Business Services
Bulletin No. 14-17 May 2014
March 28, 2014
District/Charter Business Services
Judy Thomson, Director Fiscal Services
State of the State
Per the California State Controller’s office… With 10 months under its belt, how is the State positioned in the final stretch of its fiscal year? The answer is "promising." Total revenues for the period, July 1, 2013-April 30,
2014, are at 102.8% of projections. This represents a positive variance of $2.2 billion. California's economy appears to have enough momentum to help the State’s finances end the year in good shape, but nothing should be taken for granted.
Figure 1: Year-to-Date Revenues Beat Projections
Actual percent of forecast, July 1, 2013 – April 30, 2014
Figure 2: State Revenues $2.2 Billion Above Plan
Actual less budget forecast, FY 2013-2014, $ in Billions
* -$50 Million
K-3 Grade Span Adjustment (GSA) Calculation
In calculating the LCFF K-3 GSA condition for receipt of funds for a classroom with both district and charter students: Determine eligibility on the whole class for class size, but the ADA goes to the individual appropriate unit.
Example: If there are 40 students in a classroom (10 charter and 30 district), the entire 40 students are used for class size calculations.
General Obligation Bonds are considered municipal debt
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative
(MCDC Initiative) allows underwriters and issuers (includes school districts) to self-report no later than
September 9, 2014, material inaccuracies in a final official statement regarding prior compliance with continuing disclosure obligations under Rule 15c2-12. To take advantage of this program, issuers should
analyze their exposure as well as consider the consequences of self-reporting or not reporting.
VIDEO | APRIL 28, 2014 ~ Video includes the origins of the initiative and the advantages for issues and underwriters to participate. MORE Media Library
WEBINAR | JUNE 2, 2014 | 10AM-11:30AM PT | NO COST ~ California Debt and Investment Advisory
Commission (CDIAC) will hold a second webinar on June 2, 2014 (10:00 am to 11:30 am), to consider some of the key steps that issuers should initiate now and the decision points that issuers should recognize in their deliberations. There is no cost. MORE REGISTER
STRS & PERS Projections
Please see attached STRS and PERS projections.
CalSTRS Earnings Limitations
Each CalSTRS determines various earnings limitations on postretirement work for CalSTRS members. The limitation on earnings of CalSTRS retirees in the regular retirement program that have returned to work are as follows:
2013-14 2014-15
$39,903 $40,173
Any earnings above this annual limitation will result in a reduction of the member’s retirement benefit unless the member’s appointment qualifies for an exemption—because the district is in financial or academic distress (Ed Code Section 24214[h]). For greater detail see Employer Directive 2014-03 dated May 5, 2014
Pupil Fees, Deposits and Other Charges
As required, the CDE has reviewed its prior year guidance relating to permissible and impermissible fees.
Fiscal Management Advisory (FMA) 12-02, dated April 23, 2013 and FMA 12-02 Addendum, dated October 4,
2013, are still applicable. Both are available at . As 2014-15 approaches, it is recommended that LEAs consider: o Reviewing the FMA guidance; o Providing training to administrators, teachers and staff to ensure compliance with pupil fee law; o Reminding teachers to update websites and course syllabi to ensure compliance with pupil fee laws; o Remind athletic coaches and other extracurricular activity advisors to update policies, websites and written handouts to ensure compliance
New Federal Guidance ~ “Omni Circular” (previously known as“Super Circular”)
As part of an effort to reform and strengthen Federal grant making, the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) published new guidance for the Federal award programs, OMB Uniform Guidance: Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards , ( ) commonly referred to as the Omni Circular. The Guidance supersedes and streamlines requirements from
OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-110, A-122, A-89, A-102 and A-133 and the guidance in Circular A-50 on
Single Audit Act follow-up. By streamlining eight Federal regulations into a single, comprehensive policy guide, the government is hoping to better administer grants and other types of financial assistance. The new guidance, published on December 26, 2013, will be implemented on December 26, 2014.
Reminder ~ Notice of Public Hearing
If you receive a bill for your notice of public hearing directly from the newspaper, please do not pay the bill!
Instead, forward the invoice to Penny Link. SCOE will pay the bill and generate a cash transfer in 2014-15 to reimburse its cost.
Dates to Remember:
06/06/2014 Open lab
06/10/2014 User Group Meeting – Payroll YE Close
06/16/2014 Annual attendance due to SCOE
06/18/2014 AR/AP Set Up workshop
06/20/2014 Open Lab
06/20/2014 Final AP cut-off for 2013-14
06/25/2014 Final cash deposits and cash transfers due to SCOE
Use Tax Reports due to SCOE
Unaudited Actuals workshop
NOTE: Documents that are presented at DBUG may be found at website under the "DBUG/SCOE Bulletins" tab.