Protecting Browsers from Extension Vulnerabilities (NDSS 2010)


Protecting Browsers from Extension

Vulnerabilities (NDSS 2010)

Adam Barth, Adrienne Porter Felt, Prateek Saxena

University of California, Berkeley

{abarth, afelt, prateeks}

Aaron Boodman

Google, Inc.

Presented by:

Edmund Warner

March 29, 2011

University of Central Florida


Figures and tables are taken directly from the paper. for specific information on Firefox used for this presentation

Let's talk about Firefox

Nearly one third of Firefox users run extensions

That's about 90 million users running extensions

Skype Toolbar



Extensions change the browsing experience

Makes changes to the user interface

Interacts arbitrarily with many websites

This creates a large attack surface!

Let's talk about Firefox

When extensions are loaded in Firefox, many are done so with the browser's full priveleges

If an attacker were to compromise the extension, he could usurp control of it's broad priveleges and use them to install malware on the user's machine

Most extension developers are not security experts

The Study

25 extensions were chosen from the most popular of the 13 categories in Firefox:

Adblock Plus 1.0.2, Answers 2.2.48, AutoPager, Auto Shutdown (InBasic) 3.1.1B, Babel Fish 1.84,

CoolPreviews 2.7.4, Delicious Bookmarks 4.3, docked JSConsole0.1.1, DownloadHelper 4.3, Download

Statusbar 2.1.018, File and Folder Shortcuts 1.3

, Firefox Showcase 0.3.2009040901, Fission 1.3, Glue 4.2.18,

GoogleEnhancer 1.70, Image Tweak 0.18.1, Lazarus: Form Recovery 1.0.5,

Mouseless Browsing, Multiple Tab Handler 0.9.5, Quick Locale Switcher 1.6.9, Shareaholic 1.7, Status-bar

Scientific Calculator 4.5, TwitterFox, WeatherBug2.0.0.4, and Zemanta 0.5.4.

Only 3 of these require the brrowser's full priveleges

The rest are over-priveleged

How can Extensions be


The paper gives 4 methods of exploiting Firefox

 extensions:

Cross-Site Scripting

Using eval or document.write without sanitizing the input can cause a script to be able to be injected into the extension

Replacing Native APIs

Attacker can trick the extension and replace the DOM APIs with its own

Behaves just like the original, but can trick it into performing a misdeed

JavaScript Capability Leaks

If it leaks an object to a malicious web page, the attacker can gain access to other objects

Mixed Content

Can hijack and replace HTTP scripts in orrder to install malware

Plan of Attack

First, give developers a template to follow

Lessen the attack space to aim for

Second, use the new build to limit the priveleges given to these extensions

If the extension does get compromised, the attack has no more priveleges than the extension used before

Extension Design Template

Three parts:

Content Script – interacts closely with potentially malicious input, but can only send messages to the extension core

Extension Core – contains most web priveleges, but on interacts with web content through the Scripts. Also, it doesn't have host access

Native Binary – contains host priveleges, but only interacts through the extension core

Limiting Priveleges

The table below represents the 25 extensions surveyed. To explain the zones:

Critical: Can run arbitrary code on the user’s system (e.g., arbitrary file access)

High: Can access site-specific confidential information (e.g., cookies and password) or the Document Object Model (DOM) of all web pages

Medium: Can access private user data (e.g., recent history) or the DOM of specific web pages

Low: Can annoy the user

None: No security privileges (e.g., a string) or privileges limited to the extension itself

Limiting Priveleges

Only 3 extensions showed critical-level behavior, which are all download managers. None of these, however, require arbitrary file access.

The above demonstrates just how much privelege can be abused.

Limiting Priveleges

In order to combat this potential abuse, limitations are built into the extension manifest

For instance, a Gmail checker extension needs access to subdomains and the tabs API

Instead of allowing it to make the requests at run-time with full priveleges, build it into the manifest



“http:// *”

“https:// *”

Now it can only access what we allow it to access.


The system also uses three components to isolate its parts from web content, and from each other

We run the extension core in a unique origin designated by a public key

We run the extensions core and native binaries in their own processes

Content scripts run in a separate content heap than untrusted web content

Public Keys

We assign an “origin” via public key to the extension's URL. For example:

 chrome-extension://askhjsbasydblsdlfhfb/

This reduces the attack surface and simplifies extension signing

Also, it makes updating extensions easier

Same priveleges, same key – simple replacement

However, the process starts from scratch if the internal components are asking for more priveleges

Process Isolation

Each component runs in a different process

Extension Core and Native Binaries are in different

 processes

Content Scripts run in the same process associated with the web page

Protection is two-fold

Protects the core from browser errors because

JavaScript objects cannot leak between processes

Protects against low-level exploits like buffer overflows

Isolated Worlds

Each content script runs the DOM with its “own” JavaScript objects

Therefore, content scripts and web pages never exchange pointers

Now, if a DOM method is called, both objects will be updated, but if a website called a non-standard method, it does not carry.


Separating extensions could add overhead when you need to access multiple components

Sending a signal from content script to the extension core and back observed a round-trip latency of 0.8 ms on average

With the isolated worlds mechanism, they observed a round-trip latency of 309 ms as opposed to 239 ms without


Firefox has 5,594 extensions

25 only samples 0.45% of the population

Popular doesn't always mean best developed

No definitive talk on how secure their solution is

• Might be a misnomer because the solution presented mainly just reduces the consequences for exploits

• An attacker can still build the priveleges into his own extension or compromise and “update” an existing one

– Add under “permissions”:




Google Chrome Add-on for Firefox: Chromifox

Google Chrome Browser

Extension design now has a template to follow


Give a “format” to the Public Key if the extension updates require more priveleges.

Test it further.

Compare security between formatted and unformatted extensions
