Geographical Themes Everything happens somewhere Geographical Themes: Location Where an event occurs Absolute Location – the exact location found through the use of longitude and latitude, street addresses, or street map grids. Relative Location – where the place is relative to other places Geographical Themes: Place Description of the place that makes it different from other places Physical – Natural features of the place (temperature, bodies of water, etc.) Cultural – Description of the way of life of the people that live there Geographical Themes: Region A group of places bound together by one or more similar characteristics Geographical Themes: Movement In the historical sense, the movement of people, goods, and ideas Geographical Themes: Environmental Interaction The relationship with place How humans change the environment of the place Historical Themes Looking for Patterns Historical Themes: Cooperation and Conflict Cooperation: – when members of a group work together to achieve a common goal Conflict: – when rival groups seek to coerce, harm, or even destroy each other Historical Themes: The Impact of Ideas Mental threads that bind the minds of people together sufficiently for joint action to occur Ism: –a suffix that means a doctrine or set of ideas Historical Themes: Economics and History The way that a society provides the material necessities for survival (food, clothing, shelter, etc.) How the necessities are distributed to its members Historical Themes: Technology and History The tools and skills people use to meet their needs New technologies lead to changes in society Historical Themes: Human-Environment Interaction How humans affect and are affected by their environment Historical Themes: Cultural Development The expression of cultural characteristics through philosophy and art Historical Themes: Social Institutions Groups of people working together to provide for society’s basic needs Social Institutions Government –To maintain order and security Social Institutions Religion –To explain the meaning of existence –To reinforce moral values Social Institutions Education –To train the young and instill in them the norms and values of the society Social Institutions Economic system –To provide food and shelter –To determine how necessities are distributed to its members Social Institutions The Family –To raise new generations to replace the old Historical Themes: Individuals Those who play a prominent role determining the events of history Historical Themes: Continuity and Change Continuity: – Staying relatively the same over time » What can endure time • Institutions • Ideas • Problems Change: – The constant altering of society by the forces of history