Electronic Textbooks Presentation 3 – Preliminary Project Plan Presented by Michael Dmuchowski For the Ebook Group Team Members and Responsibilities Joel Carter : Project Manager, Web Integration. Divyesh Vallabh: Web Design, Assistant Project Manager. Vadim Dolt: Database Design, Internet Integration, MS Project Schedule. John Griffith: Marketing, Web Design. Ronak Patel: Marketing, Bookstore Liaison, Alternate Presenter. Michael Dmuchowski: Presenter, Technical Research. Project Goal: A quick review Provide at least one CS class with an electronic textbook for use within the next academic year. Project Concepts Small Ebook Reader used by Students and faculty. Server Based Distribution of book content and lecture materials. Web Based interface for ordering /downloading books. Access points in Bookstore and CS labs to distribute faculty generated materials. Market Considerations: Ebook is lowest cost electronic book on market. Other electronic books targeted more towards business and government. $6.8 Billion Dollar Market for educational books. Time to market in less than 1 year once content agreements reached. 1st Phase – School supplied resources minimize startup costs. Technically oriented target group should facilitate deployment. Project Organization: Three teams working simultaneously: Marketing: Surveys and advertising evaluations currently underway. Negotiations with Bookstore, publishers and technology providers in preliminary phase. Web Page Design: 60% complete. Waiting on web integration tool specifications to finish design. Web Integration: Oracle and other back end support mechanisms in evaluation phase. Contractual Aspects Secured evaluation unit from NuvoMedia. Working on publishers to secure content for test class. Evaluating CS courses for possible publicdomain or faculty generated content as an alternative. Waiting on Barnes and Noble representative from ODU bookstore for access requirements. Researching possible funding for test class to offset reader costs. Schedule 1 – Web Design Approximately 60% Done. Mailto function, Links pages, contact information in place. Front End design for accessing book server underway. Adding online survey to poll CS students. Schedule 2 – Web Integration Oracle SQL evaluation underway. Integration with Web Page estimated to be complete before end of Spring Semester. Waiting on NuvoMedia development tools for secure access to book content (currently in beta testing at NuvoMedia). Schedule 3 – Market Survey Surveys conducted in selected CS classes show 68% acceptance rate for project concept. Web based survey will be conducted once web page scripting done. Possible demonstration of Ebook in CS classes once evaluation unit in hand. Milestones Web Page Complete: 1st Week December. Test Database Complete: March 2000. Web/Database Integration Complete: Spring 2000. Publisher Agreements: Spring or Summer 2000. First Evaluation Class: Fall 2000. Possible Early Test with evaluation units if arrangements with NuvoMedia can be reached. Resource Overview 1st Phase – Current 2nd Phase Evaluation 3rd Phase Deployment Severs: School Provided. Severs: School Provided. Severs: Commercial Contracted. Internet Access: School Provided. Tech Support: Students. Internet Access: School Provided. Tech Support: Students. Internet Access: Commercial Contracted. Tech Support: Sub-contracted. MS Project Schedule Most Current Version on the Web Site. Hardware Resources – Long Term NT Web Server - $10,000 Database Server - $10,000 Firewall Machine - $1,000 Router - $3,000 Hardware Hub - $300 2 Printers - $1,500 (LaserJet & Inkjet) 4 Developer Systems - $6,000 ($1,500 each) 3 UPS (Servers) - $1,500 ($500 each) 4 UPS (Developers) - $1,000 ($250 each) 1 Scanner - $150 Total: $34,450 Software Resources- Long Term MicroSoft SQL - $8,000 (25 Clients) NT Enterprise Edition - $3,200 (25 Clients) Web/Application Development Tools$1,500 Encryption Software - $1,500 Firewall Software - $10,000 Total - $24,200 Personnel Resources 1 Database Admin. - $12,000 ($50/hr)(6 weeks) 1 Web Developer - $12,000 ($50/hr) (6 weeks) 1 Network Engineer -$12,000 ($50/hr) (6 weeks) 1 Trainer - $800 ($20/hr) (1 week) 1 Technical Writer – $6,000 ($50/hr) (3 weeks) Total: $42,800 Facility Requirements Office Space ($12/sq. ft) - $20,000 ($5,000/month) Telephone Service- $200 ($50/month) Electrical – TBD Internet Service – ISP Contracted Service Contract Support Services Rocket Ebook - $270 SoftBook - $1,000 Everybook - $1,600 Total: $2,870 Resource Considerations ODU may share costs when system is online. NuvoMedia may partially fund/discount hardware (readers). Possible funding from other parties that have expressed interest in the project. Evaluation Methods Survey pilot class after semester to gauge success/failure. Online / Bookstore sales can be measured directly. Web Hits on homepage can be used to monitor interest in project. Downloads of faculty generated documents can be tracked to gauge use. Sales of Ebook readers / downloads can be tracked directly. Potential Problems ODU Bookstore won’t want to participate. Publishers won’t want to participate – possible solution with locally developed content. NuvoMedia may suffer financial losses. Development delays / integration problems may force deployment deadline back. Positive Indicators Our project has been documented in NuvoMedia online newsletter. We have been contacted by two other businesses (one start-up) interested in working with us. Ebook format adopted by Microsoft for use in future Windows products. Conclusions Technical Problems don’t seem impossible, most of our problems are legal and/or administrative. Interest in project will grow considerably, we believe, if our pilot project is successful.