Lab 5: Atmospheric Soundings Figure 1

Figure 1
Lab 5: Atmospheric Soundings
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Correction: Page 26. The last sentence in the temperature paragraph should read:
For example, looking at the sounding in Figure 1 we can see than at an altitude of
400mb, the air temperature was -20°C (brr, cold!)
Question 1: Use Figure 1 from above to fill in the table at the top of page 27.
Question 2: Do not use the skew-T from the lab manual. I’ll hand out a better color
Question 3: If you’re stuck, try Question 4 first. Question 3 should read: Based on
the sounding:
a) Where is the atmosphere moist (holding almost as much moisture as it can
for that temperature?)
b) Where is it relatively dry?
Question 5: Environmental lapse rate is the same thing as the temperature profile
of your skew-T diagram.
Question 6: Find the nocturnal inversion, the capping/subsidence inversion, and
the tropopause and record their pressure values. Explain what’s causing each of
them (feel free to search online if you’re unsure).
Question 9: For part c, “temperature of the environment” refers to the temperature
profile you drew on the skew-T diagram.
Question 11: Use the sounding below from January 2016. In your laboratory
manual, answer:
a) Find the pressure of the nocturnal inversion, the capping/subsidence
inversion, and tropopause
b) At what pressure is the atmosphere most moist?
c) At what pressure is the atmosphere most dry?