All Personnel OP 4111.06/4211.06/4311.06(a) PREPARING INTERVIEW PANEL After the paper screening has narrowed the field of candidates, interviews are set up. Because interviews are crucial to the selection process, adequate planning is essential. Careful preparation for interviews prevents lost productivity and replacement expense; a poor selection costs the County Office money and results in wasted staff time and taxpayer dollars. Effective interviewers are characteristically those who: • • • • • Spend time analyzing the job to be filled Ask the right questions to determine a candidate’s job-related strengths and weaknesses Begin with broad, general questions and move to those that are more specific Talk only enough during the interview to draw out the candidate Evaluate the candidates objectively Purpose: To improve the quality of interviews by implementing a careful planning process which includes the orientation and adequate preparation of interviewers. Timeline: Oral interview applicants need a minimum of one week’s notification following the paper screening. Procedures: 1. Certificated – Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, and department director jointly determine interview panel members for all certificated and management positions. Panel members typically are those whose current positions are at a level equal to or greater than the position being interviewed for, although employees who will work directly with the person may also be included. Panels may consist of members who are internally and/or externally employed; however, when a management position will involve work directly with districts, a district representative should be included on the panel. Classified – Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, works with department administrators and unit staff in selecting panel members for classified positions. 2. 3. Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, sets the date for interviews and notifies panel members and candidates. Department director or designee and Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, examine the position announcement, job description, job requirements and application form to determine the areas to be covered by the interview. OP 4111.06/4211.06/4311.06(b) PREPARING INTERVIEW PANEL (continued) Typical categories in which candidates will be rated include: • • • • • 4. Knowledge, skills and abilities Work experience Presentation/response to questions Communication skills Over-all impression Certificated: Department director or designee develops interview questions beginning with general questions and moving to more specific or technical questions. Classified: Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, uses standard questions, merging department director’s questions as appropriate. 5. Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, reviews certificated interview questions prior to the oral interview. 6. Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, shall review the standard rating sheets with the department director. 7. Department director may use additional rating sheets if appropriate, but all rating sheets must be reviewed and approved by the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources. 8. Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, schedules a room that will allow all interviews to be held in the same setting, with the only elements altered being the applicant and time of interview. Candidates are scheduled on one day, if possible, and interviews are spaced as necessary. Personnel Director takes steps to prevent interruption during the interview. 9. Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, shall notify candidates and panel members of interview arrangements. SONOMA COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Policy Reference: SP 4111/4211/4311, Recruitment and Selection Procedure approved: February 2014 (4110.07)