UQ-OCHSNER SEED FUND FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH 2016 APPLICATION FORM Due date for submission of Application to UQR&I: 25 November 2015 RM ID (UQ R&I use only): SECTION A: SUMMARY APPLICATION DETAILS A1. ORGANISATIONAL UNIT TO ADMINISTER THE GRANT (i.e. UQ School/Centre/Institute) A2. PROJECT TITLE Max. 20 words plain English A3. SUMMARY DETAILS – OCS AFFILIATED CHIEF INVESTIGATORS Full applicant details are provided in Part B of this application. There must be at least two CIs named – one Ochsner Clinical School affiliated Academic Title Holder (A3) and at least one other eligible CI from another academic unit within UQ (A4). The Lead CI must be placed first. Please list all OCS affiliated CIs below: Family name Initials School/Centre UQ Faculty/Institute 1 2 Please add or remove rows as necessary. A4. SUMMARY DETAILS – OTHER CHIEF INVESTIGATORS Full applicant details are provided in Part B of this application. Other CIs may be eligible UQ ATHs or other eligible UQ staff. Refer to the scheme Guidelines for further information. Please list all Other CIs below: Family name Initials UQ School/Centre UQ Faculty/Institute 3 4 Please add or remove rows as necessary. A5. REQUESTED SUPPORT TOTAL funds requested in this application $ This amount should match the Grand Total at C1. A6. PROJECT SUMMARY Provide a plain language summary of the aims, significance and expected outcomes (approx. 100 words). 1 UQ-OCHSNER SEED FUND FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH 2016 APPLICATION FORM A7. RESEARCH CLASSIFICATIONS List from highest % to lowest %, and in multiples of 10. FOR and SEO Codes are available from: http://www.uq.edu.au/research/researchmanagement/research-classifications Use 6 digit codes only. Do not use codes ending in either ‘00’ or ‘0000’, as these are category headings. Field of Research (FOR) – to total 100% % Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) – to total 100% % A8. TYPE OF RESEACH Information on the types of research is available from: http://www.uq.edu.au/research/researchmanagement/type-of-activity-toa Ensure your percentages total to 100%. Pure % Strategic % Applied % Experimental % A9. ETHICAL/BIOSAFETY CLEARANCES (a) If this application is successful, will you require ethical and/or biosafety clearance? Yes No (b)If yes, what category: Human http://www.uq.edu.au/research/integrity-compliance/human-ethics Animal http://www.uq.edu.au/research/integrity-compliance/animal-welfare Biosafety http://www.uq.edu.au/ohs/index.html?page=29969 Export Controls http://www.uq.edu.au/research/integrity-compliance/strengthened-export-controls Other Please specify: (c)If UQ Ethical/Biosafety Clearances already exist, insert UQ Clearance No: A10. ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF OTHER SIMILAR APPLICATIONS (a) Have you submitted a similar application to any other scheme? Yes No (b) If yes, please provide details: A11. PRIORITY AREAS (a) Does your application target a priority area, as per the guidelines? Yes No (b) If yes, what area: Neuroscience, brain and mental health Cancer Gastrointestinal Cardiovascular Health services Reproductive, maternal child health 2 UQ-OCHSNER SEED FUND FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH 2016 APPLICATION FORM SECTION B: PERSONNEL AND RELATED DETAILS Please complete Section B for each named investigator on the application, duplicating the template content below for additional investigators (if applicable). B1. PERSON NUMBER B2. APPLICANT DETAILS Employee No. (if known) Family name Role First name CI Second name Title School/Centre Faculty/Institute E-mail OCS affiliated UQ ATH Appointment type UQ Appointment Level (eg Level A B, C, D, E). Year of Appointment B3. UQ ATH Year of Expiry QUALIFICATIONS B3.1 PhD qualification awarded Discipline/Field Organisation Country Month and Year awarded B3.2 Telephone UQ T&R; RO; TF; CA; Eligible MRI-UQ (or) Date Thesis Submitted/ Proposed Submission Date Other qualifications (including highest Qualification if not PhD) Degree/Award Year Discipline/Field Organisation and country B4. ACADEMIC, RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Current and previous appointment(s)/position(s) - covering a maximum of the past 10 years Position held Organisation School/Institute/Centre/ Department Year Appointed Current (Yes/no) 3 UQ-OCHSNER SEED FUND FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH 2016 APPLICATION FORM B5. RESEARCH RECORD RELATIVE TO OPPORTUNITIES Using the headings below describe your contributions to research, research training and clinical outcomes. B5.1 All refereed publications in the past 5 years (2010 onwards) Use asterisks (*) to identify publications relevant to this application. List publications under the following headings: Books, Book Chapters, Journal Articles. In-press publications are to include the acceptance date. B5.2 Other relevant achievements Write a maximum of half an A4 page. For applicants previously named as a CI on a UQ-Ochsner Seed Fund for Collaborative Research grant, describe and identify the outputs and outcomes of the earlier grant as part of your track record/achievements statement. 4 UQ-OCHSNER SEED FUND FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH 2016 APPLICATION FORM SECTION C: BUDGET C1. BUDGET DETAILS Please provide a detailed budget in the table below. Detailed Budget (List all items individually) Personnel Total ($) Sub-total Equipment Sub-total Maintenance Sub-total Travel Sub-total Other Sub-total GRAND TOTAL The maximum amount of funding per eligible application is $50,000. C2. JUSTIFICATION OF FUNDING REQUESTED In no more than half an A4 page, fully justify in terms of need and cost, each budget item requested. Structure your budget justification under the same headings used in the table above. 