Identification of Case Study

Identification of Case Study
a) Keith Walsh, Development Lead, Email Marketing Systems
The proposal for this product was made by Keith Walsh, who leads a software development team focusing on
email marketing at Microsoft. The team uses an enterprise level CRM system call Epiphany Marketing to
handle outbound email. His team has identified a gap in the marketplace between creative agencies, who
create email content, and list management/email deployment tools. His team has developed an in-house
product to manage a larger approval process, but the steps that include uploading images and testing
content remain largely manual and require a good deal of coordination between team.
b) EmVi is being developed for users of Email Content
Management Systems
This product is not intended to replace a functioning content manage system (CMS) if that system is used to
create HTML and text content. Rather, it takes completed files and readies them for email, which has
different requirements from Web pages.
c) Faculty Mentor & Domain Experts
Faculty Mentor: Steven Zeil, Associate Professor, Old Dominion University (ODU)
Systems and Process Integration: Dana Rambo, Program Manager, Microsoft
Email Marketing Designer: Sara Johnson, President, A Touch of Tech
Programming Expert: Ryan Ward, Network Administrator, SimIS