Wireless Sensor Networks In-Network Relational Databases Jocelyn Botello

Wireless Sensor Networks
In-Network Relational Databases
Jocelyn Botello
• Introduction
• Sensor Database System
• Projects
– TinyDB
– Cougar
• Maximum Performance
– Efficiency
– Optimization
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
Botello 2
• Minimization Goal:
– Network Traffic
– Amount of Transmitted Data
• Maximization Goal:
– Computing Capacity
– Power
• Acquire Data for Unlimited Time
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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Sensor Database System
• Access data with no previous
• Three-Layer Reference Model
• Relational Model
– Sensor Data: Time Series
– Stored Data: Relations
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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TinyDB from Berkley
• Query Processor
• Multiple Query Concurrency
• Tree Routing
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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TinyDB from Berkley
Event- Based Queries
Actuation Queries
Lifetime- Based Queries
Monitoring Queries
Network Health Queries
Exploratory Queries
Aggregation Queries
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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Cougar from Cornell
• Sensors
– Abstract Data Type Functions
– In-Network Processing
– Gateway Node
• Query Proxy
– Small Database Component
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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• Communication Failure
• Reliable Data
– Uncertainty of Data
– Security of Data
• Network’s Power Life
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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Communication Failure
• Sensors Physically Dependable
– Outside Factors
• Keep Data Alive
– Back-Up
– Accessibility, Availability
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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Reliable Data: Uncertainty
• Level of Accuracy Vs Cost of
• Desired Accuracy
• Probabilistic Threshold Query
April 9, 2008
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Reliable Data: Security
• Network Specific
– Level of Security
– Access Points/Rights
• Affects of Aggregation
• Dynamic
• Level of Security Vs Access Time
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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• Data Space Management
• Queries
• Aggregation
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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Data Space Management
• Storage Nodes
– Minimize Traffic & Retrieve Time
• Switch Roles
– Busy Region
– Power Life
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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• Independent, Dynamic
• Irrelevant Factors
Power Management
Time Synchronization
Data Processing
Data Collection
• Maintaining Power Life
• Multiple, Nested Queries
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• Partial/Total Aggregation
• Selective Data
• Spatial Aggregation
– Spatial Moving Average
– Voroni Diagram
– Triangular Irregular Network
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
Botello 15
• Maximum Performance
– Efficiency
• Reliable Data Vs Communication Failure
– Optimization
• Queries
• Aggregation
– Minimize Network Traffic
– Conservation of Power
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Future Work
Power Management
Data Management
Data Collection
Data Processing
– Query Processing
• Network Design
April 9, 2008
EEL 6897: Prof. Boloni
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