EC support to geothermal energy research and demonstration Jeroen Schuppers European Commission, DG Research ENGINE Launching Conference Orléans 13 February 2006 Outline Current status of geothermal energy use in the EU Current status of EU geothermal RTD&D Towards the 7th Framework Programme Geothermal power: current trend MWe Cumulated announced efforts will bring European Union capacity up to 988 MW, i.e. a little less than the objective set by the European Commission EurObserv’ER 2005 Geothermal heat: current trend MWth For medium to low temperature heat an increase of 50 MW per year until 2010 seems a reasonable assumption, which will bring capacity up to 2 360 MWth Geothermal heat pumps could reach 8 000 MW capacity in 2010 if average annual growth rate of 10% is maintained EurObserv’ER 2005 The Commission will work towards legislation on renewable energy in heating in 2006 Highlights of current EC geothermal RTD (1) Research: o verify the technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability of electricity production from enhanced geothermal systems and other unconventional geothermal resources, through innovative research into exploration, resource assessment and management techniques, cheaper and more advanced drilling and stimulation technologies, and more efficient power cycles Demonstration: o electricity generation and/or CHP generation employing innovative, environmentally sustainable and cost competitive technologies o heating and cooling employing innovative environmentally sustainable and cost competitive technologies, including ground coupled heat pumps Highlights of current EC geothermal RTD (2) EGS PILOT PLANT European geothermal project for the construction of a scientific pilot plant based on an Enhanced Geothermal System I-GET LOW-BIN GROUNDHIT ENGINE The European Test Site Soultz-sous-Forêts SOULTZ Vosges Black Forest The “Graben” Important Milestones 1997 circulation: > 10 MW(th) 3600 m 150 oC 5000 m 200 oC 5000 m 200 oC Scientific Pilot Plant 2001 - 2007 The Scientific Pilot Plant 2001 - 2007 Phase I (2001 - 2004) : The underground system Drilling 3 directional wells to 5 km Creation & testing of the heat exchanger Phase II (2004 - 2007) : Proof of concept & power generation Long-term circulation through the reservoir Hook-up 1,5 Mwe to provide realistic load Pilot plant installation (6 MWe) International co-operation Swiss Deep Heat Mining Project IEA Geothermal Implementing Agreement o o o o o Annex Annex Annex Annex Annex I: Environmental Impacts III: Enhanced Geothermal Systems IV: Deep Geothermal Resources VII: Advanced Geothermal Drilling Techniques VIII: Direct Use of Geothermal Energy NOW AVAILABLE! New EGS Project Handbook from ANNEX III Enhanced Geothermal System Project Management Decision Assistant http// The EGS challenge RESOURCE USE COST RISK o o o o o o o exploration resource assessment resource management advanced drilling advanced stimulation efficient power cycles environmental impact Drilled Meters per day 40 30 20 10 0 1990 1995 2000 GPK-4 2004 directional drilling to 5261 m GPK-3 2003 directional drilling to 5101 m Deepening GPK-2 1999 from 3883 to 5084 m GPK-2 1995 drilling to 3883 m Deepening GPK-1 1992 from 2002 to 3590 m 50 1500 1000 Price (Ecu)Euro/Meter The learning curve meters drilled per day and cost per meter 2500 2000 500 0 2005 Source: T. Hettkamp, J. Baumgärtner, D. Teza, T. Gandy & R..Baria 2004 A thought on drilling cost GPK-1 GPK-3 GPK-2 Highlights of current EC geothermal RTD (3) EGS PILOT PLANT I-GET Integrated Geophysical Exploration Technologies for deep fractured geothermal systems LOW-BIN Efficient Low Temperature Geothermal Binary Power GROUNDHIT Ground coupled heat pumps of High Technology ENGINE Highlights of current EC geothermal RTD (4) EGS PILOT PLANT I-GET LOW-BIN GROUNDHIT ENGINE Enhanced Geothermal Innovative Network for Europe The ENGINE challenge: Co-ordinate ongoing research and promote the development and uptake of new technologies Organise conferences and dedicated workshops (drilling, electricity generation & CHP) Establish links between researchers, industry, international organisations… Integration of scientific and technical know-how and practices Best Practice Manual for EGS/UGS European Reference Manual with synthesis of BPM and reference to all information, (meta)database and models collected during the CA FROM KNOW-HOW TO SHOW-HOW Seventh Framework Programme Commission proposal Budget to be finalised Structure: Specific Programmes Ideas – Frontier research Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human potential Capacities – Research capacity (Euratom, JRC) Seventh Framework Programme Cooperation, Energy Hydrogen and fuel cells Renewable electricity generation Renewable fuels production Renewable heating and cooling CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation Clean coal technologies Smart energy networks Energy efficiency and savings Knowledge for energy policy making Conclusions The EC research programme gives support to all the renewable energy sources taking into account the research needs of the different technologies. The main goal is to reduce the costs while increasing the availability, efficiency and reliability. The emphasis of the RTD–part of the programme is on biomass and photovoltaics. In FP7, we hope to be able to better support also wind, geothermal, high temperature solar and ocean energy. MEANWHILE AT SOULTZ-SOUS-FORETS …