Course Syllabus: Writing 2

Writing 2—Voll
Fall 2006
Course Syllabus: Writing 2
Instructor: Katherine Voll
M, W 9-10:50am in HSSB 1228
Course Moodle Site:
Email (best way to reach me):
Office: South Hall 3432-J
Office Hours: Wednesday 11:30-1:30pm and by appt.
Writing Program Office Phone (for messages only): 805-893-2613
Required Textbooks (available in the UCSB bookstore):
Writing About the World, Eds. Susan McLeod, John Jarvis and Shelley Spear
A Writer’s Reference, Diana Hacker
Course Description:
Using texts drawn from science, the social sciences and the humanities, this course is
designed to help you develop the writing skills necessary to university work. Your
writing assignments will be geared towards helping you move beyond pure summary of
texts in order to focus on analysis, interpretation and synthesis. We will also practice
how to effectively incorporate quotations and cite sources in both MLA and APA format.
This course will emphasize the writing process itself (i.e. brainstorming, editing, peer
review). The readings are designed to introduce you to the different concerns, values, and
“ways of thinking” typical of science, social science and the humanities. In addition, this
course will help students develop both library and web-based research skills.
Grade Breakdown:
20% Unit 1 Portfolio (Science Unit): 15% final paper, 5% other items
20% Unit 2 Portfolio (Social Sciences Unit): 15% final paper, 5% other items
30% Unit 3 Portfolio (Humanities Unit): 25% final paper, 5% other items
10% On-Line Reading Response Journal
20% Participation/Attendance (includes Grammar Wednesday, Conference and
Moodle Participation)
Portfolio Grades:
It is required that you turn in all three portfolios. Failure to do so will most likely result
in failure of the course. Late portfolios will be marked down 1/3 grade per day late (i.e. A
B+ will be changed to a B, then to a B-, then to a C+, etc.). Please turn hard copies of late
papers in to my mailbox in the English department (2nd floor South Hall, Sankey Room)
in addition to emailing me a copy as an attachment. In case of a medical/family
emergency please contact me by email before the assignment is due so I can consider
granting an extension.
All papers will be made available for anonymous subsequent use in future classes. (See
attached release form.)
Writing 2—Voll
Fall 2006
As many of our writing assignments and editing sessions will take place in class, class
attendance is a requirement! More than 2 absences will result in a lower
Participation/Attendance grade and missing more than 5 classes (excused or unexcused
absences) will most likely result in failure of the course.
Part of your participation/attendance grade includes taking part in class activities and
contributing to group discussion. Please recognize that it takes courage to speak up in
front of a large group and treat your fellow students with respect. This includes not
dominating conversation or interrupting others. I refuse to tolerate derogatory, ignorant,
or hateful remarks in my classroom. This means that classmates of different races, class
backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identifications, political or religious affiliations,
ages and abilities should be treated with respect, as should those topics in any of the
literature we encounter. I am also subject to these rules. If you are ever concerned,
confused, or offended by anything I say or do in class, please let me know.
Course Moodle Site
This Writing 2 class will have its own Moodle site ( You will
need to login before the second class using your Umail ID and password. Please check
the Moodle site often (at least twice a week or before each class) as assignments,
resources, readings and important information will be posted on the site. In addition, 10%
of your grade will be based on your Reading Response Journal, which should consist of
one paragraph responses to each group of assigned reading, to be posted by midnight
before class. This on-line journal is an opportunity for you to voice questions or express
reactions that you either don’t feel comfortable mentioning in class or that we don’t have
time to address. The journal entries are private and will be viewed only by me. However,
the News Forum is public and should be used as a second, virtual classroom.
You are required to make an appointment and come to my office for a brief conference
around mid-quarter (date to be announced). Of course, you are welcome to see me at any
time during my office hours and I especially encourage you to see me if you need help
with an assignment.
Grammar Wednesday
You are responsible for giving one 15-20 minute presentation with a group of 2 other
students. In this presentation, you are responsible for teaching your fellow classmates
about a grammar rule. Your presentation must include class involvement and some sort
of visual aid. Use the Hacker book as a reference and be creative as possible. Sign up
with me ahead of time. Your group must come to office hours before you present to go
over your lesson plan.
Notice to Students With Disabilities:
If you are a student with a documented disability and would like to discuss special
accommodations, please contact me (during office hours, after class, in whatever way
would be best for them to talk to you privately).
Writing 2—Voll
Fall 2006
Revision Policy:
For the 1st and 2nd portfolios I will accept one revision on the final paper if you received
lower than a C. If you revise, the new grade will replace the old one.
The official UCSB definition of plagiarism is:
Plagiarism is academic theft. It refers to the use of another's ideas or words without
proper attribution or credit. An author's work is his/her property and should be respected
by documentation. Credit must be given:
1. For every direct quotation.
2. When a work is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in your own words.
3. For information which is not common knowledge. (It appears in several sources about
the subject.)
All cases of plagiarism will be referred to the Student Conduct Committee. If you
plagiarize you will be automatically dropped from the course.
Make use of my office hours! I am here to alleviate confusion and to help you become
better writers. Feel free to contact me by email if you want to set up an extra meeting
time (this might be particularly useful either just before or just after portfolios are due). In
addition, I am aware that college life is complicated and that it involves a lot more than
your course work. If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties, PLEASE
SEEK HELP. There are people out there to help you through these problems. Ask me
who to contact if you have concerns about sexual assault, eating disorders, drug or
alcohol abuse, depression, or anything else that might be preventing you and your peers
from thriving both as individuals and as students. Assault, abuse and harassment are
never acceptable and should always be reported. I am not a counselor, but I can point
you to resources.
Writing 2—Voll
Fall 2006
Major Due Dates:
(All assignments and due dates are subject to change)
Due Date
Assignment Due
Unit 1: Technology and Society
Article Summary
Annotated Bibliography
(APA format) for Paper #1
Rough Draft of Paper #1
Portfolio 1
Your choice from WATW
Oppenheimer (417) or
Diamond (504)
Must include a total of 5
sources including at least
one book, one formal
scientific journal article and
one “pop” scientific article
Will be peer reviewed in
Includes: Freewrite,
Annotated Bibliography,
Rough Draft, Peer Review
and Final Draft
Unit 2: War and Peace
Critique of War & Peace
Annotated Bibliography
(APA format) for War &
Peace Essay
Rough Draft War & Peace
Portfolio 2
Your choice from WATW
Ch.2, War and Peace (135168)
May draw from:
Ch.2: War & Peace
Ch.4: War & Peace (521565)
Must include Sideris or
Includes Critique,
Annotated Bibliography
(APA), Peer Review and
Final Draft
Unit 3: Art and Politics
Close Reading: Movie
Close Reading: Poem
Critique of an article related
to either the poem or the
You can choose from any of
the Globalization of Wealth
and Poverty (p.108-122) or
Writing 2—Voll
Fall 2006
any of the Race, Gender and
Oppression (p.180-247)
articles 11/20
Thesis of Essay #3
Rough Draft Close Reading
Portfolio 3
Includes: Close Reading:
Movie, Close Reading:
Poem, Critique of an
Article, Thesis, Peer
Review of Thesis, Final
Essay and Works Cited
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