Management/Supervisory Personnel SETTING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OP 4315.04(a)

Management/Supervisory Personnel
OP 4315.04(a)
An individualized professional growth plan comprised of objectives toward which an
employee will work during the year joins with organizational standards set forth in job
descriptions and evaluation forms to define anticipated performance standards for County
Office employees. The value of establishing a personalized plan for professional growth is
based on the following assumptions:
Performance improves when a plan is developed, rather than allowing change to
happen incidentally
A plan encourages employees to think in terms of priorities and objectives instead of
duties and tasks
A plan provides the basis for self-appraisal and self-control of performance
Development of a plan ensures that the evaluator and employee discuss performance
areas and focus on the major issues facing the individual, the department and the
County Office
Plans constitute a record that can be reviewed by the County Superintendent to assure
that priorities and standards are being set
The purpose of developing performance standards is to support the mission and goals of the
County Office and related department, unit and employee objectives. Supervisors and
employees are encouraged to work cooperatively to develop individual performance
standards or professional growth plans. Certificated and certificated management employees
are required to set performance standards as part of the appraisal process, while the
development of a performance plan is optional for classified and classified management staff.
Purpose: To develop employee performance standards based on the priorities of the County
Office and the needs of the employee; to ensure that performance standards are set in a
careful, objective and systematic manner.
Timeline: Certificated employees meet with evaluators in the fall to set performance goals
for the school year (see negotiated contracts for specific date requirements). Classified and
confidential employees set performance goals immediately following the completion of an
appraisal cycle; goal setting is optional for these staff. Management employees set
performance goals by October 15.
Evaluator meets with employee and begins discussion by putting the employee at
ease, reviewing the evaluation process and ensuring that the employee understands
how her/his performance will be evaluated.
OP 4315.04(b)
Evaluator and/or employee may suggest objectives from the previous year’s
evaluation. Evaluator may want to discuss various aspects of the job, areas of
accountability, strengths/weaknesses of past performance, areas for professional
growth, and opportunities for training. An evaluator who has concerns about an
employee’s past performance must clearly articulate goals for improvement. (For
certificated employees represented by a bargaining unit, the Performance
Improvement Plan form is used when employee performance has been rated as “does
not meet established criteria.”)
Evaluator and employee discuss performance areas and set objectives for individual
development. That discussion should include:
Objectives that are measurable/observable, specific, realistic, challenging, and
Appropriate strategies and activities to accomplish objectives
Measurable outcomes with percentages, numbers, etc.
Timelines, check points, or due dates
Possible obstacles
Evaluator and employee complete applicable planning form as required or, if no form
is required, document performance objectives using some other written format.
Evaluator and employee may discuss observation and data collection methods that
will be used to document progress in meeting performance goals and the manner in
which observations will be documented.
Evaluator may set an observation schedule that identifies the due date(s) for formal
observations and calendars any required pre- or post-observation meetings necessary
to meet state and contract requirements. Evaluator may also schedule date(s) for
periodic or final conferences at this time.
Policy References: SP/AR 4115/4315. Evaluation/Supervision
Procedure approved: August 15, 1994