Back Pocket Presentation Rubric CATEGORY 10 8 6 4 Presentational Style The presenter makes The presenter makes The presenter tries to The presentation does the presentation seem the presentation seem make the presentation not apparently try to engaging. engaging at points engaging. make the presentation engaging. Preparedness The presenter is completely prepared. The presenter seems pretty prepared. The presenter is somewhat prepared. The presenter does not seem at all prepared to present. Materials and Methods The presenter uses materials and methods that show considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. The presenter uses materials and methods that sometimes shows considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. The presenter tries to use materials and methods that make the presentation better. The presenter uses materials and methods that detract from the presentation. Understanding Shows a full understanding of the topic of the presentation. Shows a good understanding of the topic of the presentation. Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic of the presentation. Does not seem to understand the topic of the presentation very well. Overall Effect The presentation is well done. The presentation is solid The presentation is shaky, but the presenter makes it through. The presentation is unimpressive. Student’s Name: Student’s Score: ______/20 Comments: