SENATE CONTINUING ORDER FOR PRODUCTION OF DEPARTMENTAL AND AGENCY FILE LISTS 1 JULY – 31 DECEMBER 2015 BUDGET & FINANCIAL REPORTING Record Number RMS15/06509 RMS15/03107-02 RMS15/03107-03 RMS15/03107-04 RMS15/03107-05 RMS15/03107-06 RMS15/06541 RMS15/06674 RMS15/06698 RMS15/07328 RMS15/07329 Title COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Efficiency Dividend - Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) - Report 447 - Recommendation 1 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2016-2017 Budget - Budget Process Operational Rules (BPORs) Review COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2016-2017 Budget - Budget Process Operational Rules (BPORs) Review COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2016-2017 Budget - Budget Process Operational Rules (BPORs) Review COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2016-2017 Budget - Budget Process Operational Rules (BPORs) Review COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2016-2017 Budget - Budget Process Operational Rules (BPORs) Review COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Regular Provision of Information to the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) - Budget 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2015-2016 Post Budget Review COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - Budget and Reporting Tracker COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Provision of Information to the Parliamentary Budget Office - Information Request (IR) Provisions 2014 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Provision of Information to the Parliamentary Budget Office - Information Request (IR) Provisions 2013 1 RMS15/07330 RMS15/07331 RMS15/07332 RMS15/07333 RMS15/07334 RMS15/07335 RMS15/07469 RMS15/07750-01 RMS15/07750-02 RMS15/07750-03 RMS15/07750-04 RMS15/08427 RMS15/08856-02 RMS15/08994 RMS15/09403-01 RMS15/09403-02 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Establishment of a Parliamentary Budget Office - 2012 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Provision of Information on the Final Budget Outcome (FBO) - Establishing a Routine Provision of Data - 2014 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Parliamentary Budget Office - Post Election Report Legislative Amendments COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Administration of the Parliamentary Budget Office - 2014 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Government Response to the Senate Select Committee onto the Abbot Government Commission of Audit (COA) - 2014 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Reports released by the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) - 2014 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Budget Strategy Outreach Programme (BSOP) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - Whole of Government Savings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - Whole of Government Savings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - Whole-of-Government Savings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - Whole-of-Government Savings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2015-2016 Budget - Budget Issues Briefs COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Parliamentary Budget Office - Agency Requests COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook - Movement of Funds - Majors and Minors COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Minors Process COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Minors Process 2 RMS15/09403-03 RMS15/09405 RMS15/09641 RMS15/09770 RMS13/00702-02 RMS15/01180-02 RMS15/06065-01 RMS15/06065-02 RMS15/06065-03 RMS15/06065-04 RMS15/06065-05 RMS15/06756-01 RMS15/06756-02 RMS15/06756-03 RMS15/06756-04 RMS15/06756-05 RMS15/06757 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Minors Process COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook - Decisions to be settled by the Finance Minister - Ministerial Submission COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - MYEFO Issues Briefs COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Planning - 2016-2017 Budget Prioritisation COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - Reform to the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Payments to the States 2015-2016 Budget Documentation GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Meetings - Reform of Federation White Paper meetings 2014 - 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Meetings - Reform of Federation White Paper meetings 2014 - 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Meetings - Reform of Federation White Paper meetings 2014 - 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Meetings - Reform of Federation White Paper meetings 2014 - 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Meetings - Reform of Federation White Paper meetings 2014 - 2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Attorney General Adjustments - 2014-2015 / 20152016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Attorney General Adjustments - 2014-2015 / 20152016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Attorney General Adjustments - 2014-2015 / 20152016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Attorney General Adjustments - 2014-2015 / 20152016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Attorney General Adjustments - 2014-2015 / 20152016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Skehill Review 3 RMS15/06758-01 RMS15/06758-02 RMS15/06759 RMS15/06760 RMS15/06761 RMS15/06762 RMS15/06763 RMS15/06764 RMS15/06765 RMS15/06766 RMS15/06767 RMS15/06768 RMS15/08745 RMS15/08990 RMS15/09583 RMS15/09584 RMS11/06143-02 RMS13/01646-05 RMS13/01646-06 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2013-2014 Attorney General Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2013-2014 Attorney General Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Royal Commission into the Home Insulation Programme (HIP) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Natural Disasters COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Courts COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2014-2015 Attorney General Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Grants Guidelines COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Legal Assistance National Partnership COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2015-2016 Attorney General Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Australian Government Solicitor (AGS) - Attorney Generals Department (AGD) Consolidation COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Parliamentary Departments 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Update Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Payments to the States and Territories 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Budget Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Adjustment 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook for Law Enforcement Agencies COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Documentation for Law Enforcement Agencies COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - JP2068 Phase 2B.2 Computer Network Defence COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Department of Defence - Strategic Reform Program COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Department of Defence - Strategic Reform Program 4 RMS13/01646-07 RMS13/01739-02 RMS13/07808-02 RMS14/01276-05 RMS15/02511-02 RMS15/06093 RMS15/06094 RMS15/06110 RMS15/06441 RMS15/06442 RMS15/06444 RMS15/06445 RMS15/06446 RMS15/06461 RMS15/06462 RMS15/06466 RMS15/06467 RMS15/06468 RMS15/06485 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Department of Defence - Strategic Reform Program COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Defence Reform - Strategic Reform Program (SRP) GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Advice - Defence Grants 2013 Approval Rounds COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Defence Budget - 2012-2013 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Planning - Defence Capability Forward Work Program COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - LAND 1771 Phase 1 - Geospatial Systems for the Land Force COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - DEF 2044 Phase 4A - Digital Topographic System COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - LAND 121 Phase 4 - Overlander - Protected Mobility Vehicle - Light - Second Pass COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - Defence ICT Investment Approval Process COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Warehouse Management System COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Integrated Document Management System COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Applications Managed Services STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Audit - Defence Joint eHealth Data Information System (JeHDI) Audit COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - 2014-2015 - Defence Portfolio Budget Pressures Updates COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - 2015-2016 - Defence Portfolio Budget Pressures Updates GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Advice - 2015-2016 - School Pathways / Manufacturing Excellence (ME) Grant Risk Assessment GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Advice - 2015-2016 - Skilling Australia's Defence Industry (SADI) Grant Risk Assessment GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Advice - 2015-2016 - Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Multiyear Funding Agreement Grant Risk Assessment COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - LAND 500 Phase 1 - Land Tactical Electronic Warfare Remediation - Second Pass 5 RMS15/06502 RMS15/06611 RMS15/06629 RMS15/07074 RMS15/07076 RMS15/07077 RMS15/07078 RMS15/07477 RMS15/07479 RMS15/07486 RMS15/07488 RMS15/07843 RMS15/07846 RMS15/07863 RMS15/08226 RMS15/08480 RMS15/08485 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2011-2012 Budget Estimates - Department of Defence (DOD), Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) and Small Agencies COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Defence 2015-2016 Portfolio Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Defence Foreign Exchange supplementation methodology 2010 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - 2011 Defence Budget Review COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Defence 2013-2014 Budget Working Papers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Department of Defence 2014-Republic of Singapore Air Force Facilities - Oakey COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Defence Planning Guidance and Expansions of ADF 2006 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Planning - 2008 Audit of the Defence Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2009 Defence White Paper Companion Review Industry COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - LAND 75 - Battle Management System - Background Documents 2004-2005 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Risk management - Defence Procurement Review 2003 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Implementation - Defence First Principles Review Implementation COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - DEF 7013 Phase 4 - Joint Intelligence Support System COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Defence Funding in Legislation COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Defence Integrated Investment Programme 2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Defence - Skilling Australia's Defence Industry (SADI) Programme - Grant COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Defence Budget - Defence Grant Programs 6 RMS15/08512 RMS15/09225 RMS15/09396 RMS15/09972 RMS13/08525-02 RMS14/05620-06 RMS15/06498-01 RMS15/06498-02 RMS15/06700 RMS15/07065 RMS15/07324 RMS15/07924 RMS15/08317-01 RMS15/08317-02 RMS15/08317-03 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Defence - Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Contamination on Defence Sites COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Defence ICT Project: Enterprise Resource Planning COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2016-2017 Budget: Prioritisation for Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) December 2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Authorisation - Department of Defence Operations Costing Agreements COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Employment Agency Advice Unit (AAU) - Ministerial Correspondence COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Higher Education and Research - Ministerial Correspondence and Briefings - 2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations - 2009-2010 Budget Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations - 2009-2010 Budget Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations - 2009-2010 New Policy Proposals COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Higher Education Costings and Measures COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Education and Training - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2015-2016 Costing Agreements COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - Department of Employment Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Estimate Adjustments - Higher Education COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Estimate Adjustments - Higher Education COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Estimate Adjustments - Higher Education 7 RMS15/08499 RMS15/08508-01 RMS15/08508-02 RMS15/08508-03 RMS15/09247 RMS15/09424 RMS15/09425 RMS15/09437 RMS10/03479-02 RMS12/01341-02 RMS12/02770-03 RMS15/00223-03 RMS15/00637-02 RMS15/00638-02 RMS15/06101 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Education and Training - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Employment 2016-2017 Mid Year Estimates Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Estimates Adjustment Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Employment 2016-2017 Mid Year Estimates Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Estimates Adjustment Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Employment 2016-2017 Mid Year Estimates Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Estimates Adjustment Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Administered Employment Services Adjustments2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook - Education and Training - Child Care Estimates Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook - Education and Training - Schools Estimates Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Employment Budget Matters 2016-2017 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Exceptional Circumstances (EC) Assistance COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Budget 2012-2013 - Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry - Biosecurity Options 1 2 and 3 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2012-2013 Budget Estimates - Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Department of Industry and Science - Ministerial Representations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2015-2016 Budget Documentation - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2015-2016 Budget - Environment Ministerial Representations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Malabar Headland 8 RMS15/06637 RMS15/07704 RMS15/07710 RMS15/08493-01 RMS15/08493-02 RMS15/08493-03 RMS15/08493-04 RMS15/08493-05 RMS15/08493-06 RMS15/08493-07 RMS15/09414 RMS15/09808-01 RMS15/09808-02 RMS15/09808-03 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - Environment Portfolio Government Response to the Independent Review of the Water Act 2007 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2014-2015 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Measures - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - Industry and Science - Programme Guidelines COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Round Estimate Adjustments - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Round Estimate Adjustments - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Round Estimate Adjustments - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Round Estimate Adjustments - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Round Estimate Adjustments - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Round Estimate Adjustments - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Round Estimate Adjustments - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - Industry - Innovation and Energy - Measures COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Estimate Adjustments - Industry Innovation and Science COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Estimate Adjustments - Industry Innovation and Science COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Estimate Adjustments - Industry Innovation and Science 9 RMS15/09877 RMS15/09966 RMS14/03207-02 RMS14/03207-03 RMS14/06639-02 RMS14/06639-03 RMS14/06639-04 RMS14/06640-02 RMS14/06640-03 RMS14/06640-04 RMS14/06640-05 RMS14/06641-02 RMS14/06641-03 RMS14/06642-02 RMS14/06642-03 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Documentation - Environment Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - Machinery of Government Changes Documentation COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme - Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme - Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health - Outcome 2 - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Estimates Adjustments and Variations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health - Outcome 2 - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Estimates Adjustments and Variations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health - Outcome 2 - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Estimates Adjustments and Variations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health - Outcome 2 - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Costings Sign-Offs COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health - Outcome 2 - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Costings Sign-Offs COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health - Outcome 2 - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Costings Sign-Offs COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health - Outcome 2 - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Costings Sign-Offs COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health - Outcome 10 - Sport - Estimates Adjustments and Variations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health - Outcome 10 - Sport - Estimates Adjustments and Variations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Health - Outcome 9 - Biosecurity and Emergency Response - General COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Health - Outcome 9 - Biosecurity and Emergency Response - General 10 RMS15/06513 RMS15/06518-01 RMS15/06518-02 RMS15/06518-03 RMS15/06841-01 RMS15/06841-02 RMS15/06842 RMS15/06850 RMS15/07027 RMS15/07028 RMS15/07029 RMS15/07032 RMS15/08510-01 RMS15/08510-02 RMS15/08510-03 RMS15/08510-04 RMS15/09418 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Australian National Audit Office - Audit of the Performance of the Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement 2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2010 Post-Election Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2010 Post-Election Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2010 Post-Election Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2014-2015 Health Whole of Portfolio Estimates Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2014-2015 Health Whole of Portfolio Estimates Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Review of After Hours Primary Health Care COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Private Health Insurance Administrative Council - Transition COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Estimate Adjustments - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Policy Costings - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Child Dental Benefits Scheme - Policy Work COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Population Health - Outcome 1 - Policy Work 20152016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Estimates Adjustments - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Estimates Adjustments - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Estimates Adjustments - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Estimates Adjustments - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health Branch - PBS Team - 2013 Election Costings 11 RMS15/09419 RMS15/09420-01 RMS15/09420-02 RMS15/09549 RMS13/07088-07 RMS13/08105-02 RMS13/08143-04 RMS13/08664-02 RMS14/00786-02 RMS14/08584-02 RMS15/01888-02 RMS15/01888-03 RMS15/01888-04 RMS15/02837-02 RMS15/06447 RMS15/06484 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health Branch - PBS Team - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Costings - Assorted 2014 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health Branch - PBS Team - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Costings November 2014 - January 2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Health Branch - PBS Team - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Costings November 2014 - January 2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Ministerial Correspondence - Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - Foreign Affairs and Customs Agency Advice Unit (AAU) - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2014 Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2013-2014 Operation Sovereign Borders - Customs COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2013-2014 - Customs Reform COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - NonBudget - 2014 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - 2014-2015 Budget Related Papers - Customs COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2015-2016 Budget Costings - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Austrade COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Budget - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Budget - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Budget - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) - 2015-2016 Budget Documents COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Australia's Post-2020 Emissions Reduction Target COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Australian Customs and Border Protection Service 2015-2016 Budget Measures 12 RMS15/06523 RMS15/06830 RMS15/08416 RMS15/08473-01 RMS15/08473-02 RMS15/08504 RMS15/08985 RMS15/09801 RMS15/09802-01 RMS15/09802-02 RMS15/09803 RMS15/09804 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Department of Immigration and Border Protection Maritime Capability - July 2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - 2015-2016 Budget - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - Customs Related Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Australia's Negotiating Mandate for the Paris Climate Change Conference COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Estimates Update - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Austrade - Tourism Australia - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Estimates Update - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Austrade - Tourism Australia - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Estimates Update - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - Border Protection Programmes COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - 2015-2016 - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio - 2014-2015 Budget Costings and Measures COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2014-2015 Estimate adjustments and Contingency Reserve (CR) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2014-2015 Estimate adjustments and Contingency Reserve (CR) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2014-2015 - Resolving the Irregular Maritime Arrivals (IMA) Legacy Caseload INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Enquiries - Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio - Freedom Of Information (FOI) 13/127 Gateway Reviews - Systems for People 13 RMS15/09805 RMS15/03062-02 RMS15/06066 RMS15/07051-01 RMS15/07051-02 RMS15/07051-03 RMS15/07440 RMS15/07459 RMS15/07460-01 RMS15/07460-02 RMS15/08497 RMS15/08498 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Statements - Immigration and Border Protection Portfolio Offshore Asylum Seeker Management Expenditure From 2001 - 2014 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - MYEFO 2015-2016 - Department of Human Services Department of Health Costing Agreements COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Meetings Secretaries Committee on Indigenous Reform (SCIR) - 1 July 2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Veterans Affairs -Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Estimates Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Veterans Affairs -Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Estimates Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Veterans Affairs -Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Estimates Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Veterans' Affairs - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO)2015-2016 Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Department of Human Services - Other Costing Agreements COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Department of Human Services - Department of Social Services Costing Agreements COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Department of Human Services - Department of Social Services Costing Agreements COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Prime Minister and Cabinet - Indigenous Affairs Strengthening job seeker compliance in remote communities COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Prime Minister and Cabinet - Indigenous Affairs 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) estimates update 14 RMS15/08513-01 RMS15/08513-02 RMS15/08513-03 RMS15/08749 RMS15/09579 RMS15/09635 RMS15/09974 RMS04/07993-02 RMS04/07993-03 RMS06/11451-02 RMS07/02296-02 RMS07/02583-02 RMS07/03205-02 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Department of Human Services - Estimate Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Department of Human Services - Estimate Adjustments 2 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Department of Human Services - Estimate Adjustments 3 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Prime Minister and Cabinet - Indigenous Affairs - 2013 Consultation on Discretionary Grants Spending COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Prime Minister and Cabinet - Indigenous Affairs National Partnership Agreement on Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Planning - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Department of Human Services - General COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Prime Minister and Cabinet - Indigenous Affairs 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook - Costings Measures and Green Briefs COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - Reporting and Estimates COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - Reporting and Estimates COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Communications Information Technology and the Arts (CITA) Portfolio - Broadband Connect Infrastructure Programme Restructure - Advice COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - E-Security National Agenda (ESNA) Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Department of Communications Information Technology and the Arts (DCITA) - Australian Broadband Guarantee (ABG) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2007 - 2008 Budget Documentation for the Communications Information Technology and the Arts portfolio 15 RMS07/12180-02 RMS07/12914-06 RMS08/04227-02 RMS09/01269-02 RMS09/08352-02 RMS09/08467-02 RMS09/12728-03 RMS10/01552-03 RMS10/09573-02 RMS10/09573-03 RMS11/00543-03 RMS11/01167-02 RMS11/01261-02 RMS11/01908-03 RMS11/01953-02 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2007 - 2008 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - Measures - Communications - Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - National Broadband Network COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - TELSTRA - FUTURE PROOFING (Department of Communications Information Technology and the Arts) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2009-2010 Budget Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio Budget Submission Green Brief GOVERNMENT COORDINATION - Advice - Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio - Incoming Government Brief - 2007 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Australia Post COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio - 2010-2011 Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2010-2011 Pre-Expenditure Review Committee (Pre-ERC) Estimates Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2010-2011 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2010-2011 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) – Budget 2011-2012 Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - National Food Plan (2010 Election Commitment - Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2011-2012 Pre ERC Estimates Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Broadband Communication and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) - Digital Productivity Package 2011-2012 Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Research Communications Research Documents 16 RMS11/02091-03 RMS11/02095-03 RMS11/02096-05 RMS11/02096-06 RMS11/02096-07 RMS11/02144-02 RMS11/02864-03 RMS11/02864-04 RMS11/04023-02 RMS11/04023-03 RMS11/08487-03 RMS11/08565-02 RMS12/00146-02 RMS12/06441-02 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Beyond the Border : Australia's Biosecurity Strategy (2011-2012 Budget) - Option 1 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Beyond the Border : Australia's Biosecurity Strategy (2011-2012 Budget) - Future Post-Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Arrangements COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Research Beyond the Border : Australia's Biosecurity Strategy (20112012 Budget) - Research Material COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Research Beyond the Border : Australia's Biosecurity Strategy (20112012 Budget) - Research Material COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Research Beyond the Border : Australia's Biosecurity Strategy (20112012 Budget) - Research Material COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Beyond the Border Australias Biosecurity Strategy (20112012 Budget) - Summary and Index COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2011-2012 Budget - Adjustments for the Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (AFF) Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2011-2012 Budget - Adjustments for the Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (AFF) Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Productivity Commission Inquiry into Rural Research and Development Corporations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Productivity Commission Inquiry into Rural Research and Development Corporations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Mid - Year Economic Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 20112012 Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) Portfolio - 2012-2013 Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2012-2013 Pre-Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry - Biosecurity Legislation - Biosecurity Bill 2012 17 RMS13/00448-03 RMS13/00448-04 RMS13/01641-03 RMS13/01753-03 RMS13/01753-04 RMS13/06583-03 RMS13/07691-03 RMS14/00422-03 RMS14/07767-02 RMS14/07900-02 RMS14/07900-03 RMS14/07900-04 RMS15/00042-02 RMS15/00042-03 RMS15/01957-02 RMS15/02928-03 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2013-2014 Pre-Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2013-2014 Pre-Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Treasury - Rural Finance Package COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) 2013-2014 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) 2013-2014 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2013-2014 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) - Communications Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Agriculture - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Budget 2014-2015 Department of Agriculture - Portfolio Budget Submission and Other Budget Policies COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2015-2016 Budget - Costings and Estimates Infrastructure and Regional Development COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Agriculture - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2014-2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Agriculture - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2014-2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Agriculture - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2014-2015 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Norfolk Island COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Norfolk Island COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Budget Estimates Update - Agriculture Portfolio COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - White Paper on Agricultural Competitiveness - Part 3 18 RMS15/06437-01 RMS15/06437-02 RMS15/06437-03 RMS15/06438-01 RMS15/06438-02 RMS15/06439-01 RMS15/06439-02 RMS15/06489-01 RMS15/06489-02 RMS15/06489-03 RMS15/06493 RMS15/06505-01 RMS15/06505-02 RMS15/06505-03 RMS15/06519 RMS15/07054 RMS15/07072 RMS15/07326-01 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Maritime Industry Finance Company - Background Papers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Maritime Industry Finance Company - Background Papers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Maritime Industry Finance Company - Background Papers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Stevedoring Industry Financing Committee Background Papers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Stevedoring Industry Financing Committee Background Papers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Ansett Airlines - Administration-Creditors Finalisation COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Ansett Airlines - Administration-Creditors Finalisation COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Pay Parking in the Commonwealth's Central National Area COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Pay Parking in the Commonwealth's Central National Area COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Pay Parking in the Commonwealth's Central National Area COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Territories - Capital Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Norfolk Island - 2011 IDC Papers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Norfolk Island - 2011 IDC Papers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Norfolk Island - 2011 IDC Papers GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Procedures - Agriculture Portfolio Grant Guidelines for Approval - 2015/16 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2016-2017 Budget - Agriculture and Water Resources Portfolio - New Policy Costings and Measures COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Aviation Security COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Western Sydney Airport 19 RMS15/07326-02 RMS15/07326-03 RMS15/07862 RMS15/08311 RMS15/08488 RMS15/08517 RMS15/08724-01 RMS15/08724-02 RMS15/08724-03 RMS15/08724-04 RMS15/08755-01 RMS15/08755-02 RMS15/08755-03 RMS15/08755-04 RMS15/09242 RMS15/09249 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Western Sydney Airport COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Western Sydney Airport COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Agriculture Portfolio - Redesign of Biosecurity and Export Cost Recovery Arrangements COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Infrastructure and Regional Development - Smaller Government COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - ESTIMATES ADJUSTMENTS - 2015-2016 - MidYear Economic and Fiscal Outlook(MYEFO) and 2016-2017 BUDGET COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Arts Funding - Film Investment Offsets - 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Agriculture and Water Resources Estimates Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Agriculture and Water Resources Estimates Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Agriculture and Water Resources Estimates Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook Agriculture and Water Resources Estimates Update COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Communications and the Arts Portfolio - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook - Update 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Communications and the Arts Portfolio - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook - Update 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Communications and the Arts Portfolio - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook - Update 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Communications and the Arts Portfolio - Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook - Update 2015-2016 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Advice - Ministerial Representations for Information - Agriculture and Water Resources COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Outcomes of the Functional and Efficiency Review of the Department of Agriculture - New Policy and Costings 20 RMS14/00514-02 RMS15/06463 RMS15/08318-01 RMS15/08318-02 RMS15/08874 RMS15/08875 RMS15/09223-01 RMS15/09223-02 RMS15/09224-01 RMS15/09224-02 RMS15/09555 RMS15/09793 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Seniors Disability and Carers - Costings 2014-2015 Budget COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Department of Social Services - Ministerial Correspondence - Seniors, Disabilities and Carers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - Seniors Disabilities and Carers Team - Costings - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - Seniors Disabilities and Carers Team - Costings - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Aged Care (Outcome 3) - Estimates Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - Aged Care (Outcome 3) - MoG Transfers COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Social Services - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Transition Submission COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Department of Social Services - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Transition Submission COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Estimates and Measure Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2015-2016 - National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Estimates and Measure Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - 2015-2016 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Update - Seniors -Disabilities and Carers Team - Estimates Variations COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Budget 2015-2016 - Aged Care Measures 21 RMS14/03564-03 RMS14/03565-03 RMS14/03565-04 RMS15/03081-06 RMS15/03081-07 RMS15/03081-08 RMS15/03081-09 RMS15/06797 RMS15/06798 RMS15/06799 RMS15/06800 RMS15/06801 RMS15/06802 RMS15/06803-01 RMS15/06803-02 RMS15/06804 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Youth Employment Package - Earn or Learn for under 30 Year Olds COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Budget 2014-2015 - Working Age and Student Payment Policy Advice COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Budget 2014-2015 - Working Age and Student Payment Policy Advice COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Working Age Payments and Housing Agency Advice Unit - 2015-2016 Budget Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Working Age Payments and Housing Agency Advice Unit - 2015-2016 Budget Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Working Age Payments and Housing Agency Advice Unit - 2015-2016 Budget Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Working Age Payments and Housing Agency Advice Unit - 2015-2016 Budget Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - Contingency Reserve Forms COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - 2011-2012 Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - 2009-2010 Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services - 2010-2011 Adjustments COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Department of Social Services - 2008-2009 Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Department of Social Services - 2015-2016 Budget Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Department of Social Services - 2015-2016 MidYear Economic Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Department of Social Services - 2015-2016 MidYear Economic Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Department of Social Services - 2010-2011 Costings 22 RMS15/06840 RMS15/07519-01 RMS15/07519-02 RMS15/07861 RMS15/07627 GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Procedures - Child Care Program Guidelines Outcome 2 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services Agency Advice Unit - 2014-2015 Budget - Estimates Adjustments - Working Age Payments and Housing COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Estimates - Department of Social Services Agency Advice Unit - 2014-2015 Budget - Estimates Adjustments - Working Age Payments and Housing COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Department of Social Services (DSS) - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) Costings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Procedures - CBMS Phase 1 Close Out Information Dossier May 2007 23 BUSINESS ENABLING SERVICES Record Number RMS15/02527-02 RMS15/06059 RMS15/06102 RMS15/09217 RMS15/06621 RMS15/06626 RMS15/07364 RMS15/06469 RMS15/06470 RMS15/06492 RMS15/07322-01 RMS15/07322-02 RMS15/07322-03 RMS15/07322-04 Title GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann - Official Visit to Europe - 28 June 10 July 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann - 2015 Forum Economic Ministers Meeting Forum Trade Ministers Meeting and Associated Officials Meeting and Private Sector Dialogue Workshop and related Meetings - Cook Islands 26-31 October 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Australia-Germany Advisory Group (AGAG) - 2nd Meeting - October 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Minister for Finance Overseas Travel - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016 - Davis-Klosters -Switzerland PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasing - One Canberra Avenue - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) arrangements with Department of Human Services (DHS) 2015 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Security - One Canberra Avenue - Security TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Implementation - EWE (Electronic Workplace Environment) Project 2015-2016 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - Department of Human Services - Assest Disposal and Valuation SON2839642 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - Austrade Recruitment and Related Services Panel - SON2917812 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Finance Transformation One Canberra Avenue - Procurement FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) 24 RMS15/07322-05 RMS15/07322-06 RMS15/07322-07 RMS15/07322-08 RMS15/07322-09 RMS15/07322-10 RMS15/07322-11 RMS15/07322-12 RMS15/07322-13 RMS15/07322-14 RMS15/07322-15 RMS15/07322-16 RMS15/07322-17 RMS15/07322-18 RMS15/07696 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Planning - Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2015-2016 (Reporting Period 20152016 to 2018-2019) PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - Technology & Telecommunications - Agreements - Standalone Procurements 25 PIG15/00298 RMS15/06664 RMS15/06665-01 RMS15/06665-02 RMS15/06666-01 RMS15/06666-02 RMS15/06667-01 RMS15/06667-02 RMS15/06667-03 RMS15/06668-01 RMS15/06668-02 RMS15/06668-03 RMS15/06668-04 RMS15/06669-01 RMS15/06669-02 RMS15/06669-03 RMS15/06669-04 RMS15/06670 RMS15/06671-01 RMS15/06671-02 RMS15/06671-03 RMS15/06671-04 RMS15/06671-05 POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011 - 2013 Auspol Financial Reports POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2012/2013 Accounts Payable Forms POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011/2012 Outgoing Delegations POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011/2012 Outgoing Delegations POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011/2012 Incoming Delegations - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011/2012 Incoming Delegations - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2012/2013 Outgoing Delegations - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2012/2013 Outgoing Delegations - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2012/2013 Outgoing Delegations - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2010/2012 Council Papers POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2010/2012 Council Papers POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2010/2012 Council Papers POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2010/2012 Council Papers POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2012/2013 Outgoing Delegation - Accounts Continued POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2012/2013 Outgoing Delegation - Accounts Continued POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2012/2013 Outgoing Delegation - Accounts Continued POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2012/2013 Outgoing Delegation - Accounts Continued POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2012/2013 Incoming Delegations - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011/2012 Auspol ICMS - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011/2012 Auspol ICMS - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011/2012 Auspol ICMS - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011/2012 Auspol ICMS - Accounts POLITICAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM - Reporting - 2011/2012 Auspol ICMS - Accounts 26 PIG15/00290-01 PIG15/00290-02 PIG15/00290-03 PIG15/00290-04 PIG15/00290-05 PIG15/00292-01 PIG15/00292-02 PIG15/00292-03 PIG15/00292-04 PIG15/00292-05 PIG15/00292-06 PIG15/00292-07 PIG15/00292-08 PIG15/00295-01 PIG15/00295-02 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs September 2004 to August 2005 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs September 2004 to August 2005 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs September 2004 to August 2005 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs September 2004 to August 2005 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs September 2004 to August 2005 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs From 2008 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs From 2008 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs From 2008 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs From 2008 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs From 2008 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs From 2008 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs From 2008 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Members of Parliament (Staff) Act Employment Framework - Ministerial Briefs From 2008 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 employment framework - General Appointments PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 employment framework - General Appointments 27 PIG15/00295-03 PIG15/00295-04 PIG15/00295-05 PIG15/00295-06 PIG15/00296-01 PIG15/00296-02 PIG15/00297-01 PIG15/00297-02 PIG15/00301 PIG15/00325 PIG15/00326 PIG15/00327 PIG15/00336 PIG15/00337 PIG15/00338 PIG15/00339-01 PIG15/00339-02 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 employment framework - General Appointments PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 employment framework - General Appointments PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 employment framework - General Appointments PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 employment framework - General Appointments PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 Employment Framework - Special Appointments (Including Other Allocations) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 Employment Framework - Special Appointments (Including Other Allocations) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 Employment Framework - Additional Positions PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 Employment Framework - Additional Positions FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - Leave Liability Reconciliations Chris 21 / SAP Financial Year 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 - Ministerial and Parliamentary Services (MAPS) Administered PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Car with Driver Entitlement 1997 - 2006 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Self-Drive Vehicle Entitlement PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Private Plated Vehicles for Senators and Members 1997 - 2002 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to Travel on Scheduled Services (1998 - 2006) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Special Purpose Aircraft (1998-1999) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Requests For New Entitlements (1999 - 2005) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to Travelling Allowance (1997 - 2009) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to Travelling Allowance (1997 - 2009) 28 PIG15/00339-03 PIG15/00340 PIG15/00341 PIG15/00342 PIG15/00343 PIG15/00344 PIG15/00347 PIG15/00348-01 PIG15/00348-02 PIG15/00348-03 PIG15/00348-04 PIG15/00349 PIG15/00350 PIG15/00351 PIG15/00352 PIG15/00353 PIG15/00354 PIG15/00355 PIG15/00356 PIG15/00357 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to Travelling Allowance (1997 - 2009) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Ministerial Salaries Salary - Feb 2004 to Dec 2009 - Remuneration Tribunal Determinations on Additional Salaries PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Entitlements Advice Commonwealth Parliament Offices, January 1998 to October 2003 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Former Prime Ministers - May 2000 to June 2009 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Travel Insurance and Volunteer Insurance PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Private Plated Vehicles For Senators & Members 2009 - 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Charter (Documentation from 1999-2009) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Review of Entitlements (1997-2009) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Review of Entitlements (1997-2009) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Review of Entitlements (1997-2009) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Review of Entitlements (1997-2009) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - PPVs (NonStandard Vehicles) (1997-2007) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Mobile Phones PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to Family Travel (June 1997 - Feb 2007) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to Overseas Travel (May 1997 - Oct 2009) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - IT - Residential (2000 - 2007) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements Relating to Electorate Office Facilities for Senators and Members PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements Relating to Electorate Office Facilities for Senators & Members - 2009 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements Relating to Electorate Office Facilities for Senators and Members - 2002 to 2005 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements Relating to Electorate Office Facilities for Senators and Members - 1997 to 2001 29 PIG15/00358 PIG15/00359-01 PIG15/00359-02 PIG15/00359-03 PIG15/00359-04 PIG15/00359-05 PIG15/00360-01 PIG15/00360-02 PIG15/00360-03 PIG15/00360-04 PIG15/00360-05 PIG15/00360-06 PIG15/00366 PIG15/00388 PIG15/00733 PIG15/00765 PIG15/00766 PIG15/00767 PIG15/00768 PIG15/00769 PIG15/00770 PIG15/00771 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Frequent Flyer Points - 1997 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Printing and Communications - 1997 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Printing and Communications - 1997 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Printing and Communications - 1997 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Printing and Communications - 1997 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Printing and Communications - 1997 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to MOP(S) Act Employees - 1997 to 2009 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to MOP(S) Act Employees - 1997 to 2009 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to MOP(S) Act Employees - 1997 to 2009 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to MOP(S) Act Employees - 1997 to 2009 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to MOP(S) Act Employees - 1997 to 2009 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Entitlements relating to MOP(S) Act Employees - 1997 to 2009 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Meetings - WHS Executive Oversight Meetings from June 2015 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - 2015-2016 Budget Implementation - Parliamentarians' Injury Compensation Scheme PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - 2016 Professional Development Program (PDP) PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Misuse of Parliamentary Entitlements - 19 June 1997 to 12 May 2009 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Former Prime Ministers - 1997 to 2010 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Salary and Life Gold Pass - 2000-2009 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Family Reunion Travel Entitlements for Breast Feeding Senators and Members PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Car Transport PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Travelling Allowance PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Handbook Amendments - 2015 30 PIG15/00772 RMS15/06645-01 RMS15/06645-02 RMS15/06645-03 RMS15/06645-04 RMS15/06821 RMS15/07036 RMS15/07037 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Private Plated Vehicles FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - COMCAR December EOM Journals 14/15 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - COMCAR December EOM Journals 14/15 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - COMCAR December EOM Journals 14/15 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - COMCAR December EOM Journals 14/15 PARLIAMENTARY ENTITLEMENTS - Policy - Private Vehicle Allowance 1985 - 2006 GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Policy - Australian Political Parties for Democracy Programme (APPDP) - 17 May 2006 to 8 May 2009 - Misc Filing GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Policy - Grants-in-Aid Program - June 1997 and June 2009 - Misc Filing 31 COMMERCIAL AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES Record Number RMS15/09595 RMS15/09778 RMS15/09819 RMS15/09820 RMS15/01391-02 RMS15/02509-02 RMS15/02510-02 RMS15/03577-04 RMS15/03577-05 RMS15/03577-06 RMS15/03577-07 RMS15/03577-08 RMS15/03577-09 RMS15/04261-02 RMS15/04261-03 RMS15/04261-04 RMS15/04261-05 RMS15/04261-06 Title OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice ASC Strategic Review - Advisors OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Industry Advisor - *** *** OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice AWD Reform - Long Term Arrangements - Commonwealth SEA 4000 Phase 3 Budgets OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice AWD Reform - Long Term Arrangements - Alliance CCR and Budgets ASSET SALES - Scoping Study - Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registry - Business Adviser Greenhill & Co Australia Pty Ltd - Contract ASSET SALES - Scoping Study - Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registry - Business Adviser Greenhill & Co Australia Pty Ltd - Contract ASSET SALES - Appointment of Advisers - Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registry Project - Accounting Adviser Appointment ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Legal and Regulatory Committee - Meetings ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Legal and Regulatory Committee - Meetings ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Legal and Regulatory Committee - Meetings ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Legal and Regulatory Committee - Meetings ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Legal and Regulatory Committee - Meetings ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Legal and Regulatory Committee - Meetings ASSET SALES - Committees - ASIC Registry Project - Tender Process and Separation Committee ASSET SALES - Committees - ASIC Registry Project - Tender Process and Separation Committee ASSET SALES - Committees - ASIC Registry Project - Tender Process and Separation Committee ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project Tender Process and Separation Committee ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project Tender Process and Separation Committee 32 RMS15/05486-02 RMS15/05488-02 RMS15/05499-02 RMS15/05500-02 RMS15/05500-03 RMS15/05502-02 RMS15/05502-03 RMS15/05502-04 RMS15/05502-05 RMS15/05803-02 RMS15/05803-03 RMS15/05803-04 RMS15/05803-05 RMS15/06213 RMS15/06215 RMS15/06216 RMS15/06522-01 ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Due Diligence Planning Memorandum ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Legal and Regulatory Committee Stakeholder Engagement ASSET SALES - Appointment of Advisers - Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registry Project - IT Adviser Appointment ASSET SALES - Appointment of Advisers - Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registry Project - Industry Adviser Appointment ASSET SALES - Appointment of Advisers - Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registry Project - Industry Adviser Appointment ASSET SALES - Committees - ASIC Registry Project Steering Committee Papers ASSET SALES - Committees - ASIC Registry Project Steering Committee Papers ASSET SALES - Committees - ASIC Registry Project Steering Committee Papers ASSET SALES - Committees - ASIC Registry Project Steering Committee Papers ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - ASIC Registry Project - Process and Probity Plan and Related matters ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - ASIC Registry Project - Process and Probity Plan and Related matters ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - ASIC Registry Project - Process and Probity Plan and Related matters ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - ASIC Registry Project - Process and Probity Plan and Related matters ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - ASIC Registry Project - Media Enquiries ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - ASIC Registry Project - Stakeholder Engagement Plan ASSET SALES - Meetings - ASIC Registry Project - Adviser Kick-off and Planning Meetings ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Due Diligence Planning Memorandum Information Collection Process - Government Entities Requests 33 RMS15/06522-02 RMS15/06522-03 RMS15/06675 RMS15/06676 RMS15/06699 RMS15/06844 RMS15/07450 RMS15/07485-01 RMS15/07485-02 RMS15/07485-03 RMS15/07487-01 RMS15/07487-02 ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Due Diligence Planning Memorandum Information Collection Process - Government Entities Requests ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Due Diligence Planning Memorandum Information Collection Process - Government Entities Requests ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - ASIC Registry Project - Australian National Audit Office Recommendations ASSET SALES - Finance Management - Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registry Project Business Adviser - Phase 2 Financial Management ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process - Legal and Regulatory Committee Communications With Stakeholders FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Reviewing - Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registry Project - Legal Adviser - Ashurst Australia - Invoices LEGAL SERVICES - Advice - Freedom of Information Request - FOI15/85 - Ben Butler - Scoping study for the potential sale of the ASIC registry conducted by Greenhill & Co. ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Asset Sales Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process Due Diligence Planning Memorandum - Information Collection Process - Government Entities - Verification ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Asset Sales Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process Due Diligence Planning Memorandum - Information Collection Process - Government Entities - Verification ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Asset Sales Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process Due Diligence Planning Memorandum - Information Collection Process - Government Entities - Verification ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Asset Sales Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process Due Diligence Planning Memorandum - Information Collection Process - Government Entities - Responses ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Asset Sales Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process Due Diligence Planning Memorandum - Information Collection Process - Government Entities - Responses 34 RMS15/07487-03 RMS15/07865-01 RMS15/07865-02 RMS15/07866 RMS15/07867 RMS15/07868-01 RMS15/07868-02 RMS15/07868-03 RMS15/07868-04 RMS15/07868-05 RMS15/07868-06 RMS15/07868-07 RMS15/07868-08 RMS15/08132 RMS15/08291 RMS15/08331 ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Asset Sales Scoping Study Implementation - Competitive Tender Process Due Diligence Planning Memorandum - Information Collection Process - Government Entities - Responses ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project Expression of Interest Material ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project Expression of Interest Material ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - ASIC Registry Project - Competitive Tender Process - Expression of Interest - Verification ASSET SALES - Sale Implementation - ASIC Registry Project Constitutional Legal Advice ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - Asset Sales - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project - Registration of Interest Responses ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - Asset Sales - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project - Registration of Interest Responses ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - Asset Sales - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project - Registration of Interest Responses ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - Asset Sales - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project - Registration of Interest Responses ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - Asset Sales - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project - Registration of Interest Responses ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - Asset Sales - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project - Registration of Interest Responses ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - Asset Sales - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project - Registration of Interest Responses ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - Asset Sales - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project - Registration of Interest Responses ASSET SALES - Appointment of Advisers - Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registry Project - Industry Adviser - Contract ASSET SALES - Sale Preparation - ASIC Registry Project Master Services Agreement and Term Sheet LEGAL SERVICES - Advice - Freedom of Information Request - FOI15/105 - Pat CONROY MP 35 RMS15/06072 RMS15/06073 RMS15/09226-01 RMS15/09226-02 RMS15/09226-03 RMS15/09226-04 RMS15/09230 RMS07/04327-03 RMS07/04768-02 RMS07/05321-02 RMS07/05722-02 RMS07/05905-03 RMS07/10401-03 RMS07/10401-04 RMS08/01204-02 RMS08/01204-03 RMS08/01205-02 RMS08/01205-03 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice AWD Reform - Long Term Arrangements - Request for Proposal Documents and Addendum OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice AWD Reform - Long Term Arrangements - Evaluation Process Documents OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice ASC Quarterly Reports and Annual Report 2014-2015 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice ASC Quarterly Reports and Annual Report 2014-2015 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice ASC Quarterly Reports and Annual Report 2014-2015 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice ASC Quarterly Reports and Annual Report 2014-2015 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice ASC Strategic Review - Invoices COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Veterans Affairs - 2006/SUP/02995 - CC100339 - 03/05/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 2006/SUP/02965 CC100405 - 10/05/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 2006/SUP/03057 - CC100850 - 01/06/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 2006/SUP/02916 - CC100938 - 07/06/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 2006/SUP/03240 - CC100938 - 20/06/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Citizenship - CC100310 - 21/09/2002 - 2006 GL - 02690 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Citizenship - CC100310 - 21/09/2002 - 2006 GL - 02690 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 2007/D&O/00271 - CC100551 24/07/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 2007/D&O/00271 - CC100551 24/07/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 2007/D&O/00270 - CC100551 24/07/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 2007/D&O/00270 - CC100551 24/07/2007 36 RMS08/01206-03 RMS08/01206-04 RMS08/01206-05 RMS08/03500-13 RMS08/03500-14 RMS08/03798-02 RMS08/06554-11 RMS08/06554-12 RMS08/06554-13 RMS08/06554-14 RMS08/11925-02 RMS09/00426-23 RMS09/04736-09 RMS09/06707-08 RMS09/08540-10 RMS09/11286-14 RMS09/11286-15 RMS09/12403-05 RMS09/12403-06 RMS09/12842-08 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 2007/D&O/00269 - CC100551 24/07/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 2007/D&O/00269 - CC100551 24/07/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 2007/D&O/00269 - CC100551 24/07/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - CC100515 - 23/09/2006 - 2007 - GL - 02281 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - CC100515 - 23/09/2006 - 2007 - GL - 02281 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 2007/SUP02414 - 14/03/2008 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 2006/GL/00371 - CC100850 - 01/08/2003 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 2006/GL/00371 - CC100850 - 01/08/2003 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 2006/GL/00371 - CC100850 - 01/08/2003 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 2006/GL/00371 - CC100850 - 01/08/2003 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs and Border Protection Services - 2008/MVC/00945 CC100290 - 12/10/2008 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Civil Aviation Safety Authority - CC100245 - 14/09/06 - 2006 - PI - 00731 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 40538 - CC100310 21/07/2005 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 40879 - CC100850 - 10/05/2006 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 41164 - CC100310 01/10/2003 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 41678 - CC100747 - 21/08/2009 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 41678 - CC100747 - 21/08/2009 FINANCIAL REDRESS - Defective Administration Department of Finance - 41882 - CC100938 - 02/10/2009 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 41882 - CC100938 - 02/10/2009 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 42021 - CC100515 - 04/09/2006 37 RMS09/12842-09 RMS09/12843-10 RMS09/12843-11 RMS11/01104-11 RMS11/02852-02 RMS11/04757-09 RMS11/04827-12 RMS11/04827-13 RMS11/04869-04 RMS11/06664-02 RMS11/09080-06 RMS12/01428-02 RMS12/03535-04 RMS12/03535-05 RMS12/06628-08 RMS12/06628-09 RMS12/06886-02 RMS12/06886-03 RMS12/06886-04 RMS12/07497-02 RMS12/07592-08 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 42021 - CC100515 - 04/09/2006 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 42022 - CC100515 - 10/10/2006 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 42022 - CC100515 - 10/10/2006 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 45940 - CC100515 - 07/05/2006 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Capital Authority - 45527 - CC100399 - 25/11/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Citizenship - 47194 - CC100310 - 02/10/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 47215 - CC100850 - 02/05/2008 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 47215 - CC100850 - 02/05/2008 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Centrelink - 47257 - CC100471 - 15/06/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 47690 - CC100850 - 01/03/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 48461 - CC100938 - 11/11/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 49159 - 22/02/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 49965 - CC100310 15/12/2003 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 49965 - CC100310 15/12/2003 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 51004 - CC100310 20/07/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 51004 - CC100310 20/07/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 51114 - CC100850 - 07/11/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 51114 - CC100850 - 07/11/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 51114 - CC100850 - 07/11/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 51345 - CC100850 - 10/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 51360 - CC100515 - 05/06/2012 38 RMS12/07592-09 RMS12/08303-07 RMS12/08815-02 RMS12/09752-08 RMS13/00794-03 RMS13/01290-05 RMS13/01290-06 RMS13/02038-02 RMS13/02435-24 RMS13/02435-25 RMS13/02435-26 RMS13/02435-27 RMS13/02435-28 RMS13/03295-06 RMS13/03295-07 RMS13/03295-08 RMS13/03296-38 RMS13/04254-05 RMS13/04274-02 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 51360 - CC100515 - 05/06/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 51644 - CC100310 01/09/2000 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 51840 - CC100324 - 18/10/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 52220 - CC100515 - 28/11/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Electoral Commission - 52427 - CC100411 - 26/01/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 52618 - CC100515 - 29/11/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 52618 - CC100515 - 29/11/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 52862 - CC100850 - 21/03/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 52937 - CC100747 - 01/08/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 52937 - CC100747 - 01/08/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 52937 - CC100747 - 01/08/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 52937 - CC100747 - 01/08/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 52937 - CC100747 - 01/08/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 53179 - CC100830 26/03/2009 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 53179 - CC100830 26/03/2009 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 53179 - CC100830 26/03/2009 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 53180 CC100230 - 23/02/2009 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 53439 - CC100310 05/01/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 53461 - CC100310 25/11/2005 39 RMS13/04491-02 RMS13/04603-03 RMS13/04603-04 RMS13/04814-02 RMS13/04814-03 RMS13/04879-02 RMS13/05456-04 RMS13/05456-05 RMS13/05568-23 RMS13/05568-24 RMS13/05568-25 RMS13/05568-26 RMS13/08404-02 RMS13/08404-03 RMS13/08467-04 RMS13/08467-05 RMS13/08544-02 RMS14/00665-02 RMS14/00665-03 RMS14/00665-04 RMS14/00689-05 RMS14/00820-09 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 53518 - CC100310 18/12/2000 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 53549 - CC100515 - 18/11/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 53549 - CC100515 - 18/11/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 53608 - CC100515 - 03/06/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 53608 - CC100515 - 03/06/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 53663 - CC100938 - 17/07/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 53701 - CC100850 - 27/08/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 53701 - CC100850 - 27/08/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Social Services - 53818 - CC100323 - 15/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Social Services - 53818 - CC100323 - 15/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Social Services - 53818 - CC100323 - 15/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Social Services - 53818 - CC100323 - 15/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 54865 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 54865 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 54931 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 54931 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 55011 - CC100938 - 17/12/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 55262 - CC100850 - 30/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 55262 - CC100850 - 30/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 55262 - CC100850 - 30/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 55287 - CC100310 09/03/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 55314 - CC100303 - 01/07/2004 40 RMS14/00820-10 RMS14/00968-06 RMS14/00968-07 RMS14/00968-08 RMS14/01096-06 RMS14/01096-07 RMS14/01128-05 RMS14/01492-02 RMS14/01492-03 RMS14/01533-06 RMS14/01533-07 RMS14/01828-04 RMS14/02112-15 RMS14/02127-02 RMS14/02981-04 RMS14/03003-02 RMS14/03012-05 RMS14/03422-03 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 55314 - CC100303 - 01/07/2004 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 55433 - CC100310 07/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 55433 - CC100310 07/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 55433 - CC100310 07/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 55458 - CC100310 11/08/2006 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 55458 - CC100310 11/08/2006 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Electoral Commission - 55498 - CC100411 - 19/11/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 55535 - CC100324 - 31/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 55535 - CC100324 - 31/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 55581 - CC100310 20/06/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 55581 - CC100310 20/06/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Director of National Parks - 55646 - CC100791 - 29/05/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 55691 - CC100310 23/07/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 55705 - CC100850 - 17/03/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Museum of Australia - 55827 - CC100258 - 21/03/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 55849 - 16/04/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 55858 - CC100850 - 16/12/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 55951 - CC100850 - 31/01/2014 41 RMS14/03827-09 RMS14/03881-02 RMS14/03881-03 RMS14/03910-02 RMS14/04192-05 RMS14/04192-06 RMS14/04192-07 RMS14/04564-04 RMS14/04564-05 RMS14/04564-06 RMS14/04619-11 RMS14/04619-12 RMS14/04619-13 RMS14/05095-05 RMS14/05095-06 RMS14/05132-02 RMS14/05167-02 RMS14/05169-04 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 56021 CC100230 - 28/03/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 56076 - CC100551 - 31/03/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 56076 - CC100551 - 31/03/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 56106 - CC100707 - 13/04/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Capital Authority - 56251 - CC100399 - 13/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Capital Authority - 56251 - CC100399 - 13/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Capital Authority - 56251 - CC100399 - 13/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs and Border Protection - 56293 - CC100290 08/06/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs and Border Protection - 56293 - CC100290 08/06/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs and Border Protection - 56293 - CC100290 08/06/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56350 - CC100310 17/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56350 - CC100310 17/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56350 - CC100310 17/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56465 - CC100310 20/06/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56465 - CC100310 20/06/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 56502 - 08/07/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 56537 - CC100515 - 09/11/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56539 - CC100310 03/11/2009 42 RMS14/05450-07 RMS14/05450-08 RMS14/05450-09 RMS14/05680-02 RMS14/05680-03 RMS14/05680-04 RMS14/05680-05 RMS14/05695-05 RMS14/05760-03 RMS14/05767-05 RMS14/06244-05 RMS14/06285-11 RMS14/06285-12 RMS14/06285-13 RMS14/06296-10 RMS14/06296-11 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56632 - CC100310 01/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56632 - CC100310 01/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56632 - CC100310 01/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56669 - CC100310 29/06/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56669 - CC100310 29/06/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56669 - CC100310 29/06/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56669 - CC100310 29/06/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56685 - CC100310 21/07/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 56750 - CC100515 - 21/07/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56757 - CC100310 06/05/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 56831 - CC100515 - 06/05/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56873 - CC100310 01/05/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56873 - CC100310 01/05/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56873 - CC100310 01/05/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 43 RMS14/06296-12 RMS14/06296-13 RMS14/06296-14 RMS14/06296-15 RMS14/06296-16 RMS14/06296-17 RMS14/06296-18 RMS14/06296-19 RMS14/06296-20 RMS14/06315-04 RMS14/06893-02 RMS14/06914-02 RMS14/07092-02 RMS14/07519-07 RMS14/07519-08 RMS14/07949-03 RMS14/07949-04 RMS14/07966-03 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 56884 - CC100310 16/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 56899 - CC100850 - 02/09/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 57056 - CC100551 - 12/09/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 57077 - CC100850 - 01/05/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 57159 - CC100850 - 19/02/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 57350 - CC100938 - 02/07/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 57350 - CC100938 - 02/07/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 57494 - CC100515 - 18/09/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 57494 - CC100515 - 18/09/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 57511 - CC100405 - 11/11/2014 44 RMS14/07966-04 RMS14/07967-02 RMS14/07967-03 RMS14/07975-05 RMS14/07975-06 RMS14/07975-07 RMS14/07975-08 RMS14/07975-09 RMS14/08242-02 RMS14/08295-02 RMS14/08464-15 RMS14/08464-16 RMS14/08471-05 RMS14/08471-06 RMS14/08471-07 RMS14/08471-08 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 57511 - CC100405 - 11/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 57512 - CC100850 - 16/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 57512 - CC100850 - 16/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 57520 - CC100310 16/09/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 57520 - CC100310 16/09/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 57520 - CC100310 16/09/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 57520 - CC100310 16/09/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 57520 - CC100310 16/09/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 58622 - CC100850 - 17/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 58675 - CC100324 - 01/11/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 58711 - CC100310 26/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 58711 - CC100310 26/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 58718 CC100230 - 29/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 58718 CC100230 - 29/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 58718 CC100230 - 29/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 58718 CC100230 - 29/10/2014 45 RMS14/08707-06 RMS14/08713-02 RMS14/08713-03 RMS14/08742-14 RMS14/08742-15 RMS14/08742-16 RMS14/08742-17 RMS14/08742-18 RMS14/08742-19 RMS14/08742-20 RMS14/08742-21 RMS14/08742-22 RMS15/00134-02 RMS15/00913-02 RMS15/00925-02 RMS15/00949-06 RMS15/00949-07 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59810 - CC100310 17/04/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 59816 - CC100850 - 27/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 59816 - CC100850 - 27/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59845 - CC100310 30/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59845 - CC100310 30/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59845 - CC100310 30/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59845 - CC100310 30/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59845 - CC100310 30/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59845 - CC100310 30/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59845 - CC100310 30/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59845 - CC100310 30/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 59845 - CC100310 30/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 59864 - CC100405 - 02/02/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Indigenous Business Australia - 61062 - CC100138 - 27/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 62068 - CC100303 - 23/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Defence Housing Australia - 62092 - CC100850 - 26/03/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Defence Housing Australia - 62092 - CC100850 - 26/03/2013 46 RMS15/00973-04 RMS15/00973-05 RMS15/01304-05 RMS15/01349-02 RMS15/01352-05 RMS15/01474-03 RMS15/01474-04 RMS15/01474-05 RMS15/01474-06 RMS15/01503-03 RMS15/01590-02 RMS15/01845-02 RMS15/02102-02 RMS15/02102-03 RMS15/02119-02 RMS15/02204-02 RMS15/02204-03 RMS15/02207-02 RMS15/02207-03 RMS15/02320-02 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 62117 - CC100515 - 15/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 62117 - CC100515 - 15/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 62183 - CC100310 31/07/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 62228 - CC100324 - 01/01/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 62231 - CC100751 - 13/03/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 62274 - CC100310 24/02/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 62274 - CC100310 24/02/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 62274 - CC100310 24/02/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 62274 - CC100310 24/02/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 62303 - CC100830 24/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Gallery of Australia - 62330 - CC100194 - 14/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 62405 - CC100850 - 21/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 62480 - CC100747 - 06/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 62480 - CC100747 - 06/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 62497 - CC100324 - 16/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 62533 - CC100324 - 10/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 62533 - CC100324 - 10/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 62536 - CC100515 - 14/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 62536 - CC100515 - 14/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Fair Work Commission - 62603 - CC100295 - 27/11/2014 47 RMS15/02336-02 RMS15/02339-04 RMS15/02339-05 RMS15/02339-06 RMS15/02804-02 RMS15/02817-02 RMS15/03596-02 RMS15/03597-03 RMS15/03597-04 RMS15/03718-02 RMS15/03718-03 RMS15/03719-02 RMS15/05503-02 RMS15/05503-03 RMS15/05702-02 RMS15/05702-03 RMS15/05706-02 RMS15/05713-02 RMS15/05713-03 RMS15/05996-02 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 62619 - CC100405 - 03/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 62622 - CC100310 01/04/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 62622 - CC100310 01/04/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 62622 - CC100310 01/04/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry and Science - 62811 - CC100443 - 01/07/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 62824 - CC100515 - 19/06/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 62849 - CC100283 - 01/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - IP Australia 62850 - CC100544 - 09/11/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - IP Australia 62850 - CC100544 - 09/11/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 62972 - CC100850 - 12/06/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 62972 - CC100850 - 12/06/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Financial Security Authority - 62973 - CC100866 - 01/04/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 62988 - CC100651 26/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 62988 - CC100651 26/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63119 - CC100303 - 29/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63119 - CC100303 - 29/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63123 - CC100515 - 22/03/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63130 - CC100850 - 16/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63130 - CC100850 - 16/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63207 - CC100850 - 01/06/2015 48 RMS15/05996-03 RMS15/06003-02 RMS15/06003-03 RMS15/06003-04 RMS15/06006-02 RMS15/06006-03 RMS15/06032-02 RMS15/06111 RMS15/06112 RMS15/06113 RMS15/06114 RMS15/06115 RMS15/06116 RMS15/06117 RMS15/06118 RMS15/06119 RMS15/06120 RMS15/06121 RMS15/06122 RMS15/06123 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63207 - CC100850 - 01/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63214 - CC100303 - 21/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63214 - CC100303 - 21/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63214 - CC100303 - 21/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63217 - CC100303 - 19/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63217 - CC100303 - 19/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63243 CC100230 - 22/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 52261 - CC100938 - 21/12/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - 63251 - CC100335 - 28/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Northern Land Council - 63254 - CC100951 - 01/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs and Border Protection Service - 63255 - CC100290 23/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 63256 - CC100747 - 19/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 63257 - CC100707 - 04/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - 63258 - CC100335 - 12/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 63259 - CC100631 - 15/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 63260 - CC100651 05/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 63261 - CC100651 21/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 63262 - CC100651 29/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63263 - CC100802 - 12/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63264 - CC100850 - 12/06/2015 49 RMS15/06124 RMS15/06125 RMS15/06126 RMS15/06127 RMS15/06128 RMS15/06129 RMS15/06130 RMS15/06131 RMS15/06132 RMS15/06133 RMS15/06134 RMS15/06135 RMS15/06136 RMS15/06137 RMS15/06138 RMS15/06139 RMS15/06140 RMS15/06141 RMS15/06142 RMS15/06143 RMS15/06144 RMS15/06145 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63265 - CC100551 - 04/09/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63266 - CC100283 - 01/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63267 - CC100283 - 01/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63268 - CC100283 - 01/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63269 - CC100283 - 01/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63270 - CC100283 - 01/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63271 - CC100850 - 22/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63272 - CC100850 - 10/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63273 CC100230 - 25/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63274 - CC100850 - 18/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63275 - CC100850 - 17/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63276 - CC100850 - 09/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63277 - CC100850 - 19/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63278 - CC100850 - 23/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63279 - CC100551 - 04/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63280 - CC100850 - 01/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63281 - CC100850 - 29/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63282 - CC100850 - 17/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63283 - CC100551 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63284 CC100230 - 25/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63285 - CC100850 - 25/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63286 - CC100324 - 15/04/2015 50 RMS15/06146 RMS15/06147 RMS15/06148 RMS15/06149 RMS15/06150 RMS15/06151 RMS15/06152 RMS15/06153 RMS15/06154 RMS15/06155 RMS15/06156 RMS15/06157 RMS15/06158 RMS15/06159 RMS15/06160 RMS15/06161 RMS15/06162 RMS15/06163 RMS15/06164 RMS15/06165 RMS15/06166 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 63287 - CC100631 - 14/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs and Border Protection Service - 63288 - CC100290 29/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Anindilyakwa Land Council - 63289 - CC100956 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Anindilyakwa Land Council - 63290 - CC100956 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63291 - CC100515 - 08/12/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63292 CC100230 - 15/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63293 - CC100303 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63294 - CC100850 - 18/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63295 - 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs and Border Protection Service - 63296 - CC100290 28/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63297 - CC100850 - 22/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63298 - CC100850 - 30/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63299 - CC100850 - 12/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63300 - CC100850 - 23/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63301 - CC100850 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63302 - CC100850 - 08/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Civil Aviation Safety Authority - 63303 - CC100245 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 63304 - CC100405 - 19/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 63305 - CC100751 - 31/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63306 - CC100324 - 11/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63307 - CC100324 - 31/01/2015 51 RMS15/06167 RMS15/06168 RMS15/06169 RMS15/06170 RMS15/06171 RMS15/06172 RMS15/06173 RMS15/06174 RMS15/06370-01 RMS15/06370-02 RMS15/06370-03 RMS15/06370-04 RMS15/06371 RMS15/06372 RMS15/06373 RMS15/06374 RMS15/06375 RMS15/06376 RMS15/06377 RMS15/06378 RMS15/06379 RMS15/06380 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63308 - CC100515 - 06/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63309 - CC100802 - 23/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63310 - CC100802 - 16/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63311 - CC100850 - 23/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63312 - CC100850 - 26/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 63313 - CC100146 - 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 63314 - CC100707 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63315 - CC100850 - 25/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Geoscience Australia - 63316 - CC100567 - 17/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Geoscience Australia - 63316 - CC100567 - 17/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Geoscience Australia - 63316 - CC100567 - 17/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Geoscience Australia - 63316 - CC100567 - 17/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63317 - CC100850 - 23/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63318 - CC100850 - 23/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63319 - CC100850 - 30/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63320 - CC100850 - 