ENGINE Workshop 7, Leiden, 8 November 2007 Analysis of Local Environmental Impacts through Geothermal Power Generation A case study how to assess environmental risks in Germany Stephanie Frick, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Christiane Lohse, Federal Environment Agency of Germany Institute for Energy and Environment (IE) Federal Environment Agency of Germany (UBA) Introduction The use of all energy carriers is related to environmental impacts These environmental impacts need to be analysed at the beginning of the market introduction The Federal Environment Agency of Germany (UBA) has commissioned a study Approach of the study Introduction Subsurface systems 1 Surface systems Status of geothermal power production Plant-specific conditions 2 Legal conditions Environmental Analysis and Evaluation • Background 3 Life Cycle Assessment • Methodology 4 Local impact assessment • Results • Conclusions 5 Conclusions and advices Approach of the study Subsurface systems 1 Surface systems Status of geothermal power production Plant-specific conditions 2 Legal conditions Environmental Analysis and Evaluation • Background 3 Life Cycle Assessment • Methodology 4 Local impact assessment • Results • Conclusions 5 Conclusions and advices Background North German Basin Using deep geothermal reservoirs is a fairly new technology in Germany Only fragmentary experience concerning environmental impacts through geothermal energy use Experiences from the use of high enthalpy fields not or only restrictedly adaptive Rostock Hamburg Berlin Hannover Leipzig Dresden Köln Frankfurt South German Molasse Basin Stuttgart München Upper Rhine Graben regions with hydrogeothermal resources Approach of the study Subsurface systems 1 Surface systems Status of geothermal power production Plant-specific conditions 2 Legal conditions Environmental Analysis and Evaluation • Background 3 Life Cycle Assessment • Methodology 4 Local impact assessment • Results • Conclusions 5 Conclusions and advices Methodology Identification of environmental impacts drilling & construction plant operation deconstruction Methodology Probability of impact appearance Scope of impact Duration of impact Prevention measures Environmental effects Mitigation measures Identification of environmental impacts Analysis of environmental impacts and effects … Methodology Identification of environmental impacts Analysis of environmental impacts and effects Evaluation regarding legal frame conditions Analysis of existing legal regulations and directives Evaluation of their applicability Evaluation of the expected environmental effects Identification of environmental risks Methodology Example: noise during drilling operations effects effects YES YES NO effects effects NO effects YES YES NO NO effects Methodology Analysis of appearance probability Example: noise during drilling operations Analysis of site- and plant-specific conditions effects effects YES YES NO effects effects NO effects YES YES NO NO effects Methodology Analysis of appearance probability Example: noise during drilling operations Analysis of site- and plant-specific conditions Analysis of technical prevention measures Analysis of the state-of-the-art effects effects YES YES NO effects effects NO effects YES YES NO NO effects Methodology Analysis of appearance probability Example: noise during drilling operations Analysis of site- and plant-specific conditions Analysis of technical prevention measures Analysis of the state-of-the-art Analysis of regulations/ directives effects effects YES YES NO effects effects NO effects YES YES NO NO effects Methodology Analysis of appearance