EEM Installed and configuration for APM

EEM Installed and configuration for APM
This article describes how you can install the Embedded Entitlements Manager (EEM) and
configure it with the APM example scripts
This example describes these tasks:
Install EEM
Configure EEM using sample APM scripts
Configure Enterprise Manager to connect to EEM
Launch the EEM Installer
Scroll to the bottom of the License Agreement
Check the box to accept the terms of the license agreement.
The default install path is selected
Enter the EiamAdmin password
Use the Browse to enter the location where Java is installed
The EEM install is complete
Configure EEM using sample APM scripts
Locate the safex.exe file. For a default EEM install it will be in the C:\Program
Files\CA\SharedComponents\iTechnology folder
Locate the example EEM scripts in the Enterprise Manger install.
The files we will use for this guide are:
Open a command window and CD to the location of the Safex.exe
C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\iTechnology
First you should run the script to create the APM application in EEM
Run the following command
safex.exe -h hostname -u username -p password -f
>safex.exe -h <EEM Hostname> -u EiamAdmin -p <password> -f <Enterprise
Manager Home>\examples\authentication\
Next you should run the to add the default
users and policies to EEM
>safex.exe -h <EEM Hostname> -u EiamAdmin -p <password> -f <Enterprise
Manager Home>\examples\authentication\
After both sample script are run, you can connect to EEM.
Connect to the EEM UI
http://<EEM HostName>:5250/spin/eiam/eiam.csp
Select the Application ‘APM’
For a default install, the User Name should be ‘EiamAdmin’
Enter the Password that you used when installing EEM
If prompted, accept the certificate
Click the Manage Identities Tab
Click ‘Go’ in the Search Users box
You will get the list of default users that were added with the sample scripts
Click the Manage Access Policies Tab
You will have the default APM policy listed on the left
Configure Enterprise Manger to connect to EEM
To configure Enterprise Manager to use the EEM install, you will need to add an EEM realm
The default install provides an example realms file with the EEM realm configuration.
Stop the Enterprise Manger if it is running.
Locate the example file
Edit the realms.eem.xml file with a text editor
Enter the Hostname where EEM was installed
<!-- Set the hostname of the EEM server -->
<!-- This property is optional -->
<!-- Default is localhost -->
<property name="host">
Enter the Password used when EEM was installed
<!-- Set the password to connect to the EEM server -->
<!-- This property is required -->
<property name="password">
Copy the realms.eem.xml file to the <EnterpriseManagerHome>\config directory.
Rename the file to realms.xml
Restart Enterprise Manager.