The Online Roster

The Online Roster
Student organization rosters are maintained through Connect. To access Connect, visit Click on the Connect button.
Use your Bear_ID (Bobby_Baylor) and password to login.
Select the organization portal for which you are updating the roster from ‘My Memberships’.
Select the ‘People’ tab.
Adding New Members
Under ‘People’ you will see a listing of all current members. You can invite new members, remove
members, and assign officer roles. To add new members to the roster, hit ‘Invite People’.
To invite new members to your organization, enter their e-mail addresses in the first text box,
separated by a comma. To ensure members are added correctly, please enter their correct Baylor
e-mail address.
You can also attach a custom message to organization invitations and add members directly to groups
(more information on page 6). To the right hand side, you can track if members have accepted
invitations to join the organization under ‘Pending Invitations’.
Removing Members
Within Connect, members can also be removed from an organization roster. In order to remove
members, access the ‘People’ tab, and check next to each name you’d like to remove, and hit
When selecting multiple members, you can also message these individuals or add them to a group
in the organization as well. Please be mindful of how and when you remove members, as this
should only be done at the conclusion of each semester or as members leave the organization.
Typically, it is appropriate to remove members after graduation each semester.
Adding Members to Groups
Members of organizations can also be added to groups. Each organization can customize the groups
within their organization. Assigning members to groups allows for easy access to e-mail only certain
members, assign permissions, etc.
All organizations are pre-populated with 4 groups – Administrators, Advisors, Executive Officers, and
Assigning Officer Roles (Permissions)
In addition to adding members to your roster, every student organization provides a listing of officers.
Within the people tab, you will either add all officers to one group or customize officer roles by
assigning permissions.
Managing Permissions Guide
Permissions will look different for each organization dependent on the tools you have turned on/off for
the organization. To manage tools, access the ‘Settings’ tab in the organization portal.
Events – member can register and manage organizational events
Files – member can add, edit, and remove files
Forms – member can add, edit and remove forms
Photos & Videos – member can add, edit and remove photos and videos
Involvement – member can manage involvement requests
To-Dos – member can assign and manage tasks for other members
Website – member can serve as the webmaster for the organization website through Connect
 People – member can serve as the Roster Manager (add and remove members, assign
Contact Books – member can add and edit contact books
Discussion – member can manage (edit/remove) posts
News – member can submit news posts
OrgWall - member can manage (edit/remove) posts
Polls – member can create and manage polls
Messaging – member can send e-mail on behalf of the organization
 Checkbook – member can manage the organization digital checkbook
 Dues – member can manage the simple dues tool
Service Opportunities
 Service Opportunities – member can manage organizational service opportunities (Service Chair)
Troubleshooting the Online Roster
The organization does not show up under ‘My Memberships’.
If your organization does not appear under ‘My Memberships’, it is likely because you are not listed
as a current member or advisor. This is easily fixed! Contact one of the officers (administrators) for
your organization to invite you to the organization or the Department of Student Activities to add an
advisor. If you aren’t sure who serves as the administrator to the portal, contact the Department of
Student Activities.
Our administrators graduated but didn’t assign a new administrator before leaving, and no one can
update the roster!
The Department of Student Activities can update portal administrators for the organization at any
time. Please be mindful through any officer transition that new administrators are assigned!
I entered the e-mail addresses of some members, but their names don’t appear on the roster.
This could be happening for two reasons. First, the e-mail addresses you entered are incorrect. Please
double check you are using a member’s correct Baylor e-mail address. Secondly, the new member has
not accepted the invitation to join the organization. Anyone who has not accepted the invitation to
join the group should show up under ‘Pending Invitations’.
Some members left the organization, but they are still on the roster. How do we remove them?
Administrators can remove members from the roster at any time. Simple access the people tab,
check next to their name, and hit ‘remove’. Please be mindful not to remove graduating members
until after the conclusion of the semester.