probability Analysis of site- and plant-specific conditions Example: noise during drilling operations Analysis of technical prevention measures Analysis of the state-of-the-art Analysis of regulations/ directives effects effects effects Analysis and evaluation of expected YES YES YES environmental effectsNO NO impact, duration, mitigation measures, … effects effects YES NO NO effects Methodology Analysis of appearance probability Analysis of site- and plant-specific conditions Example: noise during drilling operations Analysis of technical prevention measures Analysis of the state-of-the-art Analysis of regulations/ directives effects effects effects Analysis and evaluation of expected YES YES YES environmental effectsNO NO impact, duration, mitigation measures, … Analysis and evaluation of the existing legal regulations effects effects YES NO NO effects Approach of the study Subsurface systems 1 Surface systems Status of geothermal power production Plant-specific conditions 2 Legal conditions Environmental Analysis and Evaluation • Background 3 Life Cycle Assessment • Methodology 4 Local impact assessment • Results • Conclusions 5 Conclusions and advices Störfall 2 3 3 5 5 5 5 Ausreichende Gesetzgebung Ausreichende Gesetzgebung Legend Störfall Failure 1 2 74 7 4 8 1 Climate Mikroklima Underground Untergrund/Gestein Ground Boden Formation Water Tiefenwasser Grundwasser Groundwater Oberflächenwasser Surface Water Pflanzen/Biotope Plants Ausreichende Gesetzgebung Air Luft Tier Animals 9 9 9 Landscape Landschaft/Erhol.raum 9 9 9 Lokale Umwelteffekte Mensch Human Landscape Landschaft/Erhol.raum Climate Mikroklima Air Luft Untergrund/Gestein Underground Boden Ground Tiefenwasser Formation Water Grundwasser Groundwater 1 Oberflächenwasser Surface Water Tier Animals 1 Pflanzen/Biotope Plants Mensch Human Failure Normal Normalbetrieb operation Normal operation Störfall Results (subsurface construction) 5 5 5 5 Lokale Umwelteffekte - Bau untertage - 1 1 2 2 4 - BauUmwelteffekte untertage Lokale - Bau untertage 1 11 Bodenerschütterung Gesetzgebung Ausreichende Stofflicher Eintrag 12 122 112Ground Bodenerschütterung motion 12 3 Hydraulischer Kurzschluss 23 2 Material Stofflicher Eintrag emissions Unzureichende Gesetzgebung Umwelteffekte Lokale 4 Thermischer Eintrag 34 3 Hydraulic Hydraulischer Kurzschluss short-circuit untertage Bau 5 Bohrlochausbruch (Blow-Out) 45 emissions 4 Thermal Thermischer Eintrag 6 Wasserbedarf blow-out (Blow-Out) 56 5 Borehole Bohrlochausbruch Bodenerschütterung 1 1 Gesetzgebung Relevante 7 7 Aushub von Bodenmaterial/ 6 Water demand 6 Stofflicher Wasserbedarf 22 Eintrag x.xBodenverdichtung Soil excavation/ 7 7 Hydraulischer Aushub von Kurzschluss Bodenmaterial/ 33 BBergG 8 8 Lärmwirkung Soil compaction x.xBodenverdichtung 44 Eintrag Thermischer BBergG 9 9 Anfall von Restund Abfallstoffen Noise emissions 8 55 (Blow-Out) 8 Bohrlochausbruch Lärmwirkung BBergG 10 6 Flächeninanspruchnahme Waste accumulation/disposal 961 9 Wasserbedarf Anfall von Rest- und Abfallstoffen BBergG 7 von Aushub 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Land use Bodenmaterial/ 10 1 BBergG Flächeninanspruchnahme x.xBodenverdichtung BBergG 11 Visual impact 1 Visuelle Beeinträchtiung xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 88 Lärmwirkung Induced microseismicitiy 12 1 BBergG Induzierung mikroseismischer Ereig 11 Visuelle Beeinträchtiung 99 Anfall von Rest- und Abfallstoffen 12 1 Flächeninanspruchnahme Induzierung mikroseismischer Ereig 10 1 BBergG, TA-Lärm alle Systeme xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BBergG 11 Beeinträchtiung 1 Visuelle untertägig geschlossene