08/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63321 - CC100850 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63322 - CC100850 - 27/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63323 - CC100850 - 24/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63324 - CC100850 - 22/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63325 - CC100850 - 15/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63326 - CC100551 - 06/06/2015 52 RMS15/06381 RMS15/06382 RMS15/06383 RMS15/06384 RMS15/06385 RMS15/06386 RMS15/06387 RMS15/06388 RMS15/06390 RMS15/06391 RMS15/06392 RMS15/06393 RMS15/06394 RMS15/06395 RMS15/06396 RMS15/06397 RMS15/06398 RMS15/06399 RMS15/06400 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63327 CC100230 - 20/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63328 CC100230 - 12/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63329 - CC100551 - 07/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 63330 - CC100405 - 16/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63331 - CC100310 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63332 - CC100310 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Office of National Assessments - 63333 - CC100355 - 17/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63334 - CC100310 28/12/2000 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Northern Land Council - 63336 - CC100951 - 19/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63337 CC100230 - 26/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63338 - CC100310 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 63340 - CC100751 - 17/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Civil Aviation Safety Authority - 63341 - CC100245 - 22/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of DeC - 63342 - CC100850 - 01/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63343 - CC100850 - 05/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63344 - CC100850 - 24/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63345 - CC100850 - 13/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63346 - CC100850 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63347 - CC100850 - 28/05/2015 53 RMS15/06401 RMS15/06402 RMS15/06403 RMS15/06404 RMS15/06405 RMS15/06406 RMS15/06407 RMS15/06408 RMS15/06409 RMS15/06410 RMS15/06411 RMS15/06412 RMS15/06413 RMS15/06414 RMS15/06415 RMS15/06416 RMS15/06417 RMS15/06418 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63348 - CC100802 - 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63349 CC100230 - 02/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63350 - CC100283 - 01/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63351 CC100230 - 02/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63352 - CC100283 - 01/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63353 CC100230 - 02/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63354 - CC100850 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63355 - CC100850 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63356 - CC100850 - 17/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63357 - CC100324 - 21/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63358 - CC100324 - 09/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63359 - CC100324 - 01/07/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry and Science - 63360 - CC100443 - 01/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63361 - CC100310 02/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63362 - CC100310 25/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63363 - CC100310 27/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63364 - CC100310 08/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63365 - CC100310 08/07/2015 54 RMS15/06419 RMS15/06420 RMS15/06421 RMS15/06422 RMS15/06423 RMS15/06424 RMS15/06425 RMS15/06426 RMS15/06427 RMS15/06428 RMS15/06429 RMS15/06430 RMS15/06431 RMS15/06432 RMS15/06433 RMS15/06434 RMS15/06435 RMS15/06859 RMS15/06860 RMS15/06861-01 RMS15/06861-02 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63366 - CC100310 01/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63367 - CC100310 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust - 63368 - CC100918 - 21/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63369 - CC100850 - 30/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63370 - CC100850 - 26/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63371 - CC100850 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63372 - CC100850 - 20/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63373 - CC100850 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63374 - CC100850 - 26/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63375 - CC100850 - 30/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63376 - CC100850 - 23/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63377 - CC100850 - 15/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63378 - CC100850 - 02/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63379 - CC100850 - 30/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63380 CC100230 - 23/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63381 - CC100802 - 17/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63382 CC100230 - 07/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63383 - CC100324 - 19/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Central Land Council - 63385 - CC100948 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63386 - CC100850 - 13/04/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63386 - CC100850 - 13/04/2007 55 RMS15/06863 RMS15/06864 RMS15/06865 RMS15/06866 RMS15/06867 RMS15/06868 RMS15/06869 RMS15/06870 RMS15/06871 RMS15/06872 RMS15/06873 RMS15/06874 RMS15/06875 RMS15/06876 RMS15/06877 RMS15/06878 RMS15/06879 RMS15/06880 RMS15/06881 RMS15/06882 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63388 CC100230 - 15/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63390 - CC100551 - 25/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63391 - CC100551 - 22/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 63392 - CC100157 - 29/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63393 - CC100850 - 11/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63394 - CC100850 - 16/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63395 - CC100850 - 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63396 - CC100850 - 10/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63397 - CC100850 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63398 - CC100310 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63399 - CC100850 - 25/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 63400 - CC100157 - 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63401 CC100230 - 27/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Civil Aviation Safety Authority - 63402 - CC100245 - 16/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63403 - CC100310 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63404 - CC100324 - 30/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63405 - CC100551 - 27/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63406 - 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63407 - CC100850 - 21/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63408 - CC100515 - 09/02/2014 56 RMS15/06883 RMS15/06884 RMS15/06885 RMS15/06886 RMS15/06887 RMS15/06888 RMS15/06889 RMS15/06890 RMS15/06891 RMS15/06892 RMS15/06893 RMS15/06894 RMS15/06895 RMS15/06896 RMS15/06897 RMS15/06898 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63409 CC100230 - 03/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Director of National Parks - 63410 - CC100791 - 05/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63411 CC100230 - 03/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63412 CC100230 - 25/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63413 CC100230 - 03/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63431 - CC100310 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63415 - CC100310 05/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63416 - CC100310 03/09/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63417 - CC100310 05/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63418 - CC100310 23/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63419 - CC100310 05/06/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63420 - CC100310 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 63421 - CC100405 - 13/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63422 CC100230 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63423 - CC100850 - 01/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63424 - CC100850 - 14/07/2015 57 RMS15/06899 RMS15/06900 RMS15/06901 RMS15/06902 RMS15/06903 RMS15/06904 RMS15/06905 RMS15/06906 RMS15/06907 RMS15/06908 RMS15/06909 RMS15/06911 RMS15/06912 RMS15/06913 RMS15/06914 RMS15/06915 RMS15/06917 RMS15/06918 RMS15/06919 RMS15/06920 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63425 - CC100850 - 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63426 - CC100850 - 13/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63427 - CC100850 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63428 - CC100850 - 13/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63429 - CC100850 - 23/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63430 - CC100850 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63432 - CC100850 - 18/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Royal Australian Mint - 63433 - CC100218 - 26/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63434 - CC100310 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63435 - CC100283 - 17/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63736 - CC100850 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63438 - CC100551 - 01/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63439 - CC100551 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63440 - CC100310 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63441 - CC100850 - 04/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 63442 - CC100747 - 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 63444 - CC100154 26/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63445 - CC100850 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63446 CC100230 - 02/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63447 - CC100850 - 15/07/2015 58 RMS15/06921 RMS15/06922 RMS15/06923 RMS15/06924 RMS15/06925 RMS15/06926 RMS15/06927 RMS15/06928 RMS15/06929 RMS15/06930 RMS15/06931 RMS15/06932 RMS15/06933 RMS15/06934 RMS15/06935 RMS15/06936 RMS15/06937 RMS15/06938 RMS15/06939 RMS15/06940 RMS15/06941 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 63448 - CC100154 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63449 - CC100850 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63450 - CC100551 - 08/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63451 - CC100850 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63452 CC100230 - 02/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63453 - CC100850 - 09/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63454 - CC100850 - 29/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63455 - CC100850 - 17/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63456 - CC100850 - 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63457 - CC100850 - 09/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63458 - CC100850 - 17/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63459 - CC100850 - 16/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63460 - CC100850 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63461 - CC100850 - 11/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63462 - CC100802 - 29/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63463 - CC100802 - 19/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63464 - CC100802 - 18/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 63465 - CC100146 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Northern Land Council - 63466 - CC100951 - 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63467 - CC100310 01/09/2000 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63468 - CC100310 01/11/1991 59 RMS15/06942 RMS15/06943 RMS15/06944 RMS15/06945 RMS15/06946 RMS15/06947 RMS15/06948 RMS15/06949 RMS15/06950 RMS15/06951 RMS15/06952 RMS15/06953 RMS15/06954 RMS15/06955 RMS15/06956 RMS15/06957 RMS15/06958 RMS15/06959 RMS15/06960 RMS15/06961 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63469 - CC100310 01/04/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63472 - CC100850 - 17/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63475 - CC100850 - 17/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Bureau of Meteorology - 63476 - CC100327 - 18/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63477 - CC100515 - 13/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63478 - CC100310 19/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63479 - CC100515 - 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 63480 - CC100154 22/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63481 - CC100310 18/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63482 - CC100310 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63483 - CC100310 10/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63484 - 22/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63485 - 22/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63486 - CC100303 - 01/06/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63487 - CC100850 - 17/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 63488 - CC100157 - 11/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63489 - CC100324 - 04/07/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63490 - CC100850 - 04/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63491 - CC100324 - 01/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63492 - CC100850 - 15/07/2015 60 RMS15/06962 RMS15/06963 RMS15/06964 RMS15/06965 RMS15/06966 RMS15/06967 RMS15/06968 RMS15/06969 RMS15/06970 RMS15/06971 RMS15/06972 RMS15/06973 RMS15/06974 RMS15/06975 RMS15/06976 RMS15/06977 RMS15/06978 RMS15/06979 RMS15/06980 RMS15/06981 RMS15/06982 RMS15/06983 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63493 - CC100850 - 27/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63494 - CC100850 - 16/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63495 - CC100850 - 12/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63496 - CC100850 - 27/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63497 - CC100850 - 02/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63498 - CC100850 - 18/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63499 - CC100850 - 07/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63500 - CC100850 - 21/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63501 - CC100515 - 05/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63502 - CC100515 - 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust - 63503 - CC100918 - 20/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency - 63504 - CC100641 12/06/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63505 - CC100310 06/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63506 - CC100850 - 21/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63507 - CC100850 - 10/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63508 - CC100850 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63509 - CC100850 - 25/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63510 - CC100850 - 01/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63511 - CC100850 - 09/09/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63512 - CC100850 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63513 - CC100850 - 21/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63514 - CC100850 - 02/07/2015 61 RMS15/06984 RMS15/06985 RMS15/06986 RMS15/06987 RMS15/06996 RMS15/06997-01 RMS15/06997-02 RMS15/06998 RMS15/06999 RMS15/07000 RMS15/07001 RMS15/07002 RMS15/07003 RMS15/07004 RMS15/07005 RMS15/07006 RMS15/07007 RMS15/07008 RMS15/07009 RMS15/07010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63515 - CC100850 - 21/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63516 - CC100850 - 18/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63517 - CC100850 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation - 63518 CC100230 - 21/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63802 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian National Maritime Museum - 63528 - CC100539 - 30/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian National Maritime Museum - 63528 - CC100539 - 30/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade - 63529 - CC100551 - 01/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade - 63530 - CC100551 - 22/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs & Border Protection Service - 63531 - CC100290 06/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63532 - CC100303 - 21/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 63533 - CC100303 - 21/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Health - 63534 - CC100499 - 18/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63535 - CC100310 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63536 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Civil Aviation Safety Authority - 63537 - CC100245 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Bureau of Meteorology - 63538 - CC100327 - 18/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs & Border Protection Service - 63539 - CC100290 17/10/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs & Border Protection Service - 63540 - CC100290 27/11/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs & Border Protection Service - 63541 - CC100290 06/12/2012 62 RMS15/07011 RMS15/07012 RMS15/07013 RMS15/07014 RMS15/07015 RMS15/07016 RMS15/07017 RMS15/07018 RMS15/07019 RMS15/07020 RMS15/07021 RMS15/07108 RMS15/07110 RMS15/07111 RMS15/07112 RMS15/07113 RMS15/07114 RMS15/07115 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs & Border Protection Service - 63542 - CC100290 17/12/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs & Border Protection Service - 63543 - CC100290 18/06/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Customs & Border Protection Service - 63544 - CC100290 20/12/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Dept - 63545 - CC100283 - 01/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63546 - CC100310 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63547 - CC100850 - 04/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 63548 - CC100651 20/06/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63549 - CC100850 - 18/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63550 - CC100850 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Northern Land Council - 63551 - CC100951 - 08/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 63552 - CC100146 - 22/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63872 - CC100551 - 01/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 63874 - CC100651 17/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 63875 - CC100405 - 09/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63876 - CC100310 13/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63877 - CC100310 25/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63878 - CC100551 - 20/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63879 - CC100310 10/08/2015 63 RMS15/07116-01 RMS15/07116-02 RMS15/07117 RMS15/07118 RMS15/07119 RMS15/07121 RMS15/07122 RMS15/07123 RMS15/07124 RMS15/07125 RMS15/07126 RMS15/07127 RMS15/07128 RMS15/07129 RMS15/07130 RMS15/07131 RMS15/07132 RMS15/07133 RMS15/07134 RMS15/07135 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Electoral Commission - 63880 - CC100411 - 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Electoral Commission - 63880 - CC100411 - 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63881 - CC100310 16/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Army and Air Force Canteen Service - 63882 - CC100125 - 17/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Army and Air Force Canteen Service - 63883 - CC100125 - 03/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63885 - CC100310 23/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63886 - CC100310 23/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63887 - CC100310 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63856 - CC100850 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63857 CC100230 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63858 - CC100850 - 23/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63859 - CC100850 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63860 - CC100850 - 16/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63861 - CC100850 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63862 - CC100850 - 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63863 - CC100850 - 31/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63864 - CC100850 - 25/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63865 - CC100850 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63866 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63867 - CC100850 - 25/08/2015 64 RMS15/07136 RMS15/07137 RMS15/07138 RMS15/07139 RMS15/07140 RMS15/07141 RMS15/07142 RMS15/07143 RMS15/07144 RMS15/07145 RMS15/07146 RMS15/07147 RMS15/07148 RMS15/07149 RMS15/07150 RMS15/07151 RMS15/07152 RMS15/07153 RMS15/07154 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63868 - CC100515 - 23/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63869 - CC100802 - 29/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Director of National Parks - 63870 - CC100791 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63871 - CC100551 - 01/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63844 - CC100310 10/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 63845 - CC100405 - 13/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63846 - CC100850 - 20/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63847 - CC100310 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63848 - 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63849 - 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63850 - 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63851 CC100230 - 23/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63852 - CC100802 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63853 CC100230 - 07/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Central Land Council - 63854 - CC100948 - 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63855 CC100230 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry and Science - 63840 - CC100443 - 23/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63841 - CC100515 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63842 - CC100310 21/08/2015 65 RMS15/07155 RMS15/07156 RMS15/07157 RMS15/07158 RMS15/07159 RMS15/07160 RMS15/07161 RMS15/07162 RMS15/07163 RMS15/07164 RMS15/07165 RMS15/07167 RMS15/07168 RMS15/07169 RMS15/07170 RMS15/07171 RMS15/07172 RMS15/07173 RMS15/07174 RMS15/07175 RMS15/07176 RMS15/07177 RMS15/07178 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63843 - CC100551 - 14/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63836 - CC100850 - 02/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63837 - CC100850 - 29/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63838 - CC100850 - 20/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63839 - CC100850 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63832 - CC100850 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63833 - CC100850 - 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63834 - CC100850 - 07/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63835 - CC100850 - 20/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63828 - CC100850 - 30/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63829 - CC100850 - 26/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 63831 - CC100157 - 14/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63519 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63520 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63521 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63522 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63523 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63524 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63525 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63526 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63527 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63825 - CC100850 - 11/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63826 - CC100850 - 13/08/2015 66 RMS15/07179 RMS15/07180 RMS15/07181 RMS15/07182 RMS15/07183 RMS15/07184 RMS15/07185 RMS15/07186 RMS15/07187 RMS15/07188 RMS15/07189 RMS15/07190 RMS15/07191 RMS15/07192 RMS15/07193 RMS15/07194 RMS15/07195 RMS15/07196 RMS15/07197 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63827 - CC100850 - 15/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Parliamentary Services - 63821 - CC100114 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63822 - CC100850 - 14/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63823 - CC100850 - 31/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63824 - CC100850 - 12/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Strategic Policy Institute Limited - 63817 - CC100934 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63818 - CC100551 - 15/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63819 - CC100310 10/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63820 - CC100310 29/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 63813 - CC100631 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63814 - CC100310 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 63815 - CC100707 - 21/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63816 - CC100310 16/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63809 - CC100850 - 08/05/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63810 - CC100310 10/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63811 - CC100310 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 63812 - CC100631 - 28/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63805 - CC100515 - 18/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63806 - CC100283 - 18/08/2015 67 RMS15/07198 RMS15/07199 RMS15/07200 RMS15/07201 RMS15/07202 RMS15/07203 RMS15/07205 RMS15/07206 RMS15/07207 RMS15/07208 RMS15/07209 RMS15/07210 RMS15/07211 RMS15/07212 RMS15/07213 RMS15/07214 RMS15/07215 RMS15/07216 RMS15/07217 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Civil Aviation Safety Authority - 63807 - CC100245 - 29/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63808 CC100230 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63804 - CC100310 17/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 63803 - CC100405 - 12/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63553 - CC100551 - 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency - 63554 - CC100641 28/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63556 - CC100310 07/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 63557 - CC100938 - 26/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Bundanon Trust 63559 - CC100241 - 22/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63560 - CC100850 - 18/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63561 - CC100850 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63562 - CC100850 - 13/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63563 - CC100850 - 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63564 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63565 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63566 - CC100850 - 30/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63567 CC100230 - 29/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63568 CC100230 - 26/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63569 - 01/07/1989 68 RMS15/07218-01 RMS15/07218-02 RMS15/07219 RMS15/07220 RMS15/07221 RMS15/07222 RMS15/07223 RMS15/07224 RMS15/07225 RMS15/07226 RMS15/07227 RMS15/07228 RMS15/07229 RMS15/07230 RMS15/07231 RMS15/07232 RMS15/07233 RMS15/07234 RMS15/07235 RMS15/07236 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63570 - CC100310 07/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63570 - CC100310 07/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63571 - CC100850 - 21/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63572 - CC100850 - 27/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63573 - CC100850 - 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63574 - CC100850 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63575 - CC100850 - 29/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63576 - CC100850 - 29/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63577 - CC100551 - 26/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63578 - CC100515 - 12/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63579 - CC100515 - 17/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63580 - CC100310 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63581 - CC100324 - 25/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63582 - CC100551 - 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63583 - CC100310 22/02/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63584 - CC100310 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63585 - CC100850 - 28/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63586 - CC100850 - 22/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63587 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63588 - CC100850 - 24/07/2015 69 RMS15/07237 RMS15/07238 RMS15/07239 RMS15/07240 RMS15/07241 RMS15/07242 RMS15/07243 RMS15/07244 RMS15/07245 RMS15/07246 RMS15/07247 RMS15/07248 RMS15/07249 RMS15/07250 RMS15/07251 RMS15/07252 RMS15/07253 RMS15/07254 RMS15/07255 RMS15/07256 RMS15/07257 RMS15/07258 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63589 - CC100850 - 26/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63590 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63591 - CC100850 - 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63592 - CC100850 - 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63593 CC100230 - 11/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63594 - CC100850 - 15/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63595 - CC100850 - 23/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry and Science - 63596 - CC100443 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry and Science - 63597 - CC100443 - 15/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63598 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63599 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63600 - CC100324 - 03/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63601 - CC100324 - 03/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63602 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63603 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63604 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63605 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63606 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63607 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63608 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63609 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63610 - CC100310 06/06/2015 70 RMS15/07259 RMS15/07260 RMS15/07261 RMS15/07262 RMS15/07263 RMS15/07264 RMS15/07265 RMS15/07266 RMS15/07267 RMS15/07268 RMS15/07269-01 RMS15/07269-02 RMS15/07270 RMS15/07271 RMS15/07272 RMS15/07273 RMS15/07274 RMS15/07275 RMS15/07276 RMS15/07277 RMS15/07278 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63611 - CC100310 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63612 - CC100310 09/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63613 - CC100515 - 22/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63614 - CC100850 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63615 - CC100850 - 08/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63616 - CC100850 - 16/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63617 - CC100850 - 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63618 - CC100850 - 27/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63619 - CC100850 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63620 - CC100850 - 28/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63621 - CC100850 - 02/02/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63621 - CC100850 - 02/02/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63622 - CC100310 04/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63623 - CC100551 - 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63624 - CC100515 - 25/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63625 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63626 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63627 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63628 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63629 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63630 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 71 RMS15/07279 RMS15/07280 RMS15/07281 RMS15/07282 RMS15/07283 RMS15/07284 RMS15/07285 RMS15/07286 RMS15/07287 RMS15/07288 RMS15/07289 RMS15/07290 RMS15/07291 RMS15/07293 RMS15/07294 RMS15/07295 RMS15/07371 RMS15/07372 RMS15/07373 RMS15/07374 RMS15/07375 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63631 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63632 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63633 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63634 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63635 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63636 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63637 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63638 - CC100551 - 13/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 63639 - CC100375 - 06/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 63640 - CC100375 - 18/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 63641 - CC100375 - 02/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 63642 - CC100375 - 27/06/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 63643 - CC100375 - 03/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63645 - CC100310 17/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 63646 - CC100747 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63647 - CC100310 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63648 - CC100850 - 18/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63649 - CC100310 04/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 63650 - CC100631 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63651 - CC100310 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63652 - CC100850 - 06/08/2015 72 RMS15/07376 RMS15/07377-01 RMS15/07377-02 RMS15/07378 RMS15/07379 RMS15/07380 RMS15/07381 RMS15/07382 RMS15/07383 RMS15/07384 RMS15/07385 RMS15/07386 RMS15/07387 RMS15/07388 RMS15/07389 RMS15/07390 RMS15/07391 RMS15/07392 RMS15/07393 RMS15/07394 RMS15/07395 RMS15/07396 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63653 - CC100850 - 17/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63654 - CC100850 - 05/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63654 - CC100850 - 05/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63655 - CC100850 - 02/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63656 - CC100310 19/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63657 - CC100310 03/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63658 - CC100850 - 04/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63659 - CC100551 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63660 - CC100850 - 13/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63661 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63662 - CC100850 - 04/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63663 - CC100850 - 25/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63664 - CC100850 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63665 - CC100850 - 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63666 - CC100850 - 07/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 63667 - CC100157 - 27/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63668 - CC100850 - 18/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63669 - CC100850 - 29/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63670 - CC100850 - 01/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63671 - CC100850 - 08/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63672 - CC100850 - 07/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63673 - CC100850 - 05/08/2015 73 RMS15/07397 RMS15/07398 RMS15/07399 RMS15/07400 RMS15/07401 RMS15/07402 RMS15/07403 RMS15/07404 RMS15/07405 RMS15/07406 RMS15/07407 RMS15/07408 RMS15/07409 RMS15/07410 RMS15/07411 RMS15/07412 RMS15/07413 RMS15/07414 RMS15/07415 RMS15/07416 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63674 - CC100850 - 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63675 - CC100850 - 22/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63676 - CC100850 - 18/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63677 - CC100850 - 20/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63678 - CC100850 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63679 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63680 - CC100850 - 21/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63681 CC100230 - 02/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63682 CC100230 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63683 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63684 - CC100324 - 30/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63685 - CC100310 10/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63686 - CC100850 - 07/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63687 - CC100310 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 63688 - CC100631 - 07/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 63689 - CC100631 - 09/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63690 CC100230 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Parliamentary Services - 63691 - CC100114 - 20/06/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63692 - CC100850 - 19/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63693 - CC100850 - 11/08/2015 74 RMS15/07417 RMS15/07418 RMS15/07419 RMS15/07420 RMS15/07421 RMS15/07422 RMS15/07423 RMS15/07424 RMS15/07425 RMS15/07426 RMS15/07427 RMS15/07428 RMS15/07429 RMS15/07430 RMS15/07431 RMS15/07432 RMS15/07433 RMS15/07434 RMS15/07435 RMS15/07531 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63694 - CC100515 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63695 - CC100850 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63696 - CC100850 - 22/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63697 - CC100850 - 16/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 63698 - CC100707 - 20/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 63699 - CC100707 - 20/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63700 - CC100310 07/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63701 - CC100850 - 11/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63702 CC100230 - 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 63703 - CC100747 - 23/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63704 - CC100802 - 06/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63705 - 13/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 63706 - CC100283 - 24/01/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 63707 - CC100283 - 15/12/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 63708 - CC100283 - 20/07/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 63709 - CC100631 - 07/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63710 - CC100310 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63711 - CC100310 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63712 - CC100310 05/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63713 - CC100850 - 10/08/2015 75 RMS15/07532 RMS15/07533 RMS15/07534 RMS15/07535 RMS15/07536 RMS15/07537 RMS15/07538 RMS15/07539 RMS15/07540 RMS15/07541 RMS15/07542 RMS15/07543 RMS15/07544 RMS15/07545 RMS15/07546 RMS15/07547 RMS15/07548 RMS15/07549 RMS15/07550 RMS15/07551 RMS15/07552 RMS15/07553 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63714 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63715 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63716 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63717 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63718 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63719 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63720 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63721 - CC100324 - 07/01/215 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63722 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63723 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63724 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63725 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63726 CC100230 - 10/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63727 - CC100802 - 10/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63728 - CC100802 - 10/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63729 CC100230 - 10/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63730 - CC100802 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 63731 - CC100146 - 13/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63732 - CC100850 - 10/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63733 - CC100850 - 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63734 - CC100850 - 03/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63735 - CC100850 - 12/08/2015 76 RMS15/07554 RMS15/07555 RMS15/07556 RMS15/07557 RMS15/07558 RMS15/07559 RMS15/07560 RMS15/07561 RMS15/07562 RMS15/07563 RMS15/07564 RMS15/07565 RMS15/07566 RMS15/07567 RMS15/07568 RMS15/07569 RMS15/07570 RMS15/07571 RMS15/07572 RMS15/07573 RMS15/07574 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63737 - CC100850 - 19/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 63738 - CC100375 - 13/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63739 - CC100850 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63740 - CC100850 - 13/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63741 - CC100310 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63742 - CC100310 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63743 - CC100551 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Health - 63744 - CC100499 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63745 - CC100551 - 11/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63746 - CC100802 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63747 - CC100310 01/01/2001 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63748 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63749 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63750 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63751 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63752 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63753 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63754 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63755 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63756 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63757 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 77 RMS15/07575 RMS15/07576 RMS15/07577 RMS15/07578 RMS15/07579 RMS15/07584 RMS15/07585 RMS15/07586 RMS15/07587 RMS15/07588 RMS15/07589 RMS15/07590 RMS15/07591 RMS15/07592 RMS15/07593 RMS15/07594 RMS15/07595 RMS15/07596 RMS15/07597 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63758 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63759 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63760 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63761 - CC100551 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 63762 - CC100283 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 63767 - CC100515 - 07/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63768 - CC100310 15/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63769 - CC100310 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63770 - CC100310 03/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63771 - CC100310 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63772 - CC100310 13/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 63773 - 12/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63774 - CC100324 - 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63775 - CC100310 12/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63776 - CC100551 - 09/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63777 - CC100850 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 63778 - CC100405 - 13/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63779 - CC100850 - 07/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63780 - CC100850 - 11/08/2015 78 RMS15/07598 RMS15/07599 RMS15/07600 RMS15/07601 RMS15/07602 RMS15/07603 RMS15/07604 RMS15/07605 RMS15/07606 RMS15/07607 RMS15/07608 RMS15/07609 RMS15/07610 RMS15/07611 RMS15/07612 RMS15/07613 RMS15/07614 RMS15/07615 RMS15/07616 RMS15/07617 RMS15/07618 RMS15/07753 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63781 - CC100850 - 12/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63782 - CC100850 - 23/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63783 - CC100850 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Aboriginal Hostels Limited - 63784 - CC100946 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63785 - CC100850 - 11/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63786 - CC100850 - 26/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63787 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63788 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63789 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63790 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63791 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63792 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63793 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63794 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63795 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63796 - CC100324 - 09/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63797 - CC100324 - 09/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63798 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63799 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Health - 63800 - CC100499 - 21/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63801 - CC100551 - 25/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63890 - CC100310 25/08/2015 79 RMS15/07754 RMS15/07755 RMS15/07756-01 RMS15/07756-02 RMS15/07756-03 RMS15/07757 RMS15/07758 RMS15/07759 RMS15/07760 RMS15/07762 RMS15/07763 RMS15/07764 RMS15/07765 RMS15/07766 RMS15/07767 RMS15/07768 RMS15/07769 RMS15/07770 RMS15/07771 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63891 - CC100310 25/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Library of Australia - 63892 - CC100591 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 63893 - CC100747 - 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 63893 - CC100747 - 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 63893 - CC100747 - 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Financial Security Authority - 63894 - CC100866 - 08/02/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63895 - CC100850 - 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 63896 - CC100157 - 31/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63897 - CC100551 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63899 - CC100310 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63900 - CC100850 - 03/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63901 - CC100850 - 29/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63902 - CC100310 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63903 - CC100310 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63904 - CC100310 29/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63905 - CC100310 28/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63906 - CC100310 09/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63907 - CC100850 - 13/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63908 - CC100850 - 22/07/2015 80 RMS15/07772 RMS15/07773 RMS15/07774 RMS15/07776 RMS15/07777 RMS15/07778 RMS15/07779 RMS15/07780 RMS15/07781 RMS15/07782 RMS15/07783 RMS15/07784 RMS15/07786 RMS15/07787 RMS15/07788 RMS15/07790 RMS15/07791 RMS15/07792 RMS15/07793 RMS15/07794 RMS15/07795 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63909 - CC100850 - 15/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63910 - CC100850 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63911 - CC100850 - 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63913 - CC100850 - 25/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63914 - CC100850 - 25/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63915 - CC100850 - 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63916 - CC100850 - 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63917 - CC100850 - 16/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63918 - CC100850 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 63919 - CC100154 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Administrative Appeals Tribunal - 63920 - CC100559 - 17/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian War Memorial - 63921 - CC100175 - 22/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63923 - CC100324 - 01/07/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Comcare - 63924 - CC100922 - 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63925 - CC100324 - 19/12/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63927 - CC100310 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 63928 - CC100631 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63929 - CC100310 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 63930 - CC100751 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63931 - CC100310 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63932 - CC100324 - 12/01/2015 81 RMS15/07796 RMS15/07797 RMS15/07798 RMS15/07799 RMS15/07800 RMS15/07801 RMS15/07802 RMS15/07803 RMS15/07804 RMS15/07805 RMS15/07806 RMS15/07807 RMS15/07808 RMS15/07809 RMS15/07810 RMS15/07811 RMS15/07812 RMS15/07813 RMS15/07814 RMS15/07815 RMS15/07925 RMS15/07926 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63933 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63934 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63935 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63936 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63937 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63938 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63939 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63940 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63941 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 63942 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63943 - CC100850 - 17/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 63944 - CC100157 - 28/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63945 - CC100850 - 23/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63946 - CC100850 - 29/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63947 - CC100850 - 13/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63948 - CC100850 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63949 - CC100850 - 26/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63950 - CC100850 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 63951 - CC100146 - 16/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63952 CC100230 - 03/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 63414 - CC100283 - 15/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63953 - CC100850 - 02/09/2015 82 RMS15/07927 RMS15/07928 RMS15/07929 RMS15/07930 RMS15/07931 RMS15/07932 RMS15/07933 RMS15/07934 RMS15/07935 RMS15/07936 RMS15/07937 RMS15/07938 RMS15/07939 RMS15/07940 RMS15/07941 RMS15/07942 RMS15/07943 RMS15/07944 RMS15/07945 RMS15/07946 RMS15/07947 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63954 - CC100850 - 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63955 - CC100850 - 03/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63956 - CC100850 - 22/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63957 - CC100850 - 26/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63958 - CC100850 - 27/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63959 - CC100850 - 30/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63960 - CC100850 - 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63961 - CC100850 - 11/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63962 - CC100850 - 03/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63963 - CC100850 - 13/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63964 - CC100850 - 07/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63965 - CC100850 - 27/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63966 - CC100850 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63967 - CC100850 - 20/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 63968 CC100230 - 03/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63969 - CC100551 - 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 63970 - CC100707 - 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63971 - CC100310 03/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 63972 - CC100751 - 24/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63973 - CC100310 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63974 - CC100310 27/08/2015 83 RMS15/07948 RMS15/07949 RMS15/07950 RMS15/07951 RMS15/07952 RMS15/07953 RMS15/07954 RMS15/07955 RMS15/07956 RMS15/07957 RMS15/07958 RMS15/07959 RMS15/07960 RMS15/07961 RMS15/07962 RMS15/07963 RMS15/07964 RMS15/07965 RMS15/07966 RMS15/07967 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63975 - CC100310 05/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63976 - CC100310 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 63977 - CC100310 07/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63978 - CC100850 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63979 - CC100850 - 10/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63980 - CC100850 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63981 - CC100850 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63982 - CC100850 - 03/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63983 - CC100850 - 23/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63984 - CC100850 - 07/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 63985 - CC100146 - 26/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 63986 - CC100802 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 63987 - CC100405 - 16/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 63988 - CC100154 08/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 63989 - CC100157 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 63990 - CC100551 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63991 - CC100850 - 09/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63992 - CC100850 - 05/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63993 - CC100850 - 25/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63994 - CC100850 - 03/09/2015 84 RMS15/07968 RMS15/07969 RMS15/07970 RMS15/07971 RMS15/07972 RMS15/07973 RMS15/07974 RMS15/07975 RMS15/07976 RMS15/07977 RMS15/07978 RMS15/07979 RMS15/07980 RMS15/07981 RMS15/07982 RMS15/07983 RMS15/07984 RMS15/07985 RMS15/07986 RMS15/07987 RMS15/07988 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63995 - CC100850 - 03/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63996 - CC100850 - 07/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63997 - CC100850 - 08/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63998 - CC100850 - 08/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 63999 - CC100850 - 06/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64000 - CC100850 - 03/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64001 - CC100850 - 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64002 - CC100850 - 28/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64003 - CC100850 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64004 - CC100850 - 12/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64005 - CC100850 - 28/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64006 - CC100850 - 05/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64007 - CC100310 10/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 64008 - CC100303 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64009 - CC100850 - 18/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64010 - CC100310 28/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 64011 - CC100747 - 06/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 64012 - CC100154 21/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64013 - CC100310 04/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64014 - CC100850 - 05/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64015 - CC100751 - 12/04/2015 85 RMS15/07989 RMS15/07990 RMS15/07991 RMS15/07992 RMS15/07994 RMS15/07995 RMS15/07996 RMS15/07997 RMS15/07998 RMS15/07999-01 RMS15/07999-02 RMS15/07999-03 RMS15/08000 RMS15/08001 RMS15/08002 RMS15/08003 RMS15/08004 RMS15/08005 RMS15/08006 RMS15/08007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64016 - CC100310 13/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 64017 - CC100651 25/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64018 - CC100146 - 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Capital Authority - 64019 - CC100399 - 30/09/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 64021 - CC100707 - 13/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64022 - CC100551 - 09/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64023 - CC100551 - 29/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Army and Air Force Canteen Service - 64024 - CC100125 - 11/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64025 - CC100551 - 15/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64026 - CC100310 02/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64026 - CC100310 02/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64026 - CC100310 02/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64027 - CC100850 - 29/05/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64028 - CC100850 - 25/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64029 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64030 - CC100310 04/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64031 - CC100850 - 12/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64032 - CC100850 - 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64033 - CC100850 - 20/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64034 - CC100850 - 08/08/2015 86 RMS15/08008 RMS15/08009 RMS15/08010 RMS15/08011 RMS15/08012 RMS15/08014 RMS15/08015 RMS15/08016 RMS15/08017 RMS15/08018 RMS15/08019 RMS15/08020 RMS15/08021 RMS15/08022 RMS15/08023 RMS15/08024 RMS15/08025 RMS15/08026 RMS15/08027 RMS15/08028 RMS15/08029 RMS15/08030 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64035 - CC100850 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64036 - CC100850 - 03/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64037 - CC100850 - 09/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64038 - CC100405 - 14/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64039 - CC100850 - 08/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64041 - CC100850 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64042 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64043 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64044 - CC100324 - 03/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64045 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64046 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64047 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64048 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64049 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64050 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64051 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64052 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64053 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64054 - CC100850 - 22/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64055 - CC100515 - 30/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Comcare - 64056 - CC100922 - 01/04/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64057 - CC100375 - 27/07/2015 87 RMS15/08031 RMS15/08032 RMS15/08033 RMS15/08034 RMS15/08035 RMS15/08036 RMS15/08037 RMS15/08038 RMS15/08039 RMS15/08040 RMS15/08041 RMS15/08042 RMS15/08043 RMS15/08044 RMS15/08045 RMS15/08046 RMS15/08047 RMS15/08048 RMS15/08049 RMS15/08050 RMS15/08051 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64058 - CC100375 - 24/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64059 - CC100375 - 28/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64060 - CC100310 14/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64061 - CC100310 04/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64062 - CC100375 - 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64063 - CC100551 - 03/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64064 - CC100310 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 64065 - CC100303 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64066 - CC100310 28/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64067 - CC100631 - 08/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64068 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64069 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64070 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64071 - CC100324 - 03/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64072 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64073 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64074 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64075 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64076 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64077 - CC100324 - 03/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64078 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 88 RMS15/08052 RMS15/08054 RMS15/08055 RMS15/08056 RMS15/08057 RMS15/08058 RMS15/08059 RMS15/08060 RMS15/08061 RMS15/08062 RMS15/08063 RMS15/08064 RMS15/08065 RMS15/08066 RMS15/08067 RMS15/08068 RMS15/08069 RMS15/08070 RMS15/08071 RMS15/08072 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64079 - CC100324 - 03/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64081 - CC100850 - 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64082 - CC100850 - 10/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Aboriginal Hostels Limited - 64083 - CC100946 - 06/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64084 - CC100850 - 22/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64085 - CC100802 - 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian National Maritime Museum - 64086 - CC100539 - 16/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64087 - CC100157 - 16/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64088 - CC100751 - 28/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64089 - 17/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64090 - 17/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Future Fund Management Authority - 64091 - CC100937 - 24/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64092 - CC100850 - 17/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64093 - CC100439 - 28/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64094 - CC100310 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64095 - CC100310 18/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64096 - CC100310 12/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64097 - CC100310 12/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64098 - CC100631 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64099 - CC100850 - 11/09/2015 89 RMS15/08073 RMS15/08074 RMS15/08075 RMS15/08076 RMS15/08077 RMS15/08078 RMS15/08135 RMS15/08136 RMS15/08137 RMS15/08140 RMS15/08141 RMS15/08142 RMS15/08143 RMS15/08144 RMS15/08145 RMS15/08146 RMS15/08147 RMS15/08148 RMS15/08149 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64100 - CC100850 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64101 - CC100850 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64102 - CC100850 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64103 - CC100850 - 16/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64104 - CC100850 - 17/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64105 - CC100850 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 64106 - CC100707 - 01/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 64107 - CC100707 - 04/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64108 - CC100551 - 26/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64111 - CC100310 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Central Land Council - 64112 - CC100948 - 10/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64113 - CC100310 27/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64114 - CC100405 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64115 - CC100405 - 27/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64116 - CC100405 - 18/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture - 64117 - CC100747 - 02/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64118 - CC100310 18/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64119 - CC100310 10/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64120 - CC100551 - 15/09/2015 90 RMS15/08150 RMS15/08151 RMS15/08152 RMS15/08153 RMS15/08154 RMS15/08155 RMS15/08156 RMS15/08157 RMS15/08158 RMS15/08159 RMS15/08160 RMS15/08162 RMS15/08163 RMS15/08164 RMS15/08165 RMS15/08166 RMS15/08167 RMS15/08168 RMS15/08169 RMS15/08170 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Parliamentary Services - 64121 - CC100114 - 10/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Bureau of Statistics - 64122 - CC100287 - 22/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64123 - CC100310 22/10/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64124 - CC100850 - 18/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64125 - CC100850 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64126 - CC100802 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64127 - CC100802 - 18/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64128 - CC100850 - 25/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Central Land Council - 64129 - CC100948 - 13/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64130 - CC100310 04/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64131 - CC100310 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 64133 - CC100283 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board - 64134 - CC100862 22/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64135 - CC100850 - 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64136 - CC100802 - 26/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64137 - CC100850 - 14/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64138 - CC100850 - 29/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64139 - CC100310 22/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64140 - 23/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64141 - CC100310 12/08/2015 91 RMS15/08171 RMS15/08172 RMS15/08173 RMS15/08174 RMS15/08175 RMS15/08176 RMS15/08177 RMS15/08178 RMS15/08179 RMS15/08180 RMS15/08181 RMS15/08182 RMS15/08183 RMS15/08184 RMS15/08185 RMS15/08186 RMS15/08187 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64142 - CC100310 05/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64143 - CC100310 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64144 - CC100310 07/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64145 - CC100157 - 22/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64146 - CC100310 23/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64147 - CC100850 - 23/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64148 - CC100310 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64149 - CC100310 10/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64150 - CC100310 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64151 - CC100310 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64152 - CC100310 20/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64153 - CC100310 28/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Defence House Australia - 64154 - CC100667 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64155 - CC100310 18/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64156 - CC100802 - 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64157 - CC100850 - 14/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64158 - CC100850 - 02/09/2015 92 RMS15/08188 RMS15/08189 RMS15/08190 RMS15/08191 RMS15/08192 RMS15/08193 RMS15/08194 RMS15/08195 RMS15/08196 RMS15/08197 RMS15/08198 RMS15/08199 RMS15/08200 RMS15/08201 RMS15/08202 RMS15/08243 RMS15/08244 RMS15/08245 RMS15/08246 RMS15/08247 RMS15/08248 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64159 - CC100850 - 14/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64160 - CC100850 - 19/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64161 - CC100850 - 20/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 64162 - CC100283 - 11/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Independent Hospital Pricing Authority - 64163 - CC100970 - 01/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cotton Research and Development Corporation - 64164 - CC100623 26/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64165 - CC100850 - 20/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64166 - CC100850 - 24/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64167 - CC100850 - 21/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64168 - CC100850 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64169 - CC100850 - 08/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64170 - CC100850 - 20/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64171 - CC100850 - 16/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64172 - CC100146 - 17/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64173 CC100230 - 21/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 64174 - CC100830 21/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64175 - CC100850 - 15/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64176 - CC100324 - 03/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64177 - CC100850 - 20/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64178 - CC100551 - 05/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64179 - CC100850 - 25/09/2015 93 RMS15/08249 RMS15/08250 RMS15/08251 RMS15/08252 RMS15/08253 RMS15/08254 RMS15/08255 RMS15/08256 RMS15/08257 RMS15/08258 RMS15/08259 RMS15/08260 RMS15/08261 RMS15/08262 RMS15/08263 RMS15/08264 RMS15/08265 RMS15/08267 RMS15/08268 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64180 - CC100310 07/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry and Science - 64181 - CC100443 - 26/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64182 - CC100310 27/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64183 - CC100310 27/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64184 - CC100850 - 15/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64185 - CC100310 16/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64186 - CC100850 - 12/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64187 - CC100850 - 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64188 - CC100631 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64189 - CC100310 21/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64190 - CC100850 - 15/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64191 - CC100850 - 13/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64192 - CC100850 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64193 - CC100310 28/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64194 - CC100310 28/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64195 - CC100751 - 02/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Civil Aviation Safety Authority - 64196 - CC100245 - 03/09/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64198 - CC100850 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64199 - CC100850 - 23/09/2015 94 RMS15/08269 RMS15/08270 RMS15/08271 RMS15/08272 RMS15/08273 RMS15/08274 RMS15/08275 RMS15/08276 RMS15/08277 RMS15/08278 RMS15/08279 RMS15/08280 RMS15/08281 RMS15/08282 RMS15/08283 RMS15/08334 RMS15/08335 RMS15/08336 RMS15/08337 RMS15/08338 RMS15/08339 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64200 - CC100850 - 17/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64201 - CC100850 - 16/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64202 - CC100850 - 26/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64203 - CC100850 - 23/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64204 - CC100310 01/07/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Indigenous Land Corporation - 64205 - CC100186 - 01/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64206 - CC100310 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64207 - CC100375 - 30/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64208 - CC100310 27/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Torres Strait Regional Authority - 64209 - CC100691 - 22/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64210 - CC100515 - 08/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64211 - CC100551 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64212 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64213 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64214 - CC100324 - 22/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67075 - IR67114 - Volume 3 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67115 - IR67189 - Volume 4 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64215 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64216 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64217 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64218 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 95 RMS15/08340 RMS15/08341 RMS15/08342 RMS15/08343 RMS15/08344 RMS15/08345 RMS15/08346 RMS15/08347 RMS15/08348 RMS15/08349 RMS15/08351 RMS15/08352 RMS15/08353 RMS15/08354 RMS15/08355 RMS15/08356 RMS15/08357 RMS15/08358 RMS15/08359 RMS15/08360 RMS15/08361 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64219 - CC100324 - 07/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64220 - CC100324 - 06/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64221 - CC100324 - 02/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64222 - CC100157 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64223 - CC100850 - 30/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64224 - CC100850 - 24/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64225 - CC100850 - 28/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64226 - CC100850 - 04/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64227 - CC100850 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64228 - CC100802 - 21/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64230 CC100230 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64231 - CC100551 - 30/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64232 - CC100850 - 04/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64233 - CC100850 - 10/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64234 - CC100850 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Parliamentary Services - 64235 - CC100114 - 21/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Bundanon Trust 64236 - CC100241 - 25/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64237 - CC10850 - 04/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64238 - CC100551 - 04/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64239 - CC100310 04/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64240 - 02/10/2015 96 RMS15/08362 RMS15/08363 RMS15/08364 RMS15/08365 RMS15/08366 RMS15/08367 RMS15/08368 RMS15/08369 RMS15/08370 RMS15/08371 RMS15/08372 RMS15/08373 RMS15/08374 RMS15/08375 RMS15/08376 RMS15/08377 RMS15/08378 RMS15/08379 RMS15/08380 RMS15/08381 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64241 - CC100310 26/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64242 - CC100850 - 28/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64243 - CC100850 - 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64244 - CC100850 - 22/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64245 - CC100850 - 26/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64246 - CC100850 - 16/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64247 - CC100850 - 10/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64248 - CC100850 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64249 - CC100850 - 30/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64250 - CC100850 - 27/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Army and Air Force Canteen Service - 64251 - CC100125 - 05/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64252 CC100230 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64253 - CC100146 - 23/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64254 - CC100515 - 11/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64255 - CC100310 05/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64256 - CC100310 31/12/2000 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64257 - CC100405 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64258 - CC100157 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 64259 - CC100651 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64260 - CC100850 - 24/09/2015 97 RMS15/08382 RMS15/08383 RMS15/08384 RMS15/08385 RMS15/08386 RMS15/08387 RMS15/08388 RMS15/08389 RMS15/08390 RMS15/08391 RMS15/08392 RMS15/08393 RMS15/08394 RMS15/08395 RMS15/08396 RMS15/08397 RMS15/08398-01 RMS15/08398-02 RMS15/08398-03 RMS15/08399 RMS15/08400 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64261 - CC100850 - 14/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64262 - CC100850 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64263 - CC100850 - 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64264 - CC100850 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64265 - CC100850 - 21/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64266 - CC100850 - 16/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64267 - CC100850 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64268 - CC100850 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64269 - CC100850 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64270 - CC100850 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64271 - CC100850 - 14/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64272 - CC100850 - 19/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 64273 - CC100154 23/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64274 - CC100310 07/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64275 - CC100551 - 07/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Archives of Australia - 64276 - CC100503 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64277 - CC100515 - 26/12/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64277 - CC100515 - 26/12/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64277 - CC100515 - 26/12/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64278 - CC100310 03/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64279 - CC100310 03/10/2015 98 RMS15/08401 RMS15/08402 RMS15/08403 RMS15/08404 RMS15/08405 RMS15/08406 RMS15/08407 RMS15/08408 RMS15/08522 RMS15/08523 RMS15/08524 RMS15/08525 RMS15/08526 RMS15/08527 RMS15/08528 RMS15/08529 RMS15/08530 RMS15/08531 RMS15/08532 RMS15/08533 RMS15/08534 RMS15/08535 RMS15/08536 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64280 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64281 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64282 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64283 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64284 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64285 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64286 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64287 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64288 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64289 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64290 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64291 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64292 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64293 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64294 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64295 - CC100850 - 16/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64296 - CC100850 - 15/09/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64298 - CC100551 - 30/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64299 - CC100551 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64300 - CC100850 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64301 - CC100850 - 15/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64302 - CC100850 - 07/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64304 - CC100850 - 04/09/2015 99 RMS15/08537 RMS15/08538 RMS15/08539 RMS15/08540 RMS15/08541 RMS15/08542 RMS15/08543 RMS15/08544 RMS15/08546 RMS15/08547 RMS15/08548 RMS15/08549 RMS15/08550 RMS15/08551 RMS15/08552 RMS15/08553 RMS15/08554 RMS15/08555 RMS15/08556 RMS15/08558-01 RMS15/08558-02 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64305 - CC100515 - 09/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64306 - CC100310 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64307 - CC100310 10/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64308 - CC100850 - 17/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64309 - CC100515 - 23/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64310 - CC100850 - 04/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64311 - CC100850 - 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64312 - CC100850 - 14/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 64314 - CC100154 03/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64315 - CC100850 - 18/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64316 - CC100850 - 20/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64317 - CC100802 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64318 - CC100850 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64319 - CC100850 - 22/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64320 - CC100850 - 22/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64321 - CC100850 - 10/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64322 - CC100375 - 26/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64323 - CC100375 - 11/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64324 - CC100375 - 01/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64326 - CC100631 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64326 - CC100631 - 29/09/2015 100 RMS15/08559 RMS15/08560 RMS15/08562 RMS15/08563 RMS15/08564 RMS15/08565 RMS15/08566 RMS15/08567 RMS15/08568 RMS15/08569 RMS15/08570 RMS15/08572 RMS15/08573 RMS15/08574 RMS15/08575 RMS15/08576 RMS15/08577 RMS15/08578 RMS15/08579 RMS15/08580 RMS15/08581 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64327 - CC100324 - 09/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Sydney Harbour Federation Trust - 64328 - CC100918 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64330 - CC100850 - 01/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64331 - CC100850 - 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64332 - CC100850 - 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64333 - CC100751 - 16/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64334 - CC100850 - 07/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64335 - CC100850 - 09/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64336 - CC100850 - 08/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64337 - CC100850 - 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64338 - CC100850 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64340 - CC100850 - 08/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64341 - CC100310 30/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64342 - CC100310 18/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64343 - CC100310 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australia Council 64344 - CC100113 - 10/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64345 - CC100751 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Royal Australian Mint - 64346 - CC100218 - 24/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64347 - CC100631 - 23/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Public Service Commission - 64348 - CC100367 - 25/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64349 - CC100324 - 05/01/2015 101 RMS15/08582 RMS15/08583 RMS15/08584 RMS15/08585 RMS15/08587 RMS15/08588 RMS15/08589 RMS15/08590 RMS15/08591 RMS15/08593 RMS15/08594 RMS15/08595 RMS15/08597 RMS15/08598 RMS15/08599 RMS15/08600 RMS15/08601 RMS15/08602 RMS15/08603 RMS15/08604 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64350 - CC100850 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64351 - CC100405 - 24/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64353 - CC100747 13/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Northern Land Council - 64354 - CC100951 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64356 - CC100631 - 09/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry Innovation and Science - 64357 - CC100443 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Army and Air Force Canteen Service - 64358 - CC100125 - 21/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64359 - CC100310 11/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64360 CC100230 - 06/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64362 - CC100551 - 23/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64363 - CC100850 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64364 - CC100850 - 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64366 - CC100146 - 19/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64367 - CC100146 - 23/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64368 CC100230 - 26/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64369 - CC100850 - 17/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64370 - CC100850 - 22/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64371 - CC100850 - 13/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64372 - CC100850 - 30/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64373 - CC100850 - 08/10/2015 102 RMS15/08605 RMS15/08606 RMS15/08607 RMS15/08608 RMS15/08609 RMS15/08610 RMS15/08611 RMS15/08612 RMS15/08614 RMS15/08615 RMS15/08616 RMS15/08617 RMS15/08618 RMS15/08619 RMS15/08620 RMS15/08621 RMS15/08622 RMS15/08623 RMS15/08624 RMS15/08625 RMS15/08626 RMS15/08627 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64374 - CC100850 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64375 - CC100850 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64376 - CC100850 - 12/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64377 - CC100850 - 05/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64378 - CC100850 - 23/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64379 - CC100850 - 08/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64380 - CC100850 - 27/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64381 - CC100850 - 20/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64383 - CC100310 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64384 - CC100850 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Central Land Council - 64385 - CC100948 - 22/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64386 - CC100850 - 07/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64387 - CC100850 - 15/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64388 - CC100850 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64389 - CC100850 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64390 - CC100850 - 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64391 - CC100146 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64392 - CC100850 - 19/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies 64393 - CC100105 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64394 - CC100850 - 13/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64395 - CC100851 - 13/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Director of National Parks - 64396 - CC100791 - 03/10/2015 103 RMS15/08628 RMS15/08629 RMS15/08630 RMS15/08631 RMS15/08632 RMS15/08633 RMS15/08634 RMS15/08635 RMS15/08636 RMS15/08637 RMS15/08638 RMS15/08639 RMS15/08640 RMS15/08641 RMS15/08642 RMS15/08643 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64397 - CC100850 - 20/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64398 - CC100850 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64399 - CC100375 - 07/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64400 - CC100310 12/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64401 - CC100310 12/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64402 - CC100310 20/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64403 - CC100439 - 06/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64404 - CC100439 - 18/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64405 - CC100439 - 29/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64406 - CC100439 - 10/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64407 - CC100439 - 20/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64408 - CC100439 - 25/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64409 - CC100439 - 03/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64410 - CC100439 - 29/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64411 - CC100439 - 29/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64412 - CC100439 - 16/05/2015 104 RMS15/08644 RMS15/08645 RMS15/08646 RMS15/08647 RMS15/08648 RMS15/08649 RMS15/08650 RMS15/08651 RMS15/08652 RMS15/08653 RMS15/08654 RMS15/08655 RMS15/08656 RMS15/08657 RMS15/08658 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64413 - CC100439 - 17/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64414 - CC100439 - 11/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64415 - CC100439 - 10/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - 64416 - CC100439 - 27/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64417 - CC100850 - 25/01/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry Innovation and Science - 64418 - CC100443 25/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry Innovation and Science - 64419 - CC100443 26/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry Innovation and Science - 64420 - CC100443 21/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry Innovation and Science - 64421 - CC100443 26/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry Innovation and Science - 64422 - CC100443 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64423 - CC100310 21/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64424 - CC100310 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64425 - CC100310 27/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64426 - CC100310 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64427 - CC100310 18/06/2015 105 RMS15/08659 RMS15/08660 RMS15/08661 RMS15/08662 RMS15/08663 RMS15/08664 RMS15/08665 RMS15/08666 RMS15/08667 RMS15/08668 RMS15/08669 RMS15/08670 RMS15/08671 RMS15/08672 RMS15/08673 RMS15/08674 RMS15/08675 RMS15/08676 RMS15/08677 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64428 - CC100310 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64429 - CC100310 21/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64430 - CC100375 - 23/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64431 - CC100375 - 05/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64432 - CC100375 - 18/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64433 - CC100375 - 14/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64434 - CC100375 - 12/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64435 - CC100375 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64436 - CC100375 - 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64437 - CC100375 - 18/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64438 - CC100375 - 14/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64439 - CC100375 - 13/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64440 - CC100310 09/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64441 - CC100310 20/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64442 - CC100310 27/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64443 - CC100310 16/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64444 - CC100310 02/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 64445 - CC100283 - 30/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 64446 - CC100283 - 25/09/2015 106 RMS15/08678 RMS15/08679 RMS15/08680 RMS15/08681 RMS15/08682 RMS15/08683 RMS15/08684 RMS15/08685 RMS15/08686 RMS15/08687 RMS15/08688 RMS15/08689 RMS15/08690 RMS15/08691 RMS15/08692 RMS15/08693 RMS15/08694 RMS15/08695 RMS15/08696 RMS15/08697 RMS15/08698 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64447 - CC100850 - 03/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64448 - CC100747 15/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64449 - CC100850 - 20/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64450 - CC100850 - 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64451 - CC100850 - 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 64452 - CC100303 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64453 CC100230 - 28/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64454 - CC100850 - 24/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64455 - CC100850 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64456 - CC100850 - 05/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64457 - CC100850 - 04/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64458 - CC100850 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64459 - CC100850 - 20/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64460 - CC100850 - 11/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64461 - CC100850 - 20/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64462 CC100230 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Central Land Council - 64463 - CC100948 - 