Objective – Describe the forces that keep objects in orbit in the Solar System. Group Members _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Going Down, Anyone (an activity from NASA Why Files – The Case of the Phenomenal Weather) Materials Ruler 12” of string Two books of equal size Paper clip Procedures 1. Tie the paper clip to one end of the string. 2. Tie the other end of the string to the center of the ruler. 3. Stand the two books on a flat surface approximately 10” part. 4. Lay the ruler across the tops of the books as shown in the diagram. 5. Observe the position of the string and paper clip. Objective – Describe the forces that keep objects in orbit in the Solar System. 6. Record in your observations on the worksheet. 7. Lift one end of the ruler about 10 cm above the top of the book. 8. Record you observations on the worksheet. Going Down, Anyone – Worksheet (an activity from NASA Why Files – The Case of the Phenomenal Weather) 1. Look at the paper clip. Which direction is it pointing? Explain why. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Explain what happened when you lifted on end of the ruler. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Look at the paper clip. Which direction is it pointing? Explain why. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________