Systeme alle Systeme ggf. BNatSchG, BBergG, ROG, 12 Ereignisse mikroseismischer 1 Induzierung BundeswaldG untertägig geschlossene Systeme 11 Bodenerschütterung 22 Stofflicher Eintrag 6 6 33 Hydraulischer Kurzschluss 12 12 7 7 7 44 Thermischer Eintrag 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 55 Bohrlochausbruch (Blow-Out) 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 66 Wasserbedarf 10 10 10 10 10 3 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 11 77 Aushub von Bodenmaterial/ 5 5 5 5 12 x.xBodenverdichtung 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 88 Lärmwirkung 2 2 99 Anfall von Rest- und Abfallstoffen 3 3 10 1 Flächeninanspruchnahme Legislation Unsufficient Legislation xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 5 Sufficient 5 5 5 11 1 Visuelle Beeinträchtiung ROG 12 Ereignisse 1 Induzierung BBergG all systems Systeme Regardingmikroseismischer legeslation BBergGalle - Bundesberggesetz; TA-Lärm - Technisch Local environmental impacts abbriveations see section 4.2 subsurface closed systems Raumordnungsgesetz; BNatSchG –Systeme Bundesnatursc geschlossene untertägig (construction) BBergG - Bundesberggesetz; TA-Lärm - Technisch 9 9 9 BBergG (operating plan) 1 Material emission (drilling mud) alle Systeme subsurface open systems 1 Systeme untertägig offene Raumordnungsgesetz; BNatSchG – Bundesnatursc BBergG (operating plan)Systeme 22 Material emission (stimulation fluid) geschlossene untertägig Aquifer-systems Aquifer-Konzepte 12 BBergG - Bundesberggesetz; TA-Lärm - Technisch Anleitu plan) 33 Material emission (miscellenaous) 12 12 BBergG (operating HDR-systems HDR-Konzepte Raumordnungsgesetz; BNatSchG – Bundesnaturschutzge not relevant emission 44 Thermal Ausreichende Gesetzgebung Unzureichende Gesetzgebung Sufficient legal regulations Unsufficient legal regulations / knowledge 55 Hydraulic short-circuit (technical directive) - Technisch Anleitung zum Schutz gegen Lärm; ROG – TA-Lärm Bundesberggesetz; BBergG - BBergG – Bundesnaturschutzgesetz; BundeswaldG - Bundeswaldgesetz BNatSchGdirective) Raumordnungsgesetz; 66 Blow-out BBergG (technical Lokale Umwelteffekte WHG 77 Water use - Bau untertage 8 8 4 8 8 11 Relevante Gesetzgebung 5 5 5 Stö Störfall 5 9 Results (subsurface operation) 9 9 Ausreichende Gesetzgebung 9 9 9 12 Ausreichende Gesetzgebung 12 12 12 Lokale Umwelteffekte Failure Störfall Failure operation Normal operation Normalbetrieb Normal 1 1 1 2 2 22 3 4 3 7 7 4 8 8 5* 5*8 7* 12 7* 12 7* 1 2 3 6 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 8 6 7 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 45 5 4 6 6 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 Sufficient Legislation Ausreichende Gesetzgebung Sufficient legal regulations Landscape Landschaft/Erhol.raum Untergrund/Gestein Underground Tiefenwasser Formation Water Climate Mikroklima Boden Ground Lokale Umwelteffekte - Bau untertage Grundwasser Groundwater Oberflächenwasser Surface Water Pflanzen/Biotope Plants Tier Animals Mensch Human Landschaft/Erhol.raum Landscape untertage - Betrieb Gesetzgebung Unzureichende Lokale Umwelteffekte - Bau untertage - 11 Hydraulic Veränderung Hydraulische alternations Soil subsidence des Bodens (Subsidenz) Setzung 12 Bodenerschütterung 12 Relevante Gesetzgebung Cooling Auskühlung 23 Eintrag 23 Stofflicher Material emissions Eintrag Stofflicher 34 Kurzschluss 34 Hydraulischer BBergG 45 Eintrag 45 Thermischer Water demand Wasserbedarf BBergG 56 (Blow-Out) 56 Bohrlochausbruch BBergG Thermal emissions Eintrag Thermischer 66 Wasserbedarf Land use Flächeninanspruchnahme 77 BBergG 77 Aushub von Bodenmaterial/ BBergG accumulation/disposal 