04/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64464 - CC100405 - 18/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64465 - CC100850 - 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64466 - CC100515 - 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - 64467 - CC100335 - 25/02/2015 107 RMS15/08699 RMS15/08700 RMS15/08701 RMS15/08702 RMS15/08703 RMS15/08704 RMS15/08705 RMS15/08706 RMS15/08707 RMS15/08708 RMS15/08709 RMS15/08710 RMS15/08711 RMS15/08712 RMS15/08713 RMS15/08714 RMS15/08715 RMS15/08716 RMS15/08717 RMS15/08718 RMS15/08719 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64468 - CC100310 16/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64469 - CC100751 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency - 64470 - CC100641 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64471 - CC100310 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64472 - CC100631 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64473 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64474 - CC100850 - 20/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64475 - CC100850 - 07/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64476 - CC100850 - 20/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64477 - CC100850 - 15/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64478 - CC100850 - 01/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64479 - CC100850 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64480 - CC100850 - 28/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64481 - CC100850 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64482 - CC100375 - 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64483 - CC100310 07/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64484 - CC100850 - 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64485 - CC100850 - 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Gallery of Australia - 64486 - CC100194 - 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64487 - CC100551 - 21/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Office of National Assessments - 64488 - CC100355 - 06/05/2015 108 RMS15/08761 RMS15/08762 RMS15/08763 RMS15/08764 RMS15/08765 RMS15/08766 RMS15/08767 RMS15/08768 RMS15/08769 RMS15/08770 RMS15/08771 RMS15/08772 RMS15/08773 RMS15/08774 RMS15/08775 RMS15/08776 RMS15/08778 RMS15/08779 RMS15/08780 RMS15/08781 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67192 - IR67209 - Volume 5 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67210 - IR67301 - Volume 6 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64489 - CC100310 27/10/2010 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64490 CC100230 - 13/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Bureau of Meteorology - 64491 - CC100327 - 31/05/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64492 - CC100310 17/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64493 - CC100310 07/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64494 - CC100310 03/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64495 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64496 - CC100850 - 12/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 64497 - CC100154 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64498 - CC100850 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64499 - CC100850 - 08/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64500 - CC100631 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Central Land Council - 64501 - CC100948 - 03/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64502 - CC100324 - 01/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64504 - CC100850 - 15/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64505 - CC100751 - 24/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64506 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64507 - CC100850 - 23/09/2015 109 RMS15/08782 RMS15/08784 RMS15/08785 RMS15/08786 RMS15/08787 RMS15/08788 RMS15/08789 RMS15/08790 RMS15/08791 RMS15/08792 RMS15/08793 RMS15/08794 RMS15/08795 RMS15/08796 RMS15/08797 RMS15/08798 RMS15/08799 RMS15/08800 RMS15/08801 RMS15/08802 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64508 - CC100850 - 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64510 - CC100850 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64511 - CC100850 - 22/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64512 - CC100850 - 16/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64513 - CC100850 - 10/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64514 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64515 - CC100850 - 26/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64516 - CC100850 - 16/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64517 - CC100850 - 23/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64518 - CC100850 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64519 - CC100850 - 15/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64520 - CC100850 - 27/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64521 - CC100850 - 23/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 64522 - CC100283 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64523 - CC100310 08/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64524 - CC100310 13/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64525 - CC100310 18/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64526 - CC100310 08/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Tourism Australia - 64527 - CC100170 - 28/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64528 CC100230 - 12/10/2015 110 RMS15/08803 RMS15/08804 RMS15/08805 RMS15/08806 RMS15/08807 RMS15/08808 RMS15/08809 RMS15/08810 RMS15/08811 RMS15/08812 RMS15/08813 RMS15/08814 RMS15/08815 RMS15/08816 RMS15/08817 RMS15/08818 RMS15/08819 RMS15/08820 RMS15/08821 RMS15/08822 RMS15/08823 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64529 - CC100310 15/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Defence Housing Australia - 64530 - CC100667 - 12/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64531 - CC100310 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64532 - CC100310 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64533 - CC100850 - 20/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64534 - CC100850 - 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64535 - CC100850 - 09/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64536 - CC100850 - 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64537 - CC100850 - 20/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64538 - CC100850 - 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64539 - CC100850 - 18/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Strategic Policy Institute Limited - 64540 - CC100934 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64541 - CC100850 - 08/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64542 - CC100850 - 20/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64543 - CC100802 - 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64544 - CC100850 - 24/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64545 - CC100850 - 01/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64546 - CC100850 - 23/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64547 - CC100324 - 30/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64548 - 27/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64549 - 26/10/2015 111 RMS15/08824 RMS15/08825 RMS15/08826 RMS15/08827 RMS15/08828 RMS15/08829 RMS15/08830 RMS15/08831 RMS15/08832 RMS15/08833 RMS15/08834-01 RMS15/08834-02 RMS15/08835 RMS15/08836 RMS15/08837 RMS15/08838 RMS15/08839 RMS15/08840 RMS15/08841 RMS15/08898 RMS15/08899 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64550 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64551 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64552 - CC100850 - 17/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64553 - CC100157 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64554 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64555 - CC100850 - 10/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64556 - CC100850 - 20/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64557 - CC100850 - 29/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64558 CC100230 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64559 CC100230 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Financial Security Authority - 64560 - CC100866 - 13/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Financial Security Authority - 64560 - CC100866 - 13/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 64561 - CC100938 - 22/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64562 - CC100747 03/07/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64563 - CC100802 - 16/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64564 - CC100751 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 64565 - CC100375 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64566 - CC100850 - 18/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64567 - CC100310 17/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67302 - IR67354 - Volume 7 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67361 - IR67436 - Volume 8 112 RMS15/08900 RMS15/08901 RMS15/08902 RMS15/08903 RMS15/08904 RMS15/08905 RMS15/08906 RMS15/08907 RMS15/08911 RMS15/08912 RMS15/08913 RMS15/08914 RMS15/08915 RMS15/08916 RMS15/08917 RMS15/08918 RMS15/08920 RMS15/08921 RMS15/08922 RMS15/08923 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67443 - IR67510 - Volume 9 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67511 - IR67560 - Volume 10 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67561 - IR67625 - Volume 11 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64568 - CC100850 - 09/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64570 - CC100850 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64571 - CC100850 - 26/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64572 - CC100551 - 16/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64573 - CC100324 - 01/04/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64577 - CC100310 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64578 - CC100850 - 30/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64579 - CC100850 - 16/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64580 - CC100850 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64581 - CC100551 - 23/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64582 - CC100850 - 30/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64583 CC100230 - 27/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64584 - CC100802 - 27/102015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64586 - CC100850 - 12/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64587 - CC100850 - 21/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64588 - CC100747 20/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64589 - CC100747 21/09/2015 113 RMS15/08924 RMS15/08925 RMS15/08926 RMS15/08927 RMS15/08928 RMS15/08929 RMS15/08930 RMS15/08931 RMS15/08932 RMS15/08933 RMS15/08934 RMS15/08937 RMS15/08938 RMS15/08939 RMS15/08940 RMS15/08941 RMS15/08942 RMS15/08943 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64590 - CC100747 02/04/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64591 - CC100747 04/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64592 - CC100747 19/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64593 - CC100310 13/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64594 - CC100157 - 16/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64595 - CC100850 - 16/04/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the House of Representatives - 64596 - CC100491 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64597 - CC100551 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research - 64598 - CC100415 23/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 64599 - CC100283 - 05/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64600 - CC100551 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64603 - CC100310 06/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64604 - CC100850 - 01/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64605 - CC100310 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64606 - 04/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64607 - CC100405 - 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64608 - CC100802 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64609 - CC100310 27/08/2015 114 RMS15/08944 RMS15/08945 RMS15/08946 RMS15/08947 RMS15/08948 RMS15/08949 RMS15/08950 RMS15/08951 RMS15/08952 RMS15/08953 RMS15/08954 RMS15/08955 RMS15/08956 RMS15/08957 RMS15/08958 RMS15/08959 RMS15/08960 RMS15/08961 RMS15/08962 RMS15/08963 RMS15/08964 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64610 - CC100310 04/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64611 - CC100405 - 03/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64612 - CC100405 - 31/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64613 - CC100324 - 08/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64614 - CC100802 - 01/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64615 - CC100850 - 23/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64616 - CC100850 - 21/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64617 - CC100850 - 04/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64618 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64619 - CC100850 - 25/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64620 - CC100850 - 30/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64621 - CC100850 - 21/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64622 - CC100850 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64623 - CC100850 - 15/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64624 - CC100850 - 14/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64625 - CC100802 - 18/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64626 - CC100802 - 30/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64627 - CC100310 21/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64628 - CC100850 - 30/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64629 - CC100850 - 30/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64630 - CC100850 - 30/05/2015 115 RMS15/08965 RMS15/08966 RMS15/08967 RMS15/08968 RMS15/08969 RMS15/08970 RMS15/08971 RMS15/08972 RMS15/08973 RMS15/08974 RMS15/08975 RMS15/08977 RMS15/08978 RMS15/08979 RMS15/08980 RMS15/08981 RMS15/08997 RMS15/08998 RMS15/08999 RMS15/09000 RMS15/09001 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64631 - CC100850 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64632 - CC100850 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64633 - CC100850 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64634 - CC100850 - 23/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64635 - CC100850 - 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64636 - CC100850 - 04/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64637 - 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64638 - 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64639 - CC100631 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64640 - CC100850 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australia Council 64641 - CC100113 - 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - "Department of Industry, Innovation and Science - 64643 - CC100443 30/09/2015" COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64644 - CC100850 - 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64645 - CC100751 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64646 - CC100310 16/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64647 - CC100850 - 26/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 64648 - CC100283 - 05/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 64649 - CC100283 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64650 - CC100310 08/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 64651 - CC100283 - 08/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64652 - CC100310 05/09/2015 116 RMS15/09002 RMS15/09003 RMS15/09004 RMS15/09005 RMS15/09006 RMS15/09007 RMS15/09008 RMS15/09009-01 RMS15/09009-02 RMS15/09009-03 RMS15/09010 RMS15/09011 RMS15/09015 RMS15/09016 RMS15/09017 RMS15/09018 RMS15/09019 RMS15/09020 RMS15/09021 RMS15/09022 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 64653 - CC100651 10/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Special Broadcasting Service Corporation - 64654 - CC100651 18/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64655 - CC100751 - 26/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64656 - CC100310 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64657 - CC100850 - 12/08/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 64658 - CC100303 - 01/09/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64659 - CC100850 - 20/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Family Court and Federal Circuit Court - 64660 - CC100371 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Family Court and Federal Circuit Court - 64660 - CC100371 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Family Court and Federal Circuit Court - 64660 - CC100371 - 02/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64661 - CC100310 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64662 - CC100146 - 01/07/2008 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64666 - CC100850 - 18/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64667 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64668 - CC100850 - 08/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64669 - CC100850 - 27/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64670 - CC100850 - 18/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64671 - CC100850 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64672 - CC100850 - 29/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64673 - CC100850 - 03/11/2015 117 RMS15/09023-01 RMS15/09023-02 RMS15/09023-03 RMS15/09023-04 RMS15/09024 RMS15/09251 RMS15/09252 RMS15/09253 RMS15/09254 RMS15/09255 RMS15/09256 RMS15/09257 RMS15/09258 RMS15/09259 RMS15/09260 RMS15/09261 RMS15/09262 RMS15/09263 RMS15/09264 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64674 - CC100310 07/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64674 - CC100310 07/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64674 - CC100310 07/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64674 - CC100310 07/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 64675 - CC100707 - 10/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64676 - CC100850 - 15/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64677 - CC100850 - 12/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64678 - CC100850 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64679 - CC100515 - 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Health and Medical Research Council - 64680 - CC100500 01/12/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64681 - CC100310 13/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Environment - 64682 - CC100495 - 05/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64683 - CC100850 - 24/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64684 - CC100850 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64685 - CC100850 - 04/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64686 - CC100850 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64687 - CC100850 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64688 - CC100850 - 28/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64689 - CC100850 - 09/10/2015 118 RMS15/09265 RMS15/09266 RMS15/09267 RMS15/09268 RMS15/09270 RMS15/09271 RMS15/09272 RMS15/09273 RMS15/09274 RMS15/09275 RMS15/09276 RMS15/09277 RMS15/09278 RMS15/09279 RMS15/09280 RMS15/09281 RMS15/09282 RMS15/09283 RMS15/09284 RMS15/09285 RMS15/09286 RMS15/09287 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64690 CC100230 - 11/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Museum of Australia - 64691 - CC100258 - 13/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 64692 - CC100303 - 20/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Defence Housing Australia - 64693 - CC100667 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64695 - CC100515 - 01/10/2006 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64696 - CC100324 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Social Services - 64697 - CC100323 - 15/08/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64698 - CC100310 17/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Social Services - 64699 - CC100323 - 11/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Director of National Parks - 64700 - CC100791 - 10/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64701 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64702 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64703 - CC100850 - 21/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64704 - CC100850 - 10/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64705 - CC100850 - 11/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64706 - CC100850 - 05/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64707 - CC100850 - 13/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64708 - CC100850 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64709 - CC100850 - 12/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64710 - CC100850 - 10/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the House of Representatives - 64711 - CC100491 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64712 - CC100850 - 11/11/2015 119 RMS15/09288 RMS15/09289 RMS15/09290 RMS15/09291 RMS15/09292 RMS15/09293 RMS15/09294 RMS15/09295 RMS15/09296 RMS15/09297 RMS15/09298 RMS15/09299 RMS15/09300 RMS15/09301 RMS15/09302 RMS15/09303 RMS15/09304 RMS15/09305 RMS15/09306 RMS15/09307 RMS15/09308 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64713 - CC100850 - 17/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64714 - CC100850 - 07/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64715 - CC100850 - 12/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64716 - CC100850 - 17/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64717 CC100230 - 10/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64718 - CC100802 - 10/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64719 - CC100515 - 01/11/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64720 - CC100850 - 18/02/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64721 - CC100850 - 27/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64722 - CC100850 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64723 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64724 - CC100850 - 05/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64725 - CC100850 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64726 - CC100850 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64727 - CC100850 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64728 - CC100850 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64729 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64730 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Veterans' Affairs - 64731 - CC100339 - 27/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64732 - CC100310 10/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64733 - CC100310 27/10/2015 120 RMS15/09309 RMS15/09310 RMS15/09311 RMS15/09312 RMS15/09313 RMS15/09314 RMS15/09315 RMS15/09316 RMS15/09317 RMS15/09319 RMS15/09320 RMS15/09322 RMS15/09324 RMS15/09325 RMS15/09326 RMS15/09327 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64734 - CC100310 27/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64735 CC100230 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64736 - CC100405 - 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64737 - CC100405 - 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64738 - CC100310 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64739 - CC100310 07/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64740 - CC100310 30/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64741 - CC100310 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64742 - CC100310 30/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian War Memorial - 64744 - CC100174 - 05/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64745 - CC100850 - 30/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64747 - CC100515 - 12/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64749 - CC100747 24/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64750 - CC100405 - 05/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64751 - CC100310 03/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64752 - CC100310 17/09/2015 121 RMS15/09329 RMS15/09330 RMS15/09331 RMS15/09332 RMS15/09333 RMS15/09334 RMS15/09335 RMS15/09336 RMS15/09337 RMS15/09338 RMS15/09339 RMS15/09340 RMS15/09341 RMS15/09342 RMS15/09343 RMS15/09344 RMS15/09345 RMS15/09346 RMS15/09347 RMS15/09348 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64754 - CC100551 - 12/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 64755 - CC100283 - 24/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64756 - CC100310 10/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64757 - CC100310 10/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 64758 - CC100303 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64759 CC100230 - 01/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 64760 - CC100938 - 27/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64761 - CC100850 - 17/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64762 - CC100515 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64763 - CC100850 - 08/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64764 CC100230 - 11/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64765 - CC100802 - 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64766 - CC100146 - 13/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64767 - CC100751 - 15/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64768 - CC100850 - 12/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64769 - CC100802 - 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64770 - CC100850 - 17/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64771 - CC100850 - 08/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64772 - CC100850 - 20/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64773 - CC100310 01/11/2014 122 RMS15/09349 RMS15/09350 RMS15/09351 RMS15/09352 RMS15/09353 RMS15/09354 RMS15/09355 RMS15/09356 RMS15/09357 RMS15/09358 RMS15/09359 RMS15/09360 RMS15/09361 RMS15/09362 RMS15/09363 RMS15/09364 RMS15/09365 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64774 - CC100310 14/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64775 - CC100747 24/03/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - 64776 - CC100747 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64777 - CC100310 21/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64778 - CC100310 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64779 - CC100405 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Health - 64780 - CC100499 - 09/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - National Museum of Australia - 64781 - CC100258 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64782 - CC100310 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64783 - CC100802 - 03/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority - 64784 CC100201 - 27/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64785 - CC100310 19/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Employment - 64786 - CC100380 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64787 - CC100850 - 21/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64788 - CC100551 - 11/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Army and Air Force Canteen Service - 64789 - CC100125 - 17/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64790 - CC100310 11/11/2015 123 RMS15/09366 RMS15/09368 RMS15/09369 RMS15/09370 RMS15/09371 RMS15/09372 RMS15/09373 RMS15/09374 RMS15/09375 RMS15/09376 RMS15/09377 RMS15/09378 RMS15/09379 RMS15/09380 RMS15/09381 RMS15/09382 RMS15/09383 RMS15/09384 RMS15/09385 RMS15/09386 RMS15/09387 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64791 - CC100310 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64793 - CC100850 - 19/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies 64794 - CC100105 - 16/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64795 - CC100850 - 21/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64796 - CC100157 - 05/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64797 - CC100850 - 02/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64798 - CC100850 - 22/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64799 - CC100850 - 13/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64800 - CC100850 - 11/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64801 - CC100850 - 29/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64802 - CC100850 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64803 - CC100850 - 01/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64804 - CC100850 - 09/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Northern Land Council - 64805 - CC100951 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64806 - CC100850 - 22/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64807 CC100230 - 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64808 - CC100850 - 17/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64809 - CC100850 - 19/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64810 - CC100850 - 19/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64811 - CC100157 - 29/10/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64812 - CC100405 - 22/09/2011 124 RMS15/09388 RMS15/09389 RMS15/09390 RMS15/09391 RMS15/09392 RMS15/09448 RMS15/09449 RMS15/09450 RMS15/09451 RMS15/09452 RMS15/09453 RMS15/09454 RMS15/09455 RMS15/09456 RMS15/09457 RMS15/09458 RMS15/09459 RMS15/09460 RMS15/09461 RMS15/09462 RMS15/09463 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64813 - CC100515 - 01/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 64814 - CC100938 - 29/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 64815 - CC100938 - 05/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64816 - CC100850 - 30/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Finance - 64817 - CC100938 - 25/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64818 - CC100802 - 13/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64819 - CC100850 - 15/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64820 - CC100850 - 20/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64821 - CC100850 - 13/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64822 - CC100802 - 03/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64823 - CC100802 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64824 - CC100802 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64825 - CC100802 - 21/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64826 - CC100802 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64827 - CC100802 - 06/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64828 - CC100850 - 02/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64829 CC100230 - 17/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64830 - CC100850 - 24/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General - 64831 CC100519 - 09/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64832 - CC100850 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation - 64833 - CC100154 27/07/2015 125 RMS15/09464 RMS15/09465 RMS15/09466 RMS15/09467 RMS15/09468 RMS15/09469 RMS15/09470 RMS15/09471 RMS15/09472 RMS15/09473 RMS15/09474 RMS15/09475 RMS15/09476 RMS15/09477 RMS15/09478 RMS15/09479 RMS15/09480 RMS15/09481 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - Motor Vehicle Incidents - IR68208 - IR68658 CC100850 - 2014/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - Motor Vehicle Incidents - IR68659 - IR68833 CC100850 - 2014/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - Motor Vehicle Incidents - IR68834 - 69332 CC100850 - 2014/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64834 - CC100551 - 10/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64835 - CC100551 - 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Health - 64836 - CC100499 - 14/01/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64837 - CC100515 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Director of National Parks - 64838 - CC100791 - 25/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64839 - CC100310 23/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64840 - CC100310 13/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64841 - CC100310 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64842 - CC100310 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64843 - CC100551 - 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - "Department of Industry, Innovation and Science - 64844 - CC100443 26/11/2015" COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64845 - CC100850 - 21/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64846 - CC100157 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64847 - CC100157 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64848 - CC100157 - 02/11/2015 126 RMS15/09482 RMS15/09483 RMS15/09484 RMS15/09485 RMS15/09486 RMS15/09487 RMS15/09488 RMS15/09489 RMS15/09490 RMS15/09491 RMS15/09492-01 RMS15/09492-02 RMS15/09493 RMS15/09494 RMS15/09495 RMS15/09496 RMS15/09497 RMS15/09498 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64849 - CC100310 02/02/1983 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64850 - CC100310 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64851 - 01/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64852 - CC100751 - 15/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64853 - CC100405 - 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64854 - CC100405 - 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - 64855 - CC100405 - 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64856 - CC100850 - 26/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - "Department of Industry, Innovation and Science - 64857 - CC100443 21/11/2015" COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64858 - CC100310 04/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Social Services - 64859 - CC100323 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Social Services - 64859 - CC100323 - 05/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 64860 - CC100303 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64861 - CC100631 - 02/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64862 - CC100310 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64863 - CC100802 - 03/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64864 - CC100802 - 08/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64865 - CC100310 27/11/2015 127 RMS15/09499 RMS15/09500 RMS15/09501 RMS15/09502 RMS15/09503 RMS15/09504 RMS15/09505 RMS15/09506 RMS15/09507 RMS15/09508 RMS15/09509 RMS15/09510 RMS15/09511 RMS15/09513 RMS15/09514 RMS15/09515 RMS15/09516 RMS15/09517 RMS15/09518 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64866 CC100230 - 29/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64867 - CC100850 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64868 - CC100751 - 14/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64869 - CC100310 26/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Education and Training - 64870 - CC100631 - 25/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64871 CC100230 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64872 CC100230 - 03/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64873 CC100230 - 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64875 - CC100850 - 31/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64876 - CC100310 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64877 - CC100310 23/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64878 - CC100310 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64879 - CC100850 - 22/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64881 - CC100802 - 06/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64882 - CC100515 - 30/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64883 - CC100324 - 12/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Family Studies - 64884 - CC100535 - 26/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64885 - CC100850 - 04/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64886 - CC100850 - 23/11/2015 128 RMS15/09519 RMS15/09520 RMS15/09521 RMS15/09522 RMS15/09523 RMS15/09524 RMS15/09525 RMS15/09526 RMS15/09527 RMS15/09528 RMS15/09529 RMS15/09530 RMS15/09531 RMS15/09532 RMS15/09533 RMS15/09534 RMS15/09535 RMS15/09536 RMS15/09537 RMS15/09538 RMS15/09539 RMS15/09540 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64887 - CC100850 - 13/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64888 - CC100850 - 28/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64889 - CC100850 - 10/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64890 - CC100850 - 29/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64891 - CC100146 - 16/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64892 - CC100850 - 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64893 - CC100850 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64894 - CC100802 - 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64895 - CC100850 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64896 - CC100850 - 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64897 - CC100850 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64898 - CC100850 - 21/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64899 - CC100850 - 30/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64900 - CC100850 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64901 CC100230 - 01/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64902 - CC100850 - 20/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64903 - CC100850 - 20/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64904 - CC100850 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64905 - CC100850 - 19/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64906 - CC100850 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64907 - CC100850 - 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64908 - CC100850 - 30/11/2015 129 RMS15/09541 RMS15/09542 RMS15/09543 RMS15/09544 RMS15/09545 RMS15/09547-01 RMS15/09547-02 RMS15/09548 RMS15/09642 RMS15/09643 RMS15/09644 RMS15/09645 RMS15/09646 RMS15/09647 RMS15/09648 RMS15/09649 RMS15/09650 RMS15/09651 RMS15/09652 RMS15/09653 RMS15/09654 RMS15/09655 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64909 CC100230 - 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64910 - CC100850 - 17/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64911 - CC100850 - 31/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Veterans' Affairs - 64912 - CC100339 - 30/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Financial Security Authority - 64913 - CC100866 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 64915 - CC100707 - 15/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Maritime Safety Authority - 64915 - CC100707 - 15/02/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64916 CC100230 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64917 - CC100850 - 01/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64918 - CC100850 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64919 - CC100850 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64920 - CC100850 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64921 - CC100850 - 26/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64922 - CC100850 - 17/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64923 - CC100850 - 30/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64924 - CC100850 - 23/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64925 - CC100850 - 26/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64926 - CC100802 - 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64927 - CC100850 - 30/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64928 - CC100850 - 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64929 - CC100850 - 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64930 - CC100850 - 30/11/2015 130 RMS15/09656 RMS15/09657 RMS15/09658 RMS15/09659 RMS15/09660 RMS15/09661 RMS15/09662 RMS15/09663 RMS15/09665 RMS15/09666 RMS15/09667 RMS15/09668 RMS15/09669 RMS15/09670 RMS15/09671 RMS15/09672 RMS15/09673 RMS15/09674 RMS15/09675 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64931 CC100230 - 14/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64932 - CC100850 - 19/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64933 - CC100850 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64934 - CC100850 - 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64935 - CC100850 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64936 - CC100850 - 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64937 - CC100850 - 05/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64938 - CC100802 - 13/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Institute of Marine Science - 64940 - CC100146 - 30/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64941 - CC100850 - 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64942 - CC100850 - 27/10/20154 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64943 - CC100850 - 04/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64944 - CC100850 - 15/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64945 CC100230 - 26/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64946 - CC100850 - 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64947 - CC100310 30/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64948 - CC100310 27/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64949 - CC100310 27/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64950 - CC100310 02/12/2015 131 RMS15/09676 RMS15/09677 RMS15/09678 RMS15/09679 RMS15/09680 RMS15/09681 RMS15/09682 RMS15/09683 RMS15/09684 RMS15/09685 RMS15/09686 RMS15/09687 RMS15/09688 RMS15/09689 RMS15/09690 RMS15/09691 RMS15/09692 RMS15/09693 RMS15/09694 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64951 - CC100310 27/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64952 - CC100310 10/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64953 - CC100310 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64954 - CC100310 10/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64955 - CC100310 25/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64956 - CC100310 03/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 64957 CC100230 - 01/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64958 - CC100310 28/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australia Council 64959 - CC100113 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Sports Commission - 64960 - CC100157 - 09/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64961 - CC100850 - 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Human Services - 64962 - CC100324 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64963 - 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64964 - 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 64965 - 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64966 - CC100850 - 20/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64967 - CC100551 - 06/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64968 - CC100850 - 14/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64969 - CC100850 - 04/12/2015 132 RMS15/09695 RMS15/09696 RMS15/09697 RMS15/09698 RMS15/09699 RMS15/09700 RMS15/09701 RMS15/09702 RMS15/09703 RMS15/09704 RMS15/09705 RMS15/09706 RMS15/09707 RMS15/09708 RMS15/09709 RMS15/09710 RMS15/09711 RMS15/09712 RMS15/09713 RMS15/09714 RMS15/09715 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64970 - CC100850 - 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64971 - CC100850 - 08/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64972 - CC100802 - 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64973 - CC100850 - 15/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64974 - CC100850 - 03/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64975 - CC100850 - 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64976 - CC100850 - 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64977 - CC100850 - 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64978 - CC100850 - 04/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 64979 - CC100802 - 03/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64980 - CC100850 - 07/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Financial Security Authority - 64981 - CC100866 - 21/11/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Tiwi Land Council - 64982 - CC100949 - 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64983 - CC100850 - 06/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64984 - CC100515 - 07/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 64985 - CC100551 - 07/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64986 - CC100310 04/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry Innovation and Science - 64987 - CC100443 22/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry Innovation and Science - 64988 - CC100443 19/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Industry Innovation and Science - 64989 - CC100443 19/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 64990 - CC100515 - 09/11/2015 133 RMS15/09716 RMS15/09717 RMS15/09718 RMS15/09719 RMS15/09720 RMS15/09721 RMS15/09722 RMS15/09723 RMS15/09724 RMS15/09725 RMS15/09726 RMS15/09727 RMS15/09728 RMS15/09729 RMS15/09730 RMS15/09731 RMS15/09732 RMS15/09733 RMS15/09734 RMS15/09735 RMS15/09736 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64991 - CC100850 - 20/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64992 - CC100310 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 64993 - CC100310 16/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Trade Commission - 64994 - CC100751 - 14/07/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Grains Research and Development Corp - 64995 - CC100611 - 02/07/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64996 - CC100850 - 01/01/2007 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64997 - CC100850 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Taxation Office - 64998 - CC100303 - 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 64999 - CC100850 - 28/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65000 - CC100850 - 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65001 - CC100850 - 03/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65002 - CC100850 - 30/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65003 - CC100850 - 29/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65004 - CC100850 - 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65005 - CC100850 - 03/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65006 - CC100850 - 17/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65007 - CC100850 - 21/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65008 - CC100850 - 20/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65009 - CC100850 - 07/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65010 - CC100850 - 01/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 65011 - 09/12/2015 134 RMS15/09737 RMS15/09738 RMS15/09739 RMS15/09740 RMS15/09741 RMS15/09742 RMS15/09743 RMS15/09744 RMS15/09745 RMS15/09746 RMS15/09747 RMS15/09748 RMS15/09749 RMS15/09750 RMS15/09751 RMS15/09752 RMS15/09753 RMS15/09754 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65012 - CC100310 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65013 - CC100310 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65014 - CC100310 24/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65016 - CC100310 06/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 65017 - CC100283 - 07/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65018 - CC100310 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65019 - CC100310 29/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65020 - CC100310 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65021 - CC100310 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65022 - CC100850 - 07/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 65023 - CC100515 - 24/04/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Northern Land Council - 65024 - CC100951 - 01/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Attorney-Generals Department - 65025 - CC100283 - 10/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65026 - CC100310 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65027 - CC100850 - 26/10/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 65028 - CC100551 - 30/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65029 - CC100310 09/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 65030 - 11/12/2015 135 RMS15/09755 RMS15/09756 RMS15/09757 RMS15/09758 RMS15/09759 RMS15/09760 RMS15/09761 RMS15/09762 RMS15/09763 RMS15/09879 RMS15/09880 RMS15/09881 RMS15/09882 RMS15/09883 RMS15/09884 RMS15/09885 RMS15/09886 RMS15/09887 RMS15/09888 RMS15/09889 RMS15/09890 RMS15/09891 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 65031 - CC100551 - 06/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 65032 - CC100551 - 16/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 65033 - CC100802 - 19/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65034 - CC100850 - 09/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65035 - CC100850 - 09/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65036 - CC100850 - 04/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65037 - CC100850 - 22/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65038 - CC100850 - 07/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65039 - CC100850 - 30/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67653 - IR67711 - Volume 12 - 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67712 - IR67795 - Volume 13 - 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67814 - IR67880 - Volume 14 - 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67881 - IR67932 - Volume 15 - 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR67933 - IR68025 - Volume 16 - 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR68026 - IR68135 - Volume 17 - 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR68136 - IR68177 - Volume 18 - 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR68173 - IR68196 - Volume 19 - 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Incidents - IR68225 - IR68283 - Volume 20 - 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 65041 - CC100802 - 16/08/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 65042 - CC100802 - 20/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65043 - CC100310 12/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 65044 CC100230 - 31/10/2015 136 RMS15/09892 RMS15/09893 RMS15/09895 RMS15/09896 RMS15/09897 RMS15/09898 RMS15/09899 RMS15/09900 RMS15/09901 RMS15/09902 RMS15/09903 RMS15/09904 RMS15/09905 RMS15/09906 RMS15/09907 RMS15/09908 RMS15/09909 RMS15/09910 RMS15/09911 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 65045 - CC100551 - 08/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 65046 - CC100551 - 05/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Indigenous Business Australia - 65048 - CC100138 - 14/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65049 - CC100850 - 19/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 65050 - 14/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65051 - CC100850 - 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 65052 - CC100283 - 23/08/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65053 - CC100850 - 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65054 - CC100310 12/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65055 - CC100310 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65056 - CC100310 07/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65057 - CC100310 15/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65058 - CC100310 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65059 - CC100310 17/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65060 - CC100310 04/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65061 - CC100850 - 22/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - AttorneyGeneral's Department - 65062 - CC100283 - 01/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65063 - CC100850 - 27/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65064 - CC100850 - 26/11/2015 137 RMS15/09912 RMS15/09913 RMS15/09914 RMS15/09915 RMS15/09916 RMS15/09917 RMS15/09918 RMS15/09919 RMS15/09920 RMS15/09921 RMS15/09922 RMS15/09923 RMS15/09924 RMS15/09925 RMS15/09926 RMS15/09927 RMS15/09928 RMS15/09929 RMS15/09930 RMS15/09931 RMS15/09932 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 65065 - CC100802 - 29/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65066 - CC100850 - 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65067 - CC100850 - 01/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65068 - CC100850 - 14/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65069 - CC100850 - 14/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65070 - CC100850 - 14/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65071 - CC100850 - 15/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65072 - CC100850 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 65073 - CC100802 - 12/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65074 - CC100310 01/11/2000 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65075 - CC100310 12/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65076 - CC100850 - 15/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65077 - CC100850 - 13/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65078 - CC100850 - 15/09/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65079 - CC100850 - 21/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65080 - CC100850 - 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65081 - CC100850 - 03/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65082 - CC100850 - 18/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65083 - CC100850 - 02/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - "Department of Industry, Innovation and Science - 65084 - CC100443 28/08/2015" COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65085 - CC100850 - 15/12/2015 138 RMS15/09933 RMS15/09934 RMS15/09935 RMS15/09936 RMS15/09937 RMS15/09938 RMS15/09939 RMS15/09940 RMS15/09941 RMS15/09942 RMS15/09943 RMS15/09944 RMS15/09945 RMS15/09947 RMS15/09948 RMS15/09949 RMS15/09950 RMS15/09951 RMS15/09952 RMS15/09953 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 65086 - CC100551 - 13/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 65087 - CC100375 - 19/06/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of the Treasury - 65088 - CC100375 - 13/05/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - 65089 CC100230 - 26/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65090 - CC100230 10/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 65091 - CC100551 - 20/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65092 - CC100310 08/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65093 - CC100850 - 21/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65094 - CC100310 25/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65095 - CC100850 - 05/10/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Immigration and Border Protection - 65096 - CC100310 16/11/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65097 - CC100850 - 10/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65098 - CC100850 - 04/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Australian Federal Police - 65100 - CC100515 - 15/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Anindilyakwa Land Council - 65101 - CC100956 - 15/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65102 - CC100850 - 04/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65103 - CC100850 - 09/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65104 - CC100850 - 16/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65105 - CC100850 - 15/12/2015 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65106 - CC100850 - 17/12/2015 139 RMS15/09954 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Defence - 65107 - CC100850 - 17/12/2015 RMS15/09421 PERSONNEL - Appeals (decisions) - Staffing Matter RMS12/00277-04 RMS13/07042-02 RMS13/07042-03 RMS14/02723-02 RMS14/02723-03 RMS14/02723-04 RMS14/06005-02 RMS14/06470-04 RMS14/06470-05 RMS14/06470-06 RMS14/08378-02 RMS15/00292-02 RMS15/00292-03 RMS15/02497-02 RMS15/07058-02 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES Government Liaison - Australia Post - Board and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Remuneration OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Snowy Hydro Limited - Shareholder Issues - 2013-2014 to 2017-2018 Corporate Plan OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Snowy Hydro Limited - Shareholder Issues - 2013-2014 to 2017-2018 Corporate Plan OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice ASC Pty Ltd - 2013-2014 Monthly Integrated Performance Reports - Quarterly Reports and Annual Report OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice ASC Pty Ltd - 2013-2014 Monthly Integrated Performance Reports - Quarterly Reports and Annual Report OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice ASC Pty Ltd - 2013-2014 Monthly Integrated Performance Reports - Quarterly Reports and Annual Report OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Snowy Hydro Limited Acquisition of Delta Electricity Coastal Assets OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice - Air Warfare Destroyer Reform Strategy - Request for Proposals OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice - Air Warfare Destroyer Reform Strategy - Request for Proposals OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice - Air Warfare Destroyer Reform Strategy - Request for Proposals OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Reporting Australia Post Quarterly Reports OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Merger of the Australian Government Solicitor into the Attorney Generals Department OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Merger of the Australian Government Solicitor into the Attorney Generals Department OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Albury-Wodonga Corporation (AWC) - Preparation of final Financial Statements and final Annual Report OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Moorebank Intermodal Company - Annual Report, Corporate Plan and Statement of Corporate Intent 140 RMS15/07061 RMS15/07062 RMS15/07630 RMS15/07691-01 RMS15/07691-02 RMS15/07691-03 RMS15/07748 RMS15/07825 RMS15/09204-01 RMS15/09204-02 RMS15/09214 RMS15/09400 RMS15/09401 RMS15/09402 RMS15/09567 RMS11/07251-15 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Moorebank Intermodal Company - Environmental Impact Statement OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Moorebank Intermodal Company - Contract Bible Index OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Defence Housing Australia (DHA) 2015-2016 to 2018-2019 Corporate Plan and Statement of Corporate Intent (SCI) OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Reporting Airservices Australia - Governance and Financial Performance OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Reporting Airservices Australia - Governance and Financial Performance OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Reporting Airservices Australia - Governance and Financial Performance PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Procurement Panel for Business Advisory Services OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Defence Housing Australia (DHA) 2014-2015 Annual Report and Financial Statements OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Snowy Hydro Limited - 2015-2016 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Snowy Hydro Limited - 2015-2016 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Moorebank Intermodal Company - Indemnities and BioBanking Agreement GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Implementation - BoardLinks Programme - Transfer to the Office for Women - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Procedures AusGovBoards Programme - Administration and User Guides INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Implementation AusGovBoards Programme - Consolidation with the Australian Government Organisations Register and the Australian Government Online Directory GOVERNMENT COORDINATION - Reporting - Australian Government Boards - Vacancies and Appointments - Quarterly Reports TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) ICON Work Order Requests 141 RMS15/02611-02 RMS15/02611-03 RMS15/06643 RMS15/06679 RMS15/07465 RMS15/07905 RMS15/07907 RMS15/07908 RMS15/08472 RMS15/08486 RMS15/08737 RMS15/08760 RMS15/08883 TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Business Procurement and Asset Management (BPAM) Technology Procurement Division (TPD) - Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) Work Order *** *** *** *** *** *** TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Business Procurement and Asset Management (BPAM) Technology Procurement Division (TPD) - Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) Work Order *** *** *** *** *** *** TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Business Procurement and Asset Management (BPAM) Technology and Procurement Division (TPD) - Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) - Work Order *** TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Business procurement and Asset Management (BPAM) Technology and Procurement division (TPD) - Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) - Work Order *** TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Business Procurement and Asset Management (BPAM) Technology and Procurement Division (TPD) Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) *** & *** PROCUREMENT - Tendering - Government Network Services Branch - Appeal on Tender Evaluation Process regarding ICON RFT-FIN14BPAM1966 TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Business Procurement and Asset Management (BPAM) Technology Procurement and Technology Division (TPD) Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) *** TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Business Procurement and Asset Management (BPAM) Technology Procurement and Technology Division (TPD) Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) *** INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Planning - GovMail and GovDesk Project TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Commercial and Government Services (CGS) - Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) - *** COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Compliance Monitoring - Finance Compliance Reporting 2015-2016 TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Operations Data Centre Facilities TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation Commercial and Government Services (CGS) - Government Network Services Branch (GNSB) - WO114760-7 and *** and *** 142 RMS15/09813 RMS14/05195-03 RMS15/06060 RMS15/06582 RMS15/07504 RMS15/07698 RMS15/08982 RMS13/04338-03 RMS14/04979-03 RMS15/06286 RMS15/06287 RMS15/06288 RMS15/06289 RMS15/06290 RMS15/06291 RMS15/06292 RMS15/06293 TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Installation - *** *** *** *** *** & *** *** & *** ASSET SALES - Scoping Study - Hearing and Housing Taskforce - Australian Hearing Services (AHS) Correspondence OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Defence Housing Australia - General Correspondence ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation Correspondence - DHA Phase 2 ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Defence Housing Australia - Forensic Review - Australian Government Solicitor ASSET SALES - Scoping Study Implementation - Project Material - Final OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice Defence Housing Australia (DHA) Land Matters PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Microsoft Volume Sourcing Arrangement II (VSA II) Head Agreement PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Service Catalogue PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel -*** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from *** *** *** *** *** *** *** PPROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 143 RMS15/06294 RMS15/06295 RMS15/06296 RMS15/06297 RMS15/06298 RMS15/06299 RMS15/06300 RMS15/06301 RMS15/06302 RMS15/06303 RMS15/06304 RMS15/06305 RMS15/06306 RMS15/06307 RMS15/06308 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** *** ***Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 144 RMS15/06309 RMS15/06310 RMS15/06311 RMS15/06312 RMS15/06313 RMS15/06314 RMS15/06315 RMS15/06316 RMS15/06317 RMS15/06318 RMS15/06319 RMS15/06450 RMS15/06451 RMS15/06845 RMS15/07050 RMS15/07449 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 ROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel -*** *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - ***-*** *** *** ** Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** *** *** ***Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - *** *** - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Microsoft Services Arrangements for Microsoft XP and Windows Server 2003 - Financial Year 2015/16 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Microsoft Negotiations on Behalf of Participating Agencies - Defence - June 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Contractor for Analysis of Whole of Government Desktop Panel PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Advice - Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Consultancy Services for the Implentation of the ICT Procurement Portal ServiceNow 145 RMS15/07507 RMS15/07508 RMS15/07512 RMS15/07634 RMS15/07702 RMS15/07896 RMS15/08096 RMS15/08098 RMS15/08220 RMS15/08289 RMS15/08514 RMS15/09232 RMS15/09417 RMS15/09582 RMS15/09982 RMS15/09983 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - SourceIT Plus PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Professional services for the review of the Desktop Hardware Panel PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Desktop Panel - Best and Final Offer (BAFO) Period March 2015 to August 2015 and August 2015 to December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - UNSUCCESSFUL RESPONSES - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2016 WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Reviewing - Review of the Australian Government Telecommunications Agreement (AGTA) PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Acquisition - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel Management PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - IBNCS*** - *** *** *** (***) PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Microsoft Volume Sourcing Arrangement (VSA 3) Establishment PROCUREMENT - Planning - Establishment of the Whole of Government Telecommunications Services Panel PROCUREMENT - Tendering - Consultancy for the Whole-ofAustralian-Government Telecommunications Services Panel PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel - HP PPS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD - Correspondence from 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Advice - IBNCS*** - *** *** *** *** (***) PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - ICT Hardware and Associated Services Panel (SON3295723) Best and Final Offer Cycle 1 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - IBNCS*** - *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Telecommunications-Telecommunications Commodities - Carriage and Associated Services -*** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Telecommunications -Telecommunications Commodities - Carriage and Associated Services -*** *** *** *** *** 146 RMS15/09984 RMS15/09985 RMS15/09986 RMS15/09987 RMS15/09988 RMS15/09989 RMS15/06589 RMS15/08844 RMS15/09082 RMS15/09447 RMS15/09585 RMS15/09593 DPG12/01104-02 DPG13/00026-02 DPG13/00073-03 RMS14/00343-04 RMS15/00267-02 RMS15/04564-02 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Telecommunications -Telecommunications Commodities - Carriage and Associated Services - *** *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Telecommunications -Telecommunications Commodities - Carriage and Associated Services -*** *** *** *** WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Agreements - Australian Government Telecommunications Arrangements - AGTA - *** *** WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Agreements - Australian Government Telecommunications Arrangements -AGTA - *** WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Agreements - Australian Government Telecommunications Arrangements - AGTA- *** WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Agreements - Australian Government Telecommunications Arrangements - AGTA - *** *** *** WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Policy - Data Centre as a Service (DCaaS) Multi-Use List (MUL) - Closure WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Contract Management - Cloud Services Panel - *** *** *** WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Contract Management - *** *** *** WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Contract Management - *** *** WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Contract Management - *** *** *** *** *** *** WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Contract Management - *** *** *** *** LEGAL SERVICES - Advice - Moorebank Project - Indigenous and Aboriginal Legal Issues CAPITAL WORKS - Procedures - Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project - Establishment of an Online Data Room CAPITAL WORKS - Meetings - Moorebank IMT Project Steering Committee (SC) OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice National Broadband Network - *** and *** *** OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice National Broadband Network (NBN) - Ministerial Briefs - 2015 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Liaison Moorebank Intermodal Company negotiations with the Sydney Intermodal Terminal Alliance - Communications Materials 147 RMS15/06846 RMS15/07341 RMS15/07468 RMS15/07483 RMS15/09172 RMS15/09434 RMS15/09617-01 RMS15/09617-02 RMS15/09617-03 RMS15/09617-04 RMS15/09617-05 RMS15/09617-06 RMS15/09617-07 RMS15/09617-08 RMS15/09772 RMS15/06186 RMS15/06229 RMS15/06586-01 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Liaison Moorebank Intermodal Company negotiations with the Sydney Intermodal Terminal Alliance - Presentations by Department of Finance OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Liaison Moorebank Intermodal Company direct negotiations with the Sydney Intermodal Terminal Alliance - Precinct Concept Design August 2014 PROCUREMENT - Procedures - Appointment of legal adviser to assist with establishment of Business Advisory Services Panel CAPITAL WORKS - Planning - Moorebank intermodal terminal project: National Intermodal Terminal Study February 2006 OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Scoping Study - Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) Scoping Study - Procurement of Business and Legal Advisers OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice National Broadband Network (NBN) - Appointment of Board 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Business Advisory Panel Tenders PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Business Advisory Panel Tenders PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Business Advisory Panel Tenders PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Business Advisory Panel Tenders PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Business Advisory Panel Tenders PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Business Advisory Panel Tenders PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Business Advisory Panel Tenders PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Business Advisory Panel Tenders OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Advice National Broadband Network (NBN) - Procurement TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Acquisition Provision of Hosting Services - Approach to Cloud Service Panel WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Website Management - User testing for Peak Usability - 2014 - DVDs of user testing sessions TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Compliance Online Services Branch - Financial Approvals, Contracts and Contract Management 148 RMS15/06586-02 RMS15/06586-03 RMS15/07340 RMS15/07729 RMS15/07752 RMS15/09399 RMS14/08112-02 RMS15/00048-02 RMS15/00276-04 RMS15/00276-05 RMS15/00276-06 RMS15/01779-03 RMS15/01779-04 RMS15/03050-02 RMS15/04571-02 TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Compliance Online Services Branch - Financial Approvals, Contracts and Contract Management TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Compliance Online Services Branch - Financial Approvals, Contracts and Contract Management PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasing - Building 5 1 Dairy Road Fyshwick Building and Related Services WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Contract Management - Provision of Cloud Services for the Government Services Environment, September 2015, reference 00001307 TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Contracting out - Property and outgoing's Building 5 Dairy Road, Fyshwick WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Agreements - Memorandum of Understanding with the Digital Transformation Office for the transfer of contracts under the Machinery of Government changes from September 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Travel Contracts - Market Day July 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Meetings - Diners Club Australia - Provision of Travel and Related Card Services to the Australian Government - Quarterly Contract Review Meetings PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS) - Contract Amendments and Notices - Complete Office Supplies PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS) - Contract Amendments and Notices - Complete Office Supplies PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS) - Contract Amendments and Notices - Complete Office Supplies PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS) Project Contract Amendments and Notices - Staples Australia PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS) Project Contract Amendments and Notices - Staples Australia PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Stationery and Office Machines (SOM) Team Contract Management Activities PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS) - Contract Amendments and Notices - OfficeMax 149 RMS15/06061 RMS15/06184 RMS15/06185 RMS15/06234 RMS15/06597 RMS15/06598 RMS15/06599 RMS15/06600 RMS15/06601 RMS15/06602 RMS15/06603 RMS15/06604 RMS15/06605 RMS15/06630 RMS15/06639 RMS15/06694 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Whole of Australian Government (WOAG) Travel Services - Review of Accommodation and Car Rental Contractual Arrangements - 2014-2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Airline Industry Expert Adviser PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Airline Procurement Support Services PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Acquisition - Major Office Machines (MOMs) Project Verification Activities - Tenderer Interviews PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Ricoh Australia - 2013 Australian Industry Participation (AIP) Plan Implementation Report PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Sharp - 2014 Australian Industry Participation (AIP) Plan Implementation Report PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Sharp - 2015 Australian Industry Participation (AIP) Plan Implementation Report PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Ricoh Australia - 2015 Australian Industry Participation (AIP) Plan Implementation Report PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Ricoh Australia - 2012 Australian Industry Participation (AIP) Plan Implementation Report PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Research - Coordinated Procurement - Major Office Machines (MOMs) - Scoping Study Report PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Research - Coordinated Procurement - Major Office Machines (MOMs) - Qualitative Questionnaire - Hewlett Packard Response PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Research - Coordinated Procurement - Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS) - Final Scoping Study Report PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Research - Coordinated Procurement - Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS) Discussion Papers and Market Research PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Ricoh Australia - 2014 Australian Industry Participation (AIP) Plan Implementation Report PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Major Office Machines - Meetings - Fuji Xerox PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Whole of Australian Government Travel Services Car Rental - Adjustments to Fuel Charging 150 RMS15/06695 RMS15/06818 RMS15/06834 RMS15/07313 RMS15/07842 RMS15/07860 RMS15/07894 RMS15/07895 RMS15/07897 RMS15/08233 RMS15/08457 RMS15/09036 RMS15/09037 RMS15/09038 RMS15/09039 RMS15/09205 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Whole of Australian Government Travel Services Car Rental - Premium Location Surcharge (PLS) PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Travel Card Arrangement - Extension Option Assessment PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Major Office Machines (MOMs) Tender Consultation with Departments and Agencies PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - INFORMATION SECURITY REGISTERED (iRAP) ASSESSMENT OF QBT Travel SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Air Travel Services - Approval to Release Request for Tender (RFT) PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Air Travel Services - Addenda PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Whole of Australian Government (WOAG) Travel Services - Car Rental Services - Market Share Reporting PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Air Travel Services - Tender Registrations and Industry Briefing PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Major Office Machines (MOMs) Tender - Decision Paper PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Air Travel Services - Tender Evaluation Team (TET) PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - Deed in relation to Travel Management Services for the Australian Government - Change Orders and Contract Variations PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Airlines Stage 2 - Non Financial Clarification Questions PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Airlines Stage 2 - Financial Clarification Questions PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Airlines Stage 2 - Referee Questions PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Airlines Stage 1 - Initial Screening For Compliance PROCUREMENT - Contracting-out - ICT Contractor for One Canberra Avenue fit out - DHS - ICT - Contractor Services Panel 151 RMS15/09215 RMS15/09216 RMS13/01897-03 RMS14/07291-02 RMS14/07291-03 RMS15/06181 RMS15/07301 RMS15/07516 RMS15/07714 RMS15/07824 RMS15/07903 RMS15/08084 RMS15/08091 RMS15/08119 RMS15/08313 RMS15/08314 RMS15/08315 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Major Office Machines (MOMs) Tender - Legal and Probity Services PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Whole of Government Contracts - Air Travel Services - Stage 2 - Verification Activity Financial Viability Reports PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Application Development - Dynamic Sourcing for Panels (DS4P) Phase Two - Panels - Test Management TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Application Development - Dynamic Sourcing for Panels (DS4P) Phase Two - Panels - Test Management PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Negotiations TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Planning Application Training Development and Implementation AusTender Dynamic Sourcing for Panels and GrantConnect PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy Ministerial Correspondence 2015/16 - Relating to Procurement Framework PROCUREMENT - Agreements - AusTender and Gruden Managed Services Contract 2015 TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Contracting out - Infrastructure Decommissioning Services PROCUREMENT - Agreements - AusTender Application Sessions Enhancements FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Reporting - Senate Order (Murray Order) Intranet Contract Listing for 2015-2016 Financial Year PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy Domestic Review FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Reporting - 2014-2015 Procurement Plan TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Implementation - Application Training Development and Implementation of the AusTender System TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Implementation - Application Training Development and Implementation of the GrantConnect System TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Implementation - Application Training Development and Implementation of the Dynamic Sourcing for Panels (DS4P) Functionality 152 RMS15/08500 RMS15/08509 RMS15/09183 RMS15/09612 RMS15/09614 RMS15/09615 RMS15/09616 RMS15/09818 RMS15/09955 RMS15/09961 RMS15/09962 RMS15/09975 RMS15/09976 RMS15/09993 DPG15/00845 RMS15/08458 DPG13/00159-02 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Reporting - AusTender End of Financial Year Contract Reporting - Financial Year 2014 - 2015 TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Application Development - Dynamic Sourcing for Procurement (DS4P) Phase 4 - Report - Test Management TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Application Development - AusTender Responsive Design 2015/16 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy World Trade Organisation (WTO) Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) - Australia Accession to WTO GPA PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy Australia - United States Free Trade Agreement 2014 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy Singapore - Australia Free Trade Agreement 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement Negotiations State Owned Enterprises Briefings 2014 - Australia-US Bilateral TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Application Development - GrantConnect Build and Implementation Procurements PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy ANAO Audits PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement Negotiations Briefings Round 35 Atlanta 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement Negotiations Briefings Round 34 May - July 2015 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy European Union PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy Australia - Chile - Free Trade Agreement PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Procurement Policy Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement Negotiations Round 32 Briefings Washington April 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Consultancy Services for Canberra Office Accommodation COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Scoping Study into Divestment Options for Properties in the Parliamentary Triangle COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Various Requests for Comment on Works Approvals from National Capital Authority (NCA) and State Governments 153 DPG15/00605-01 DPG15/00605-02 DPG15/00606-01 DPG15/00606-02 DPG15/00607-01 DPG15/00607-02 DPG15/00608-01 DPG15/00608-02 DPG15/00609-01 DPG15/00609-02 DPG15/00610 DPG15/00611 DPG15/00612 DPG15/00613 DPG15/00614 DPG15/00652 DPG15/00659 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Mining - Application by Rangatira Pty Ltd for a licence to explore on Clinton Lowland in the Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Mining - Application by Rangatira Pty Ltd for a licence to explore on Clinton Lowland in the Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Proposals for Amendments 2004 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Proposals for Amendments 2004 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - precedent litigation and reviews (***) COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - precedent litigation and reviews (***) COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Gazette Notices: Lands Acquisitions - 1998-2012 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Gazette Notices: Lands Acquisitions - 1998-2012 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Gazette Notices: Land Acquisitions - 1994-1997 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Gazette Notices: Land Acquisitions - 1994-1997 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Gazette Notices: Land Acquisitions 1992-1993 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Gazette Notices: Land Acquisitions - 1990-1991 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Gazette Notices: Land Acquisitions - 1978-1980 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Gazette Notices: Land Acquisitions - 1989 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Gazette Notices: Land Acquisitions - 1981-1988 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Meetings Woomera Prohibited Area - Advisory Board Meeting Woomera - Monday 31 August 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Claim for Compensation - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Nuttbush Retreat - *** - Pandurra - South Australia 154 DPG15/00736 DPG15/00759-01 DPG15/00759-02 DPG15/00848 RMS03/07525-02 RMS11/00153-04 RMS11/00153-05 RMS14/03118-02 RMS14/05277-02 RMS14/05308-02 RMS14/05308-03 RMS14/05308-04 RMS14/05308-05 RMS14/05308-06 RMS14/05308-07 RMS14/08339-02 RMS14/08392-02 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Policy Policy Considerations on the Application of the Commonwealth Property Disposals Policy to the Indian Ocean Territories COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Industrial Waste Collection (IWC) site at Lucas Heights NSW COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Industrial Waste Collection (IWC) site at Lucas Heights NSW COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - 177 Old Toowoomba Rd Amberley QLD - Section 40 - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Defence COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Proposed Off - Market Concessional Sale of Witton Barracks - Indooroopilly - Queensland COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Policy Kenbi Land Transfers COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Policy Kenbi Land Transfers GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee Act 1969 - Proposed Amendments 2014 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Commercial Property Transactions 2014-2015 Tabling Schedules GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Bulga Coal Underground Long Wall Mine - (Application for Access for July 2015) GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Bulga Coal Underground Long Wall Mine - (Application for Access for July 2015) GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Bulga Coal Underground Long Wall Mine - (Application for Access for July 2015) GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Bulga Coal Underground Long Wall Mine - (Application for Access for July 2015) GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Bulga Coal Underground Long Wall Mine - (Application for Access for July 2015) GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Bulga Coal Underground Long Wall Mine - (Application for Access for July 2015) GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Review of Public Works Committee Financial Threshold - 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Western Sydney Airport 155 RMS15/00286-02 RMS15/00286-03 RMS15/00286-04 RMS15/01422-02 RMS15/01422-03 RMS15/05646-03 RMS15/05812-02 RMS15/05812-03 RMS15/06090 RMS15/06105 RMS15/06106 RMS15/06107 RMS15/06109 RMS15/06535 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Policy Disposal of Defence Property at Lawson North and Werriwa ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Policy Disposal of Defence Property at Lawson North and Werriwa ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Policy Disposal of Defence Property at Lawson North and Werriwa ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Legislation - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Delegations Update 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Legislation - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Delegations Update 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Melbourne Airport GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee Act 1969 - Works Conducted on Nauru - Senate Select Committee on the Recent Allegations relating to Conditions and Circumstances at the Regional Processing Centre in Nauru GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee Act 1969 - Works Conducted on Nauru - Senate Select Committee on the Recent Allegations relating to Conditions and Circumstances at the Regional Processing Centre in Nauru GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - First Principles Review Reducing Red Tape - PWC Threshold GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Property Transactions - FORM L - 1 July 2015 - 31 December 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Property Transactions - FORM D - 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Commercial Property Transactions 2015-2016 Overseas GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Lands Acquisition Act 1989 - Property Transactions - FORM A - 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Airservices Australia - Brisbane And Cairns Control Tower Upgrade 156 RMS15/06536 RMS15/06607 RMS15/06617 RMS15/06681 RMS15/07030 RMS15/07033 RMS15/07071 RMS15/07298 RMS15/07448 RMS15/07474 RMS15/07475 RMS15/07476 RMS15/07628 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - HMAS STIRLING REDEVELOPMENT STAGE 3A, Garden Island Western Australia GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Department of Defence GROWLER AIRBORNE ELECTRONIC ATTACK CAPABILITY, RAAF Amberley QLD, Army Aviation Centre Oakey QLD and Delamere Air Weapons Range, Northern Territory GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Department of Defence Delamere Air Weapons Range Redevelopment Project Northern Territory GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Post Implementation Reports Finance and Other Agencies GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - United States Force Posture Initiatives - Public Works Committee Act 1969 Department of Defence GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Commonwealth Vacant Lease Property Data - Project Tetris - Property Data COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Policy Lease Endorsement Process RMG 504 Review August 2015 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Enquiries - Commonwealth Acquisition of Land Kewdale March 1950 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Department of Defence Battlefield Airlifter Facilities Project RAAF Base Amberley Queensland GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Department of Defence AIR5431 Phase 2 and 3 Defence Air Traffic Management and Control System Facilities Requirements - and - Australian Defence Force Air Traffic Control Complex Infrastructure Project GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - AIR5431 Phase 2 and 3 Defence Air Traffic Management and Control System Facilities Requirements - and - ADF Air Traffic Control Complex Infrastructure GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Department of Defence - Land 121 - Unit Sustainment Facilities COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Enquiries - Macedon Ranges Land Owners Committee 157 RMS15/07706 RMS15/07731 RMS15/07732-02 RMS15/07853 RMS15/07906 RMS15/08095 RMS15/08099 RMS15/08294 RMS15/08301 RMS15/08302 RMS15/08322 RMS15/08428 RMS15/08441 RMS15/08454 RMS15/08471 RMS15/08482 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Audit - Data Integrity Review COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Joint Geological and Geophysical Research Station - Alice Spring GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee Act 1969 and Below-The-Line Items and Policy COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Hornsby Rifle Range GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Australian Chancery Project Paris France - Base Building Refurbishment International Energy Agency Tenancy Fit-Out GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee Act 1969 - Proposed Amendments 2016 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee Act 1969 And Application To Public Works On Norfolk Island GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Disposal of Lot 7302 Wamboin to Australian Capital Territory Government GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Referral of Proposed fit-out of existing leased premises for the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) located in Northbridge Western Australia GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - *** - Native Title Settlement COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Bulimba Barracks - Property Disposals COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Casino Property Disposal COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Murray Darling Basin Authority - Crown Allotment 36A (Part) - Part Lot on Title Plan TP285705D located in the Parish of Gunbower West - Victoria - Eastons Road - South East of Cohuna COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Government Liaison - Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) Information Request - IR 207-2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Policy - Disposal of Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Field Station at Ginninderra, Australian Capital Territory COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Instrument of Authorisation permitting the Hon Dr Peter Hendy MP to assist with Public Works Committee (PWC) matters - October 2015 158 RMS15/08484 RMS15/09098 