Solar System Vocabulary Quiz Name ___________________________________________________________ Objective –

Objective – Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication.
Name ___________________________________________________________
Solar System Vocabulary Quiz
_____1. Asteroids
_____2. Comets
_____3. Gravity
_____4. Mass
_____5. Meteor
_____6. Meteorite
_____7. Meteoroid
_____8. Planet
_____9. Solar System
_____10. Sun
A. A celestial object, larger than asteroids or comets that revolve
around a star without giving off its own light.
B. A rock when it hits the Earth’s surface.
C. A rock when it is traveling in space.
D. A rock when it is traveling through the atmosphere.
E. Irregular pieces of rock moving through space in an area between
the planets Mars and Jupiter.
F. Objects are made of ice, dust, and gases that orbit the Sun and form
a tail as it passes close to the Sun.
G. The amount of matter in something.
H. The force that attracts one object to another.
I. The star in our Solar System that sustains most life on Earth and is
the primary source of heat and light.
J. The system made up of the eight unique planets, and many smaller
objects that orbit the Sun.
Objective – Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication.
Solar System Vocabulary Quiz – Key
E 1. Asteroids
F 2. Comets
H 3. Gravity
G 4. Mass
D 5. Meteor
B 6. Meteorite
C 7. Meteoroid
A 8. Planet
J 9. Solar System
I 10. Sun
A. A celestial object, larger than asteroids or comets that revolve
around a star without giving off its own light.
B. A rock when it hits the Earth’s surface.
C. A rock when it is traveling in space.
D. A rock when it is traveling through the atmosphere.
E. Irregular pieces of rock moving through space in an area between
the planets Mars and Jupiter.
F. Objects are made of ice, dust, and gases that orbit the Sun and form
a tail as it passes close to the Sun.
G. The amount of matter in something.
H. The force that attracts one object to another.
I. The star in our Solar System that sustains most life on Earth and is
the primary source of heat and light.
J. The system made up of the eight unique planets, and many smaller
objects that orbit the Sun.
Objective – Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication.
Solar System Vocabulary Quiz – Scoring Guide
9-10 – 3
8 – 2.5
5-6 – 1.5
1-3 – .5