89 Waste Rest- und Abfallstoffen von Anfall x.xBodenverdichtung 11 Bodenerschütterung 22 Stofflicher Eintrag 33 Hydraulischer Kurzschluss 44 Thermischer Eintrag1 55 Bohrlochausbruch (Blow-Out) 66 Wasserbedarf BBergG 8 Lärmwirkung 8 4* 77 Aushub von Bodenmaterial/ BBergG Umwelteffekt Site-specific environmental impact 8 99** standortabhängiger und Abfallstoffen Anfall von Restx.xBodenverdichtung 11 10 1 Flächeninanspruchnahme 88 Lärmwirkung BBergG, TA-Lärm 7* 7 alle Systeme xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9 Abfallstoffen und Restvon Anfall 9 BBergG 8* 11 Beeinträchtiung 1 Visuelle Systeme geschlossene untertägig 10 1 Flächeninanspruchnahme ggf. BNatSchG, BBergG, ROG, 12 mikroseismischer Ereignisse 1 Induzierung xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BundeswaldG 11 1 Visuelle Beeinträchtiung ROG BBergGalle 12 1 Induzierung mikroseismischer Ereignisse BBergG all- Bundesberggesetz; systems Systeme subsurfacegeschlossene closed systemsSysteme untertägig alle Systeme subsurface open systems Systeme untertägig offene untertägig geschlossene Systeme Aquifer-systems Aquifer-Konzepte BBergG - Bundesberggesetz; TA-Lärm - Technisch Anleitung Unsufficient Legislation HDR-systems HDR-Konzepte Unzureichende Gesetzgebung Unsufficient legal regulations / knowledge Raumordnungsgesetz; BNatSchG – Bundesnaturschutzgese Luft Air Mikroklima Climate Luft Air Untergrund/Gestein Underground Boden Ground Tiefenwasser Formation Water Grundwasser Groundwater Oberflächenwasser Surface Water Pflanzen/Biotope Plants Tier Animals Mensch Human Ausreichende Gesetzgebung BBergG - Bundesberggesetz; TA-Lärm - Technisch Anleitung zum Schutz gegen Lärm; ROG – RegardingBNatSchG legeslation Local environmental impacts Raumordnungsgesetz; – Bundesnaturschutzgesetz; BundeswaldG - Bundeswaldgesetz Lokale Umwelteffekte abbriveations see section 4.2 (construction) - Betrieb untertage Relevante Gesetzgebung BBergG (operating plan) 11 Material emission (drilling mud) BBergG (operating plan) Hydraulische Veränderung emission (stimulation fluid) BBergG 2211Material Setzungemission des Bodens (Subsidenz) BBergG BBergG (operating plan) (miscellenaous) 3322Material Approach of the study Subsurface systems 1 Surface systems Status of geothermal power production Plant-specific conditions 2 Legal conditions Environmental Analysis and Evaluation • Background 3 Life Cycle Assessment • Methodology 4 Local impact assessment • Results • Conclusions 5 Conclusions and advices Conclusions Geothermal energy provision has a lot of impacts on the environment. In Germany, these impacts are for the most part sufficiently regulated by law. Environmental impacts can turn into negative environmental effects (or even risks)… …if the existing legal regulation respectively the state of knowledge is insufficient. Conclusions In order that geothermal energy generation can contribute to a sustainable energy provision in Germany adjustment of legal regulations to geothermal particularities scientific monitoring and promotion of further R&D measures are needed. Thank you very much for your attention! Dieses Vorhaben wurde im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes im Rahmen des Umweltforschungsplanes – Förderkennzeichen 205 42 110 erstellt und mit Bundesmitteln finanziert. Stephanie Frick Frick@gfz-postdam.de, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Christiane Lohse Christiane.Lohse@uba.de, Federal Environment Agency Martin Kaltschmitt Kaltschmitt@tu-harburg.de, Institute for Energy and Environment and Institute for Environmental Technology and Energy Economics, Hamburg University of Technology