5 UQ-OCHSNER SEED FUND FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH 2016 APPLICATION FORM SECTION D: RESEARCH SUPPORT D1. RESEARCH SUPPORT OF ALL PARTICIPANTS Provide details for all participants listed in Section A. List this proposal first. Provide the names of all investigators on any grant held together with the project title, source of support, scheme. Asterisk (*) refers to any items that are in the same area of research as this application. Support types (Sup type) are ‘C’ for current support, ‘R’ for requested support, ‘P’ for past support. The Project ID applies only to ARC or NHMRC grants. Note, details should be provided for all sources of funding for the years listed below. Description (All named investigators on any grant held by a participant, project title, source of support, scheme) (*) Sup type Grant ID (If NHMRC or ARC) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ($’000) ($’000) ($’000) ($’000) ($’000) 6 UQ-OCHSNER SEED FUND FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH 2016 APPLICATION FORM SECTION E: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide the following information in no more than four (4) A4 pages and in the required format of 11 point font. Please refer to UQ-Ochsner Seed Fund for Collaborative Research Guidelines. E1. AIMS Describe the aims of the project. E2. APPROACH Outline the conceptual framework, design and methods and demonstrate that these are adequately developed, well integrated and appropriate to the aims of the project. E3. INNOVATION, CLINICAL RELEVANCE AND EXPECTED BENEFITS Describe how the anticipated outcomes will advance the knowledge base of the discipline and why the project aims and concepts are novel and innovative. Detail what new methodologies or technologies will be developed. Describe the clinical relevance of the anticipated outcomes What are the expected benefits of the project? E4. COLLABORATION Summarise the role, responsibilities and contributions of each Chief Investigator and other research collaborators. Explain how the project develops and enhances collaborations between researchers at UQ-OCS and other UQ academic staff. Specify where the research will be conducted. Describe the collaborative arrangements, including the extent to which the proposed project involves OCS and/or other UQ MBBS/MD students. E5. PUBLICATIONS AND FUTURE FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Describe your plans for scholarly publication. Outline your plans for disseminating results to the broader public and/or clinical audiences. How will this funding make your external grant applications more competitive? From which funding agencies or schemes would subsequent external funding be sought? E6. REFERENCES Include a list of all references. This may be in addition to the limit of four (4) A4 pages and may be in 10 point font. 7 UQ-OCHSNER SEED FUND FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH 2016 APPLICATION FORM SECTION F: APPLICATION CERTIFICATIONS All Chief Investigators listed in Section A must sign this Certification. Certification Ochsner-affiliated ATH Chief Investigator(s) I certify that: i) To the best of my knowledge, all the details on this application form are true and complete. ii) I have complied with the UQ-Ochsner Seed Fund for Collaborative Research Guidelines and if I am successful I will accept the Conditions of Award relating to this scheme. iii) I will comply with all necessary UQ policies and procedures in discharging my responsibilities under this grant. iv) I understand and agree that all ethical clearances must be met before the proposed research can commence. v) In submitting this application, I consent to its referral to internal (UQ) assessors for consideration. Certification by Head of School/Centre/Institute Director: I certify that: i) If funded under this grant application and carried out within my organisational unit, the project can be accommodated as appropriate within the general facilities of the organisational unit and that sufficient working and office space is available for any proposed additional staff. ii) I am prepared to have the project, if funded under this grant application, carried out under the circumstances set out by the Applicant/s. Person Surname, title and initials Signature of Signature of Head of (printed) Chief Investigator School/Centre/Institute 1 Certification by UQ ATH CIs and Other UQ CI Investigator(s) I certify that: vi) To the best of my knowledge, all the details on this application form are true and complete. vii) I have complied with the UQ-Ochsner Seed Fund for Collaborative Research Guidelines and if I am successful I will accept the Conditions of Award relating to this scheme. viii) I will comply with all necessary UQ policies and procedures in discharging my responsibilities under this grant. ix) I understand and agree that all ethical clearances must be met before the proposed research can commence. x) In submitting this application, I consent to its referral to internal (UQ) assessors for consideration. Certification by Head of School/Centre/Institute Director: I certify that: iii) The project, if funded under this grant application, can be accommodated as appropriate within the general facilities in my organisational unit and that sufficient working and office space is available for any proposed additional staff. iv) I am prepared to have the project, if funded under this grant application, carried out in my organisational unit under the circumstances set out by the Applicant/s. v) For salaried UQ CIs, I have noted the amount of time that the Applicant/s will be devoting to the project and agree that it is appropriate to existing workloads. Person Surname, title and initials Signature of Signature of Head of (printed) Chief Investigator School/Centre/Institute 2 3 4 8