RMS15/09099 DPG09/00664-02 DPG10/00444-02 DPG13/00457-04 DPG13/00457-05 DPG13/00622-04 DPG13/00622-05 DPG14/00322-02 DPG14/00322-03 DPG14/00323-02 DPG14/00888-04 DPG14/00888-05 DPG15/00054-02 DPG15/00075-02 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Legislation - Public Works Committee (PWC) Act 1969 - Western Sydney Airport - Badgery's Creek - Airport Infrastructure Works - Stage 1 Development COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Policy and Legal Considerations Related to Treatment of Commonwealth Owned Coal at Singleton Military Training Area COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Government Liaison - Commonwealth Consideration of West Australia Government Concurrence to Grant of Mining Tenements at Yampi Sound COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Block 4 Section 38 Campbell - ACT - CSIRO Headquarters COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - 60 Denison St - Deakin ACT - Minor Capex Works - Single Business Case Approvals and E-mail Approvals COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - Liaison with *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - Liaison with *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - Transition Out - Financial Matters Regarding Invoices COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - Transition Out - Financial Matters Regarding Invoices COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Development *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Development *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - 13 McMinn Street Alice Springs Northern Territory - Hazardous Materials Maintenance Plan 2009 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Block 13 Section 9 Barton ACT - Holding Lease and Crown Leases COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Block 13 Section 9 Barton ACT - Holding Lease and Crown Leases COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - Property Management Services Contract *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice National Land - Werriwa and Lawson ACT - Crown Lease and Transfer 159 DPG15/00075-03 DPG15/00075-04 DPG15/00208-02 DPG15/00208-03 DPG15/00507 DPG15/00508 DPG15/00509 DPG15/00510 DPG15/00516 DPG15/00524 DPG15/00525 DPG15/00528 DPG15/00529 DPG15/00530 DPG15/00531 DPG15/00532 DPG15/00533 DPG15/00534 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice National Land - Werriwa and Lawson ACT - Crown Lease and Transfer COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice National Land - Werriwa and Lawson ACT - Crown Lease and Transfer COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Canberra Light Rail Project - Stage 2 Proposal COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Canberra Light Rail Project - Stage 2 Proposal COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Procurement of Legal Services for Block 2 Section 6 and Block 1 Section 16 Lawson (North Lawson) ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Procurement of Legal Service for Block 16 Section 10 City (Werriwa Transport Depot) ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** Report - June 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Procurement of Legal Services for Block 15 Section 9 Barton (formerly Block 13) ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - West Block, Parkes COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Lionel Bowen Building COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Parramatta Commonwealth Law Courts COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Canberra Commonwealth Law Courts CAMP Version 1 - 30 September 2011 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Adelaide Commonwealth Law Courts COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Canberra Commonwealth Law Courts COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - 4 Treasury Place, Melbourne 160 DPG15/00535 DPG15/00536 DPG15/00537 DPG15/00538 DPG15/00539 DPG15/00540 DPG15/00541 DPG15/00542 DPG15/00543 DPG15/00544 DPG15/00545 DPG15/00546 DPG15/00548 DPG15/00551 DPG15/00552 DPG15/00553 DPG15/00554 DPG15/00555 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Hobart Commonwealth Law Courts COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - 60 Denison Street, Deakin COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Anzac Park West COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Melbourne Commonwealth Law Courts COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - D Branch COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Mount Macedon COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Jervis Bay Court and Police Station COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Customs Offices, Perth Airport COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - Customs Administration Building, Neutral Bay COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Capital Asset Management Plan - East Block, Parkes COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Lot 304 Elizabeth Mitchell Drive, Thurgoona COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Lot 1 McKoy Street, Wodonga COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Lot 390 Firestone Way (Innisbrook Avenue), West Wodonga, VIC COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Liaison Comments on the National Capital Plan Exposure Draft 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Procurement of Legal Services for further Crown Lease application for Block 1 Section 3 Braddon (Fenner Hall) ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 1 in 14 ACT Commercial Buildings COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 2 in 14 Commercial Buildings COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 3 in 14 Russell Land and Buildings 161 DPG15/00556 DPG15/00557 DPG15/00558 DPG15/00559 DPG15/00560 DPG15/00561 DPG15/00562 DPG15/00563 DPG15/00564 DPG15/00565 DPG15/00566 DPG15/00567 DPG15/00573 DPG15/00574 DPG15/00600 DPG15/00601 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 4 in 14 Commonwealth Law Courts COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 5 in 14 Commonwealth Cottages COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 6 in 14 ACT Lands and Long Term Leases COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 7 in 14 Hall Lands COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 8 in 14 NSW Properties COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 9 in 14 NT Properties COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 10 in 14 QLD Properties COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 11 in 14 VIC Properties COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 12 in 14 WA Properties COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 13 in 14 Border Properties COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio Annual Valuations 2015 - Folder 14 in 14 Border Properties COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - Treasury Building Minor Capital Works and Single Business Cases Approvals 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Albury Wodonga Water Licence COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Voyager Point Footbridge Legal Services COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Inspections - John Gorton Building (JGB) - Energy Metering Project Manual - Volume 1 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Albury Wodonga Corporation (AWC) - Valuation Reports 2013 162 DPG15/00602 DPG15/00603 DPG15/00604 DPG15/00643-01 DPG15/00643-02 DPG15/00644-01 DPG15/00644-02 DPG15/00645-01 DPG15/00645-02 DPG15/00646-01 DPG15/00646-02 DPG15/00647-01 DPG15/00647-02 DPG15/00648-01 DPG15/00648-02 DPG15/00648-03 DPG15/00653 DPG15/00654 DPG15/00661 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting John Gorton Building (JBG) - Building Management Systems Project Completion Report 2012 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Acquisition - Albury Wodonga Corporation (AWC) - Plans of Subdivision - NSW related section 88B instruments - VIC related section 173 agreements COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Agreements - 97 Clapham Road Sefton NSW (Lot 4 Section 1 DP 715) - Management of Commonwealth Drainage Easement COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - West Block - Tender Evaluation Reports 2014 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - West Block - Tender Evaluation Reports 2014 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - West Block - Tender Evaluation Reports 2014 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Leasing-out - Memorandum of Understanding Lease Agreement *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Albury Wodonga Properties Valuation Report 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - R9 Building Russell, New Lease Arrangements 163 DPG15/00663-01 DPG15/00663-02 DPG15/00665-01 DPG15/00665-02 DPG15/00666-01 DPG15/00666-02 DPG15/00675 DPG15/00676 DPG15/00677 DPG15/00678 DPG15/00682 DPG15/00683 DPG15/00684 DPG15/00685 DPG15/00686 DPG15/00687 DPG15/00688 DPG15/00689 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - 18 Balmoral Avenue Cessnock NSW - Single Business Cases COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - 17 Vickers Street Cessnock NSW - Single Business Cases COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - 1029 Great Western Highway Lithgow NSW Single Business Cases COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - 13 McMinn Street Alice Springs NT - Single Business Cases COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - John Gorton Building - Department of Environment Lease Documentation 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasing Security Packet - Certificate of Title - 76 Macquarie Avenue Cessnock COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Procurement of Legal Services for Block 3 Section 65 Campbell (Academy Close) ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Strategic Property Advisor COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasing Cost Benefit Analysis for Lease Endorsement Process COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Commonwealth Law Courts Sydney - Child Dispute Area Level 2 - Fitout COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - Ben Chifley Building (BCB) - Asset Register COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Capex - Ben Chifley Building (BCB) - Permanent Load Bank Installation 164 DPG15/00690 DPG15/00691 DPG15/00692 DPG15/00693 DPG15/00694 DPG15/00695 DPG15/00696 DPG15/00700 DPG15/00701 DPG15/00702 DPG15/00707 DPG15/00708 DPG15/00709 DPG15/00710 DPG15/00711 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Capex - Ben Chifley Building (BCB) - Application of Epoxy Floor to Plant Rooms COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Capex - Ben Chifley Building (BCB) - Power Factor Correction (PFC) COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - Ben Chifley Building (BCB) - Building FineTuning COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - Ben Chifley Building (BCB) - Select Operation and Maintenance Manuals COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - Ben Chifley Building (BCB) - Samples and Spares COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - 62 Lyttleton Street Launceston Tasmania COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Divestment Taskforce - Lot 2 DP 1144979 Wallaroo Road Hall NSW COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security packet - Heads of Agreement between Department of Finance *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - D Branch Russell 9 Building Design and Fitout Works For New Tenancy COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Meetings Jervis Bay - Commonwealth Interdepartmental Meeting September 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Lot 48 Hall - Grazing Licence P and C O'CLERY COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Trunk Sewer and Water Pipeline - HMAS Bonshaw Jerrabomberra ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Certificate of Title - Vol 8015 Fol 022 Hampstead Road Maribyrnong VIC COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Deed of Grant of Land - Whitewood NTA TV QLD COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Certificate of Title - 34 Rifle Parade Lithgow NSW 165 DPG15/00712 DPG15/00713 DPG15/00714 DPG15/00715 DPG15/00716 DPG15/00717 DPG15/00718 DPG15/00719 DPG15/00725 DPG15/00726 DPG15/00727 DPG15/00728 DPG15/00729 DPG15/00730 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Licence Deed - Sewer Line Easement Lot 196 DP 31912 Penrith NSW COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Certificate of Title - Ettamogah Store Depot - NSW COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Original Mortgage Deed - Lady Davidson Hosp. Lot 1 DP858405 Cumberland NSW COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Original Certificate of Title - 17 Vickers Street Lithgow NSW COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Original Certificate of Title - Copy of Deed of Licence (20-5-91) - Hornsby Rifle Range NSW COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Original Certificate of Title - Plan of Allotment - Marius Street Tamworth NSW COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Acknowledgement of Vacation - 37 Ninth Avenue Woodville North SA COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Crown Lease - Holding Lease - Block 13 14 and 15 Section 9 Barton ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Land Management around Finance Buildings in the Parliamentary Triangle COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Lease to Department of Finance John Gorton Building King Edward Terrace Parkes ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Lease to National Capital Authority (NCA) Treasury Building King Edward Terrace Parkes ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) National Capital Authority (NCA) Treasury Building King Edward Terrace Parkes ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Lease to Questacon 60 Denison Street Deakin ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Heads of Agreement - Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) - West Block Parkes ACT 166 DPG15/00731 DPG15/00732 DPG15/00733 DPG15/00735 DPG15/00737 DPG15/00739 DPG15/00741 DPG15/00746 DPG15/00747 DPG15/00757 DPG15/00760-01 DPG15/00760-02 DPG15/00760-03 DPG15/00760-04 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Lease to Department of Environment and Heritage - John Gorton Building King Edward Terrace Parkes ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Commonwealth Tenants Lease Department of Finance at Treasury Building Parkes ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Lease to Treasury - Treasury Building Parkes ACT COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Plant Maintenance Registration for Lifts Including Escalators and Moving Walkways for Non-Defence Domestic Property Portfolio 2014 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Agreements - 62 Darling Street Wentworth NSW - War Memorial - request to extend 99 year lease - Lot 10 DP 759074 (Lot 1 SP 86362) COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Security Packet - Plant Registration - Lifts Commercial Properties COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Security Packet - Plant Registration - Lifts Commonwealth Law Courts COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - 25 Brown Street (Lot 15 DP 36677) - Chester Hill NSW - Request for Removal of Easement COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - 30 Brown Street (Lot 4 DP 36677) - Chester Hill NSW - Request for Removal of Easement COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Commonwealth Law Courts Adelaide - Child Dispute Area Level 2 - Fitout COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs 167 DPG15/00760-05 DPG15/00760-06 DPG15/00760-07 DPG15/00760-08 DPG15/00760-09 DPG15/00760-10 DPG15/00760-11 DPG15/00761-01 DPG15/00761-02 DPG15/00761-03 DPG15/00761-04 DPG15/00761-05 DPG15/00761-06 DPG15/00761-07 DPG15/00761-08 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1998 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs 168 DPG15/00761-09 DPG15/00761-10 DPG15/00761-11 DPG15/00761-12 DPG15/00762-01 DPG15/00762-02 DPG15/00762-03 DPG15/00762-04 DPG15/00762-05 DPG15/00762-06 DPG15/00762-07 DPG15/00762-08 DPG15/00763-01 DPG15/00763-02 DPG15/00763-03 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1999 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2000 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2000 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2000 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2000 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2000 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2000 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2000 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2000 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2001 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2001 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2001 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs 169 DPG15/00763-04 DPG15/00763-05 DPG15/00763-06 DPG15/00763-07 DPG15/00764-01 DPG15/00764-02 DPG15/00764-03 DPG15/00764-04 DPG15/00764-05 DPG15/00764-06 DPG15/00764-07 DPG15/00764-08 DPG15/00765 DPG15/00766-01 DPG15/00766-02 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2001 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2001 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2001 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2001 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2002 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2002 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2002 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2002 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2002 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2002 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2002 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2002 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2005 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2006 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2006 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs 170 DPG15/00766-03 DPG15/00766-04 DPG15/00767-01 DPG15/00767-02 DPG15/00767-03 DPG15/00768 DPG15/00769-01 DPG15/00769-02 DPG15/00769-03 DPG15/00769-04 DPG15/00769-05 DPG15/00769-06 DPG15/00769-07 DPG15/00773-01 DPG15/00773-02 DPG15/00773-03 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2006 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2006 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2007 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2007 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2007 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2009 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2011 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2011 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2011 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2011 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2011 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2011 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2011 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 171 DPG15/00774-01 DPG15/00774-02 DPG15/00774-03 DPG15/00775-01 DPG15/00775-02 DPG15/00775-03 DPG15/00776 DPG15/00777 DPG15/00778 DPG15/00782 DPG15/00784 DPG15/00801 DPG15/00802 DPG15/00803-01 DPG15/00803-02 DPG15/00804-01 DPG15/00804-02 DPG15/00804-03 DPG15/00804-04 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Property Data Collection (PRODAC) - 2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Department of Finance (Finance) - Streamlining Government Grants Administration - First Stage Programme Review COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Sydney Commonwealth Law Courts Level 2 Refurbishment COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Insurance Insurance Claims COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Ben Chifley Building - Lift Registration COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - Voyager Point Footbridge Georges River East Hills NSW Maintenance Plan / Handover Documents and Asset Management Plan COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice National Land Briefing June 2001 - National Land and Crown Lease Summary COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Property Sales 1997-1998 - IRR Information Tenancy Schedules and Valuation Information COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Property Sales 1997-1998 - IRR Information Tenancy Schedules and Valuation Information COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 Barton ACT - Master Plan - June 2007 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 Barton ACT - Master Plan - June 2007 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 Barton ACT - Master Plan - June 2007 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 Barton ACT - Master Plan - June 2007 172 DPG15/00804-05 DPG15/00804-06 DPG15/00804-07 DPG15/00804-08 DPG15/00804-09 DPG15/00807 DPG15/00815-01 DPG15/00815-02 DPG15/00815-03 DPG15/00815-04 DPG15/00816 DPG15/00817 DPG15/00842 DPG15/00843 DPG15/00847-01 DPG15/00847-02 DPG15/00847-03 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 Barton ACT - Master Plan - June 2007 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 Barton ACT - Master Plan - June 2007 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 Barton ACT - Master Plan - June 2007 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 Barton ACT - Master Plan - June 2007 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 Barton ACT - Master Plan - June 2007 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice CSIRO Land at Ginninderra ACT (Blocks 1426 1427 1545 1609 1630) - Valuation Services COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2010 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2010 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2010 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2010 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2003 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2004 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2010-2011 Secretary Correspondence and Executive Minutes COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 1997 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2008 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2008 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2008 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs 173 DPG15/00847-04 DPG15/00847-05 DPG15/00858-01 DPG15/00858-02 DPG15/00858-03 DPG15/00859 DPG15/00860 DPG15/00861 DPG15/00862 DPG15/00865-01 DPG15/00865-02 DPG15/00865-03 DPG15/00866 RMS15/06285 RMS15/06490 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2008 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2008 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 (23 National Circuit ACT) - Sales Package and Tender Documents - August 2011 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 (23 National Circuit ACT) - Sales Package and Tender Documents - August 2011 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Block 3 Section 22 (23 National Circuit ACT) - Sales Package and Tender Documents - August 2011 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Commonwealth Property - Office Estate Performance Report 1996-1997 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Public Interest Estate - Australia Wide Property Portfolio - June 2000 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Commonwealth Property - Office Estate Performance Report 1994-95 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Commonwealth Property - Office Estate Performance Report 1995-1996 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2012 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2012 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2012 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Property and Construction Division - 2003 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reviewing - Albury-Wodonga Properties Valuation 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Legal Services for 2015-2016 Commercial Properties and Land Team 174 RMS15/06988 RMS15/06992-01 RMS15/06992-02 RMS15/06992-03 RMS15/06993 RMS15/06994 RMS15/06995 RMS15/07733 RMS15/08323 RMS15/08435 RMS15/08436 RMS15/08437 RMS15/08446 RMS15/08447 RMS15/08448 RMS15/08450 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - 12 Vineyard Rd (Lot 18 LP 90404) Sunbury VIC Removal of Commonwealth Easement COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Antenna Field Soil Investigation Program - Section 34 Hundred of Bray - Cox Peninsula - NT - May 2010 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Albury-Wodonga - Procurement - Financial Year 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Property Disposal - 119 Hanson Road - Woodville North - South Australia COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Lot 1 - 15 Kiely Rd Moama NSW - Removal of Commonwealth Easement COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - 263 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA - Removal of caveat from title COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - 352 Knobles Rd (Lot 3 DP 1186314 - Originally Lot 1 DP 533429) Wirlinga NSW - Removal of covenant COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Soil Investigation Program - Section 50 Hundred of Bray - Cox Peninsula - NT - August 2011 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Site History Investigation Report - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - Security Packet - Leases for Woodridge Commonwealth Office - Lot 53 RP225677 - Yeerongpilly - QLD 175 RMS15/08451 RMS15/08452 RMS15/08453 RMS15/08455 RMS15/08456 RMS15/08459 RMS15/08476 RMS15/08477 DPG15/00506 DPG15/00642 DPG15/00650 DPG15/00657 DPG15/00658 DPG15/00667 DPG15/00668 DPG15/00669 DPG15/00670 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Lot 1380 (Volume 675 Folio 610) Town of Palmerston Northern Territory Christian Schools request COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - 256 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA - Removal of caveat from title COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Portion 1693 Hundred of Bagot NT - Extinguishment of Drainage Easement COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Volume 5710 Folio 608 Moomba SA - Removal of Easement from title - Moomba-Sydney Pipeline System COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasing Coordinated Lease Negotiation Feasibility Study Consultant COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Annual Revaluation Program *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Hazardous Materials Management Plan - 12 Fourteenth Ave Woodville North SA COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Hazardous Materials Management Plan - 119 Hanson Road Woodville North SA COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Risk management - Comcare - WHS Risks associated with Contamination on Commonwealth Land WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Government Liaison - Commonwealth Interagency Forum for the Management of Contamination STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - Compliance , Environment and Heritage Team - 2015-2016 PROCUREMENT - Tendering - Heritage, Environment and Sustainability Services Panel Management 2015/2016 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - 13 McMinn Street Alice Springs Heritage Management Plan and Declassified 2015/16 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Snapper Island - Archival Record COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Snapper Island - Interim Safety Works COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Snapper Island - Preliminary Development Options PROCUREMENT - Compliance - Kirribilli House - Heritage Management Plan 176 DPG15/00703 DPG15/00704 DPG15/00742 DPG15/00743 RMS15/07310 BP15-7520 BP15-7521 BP15-7522 DPG12/00731-02 DPG14/00671-03 DPG15/00011-02 DPG15/00512 DPG15/00513 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Brisbane Law Courts: Heritage Management Plan (HMP) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Conservation - Brisbane Law Courts: Maintenance and Sculpture COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Scarborough House - Woden - Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) - Leasing Enquiry OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES - Scoping Study - Australian Rail Track Corporation - Appointment of Contract - Probity and Process Adviser to Assist with Business and Legal Adviser Procurements COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Hornsby Rifle Range Clubhouse Site Heritage Assessment 2015/16 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) - Central Project Office (CPO) - Managing Contractor Administration - Continuation Notices Consultant information Internal Audits Workers Compensation National Code and Compliance and Budgets CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) - Central Project Office (CPO) - Managing Contractor Administration - Project Reviews Insurances Preliminaries and Supervision Forecasting and Procurement Audit CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) - Central Project Office (CPO) - Managing Contractor Administration - Project Reviews August 2012, September 2012 and December 2012 and Insurances (A-Z) CAPITAL WORKS - Contracting out - AQIS Post Entry Quarantine Facilities Project - Legal Services Contract Management - Ashurst Australia COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Divestment Taskforce 2014 - Mt Macedon Road Mt Macedon COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Lot 11 Kerr Road Thurgoona NSW CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Commonwealth New Building Project - Managing Contractor Contract for Delivery Phase (between the Commonwealth and Bovis Lend Lease) CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) Reimbursables June 2015 177 DPG15/00514 DPG15/00515 DPG15/00517 DPG15/00518 DPG15/00519 DPG15/00520 DPG15/00521-01 DPG15/00523 DPG15/00549-01 DPG15/00549-02 DPG15/00549-03 DPG15/00550 DPG15/00570 DPG15/00571 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) Reimbursables July 2015 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) Reimbursables August 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Meetings Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - Inter-Government Meetings COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Meetings Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - Cox Peninsula Reference Group Meetings COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Meetings Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - Project Control Group (PCG) Meetings COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Meetings Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - Steering Committee COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - Project Manager and Contract Administrator (PM/CA) for the Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reviewing - Industrial Waste Collection (IWC) Lucas Heights Remediation Project - Site Investigations and History Liaison with Adjoining Owners CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) - Project Control Group (PCG) Meeting Minutes CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) - Project Control Group (PCG) Meeting Minutes CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) - Project Control Group (PCG) Meeting Minutes CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) Steering Committee Meeting Minutes CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) - Trade Packages: TP1831 TP2330 TP2730 TP2635 TP3030 and TP3331 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) PR0010 PR0011 PR0022 PR0021 PR0022 PR0032 PR0035 PR0036 178 DPG15/00572 DPG15/00641 DPG15/00651 DPG15/00655 DPG15/00656 DPG15/00660-01 DPG15/00660-02 DPG15/00660-03 DPG15/00662 DPG15/00664 DPG15/00671 DPG15/00672 DPG15/00673 DPG15/00674 DPG15/00679 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) - Central Project Office (CPO) Demobilisation COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Government Liaison - Divestment Taskforce - Ministerial Briefs COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Contracting out - Site Auditor for the Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Divestment Taskforce - Legal Advisor Contract Management COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Divestment Taskforce - Probity Advisor Contract Management COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Remediation Works Contract COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Remediation Works Contract COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Remediation Works Contract COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Divestment Taskforce - Briefings COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Divestment Taskforce - Questions on Notice (QoN) COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Leasingout - COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Leasing Out - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 ACMA lease and occupation COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Liaison Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - Discussions with Prime Minister and Cabinet, fortnightly teleconferences and discussions with other stakeholders COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compliance - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 Indigenous Procurement Policy, Participation Plan, Indigenous Business Opportunities COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - Site Plans and Subdivisions COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Remediation Action Plan (RAP) Section 34 179 DPG15/00680 DPG15/00681 DPG15/00697 DPG15/00698 DPG15/00699 DPG15/00734 DPG15/00738 DPG15/00750 DPG15/00751 DPG15/00753 DPG15/00754 DPG15/00755 DPG15/00756 DPG15/00758 DPG15/00772 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Remediation Action Plan (RAP) Section 41 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Reporting Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Remediation Action Plan (RAP) Section 32 - also known as Section 262 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Remediation Works Contractor - Tender Submission Thiess COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Remediation Works Contractor - Tender Submission Enviropacific Services COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Tendering - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Remediation Works Contractor - Tender Submission McMahon Services CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) - Central Project Office (CPO) - Gate 4c - Readiness for Service CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) - Central Project Office (CPO) - Handover Completion COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Divestment Taskforce - Legal Advisor for Tranche 2-3-4 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) - Central Project Office (CPO) Removal CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) Reimbursables September 2015 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) Reimbursables October 2015 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) Reimbursables November 2015 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Central Office (ACO) Reimbursables December 2015 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project - Wagait Shire Tip COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Planning Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - Project Financial Management Information and Reporting 180 DPG15/00783 DPG15/00785 DPG15/00786 DPG15/00787 DPG15/00788 DPG15/00789 DPG15/00790 DPG15/00791 DPG15/00792 DPG15/00793 DPG15/00794 DPG15/00795 DPG15/00796 DPG15/00797 DPG15/00798 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - Transfer of Land under Kenbi Land Claim CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - January 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - February 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - March 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - April 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - May 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - June 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - July 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - August 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - September 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - October 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - November 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Managing Contractor - Delivery Phase Reimbursables - December 2016 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Royal Australian Mint (RAM) Deakin ACT- Refurbishment- Project Management Agreement- Contract No 9557- July 2006 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Royal Australian Mint (RAM) Deakin ACT - Refurbishment - General Conditions of Contract - 8 Tonne Goods Lift - October 2006 181 DPG15/00799 DPG15/00800 DPG15/00805 DPG15/00844 DPG15/00863 DPG15/00864 RMS15/08104 RMS15/09398 RMS11/04441-03 RMS11/04441-04 RMS12/01043-04 RMS13/04878-02 RMS14/00407-04 RMS15/06510 RMS14/06098-03 RMS14/06098-04 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Royal Australian Mint (RAM) Deakin ACT - Refurbishment - Managing Contractors Contract - Contract No-9997 - October 2006 CAPITAL WORKS - Construction - Villawood Immigration Detention Centre Redevelopment-Outline Business Case - 12 December 2007 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Advice Supplementary Site Investigation - Section 41 - April 2014 COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Procurement - Town Planner - AWC Undeveloped Land Bank COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Maintenance - Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - *** *** - Remediation Project Site Activities Including Security Cycad Management - Cultural Monitoring COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Property Disposal - Town Planning Due Diligence - AWC undeveloped Land Bank - AECOM CAPITAL WORKS - Planning - Department of Agriculture Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility Project - Site Development - Planning Schemes COMMONWEALTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Liaison Cox Peninsula Remediation Project 2015 - Media Clips Indigenous Policy Reporting Local Area News Reports Intranet Reporting COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 47321 - 21/06/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 47321 - 21/06/2011 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 49048 - 09/02/2012 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Department of Works - 53664 - 17/07/2013 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Cornwell Superannuation - 55201 - 20/01/2014 COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE - Claims - Comcover Department of Defence - CC100850 - Property Claim 45688 TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Security Technology and Procurement Division System Security Accreditations TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Security Technology and Procurement Division System Security Accreditations 182 GOVERNANCE AND APS TRANSFORMATION RMS15/06673 RMS15/06616 RMS15/07726 RMS15/08093 RMS10/01845-04 RMS15/08333 RMS15/09395 RMS15/07453 RMS15/08848 RMS15/07454 RMS15/09560 RMS15/07455 RMS15/09561 RMS15/09200-01 RMS15/09200-02 RMS15/03057-02 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - Accounting Review Group - Agenda and Papers COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - Commonwealth Finance Minister's (Norfolk Island) Amendment Orders 2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - Public Governance Performance and Accountability (PGPA) Act Financial Reporting Rule 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Reporting Final Budget Outcome 2014-2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Reporting Financial Reporting Alliance Contract 2011-2016 - Contingency COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Reporting Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2015-2016 - Financial Statements COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Marketing - Department of Social Services - National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Campaign COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Austrade - Free Trade Agreements 2015 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) - 2016 Census of Population and Housing Advertising Campaign COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Department of Agriculture/Infrastructure and Regional Development - White Papers Campaign 2015 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Department of Education and Training - Jobs for Families Campaign 20152016 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Department of Environment - Reducing Australia Greenhouse Gas Emissions Campaign 2015 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Department of Health National Tobacco Campaign (Indigenous) 2015-2016 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (DIIS) - National Innovation and Science Agenda - Advertising Campaign COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (DIIS) - National Innovation and Science Agenda - Advertising Campaign COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - Infrastructure Investment Programme 2015/2016 183 RMS15/09554 RMS14/07393-02 RMS14/07393-03 RMS15/06452 RMS15/06228 RMS15/09443 RMS15/08846 RMS15/07315 RMS15/08307 RMS15/07830 RMS15/07316 RMS15/08418 RMS15/06633 RMS15/09790 RMS15/09175 RMS15/06634 RMS15/07520 RMS15/09416 RMS15/08217 RMS15/08847 RMS15/09559 RMS15/07467 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Planning - Department of Social Services - Violence Against Women and Their Children Campaign 2015-2016 GOVERNMENT COORDINATION - Procedures - Government Campaign Advertising Arrangements GOVERNMENT COORDINATION - Procedures - Government Campaign Advertising Arrangements GOVERNMENT COORDINATION - Reviewing - Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) - 2015-2016 Administration of Government Advertising Arrangements GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 01/07/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 01/12/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications committee (ICC) - 02/11/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 05/08/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 07/10/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 09/09/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 12/08/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 14/10/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 15/07/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 16/12/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 18/11/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 21/07/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 26/08/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 26/11/2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Independent Communications Committee (ICC) - 30/09/2015 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Central Advertising System (CAS) - Media Rates Negotiations - 2016 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communication Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** *** 184 RMS15/06614 RMS15/08410 RMS15/08868 RMS15/08412 RMS15/08413 RMS15/08414 RMS15/09557 RMS15/08411 RMS15/08870 RMS15/08869 RMS15/09558 RMS15/06677 RMS15/06716 RMS15/06089 RMS15/06221 RMS15/06230 RMS15/06088 RMS15/06825 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Supplier Pre-qualification Communications Multi-Use List (CMUL) - *** *** *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Advice - Efficiency through Contestability Programme Functional and Efficiency Review of the Department of the Environment COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Analysis - Efficiency through Contestability Programme Attorney Generals' Portfolio Functional and Efficiency Review COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Analysis - Efficiency through Contestability Programme Functional and Efficiency Review of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Analysis - Efficiency through Contestability Programme Functional and Efficiency Reviews - Australian Taxation Office COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Analysis - Efficiency through Contestability Programme Functional and Efficiency Reviews - General COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Analysis - Functional and Efficiency Review of the Department of Agriculture 185 RMS15/06533 RMS15/06480-01 RMS15/06480-02 RMS15/06480-03 RMS15/07521-01 RMS15/07521-02 RMS15/07521-03 RMS15/07530-01 RMS15/07530-02 RMS15/07530-03 RMS15/07619-01 RMS15/07619-02 RMS15/07619-03 RMS15/07522-03 RMS15/07522-01 RMS15/07522-02 RMS15/07620-01 RMS15/07620-02 RMS15/06478 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Analysis - Functional and Efficiency Review of the Department of the Environment COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - 2015-2016 Budget - Public Sector Savings and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - 2015-2016 Budget - Public Sector Savings and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - 2015-2016 Budget - Public Sector Savings and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Background on the Efficiency Through Contestability Programme COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Background on the Efficiency Through Contestability Programme COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Background on the Efficiency Through Contestability Programme COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Contestability Implementation Plan - Folder 3 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Contestability Implementation Plan - Folder 3 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Contestability Implementation Plan - Folder 3 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Contestability Paper - Folder 2 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Contestability Paper - Folder 2 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Contestability Paper - Folder 2 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Efficiency Through Contestability Guidelines - Folder 4 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Efficiency Through Contestability Guidelines - Folder 4 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Efficiency Through Contestability Guidelines - Folder 4 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Outsourcing and Contestability - Folder 1 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Outsourcing and Contestability - Folder 1 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Sector Staffing 2014 - Round 2 (2014-2015) Tranche 1 186 RMS14/07404-05 RMS15/06235-01 RMS15/06235-02 RMS15/06262-01 RMS15/06262-02 RMS15/06572-01 RMS15/06572-02 RMS15/06646 RMS15/06649 RMS15/06647 RMS15/06648 RMS15/07304 RMS15/09409-01 RMS15/09409-02 RMS15/09409-03 RMS15/09410 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Sector Staffing 2014 - Round 2 (2014-2015) Tranche 2 