint Database. To verify the calculation and communication of congestion data for a user specified route. Test for code language used in the Blockage Finder algorithm. Testing the user interface to be used on the server for Blockage Algorithm. Ensuring if information received is valid. Checking the location through Google Maps. Virtual Checkpoints Route Analysis algorithm Optimal Traffic Next Checkpoint Estimator calculations Ensure the calculations performed by the algorithm are correct Next Checkpoint Estimator deviation Region Support Arrival and Destination Test the conditional branch in the algorithm that checks whether a user has deviated from a route Verify region maps available for simulation Verify regiona maps have entry and exit points Lab 3 – Test Plan Categories McKnight 7 Subcategory ID Subcategory 3.20 Traffic Scenario Selection 3.2.1 3.2.2 Name Description Scenario Support Scenario Scale Verify scenario options defined and available Verify scenarios have scalability functions Ensure that realistic proportions of drivers and users are generated, conforming to variable thresholds which can be changed by the user Verify simulation defaults and selectability of regions and scenarios Verify Scenario 1 (low congestion) can be executed to show algorithm proof Verify Scenario 8 (high congestion) can be executed to show algorithm proof Verify generation of two types of virtual drivers Verified through Simulation Runtime Execution test cases Ensure that only authorized users are able to access the main user interface functionality of the application 3.3.1 Driver Generator 3.4.1 Runtime Defaults and Selections 3.4.2 Scenario 1 Execution 3.4.3 Scenario 8 Execution 3.4.4 Virtual Driver Type 3.50 Traffic Activity Display 3.4.1 3.4.4 3.4 Tests 4.10 Login 4.1.1 Login 3.30 3.40 4.20 Driver Generator Test Case Simulation Runtime Execution New Trip 4.2.1 New Trip Client User Interface 4.30 Route Tracer 4.3.1 Route Tracer 4.40 Edit Trip 4.4.1 Edit Trip 4.50 End of Trip 4.5.1 End of Trip Ensure the process of New Trip Creation runs correctly or fails gracefully Test the functionality of the Route Tracer screen to ensure that illegal start/stop presses are prevented Ensure the process of editing a Trip runs correctly or fails gracefully Ensure the End of Trip process of runs correctly Lab 3 – Test Plan Categories McKnight 8 Subcategory ID Test Case Name 4.60 Delay Notification 4.6.1 Delay Notification 5.10 Main Menu 5.1.1 Main Menu Test 5.2.1 Driver Profile Database 5.2.2 Driver Profile Screenshots 5.2.3 Driver Profile Main Menu 5.30 Route Creation Demo 5.3.1 Create / Edit 5.40 Route Tracer Demo 5.4.1 Route Tracer demo 5.50 Traffic Simulation Window 3.4.1 3.4.3 3.4 Tests 5.6.1 Dashboard Access 5.6.2 Dashboard Return 5.20 Simulation Console Interface Subcategory 5.60 Driver Profile Demo Dashboard Table 1: Identification of Tests Description and unobtrusively to the user Ensure the delay notification process runs correctly and unobtrusively to the driver Verify interface has accessible buttons/tabs for features Verify that features of Driver Profiles have been implemented correctly Verify that features of Driver Profile Demonstration utilizes appropriate GUI screenshots Verify that features of Driver Profile Demonstration allows access to the main menu Must describe all fields required for creating a new route manually as outlined in Requirement Show the functionality of the Route Tracer works as expected and returns correct results Verified through Simulation Runtime Execution test cases Verify accessibility from Traffic Simulation window Verify that Dashboard cannot return to Main Menu during simulation Lab 3 – Test Plan 3.3 McKnight 9 Test Schedule The plan for the prototype demonstration includes a subset of the collection of tests described in Table 1. It starts off with a quick introduction, followed by a description of the databases and a short demonstration of their operation and contents. A few algorithm unit tests will be performed, followed by their integration in a simulation of Traffic Wizard’s operation in the real world. A presentation of the smartphone application rounds out the demonstration, followed by a question and answer period. Start Time (min) 0:10 Duration Description Test Case # 5 1.1 0:15 10 0:25 10 Database (Driver Profile and Virtual Checkpoint) Demo Algorithm unit tests (via Simulation Console) Integration simulation 0:35 10 4.1 – 4.6 0:45 15 Smartphone Application Demo Questions 2.1- 2.6 3.1 – 3.5, 5.1 – 5.7 Table 2: Test Schedule 3.4 Fault Reporting and Data Recording Thorough fault reporting is an essential part of the testing process. By documenting failures and the conditions that lead up to them, error mitigation will move at an efficient pace. Table 3 outlines the different categories of errors and how to document each kind. Lab 3 – Test Plan Component Hardware GUI Database Algorithms 3.5 McKnight 10 How/Process of Recording Report failures through visual inspection of Smartphone device and server stations Document through hardcopy forms Report failures through visual inspection of GUI screens in app and simulation console Document through hardcopy forms Report failures through visual inspection of returned SQL Statements Document through hardcopy forms Report failures through visual inspection of output logs Document through hardcopy forms Table 3: Fault Reporting and Data Recording Resource Requirements To carry out the demonstration, several pieces of equipment are needed. A projector and screen are needed to display various programs, slideshows and visualizations. At least one iOS device will be needed to present the smartphone application, together with a VGA-out cable to plug into the projector. Access to the virtual machine provided by the systems group is needed through either a desktop or laptop computer. 3.6 Test Environment A large enough facility will be needed to accommodate a small audience of about thirty people. A separate area for panelists will be reserved close by the projector screen and the presenters to facilitate discussion. The rest of the seating area should have a sufficient view of the projector screen. Lab 3 – Test Plan McKnight 11 Figure 2: View of the presentation area. Figure 3: Schematic plan of the presentation room.