Looking for Your First Job – Research Careers Development Gail P. Taylor Spring 2006 08/2006 Acknowledgements: ► Beyond the Beakers: SMART Advice for Entering Graduate Programs in the Sciences and Engineering. Gayle R. Slaughter, Ph.D. Baylor College of Medicine/National Science Foundation. 2005 ► Survival Skills and Ethics Program: Beth Fischer Michael Zigmond www.pitt.edu/~survival ► Science Next Wave David Jensen Peter Fiske ► Robert Bolles What Color is Your Parachute ► Laurence Bolt Zen & Art of Making Living … and many others Transition to Job ► Postdoc is nearing completion…now it’s time for the “real” thing! Outline ► preparing a “package” ► interviewing ► additional issues negotiating what to do when time is running out Assembling Your Package Your package ► cover letter ► curriculum vitae or résumé ► statement of interests ► letters of recommendation ► additional supporting materials CV versus résumé ► CV academic and some research jobs comprehensive record ► Résumé most non-academic jobs 1-2 page summary tailored to job Similarities ► your may be one of hundreds ► will be scanned initially, not read ► make it clear and concise ► write it yourself ► avoid errors Curriculum vita ► Items of particular importance! Education (including post-docs) Appointments Awards Professional Societies Grants Teaching Experience Publications Résumés ► education ► experience ► skills, techniques research methods computer languages ► awards, honors Résumés ► chronological emphasize development may be best if continuing ► skills emphasize skills de-emphasize career disruptions may be best if changing Experience: Highlight yourself Biogen Corporation, New Wilmington, KY Staff Scientist Staff Scientist Biogen Corporation New Wilmington, KY Experience: Use action verbs Responsible for supervising three technicians Supervised three technicians Cover Letters Cover letter ► form very brief (1 page) write to a person List what opening you are responding to Summarize your qualifications ► use their words ► From advertisement ► Make sure to integrate what they asked for, with what you offer. enclosures plans for follow up Statement of Interests Statement of interests ► Form brief (1-4 pages) carefully written with section headings ► Will address goals and emphasize your research… ► Contents: introduction past history current activities future directions Letters of Recommendation Letters of recommendation ► from whom ► how to request ► what to provide Letters from whom? key variables ► how well they know you ► how enthusiastic they are ► how specific they are ► who they are How to request “Can you provide a strong recommendation… ...for this job… ...by this date? What to provide letter writer ► job description ► CV or résumé ► statement of interest ► additional materials ► May come to talk to them…brief personal presentation. Additional materials ► reprints ► manuscripts ► fellowship application ► teaching portfolio Managing Your Job Search Managing your job search ► make it easy to find you ► maintain complete records ► prepare to be interviewed without warning ► be prepared to travel The Interview Outline ► Overview ► Getting the call ► Collecting critical information ► Influencing the schedule ► Preparing & giving your presentations ► Additional issues regarding the visit The Interview The objective: transfer of information you them What will they want to know? What will they want to know? ► can you do the job ► are you a good communicator ► can you work well with others ► do you have good social skills Remember: you are one of a select few What will you want to know? What will you want to know? ► will I enjoy this job responsibilities colleagues atmosphere What will you want to know? ► will I enjoy this job responsibilities colleagues atmosphere ► will I succeed success Outline ► Overview ► Getting the call ► Collecting critical information ► Influencing the schedule ► Preparing & giving your presentations ► Additional issues regarding the visit Getting the call ► you need your files quiet calm ► if necessary, postpone conversation “I am not able to talk right now. Can I call you back at _____?” ► take (and file) good notes Outline ► Overview ► Getting the call ► Collecting critical information ► Influencing the schedule ► Preparing & giving your presentations ► Additional issues regarding the visit Collecting critical information ► your needs type of responsibilities space, equipment, other resources start-up funds; start date Collecting critical information ► Your Needs type of responsibilities space, equipment, other resources start-up funds; start date ► the Institution mission key personnel type of person being recruited your communications with them ► The Environment Professional Personal Outline ► Overview ► Getting the call ► Collecting critical information ► Influencing the schedule ► Preparing & giving your presentations ► Additional issues regarding the visit Influencing the schedule ► Arrival at airport ► Dinner ► Overnight at hotel ► Breakfast ► Meetings ► Job Talk ► Discussions with department head Influencing the schedule ► date of visit avoid back-to-back interviews ► time to yourself early morning sleep ► review notes ► personal care ► jet lag? ► Before talk ► Review notes ► Get “centered” ► Use restroom After talk ► Decompress Meetings ► Their list or your list? • • • • • • • Arrival at airport Dinner Overnight at hotel Breakfast Meetings Job Talk Discussions with department head Influencing the schedule their list ► some faculty or staff scientists ► some administrators ► search committee your list ► specific faculty or staff scientists interests status ► trainees* ► permanent * as relevant techs* Outline ► Overview ► Getting the call ► Collecting critical information ► Influencing the schedule ► Preparing & giving your presentations ► Additional issues regarding the visit Preparing your presentations ► formal presentations “job talk” lecture to students ► informal presentations peers administration trainees Preparing your presentations: The “job talk” ► general organization introduction your research 5 min ►rationale ►methods 30 min ►results ►implications summary & future directions question period 5 min Preparing your presentations: The “job talk” ► preparation of talk outline write out revise outline practice revise again ► anticipate audience your knowledgeable peers more knowledgeable less knowledgeable Preparing your presentations: The “job talk” ► anticipate your purpose: to educate the field (broad and narrow) your contribution to research your future directions your communication/social skills Talking about your research ► state hypotheses avoid appearance of “fishing” test, don’t prove hypotheses make their importance clear ► know the background ► original authors, approx dates ► how prior work lead to thesis ► be prepared to discuss specifics ► methods ► data (have figures tables) ► have explanations results contradictions future directions ► fit answers to circumstances duration language Possible questions ► research ► experience ► education ► goals ► strengths ► weaknesses What can you offer? ► knowledge ► skills ► experience ► perspective ► creativity ► enthusiasm Self assessment ► strengths ► weaknesses ► needs ► potential contributions Answering questions ► be honest ► and positive Private vs Public Consumption Answering questions ► be honest ► and positive ► be specific ► provide examples ► let them ask for more Preparing your presentations: Classroom lecture ► know well in advance audience course objectives duration resources ► practice Things to bring with you ► luggage ► changes of clothes ► presentation materials ► copies of reprints ► CV or résumé ► notes on individuals ► list of needs equipment services space startup $ When does the Interview Start? ► interview may start when you arrive how dressed? ready to talk? Be ► Polite ► Honest ► Enthusiastic ► Knowledgeable ► expect problems plane delayed checked bags lost no one meets you cab driver clueless ► indicate special needs physical dietary allergies After the visit After the visit ► contact host say thank you express continuing interest ► send promised materials add’l info about research details of your needs Negotiating ► know the going rate ► identify critical issues for you for them ► negotiate a package discuss multiple issues simultaneously trade off when possible ► aim for a “win-win” situation Looking for your next position when time is running out When time is running out ►options reduce constraints accept temp position remain where you are ►change of status ►change of responsibilities When time is running out ►options reduce constraints accept temp position remain where you are ► not an option panic or thoughtless action being without position giving up