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Sector Staffing 2014 - Round 2 (2014-2015) Tranche 3 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Sector Staffing 2014 - Round 2 (2014-2015) Tranche 3 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Sector Staffing 2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Sector Staffing 2015 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Research - Innovation Innovation Hub Trial 2015 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Research - Innovation Innovation Hub Trial 2015 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Meetings - MAC Agency CFO Meetings 2014 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - Defence/DMO Inventory FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Meetings - ABS - Finance Treasury Tri Partite Meetings FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Meetings - CBMRS Design Authority Meetings COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Appropriation Legislation - Transfers under section 75 of the Public Governance - Performance and Accountability Act 2013 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Appropriation Legislation - Official Public Account (OPA) Public Governance - Performance and Accountability (Section 75 Transfers) - Administrative Arrangements Order 2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Appropriation Legislation - Official Public Account (OPA) Public Governance - Performance and Accountability (Section 75 Transfers) - Administrative Arrangements Order 2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Appropriation Legislation - Official Public Account (OPA) Public Governance - Performance and Accountability (Section 75 Transfers) - Administrative Arrangements Order 2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Appropriation Legislation - Official Public Account (OPA) Special Appropriations and Special Accounts Transfers Administrative Arrangements Order 2015 187 RMS15/08113 RMS15/08481 RMS15/03816-03 RMS15/03816-04 RMS15/03816-05 RMS15/03816-06 RMS15/08505 RMS15/07690 BP15-7552 BP15-7553 RMS15/06449 RMS15/07043 RMS15/07044 RMS15/07045 RMS15/08287 RMS15/09404 RMS15/08286 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Appropriation Legislation - September 2015 Machinery of Government (MoG) changes COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Analysis - Managing Access to Annual Appropriations 20152016 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Outcome Statements - Approval of New or Changed Outcome Statements - 2015-2016 Budget COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Outcome Statements - Approval of New or Changed Outcome Statements - 2015-2016 Budget COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Outcome Statements - Approval of New or Changed Outcome Statements - 2015-2016 Budget COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Outcome Statements - Approval of New or Changed Outcome Statements - 2015-2016 Budget COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Outcome Statements - Approval of New or Changed Outcome Statements - 2015-2016 Budget COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Procedures - September 2015 Secretaries Board Implementation of Machinery of Government changes COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - Official Public Account (OPA) - 2014-2015 Uber Journals #1 to #301 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - Official Public Account (OPA) - 2014-2015 Uber Journals #302 to #526 - 2008-2009 Budget Adjustments FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - Actuarial Contract 2015 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - April Hard Close 2013-2014 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - General Ledger (GL) Reconciliations - Financial Year 2013-2014 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting - Monthly Journals Financial Year 2013-2014 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Advice - 2015-2016 Ministerial Correspondence and Briefs FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Audit - Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Audit of the Management of Machinery of Government Changes GOVERNMENT COORDINATION - Implementation Machinery of Government (MoG) - September 2015 188 RMS11/01562-08 RMS11/01562-09 RMS12/05326-04 RMS11/08352-04 RMS11/08352-05 RMS15/06588 RMS15/06774-01 RMS15/06774-02 RMS02/04882-03 RMS15/06610 RMS15/09177 RMS15/06608 RMS15/06322 RMS15/06776-01 RMS15/06776-02 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Analysis - Future Fund Branch - Ministerial Briefs and External Minutes and Incoming and Outgoing Letters COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Analysis - Future Fund Branch - Ministerial Briefs and External Minutes and Incoming and Outgoing Letters COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) FEDERAL MAGISTRATES SUPERANNUATION Authorisation - 2015-2016 Federal Circuit Court Judges Pension Authorisations FEDERAL MAGISTRATES SUPERANNUATION - Policy Legal Challenge Application Book - Part B FEDERAL MAGISTRATES SUPERANNUATION - Policy Legal Challenge Application Book - Part B FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Audit - Superannuation Branch Performance Audit of Superannuation Benefits Management Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Report GOVERNOR-GENERALS SUPERANNUATION - Authorisation - Governors-General Pensions Authorisations GOVERNOR-GENERALS SUPERANNUATION - Reporting 2014-2015 Member Contribution Statement for the GovernorsGeneral Pension Scheme JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Authorisation - 2015-2016 Judges' Pensions Authorisations JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - 20142015 Payment Summaries JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management Confirmation of Pensioner Details 2011 JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management Confirmation of Pensioner Details 2011 RMS15/06775-01 JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** *** RMS15/06775-02 JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** *** RMS15/08885 JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** RMS15/07819 RMS15/06587 RMS10/09008-02 JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management Division 293 Taxation - Deferred Debt Accounts JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management Federal Magistrate - *** JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** 189 RMS15/06682 JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management -*** RMS15/07711 JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** RMS15/06517 JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** RMS15/06777 RMS15/06778 RMS15/06609 RMS15/08996 RMS11/03745-06 RMS15/06773 RMS15/09176-01 RMS15/09176-02 RMS15/06471-01 RMS15/06471-02 RMS13/05084-02 RMS15/07818 RMS96/00654-03 RMS15/03811-02 RMS15/06265-01 JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management Surcharge Debt Account Maintenance JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management Surcharge Debt Accounts transfer from Attorney-Generals Department JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Government Liaison Federal Circuit Court Judges - *** v Commonwealth [2012] FCAFC 121 (31 August 2012) - Commonwealth's Costs Claim - Recovery JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Legislation - Legislation to Implement New Family Law Splitting Arrangements in the Superannuation Schemes for Judges and Governors-General and for Federal Magistrates Disability Pensions JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - 2014-2015 AASB119 Reporting for Judicial Schemes JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - 2014-2015 Member Contributions Statement for the Judges' Pensions Scheme JUDICIAL SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - 2014-2015 Member Contributions Statement for the Judges' Pensions Scheme PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - - Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme - Payment Summaries 2013 - 2014 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - - Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme - Payment Summaries 2013 - 2014 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - Changes to Parliament Pensions 2013-2014 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - Division 293 Taxation - Deferred debt accounts PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme - Fortnightly Reconciliation 2015-2016 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme - Payment Summaries 2014-2015 190 RMS15/06265-02 RMS15/06508-01 RMS15/06508-02 RMS13/04522-02 RMS13/04522-03 RMS15/07038 RMS15/07327 RMS15/07451 RMS15/08503 RMS15/07910 BP15-7555 BP15-7554 RMS09/07848-02 RMS15/07829 BP15-7556 BP15-7557 RMS15/08479-01 RMS15/08479-02 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme - Payment Summaries 2014-2015 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme - Tax Rate Changes - 1 July 2014 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme - Tax Rate Changes - 1 July 2014 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme (PCSS) - Fortnightly Reconciliation 2013-2014 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme (PCSS) - Fortnightly Reconciliation 2013-2014 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Benefit Management - *** PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Coordination - Bulk Repeal Regulation - Spring 2015 - Spent and Redundant Instruments Repeal Regulation 2015 (No. 2) PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Legislation - History of the Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Act 1948 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Act 1948 - Legal Opinions - 1950-1971 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Superannuation Branch Parliamentary Superannuation Amendment (Removal of Excessive Super) Bill 2009 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Meetings Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Trust - 88th Meeting PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Meetings Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Trust Historical Meeting Papers - 1950/1970 - 1978/1983 - 1988/1995 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Meetings Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Trust Historical Meeting Papers - 1950/1970 - 1978/1983 - 1988/1995 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Policy - High Court Challenge - *** PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Policy - High Court Challenge - *** 191 RMS15/08479-03 RMS15/08479-04 RMS15/09182-01 RMS15/09182-02 RMS15/02529-02 RMS15/09436 RMS15/08725 RMS15/09592 RMS06/05650-17 RMS06/05650-16 RMS15/09979 RMS04/07987-02 RMS15/09574-01 RMS15/09574-02 RMS15/09574-03 RMS15/09574-04 RMS15/09574-05 RMS15/06989 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Policy - High Court Challenge - *** PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Policy - High Court Challenge - *** PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - 2015 Members Annual Statements PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - 2015 Members Annual Statements PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Reporting Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) Reporting by the Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Scheme (PCSS) 2014-2015 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Reporting Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) Reporting by the PCSS 2015-2016 PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION - Reporting Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Member Contributions Statements for 2014 - 2015 for the Parliamentary Superannuation Scheme (PCSS) PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice - Agency Administration Fees For 2015-2016 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice - Future Fund Branch - Ministerial Briefs and External Minutes and Incoming and Outgoing Letters PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice - Future Fund Branch - Ministerial Briefs and External Minutes and Incoming and Outgoing Letters PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice - Productivity Benefit Act Circulars PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice - REVIEW OF MEMBERSHIP ARRANGEMENTS FOR *** PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice Superannuation Circulars PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice Superannuation Circulars PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice Superannuation Circulars PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice Superannuation Circulars PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Advice Superannuation Circulars PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Enquiries - Bureau of Meteorology - Enquiry (2015) regarding superannuation salary *** 192 RMS04/02331-02 RMS15/09981 RMS15/07721 RMS04/07981-02 RMS15/06652-01 RMS15/06652-02 RMS15/06652-03 RMS15/06652-04 RMS15/06652-05 RMS15/06652-06 RMS15/06652-07 RMS15/06652-08 RMS15/06653 RMS15/06657-01 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Enquiries Superannuation Branch - Indexation of Pension - General Reps PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Government Liaison - Establishing ADF Cover Scheme PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation - PSSAP membership eligibility - Declaration under Superannuation Act 2005 - Superannuation (PSSAP) Membership Eligibility (Inclusion) Declaration 2015 (No. 3) PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation COMMONWEALTH SUPERANNUATION SCHEME ( CSS ) MINISTERIAL ORDERS FOR FAMILY LAW PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper - Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Legislation Development and Process PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper - Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Legislation Development and Process PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper - Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Legislation Development and Process PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper - Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Legislation Development and Process PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper - Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Legislation Development and Process PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper - Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Legislation Development and Process PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper - Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Legislation Development and Process PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper - Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Legislation Development and Process PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Legislation Introduction into Parliament PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Public Governance Performance Accountability (PGPA) Rule for Banking, Debt Recovery Function and Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) 193 RMS15/06657-02 RMS15/06657-03 RMS12/03542-02 RMS12/03542-03 RMS12/03542-05 RMS12/03542-06 RMS12/03542-07 RMS12/03542-04 RMS15/09562 RMS06/06532-03 RMS15/09634 RMS09/02542-05 RMS09/02542-06 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Public Governance Performance Accountability (PGPA) Rule for Banking, Debt Recovery Function and Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Public Governance Performance Accountability (PGPA) Rule for Banking, Debt Recovery Function and Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Legislation Implementing the Single Trustee Board for Australian Government Civilian and Military Superannuation Schemes PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Legislation Implementing the Single Trustee Board for Australian Government Civilian and Military Superannuation Schemes PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Legislation Implementing the Single Trustee Board for Australian Government Civilian and Military Superannuation Schemes PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Legislation Implementing the Single Trustee Board for Australian Government Civilian and Military Superannuation Schemes PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Legislation Implementing the Single Trustee Board for Australian Government Civilian and Military Superannuation Schemes PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Legislation Implementing the Single Trustee Board for Australian Government Civilian and Military Superannuation Schemes PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation - Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Legislation Amendment (Defence Force) Bill PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Legislation Superannuation Amendment (Trustee Board and Other Measures) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2007 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Meetings Superannuation Coordination Group PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - Report of Review of Pension Indexation Arrangements PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - Report of Review of Pension Indexation Arrangements 194 RMS09/02542-07 RMS09/01100-02 RMS08/07150-03 RMS08/07150-04 RMS15/07922 RMS05/03191-04 RMS05/03191-05 RMS13/03008-02 RMS13/03008-03 RMS15/06658 RMS15/06655 RMS15/06654-01 RMS15/06654-02 RMS15/06654-03 RMS15/06659-01 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - Report of Review of Pension Indexation Arrangements PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - Review of Pension Indexation Arrangements - Features of Australian Government Civilian and Military Defined Benefit Schemes PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - Review of Pension Indexation Arrangements - Research Data and Reference Material PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Reporting - Review of Pension Indexation Arrangements - Research Data and Reference Material PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - 2015 Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan Arrangements For Preserved Benefit Members PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ADMINISTRATION OF THE SUPERANNUATION ACT 1990 - TRUST DEED AND RULES PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ADMINISTRATION OF THE SUPERANNUATION ACT 1990 - TRUST DEED AND RULES PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Changes for Higher Income Earners PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Changes for Higher Income Earners PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Administration Funding Changes PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Application of GST to Administration Fees PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Employment Matters PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Employment Matters PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Employment Matters PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Financial Framework Matters 195 RMS15/06659-02 RMS15/06659-03 RMS15/06660-01 RMS15/06660-02 RMS15/06661-01 RMS15/06661-02 RMS15/06661-03 RMS15/06829 RMS15/06828 RMS15/06827 RMS15/06826 RMS07/01784-04 RMS08/09403-05 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Financial Framework Matters PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Financial Framework Matters PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - General Framework Matters PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - General Framework Matters PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Special Accounts, Appropriations and 3rd Party Access, Auditing PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Special Accounts, Appropriations and 3rd Party Access, Auditing PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper / Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Special Accounts, Appropriations and 3rd Party Access, Auditing PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper/Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) work PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper/Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Merger General PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper/Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Opposition Amendment to Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes Legislation Amendment (GAGSSLA) Bill 2015 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - ComSuper/Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Merger - Senate Inquiry into Bill PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Defence Review of Military Superannuation Arrangements PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Defence Review of Military Superannuation Arrangements 196 RMS08/09403-06 RMS04/02767-22 RMS04/02767-21 RMS04/02767-23 RMS15/02149-02 RMS04/03064-02 RMS15/09026 RMS04/07980-19 RMS04/04707-02 RMS04/04707-03 RMS08/12729-03 RMS08/12729-04 RMS08/05339-03 RMS15/07893 RMS02/04005-09 RMS02/04005-10 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Defence Review of Military Superannuation Arrangements PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Indexation of Pension PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Indexation of Pension PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Indexation of Pension PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - *** - Membership of the Australian Government Superannuation Schemes PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Membership - *** PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Membership *** PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Recognition of Interdependent Relationships for Reversionary Benefits PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Review of the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS) and the Public Sector Superannuation (PSS) PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Review of the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS) and the Public Sector Superannuation (PSS) PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws - General Law Reform) Bill 2008 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws - General Law Reform) Bill 2008 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws - Superannuation) Bill 2008 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Superannuation Arrangements For *** PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Superannuation Branch - MAC Organisational Renewal Project - The Impact OF Superannuation AND Approaches Available to Agencies in Responding to Critical Employment Issues PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Superannuation Branch - MAC Organisational Renewal Project - The Impact OF Superannuation AND Approaches Available to Agencies in Responding to Critical Employment Issues 197 RMS02/04005-11 RMS15/06849 RMS15/06691 RMS15/06690 RMS15/06692 RMS15/06693 RMS15/07297 RMS15/06656 RMS15/06571 RMS15/06223 RMS15/06222 RMS15/06321 RMS11/05297-05 RMS11/05297-02 PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION - Superannuation Policy - Superannuation Branch - MAC Organisational Renewal Project - The Impact OF Superannuation AND Approaches Available to Agencies in Responding to Critical Employment Issues PROCUREMENT - Tendering - Standard Procurement Approval of a Commitment of Relevant Money WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Domain Administration - Domain - AusRegistry .auLOCKDOWN Product WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Domain Administration - Domain - Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) - Signing the Second Level Domain (2LD) WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Domain Administration - Domain - Security Risk Assessment for the 2LD and 3LD Zones WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION - *** WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Domain Administration - REGISTRY - REGISTRAR AGREEMENT FOR GOV.AU - AUSREGISTRY WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Domain Administration - Second Level Domain (2LD) SubSponsorship Agreement for - .au Domain Administration (auDA) WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Domain Administration - Services Contract 2012 - Provision of Domain Registrar Services - NetRegistry Pty Ltd Contract Management WofG INFORMATION AND SERVICES FACILITATION Government Liaison - Australian Government ICT Awards Program WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Conferences - Australian Government Participation @ CeBIT Australia 2012 and 2013 WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Contract Management - Australian Government ICT Awards Online Nomination System WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Australian Government Architecture Framework - Reference Models Development and Modification WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Australian Government Architecture Framework - Reference Models Development and Modification 198 RMS11/05297-03 RMS11/05297-04 RMS15/06209 RMS15/07456 RMS15/07457 RMS15/07626 RMS15/07458 RMS15/06838 RMS15/08506 RMS15/06990 RMS15/07025-12 RMS15/07025-13 RMS15/07025-14 RMS15/07025-15 RMS15/07025-16 RMS15/07025-17 RMS15/07025-18 RMS15/07025-19 WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Australian Government Architecture Framework - Reference Models Development and Modification WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Australian Government Architecture Framework - Reference Models Development and Modification WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Australian Public Service Big Data Strategy WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Parliamentary Workflow Solution Commonwealth Procurement Rules WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Records Management Pre-feasibility Study WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - The Digital Transformation Agenda and the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Whole of Government Electronic Document and Records Management Feasibility Study COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Contracting out - *** *** - Evaluation COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services - Multi Use List (MUL) - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** - Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services MUL *** *** *** *** *** Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed 199 RMS15/07025-20 RMS15/07025-21 RMS15/07025-22 RMS15/07025-23 RMS15/07025-24 RMS15/07025-25 RMS15/07025-26 RMS15/07025-27 RMS15/07025-28 RMS15/07025-29 RMS15/07025-30 RMS15/07025-31 RMS15/07025-32 RMS15/07025-33 RMS15/07025-34 RMS15/07025-35 RMS15/07025-36 RMS15/07025-01 RMS15/07025-02 RMS15/07025-03 RMS15/07025-04 RMS15/07025-05 RMS15/07025-06 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed 200 RMS15/07025-07 RMS15/07025-08 RMS15/07025-09 RMS15/07025-10 RMS15/07025-11 RMS15/09210 RMS15/08304 RMS15/06236 RMS15/06479 RMS15/06625 RMS15/07314 RMS13/00403-06 RMS13/00403-07 RMS15/06839 RMS15/06527-01 RMS15/06527-02 RMS15/06527-03 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Assurance Reviewer Services Multi-Use Deed COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Deeds - Assurance Reviews Unit (ARU) - MultiUse-List (MUL) - November 2015 - *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Program Evaluation - Deeds / ARU MUL / September and October 2015/*** *** *** *** *** PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - 2016 - ICT Apprenticeship and Cadetship Programme - Procurement Information , Administration PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - *** *** *** *** *** (January 2014) PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - Contract for Provision of ICT Graduate Programme Learning and Development Services to the Commonwealth - Department of Finance *** *** *** *** *** - December 2014 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT - Agreements - ICT Apprenticeship Program 2016 WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Committees - *** *** *** *** WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Committeess - *** *** *** *** WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Implementation - Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Benchmarking 2014-2015 WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - 2016-2017 Budget Cyber Security Assessment of Information Communications Technology (ICT) Proposals WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - 2016-2017 Budget Cyber Security Assessment of Information Communications Technology (ICT) Proposals WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - 2016-2017 Budget Cyber Security Assessment of Information Communications Technology (ICT) Proposals 201 RMS15/09248 RMS15/06524 RMS15/00261-02 RMS15/08419 RMS15/09027 RMS10/09598-05 RMS10/09598-06 RMS15/07480 RMS15/07042 RMS08/07964-03 RMS15/06833 RMS15/06486-01 RMS15/06486-02 RMS15/06835-01 RMS15/06835-02 WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Committees - *** *** *** *** WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Women in Information Technology Executive Mentoring (WITEM) Programme 2015 WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Committees - *** *** *** *** COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Australian National Audit Office Performance Audit of the Implementation of the Corporate Plan Requirement of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Management Reform Agenda - Performance Framework - Consultation with the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 Indigenous Land Corporation COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 Indigenous Land Corporation COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Government Policy Orders COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Risk management - Audit Committee Independent Member Sourcing Assistance GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Norfolk Island Electoral Issues COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Appropriation Legislation - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013-Classification of Commonwealth Entities COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance and Resources Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance and Resources Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 - Classification of Commonwealth Entities COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 - Classification of Commonwealth Entities 202 RMS15/06684 RMS15/06619 RMS15/06620 RMS15/06817 RMS15/06683-02 RMS15/06683-01 RMS15/06683-03 RMS13/06675-02 RMS14/05557-05 RMS14/03150-04 RMS14/03150-05 RMS15/06219-01 RMS15/06219-02 RMS15/06219-03 RMS15/06219-04 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act Development COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rules - Employment COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rules 2014-2015 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rules 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability, Consequential and Transitional Developments COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability, Consequential and Transitional Developments COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability, Consequential and Transitional Developments COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Management Reform Agenda - Interstate Reference Group COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Management Reform Agenda - Public Governance Performance and Accountability Rules and Amendments COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Management Reform Agenda (PMRA) Taskforce - Legal Advice COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Management Reform Agenda (PMRA) Taskforce - Legal Advice COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Procedures - Public Management Reform Agenda (PMRA) Briefings COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Procedures - Public Management Reform Agenda (PMRA) Briefings COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Procedures - Public Management Reform Agenda (PMRA) Briefings COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Procedures - Public Management Reform Agenda (PMRA) Briefings 203 RMS15/06219-05 RMS15/06812 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Procedures - Public Management Reform Agenda (PMRA) Briefings COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Reporting Australian Awards for Excellence in Public Sector Management - nomination for the development and implementation of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 RMS14/01982-02 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Policy - Budget Project RMS15/06487 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Policy - PMRA Omnibus Bill RMS15/06087 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Policy - Prescribing Officials RMS15/06819 RMS11/08084-02 RMS15/06506 RMS15/06454 RMS08/01769-05 RMS08/01769-06 RMS15/09445 RMS15/03085-02 RMS15/07700 RMS15/07701 RMS15/09446 RMS15/09817 RMS15/09815 GOVERNMENT COORDINATION - Arrangements - Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 Modification GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - Vote Saving Measures GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Dispute Management Plan - Electoral Matters GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Electoral Policy Function GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Electoral Reform Political Donations, Funding and Disclosure GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Electoral Reform Political Donations, Funding and Disclosure GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (2015 Measures No. 10) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (2015 Measures No. 4) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (2015 Measures No. 7) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (2015 Measures No. 8) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (2015 Measures No. 9) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture and Water Resources Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 204 RMS15/09444 RMS15/09814 RMS15/09821-01 RMS15/09821-02 RMS15/09821-03 RMS15/09822 RMS13/05255-02 RMS12/04329-02 RMS12/04329-03 RMS12/04329-04 RMS12/04329-05 RMS15/06453 RMS15/07902 RMS15/06581 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Defence Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education and Training Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Employment Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Employment Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Employment Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Financial Management and Accountability Amendment Regulations 2013 (No. 7) GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Government Response - Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) - Report on Funding Political Parties and Election Campaigns GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Government Response - Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) - Report on Funding Political Parties and Election Campaigns GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Government Response - Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) - Report on Funding Political Parties and Election Campaigns GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Government Response - Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) - Report on Funding Political Parties and Election Campaigns GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Political Party Funding and Campaign Finance - International Practice GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Senate Regulations and Ordinances Committee - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (2015 Measures No. 6) Regulation 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Senate Regulations and Ordinances Committee - Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (2015 Measures No. 3) Regulation 2015 205 RMS11/01269-03 RMS11/01269-04 RMS15/06528 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Political Donations and Other Measures) Bill 2010 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Political Donations and Other Measures) Bill 2010 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Legislation - Red Tape Parliamentary Repeal Days - Public Management Reform Agenda (PMRA) RMS13/05651-02 LEGAL SERVICES - Advice - Electoral Matters RMS13/05651-03 LEGAL SERVICES - Advice - Electoral Matters RMS15/07705 RMS15/08230 RMS15/07723 RMS15/06583 RMS15/08753 RMS15/06547 RMS15/08740 RMS12/00348-02 RMS15/06549-01 RMS15/06549-02 RMS15/08750 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Reviewing - Independent review of whole-of-government internal regulation - Belcher red tape review - May to September 2015 - Correspondence GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Reviewing - Independent whole-of-government review of internal regulation - Belcher red tape review - Implementation at Finance - Primary documents, briefings, meeting notes, and issues log GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Reviewing - Independent whole-of-government review of internal regulation - Belcher red tape review - May to September 2015 - Primary documents, briefings, meeting notes, and issues log COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2013-2014 Defence Annual Plan COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - 2015-2016 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Update (MYEFO) - Average Staffing Level (ASL) - Data Collection COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Australian Sports Commission - Asset Funding COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Capital Budgeting Policy for Australian Government Entities 2015 guidance COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) - Asset Funding COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Operating Losses - Policy and Data Analysis 2007 2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Operating Losses - Policy and Data Analysis 2007 2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Advice - Shared Services Arrangements - Budget Framework Advice 206 RMS12/00346-03 RMS10/08017-03 RMS10/08017-02 RMS15/07844 RMS15/06550 RMS13/01632-02 RMS13/01632-03 RMS15/06553-01 RMS15/06553-02 RMS15/06553-03 RMS15/06551 RMS15/06552 RMS12/00852-02 RMS12/00852-03 RMS15/08733 RMS15/06548-01 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Analysis - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) - Asset Funding COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Capital Budgeting Policy for Australian Government Agencies - Policy Development and Guidance COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Capital Budgeting Policy for Australian Government Agencies - Policy Development and Guidance COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Operation Sunlight - Reports COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework Appropriations and Quarantines COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework - Briefings and Research COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework - Briefings and Research COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework - Financial Sustainability - Research and Policy Development COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework - Financial Sustainability - Research and Policy Development COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework - Financial Sustainability - Research and Policy Development COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework - Funding Models COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework - Long Service Leave COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework - Research COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Policy - Reform of the Resource Management Framework - Research COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - 2015-2016 Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements (PAES) guidance COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - Portfolio Budget Statements Redesign and Performance Reporting 2015-2016 207 RMS15/06548-02 RMS15/06548-03 RMS15/07502 RMS15/07039 RMS15/08735 RMS09/14460-19 RMS09/14460-20 RMS13/06709-02 RMS15/00702-04 RMS15/00702-02 RMS15/00702-03 RMS15/08734 RMS15/06220 RMS15/10002 RMS15/06596-01 RMS15/06596-02 RMS15/06596-03 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - Portfolio Budget Statements Redesign and Performance Reporting 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH BUDGET MANAGEMENT - Budget Statements (Documentation) - Portfolio Budget Statements Redesign and Performance Reporting 2015-2016 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - 2015 -- Special Accounts -- Department of Education and Training COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Approval of CBMS Special Appropriation Items COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Financial reporting 2006-2009 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Net Cash Stage 2 Implementation COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Net Cash Stage 2 Implementation COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Public Management Reform Agenda - Annual Report COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - 2014-2015 Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - 2014-2015 Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - 2014-2015 Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - Accrual Budgeting Framework - Outcomes 20062009 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - Underlying Cash Balance (UCB) for the 2014-2015 Final Budget Outcome COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Reporting - Underlying Cash Balance (UCB) For the 20152016 Final Budget Outcome COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Review - 2009-2010 Budget Operation Sunlight Program Review COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Review - 2009-2010 Budget Operation Sunlight Program Review COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Review - 2009-2010 Budget Operation Sunlight Program Review 208 RMS15/06596-04 RMS15/06596-05 RMS15/08134 RMS05/12772-03 RMS15/06545-06 RMS15/06545-07 RMS15/06545-01 RMS15/06545-02 RMS15/06545-03 RMS15/06545-04 RMS15/06545-05 RMS15/06546 RMS12/00328-04 RMS15/07296 RMS08/04241-02 RMS15/08439 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Review - 2009-2010 Budget Operation Sunlight Program Review COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Review - 2009-2010 Budget Operation Sunlight Program Review COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Statements - Monthly Financial Statements 2015-2016 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review Administered and Departmental Classification 2005 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review of Funding for Depreciation - Amortisation for CAC Act 1997 Bodies - Implementation GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review of Funding for Depreciation - Amortisation for CAC Act 1997 Bodies - Implementation GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review of Funding for Depreciation - Amortisation for CAC Act 1997 Bodies - Implementation GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review of Funding for Depreciation - Amortisation for CAC Act 1997 Bodies - Implementation GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review of Funding for Depreciation - Amortisation for CAC Act 1997 Bodies - Implementation GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review of Funding for Depreciation - Amortisation for CAC Act 1997 Bodies - Implementation GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review of Funding for Depreciation - Amortisation for CAC Act 1997 Bodies - Implementation GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review of Funding for Depreciation - Amortisation for CAC Act 1997 Bodies - Long-Lived Asset Policy GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions - Review of Funding for Depreciation -Amortisation for Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 Bodies LEGAL SERVICES - Advice - FY2015/16 - Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act 2013 - Appropriations WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Policy - Central Budget Management System (CBMS) Work Involved With Operation Sunlight WofG INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE - Reporting - Australian Government Organisations Register (AGOR) - October 2015 update 209 RMS14/03682-02 RMS14/03682-03 RMS14/04013-03 RMS14/04013-04 RMS14/04013-05 RMS11/09599-02 RMS15/08474 RMS15/02386-02 RMS15/09031 COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Australian Government Charging Arrangements COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Australian Government Charging Arrangements COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Cost Recovery Guidelines Review COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Cost Recovery Guidelines Review COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Financial Policy - Cost Recovery Guidelines Review GOVERNMENT COORDINATION - Policy - Not-For-Profit Sector Reforms GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Implementation - 2016 Papua New Guinea Graduate Exchange Programme GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Meetings - Pacific Islands Forum Economic Ministers and Trade Ministers Meetings (FEMM & FTMM) - October 2015 - Cook Islands GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Meetings - Senior Bilateral International Meetings 2015-2016 to 2018-2019 RMS14/07179-02 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Policy - 2014 *** RMS14/07179-03 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Policy - 2014 *** RMS15/06100 RMS15/06640 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Policy - Development Policy and Performance Framework for the Australian Aid Program 2015 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Policy - Finance comments on the Partnering for the Greater Good Report - June 2015 RMS15/07817 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Policy - Ministerials RMS15/06464 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS -*** RMS15/06815 GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Liaison - Australian National Audit Office - Grants RMS15/06816 GRANTS ADMINISTRATION - Reporting - Quarterly Reports 210 SECRETARY’S OFFICE Record Number RMS15/06323-01 RMS15/06324-03 RMS15/06324-01 RMS15/06324-02 RMS15/06070-01 RMS15/06070-02 RMS15/06323-02 RMS15/02422-03 Title STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - Secretaries' Board Papers 2013 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - Secretaries' Board Papers 2012 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - Secretaries' Board Papers 2012 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - Secretaries' Board Papers 2012 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees - Secretaries' Board Meeting Papers 2015 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees - Secretaries' Board Meeting Papers 2015 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - Secretaries' Board Papers 2013 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees - Executive Board Meeting Papers - 2015 211