Approach to Market - Standing Offer - Goods and Services

Approach to Market – Standing Offer – Goods and Services
Commonwealth of Australia
Approach to Market - Standing Offer - Goods and Services
Reference No: 123456789
This ATM is for the provision of: Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit
amet, consectetur, adipisci velit
The Commonwealth as represented by The Department of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx (the Customer) is
seeking tenders to establish a panel of potential Suppliers for the provision of the goods and
services (Goods and Services) described in this ATM.
This Deed is entered into by the Panel Owner and may also be accessed by all Commonwealth
entities and Commonwealth companies in the same portfolio as the Panel Owner.
Information about agencies in each Portfolio is available at Government Directories.
In submitting a response, Potential Suppliers are required to comply with all requirements set out in
both the:
Commonwealth Approach to Market Terms, and
Commonwealth Contract Terms
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Approach to Market – Standing Offer – Goods and Services
Statement of Requirement
Key Dates and Times
Closing Time:
Expected Deed execution
Deed Term:
This Deed will terminate on 1/01/1999, unless extended.
Deed Extension Option:
The Contract may be extended for a period of 2 x 12 months.
Mandatory Conditions of Participation
The Customer will exclude from consideration any Response that does not meet the following
Mandatory Conditions of Participation: Morbi suscipit, arcu ut tincidunt rhoncus, sapien nisi ultrices
est, et luctus sem odio a purus. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus quis condimentum neque. Maecenas
efficitur orci eget nibh pretium gravida. Vestibulum lobortis porttitor efficitur. Nunc viverra tortor nec
dolor elementum viverra. Suspendisse non lacinia nunc. Suspendisse sollicitudin nunc vel purus
iaculis bibendum. Mauris vel sollicitudin nulla, ac fringilla metus. Nullam eget placerat sapien. Morbi
non eros sodales, pulvinar metus et, luctus tortor. Aliquam elementum nulla vel ultricies placerat.
Aliquam erat volutpat.
The Requirement
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu velit sit amet ipsum euismod
hendrerit. Donec in metus feugiat, rutrum metus at, pretium nunc. Proin suscipit elit sed tortor
pharetra consectetur. Maecenas sit amet purus ac risus facilisis feugiat eget ac arcu. Pellentesque
commodo ante orci, id porta ex commodo quis. Nam nec rutrum risus, at dictum ex. Morbi venenatis
tellus ligula, sed commodo magna bibendum id. Mauris sit amet urna tempus, vehicula ipsum non,
vehicula velit. Nullam laoreet nisl non rhoncus placerat. Nullam bibendum mollis sem quis tincidunt.
Nulla consectetur luctus aliquet. Nullam rhoncus gravida urna quis sodales. Pellentesque habitant
morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris lobortis faucibus
ipsum, id tristique metus vestibulum id. Maecenas volutpat elit metus, quis volutpat augue porta
vitae. Aliquam bibendum dolor ligula, sit amet ornare nibh tincidunt id.
 Suspendisse non lacinia nunc
 Nulla facilisi
 Aliquam elementum nulla vel ultricies placerat
Nunc ut tristique lorem. Maecenas tincidunt est in justo egestas, nec hendrerit erat viverra. Sed a
posuere diam. Ut efficitur iaculis consequat. Curabitur at leo eget enim accumsan pharetra. Quisque
dapibus mattis aliquet. Cras ut dapibus magna. Donec tempor lorem dolor, vehicula semper sem
congue at. Vivamus nec cursus leo. Duis fermentum placerat turpis ut luctus. Proin egestas eu felis
quis dictum. Maecenas feugiat, ante sit amet hendrerit gravida, turpis velit porta nisl, sed luctus
libero turpis sed ex. Pellentesque orci massa, iaculis a risus id, vestibulum ullamcorper odio. Mauris
bibendum suscipit molestie. Aliquam sed quam accumsan, rutrum nisl vel, placerat sem. Nulla
feugiat convallis sem.
Cras finibus egestas neque et pretium. Nunc sed venenatis justo, non faucibus libero. Duis eget
mauris blandit, ultrices est in, consectetur ipsum. Suspendisse eget fringilla magna. Vestibulum
varius at urna nec suscipit. Integer auctor velit sem, at ornare enim tincidunt sit amet. Praesent
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Approach to Market – Standing Offer – Goods and Services
auctor condimentum libero a accumsan. Mauris tincidunt interdum lorem, a semper eros pharetra id.
Sed vel porta purus. Proin dignissim nunc eget nulla auctor, in volutpat diam maximus. Sed
consectetur purus tortor, elementum eleifend libero rhoncus ac. Morbi varius odio risus, a dictum dui
tincidunt vel. Suspendisse nec massa eleifend erat mattis egestas. Proin lacinia dui non scelerisque
fringilla. Nunc pellentesque posuere elit ac consequat.
Curabitur consequat, lectus blandit tempus feugiat, urna dolor varius justo, pharetra porta nisl lorem
ac erat. Phasellus auctor ac ipsum nec imperdiet. Nullam euismod felis a tellus elementum pretium.
Sed ornare eros vitae justo hendrerit efficitur nec at massa. Ut sed eros ex. Duis est arcu, sagittis in
massa vitae, ultrices malesuada elit. Etiam id consequat felis.
Aenean lobortis semper blandit. Quisque consectetur semper tempor. Ut ullamcorper gravida dolor.
In vel sem nec augue maximus lacinia. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et
ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed in pharetra orci. Sed iaculis quis sapien eu vehicula. Aliquam vel
orci at tellus consequat venenatis. Praesent nec erat condimentum, tincidunt ante non, luctus felis.
Etiam quis nisi volutpat, hendrerit diam vel, finibus odio. Aliquam quis velit sit amet dolor luctus
aliquet. Etiam condimentum, velit sed porta iaculis, ligula nisl gravida arcu, et elementum ex dolor ut
nisi. Integer quis nisl vel ligula porttitor tempor. Aenean tempor et dolor sed elementum. Nunc
auctor libero eu massa iaculis, in laoreet quam hendrerit. Proin pharetra elit turpis, eget commodo
arcu dapibus ultricies. Morbi semper metus vel auctor facilisis. Sed egestas malesuada semper.
Fusce commodo felis nec libero viverra posuere. Vivamus bibendum fringilla ex, ut commodo velit
cursus sed. Fusce at nunc quis mauris consequat porttitor. Donec interdum lacus eget lacus
sollicitudin, sed tristique tellus aliquet. Nunc sed nisi tristique, accumsan justo ac, fermentum orci.
A.A.3 (a) Standards
Phasellus vel aliquet risus. Suspendisse sollicitudin orci est, facilisis facilisis massa aliquam eget.
Aliquam eleifend blandit porttitor. Ut vitae massa lectus. Vestibulum lobortis elit enim, nec mattis
risus efficitur ornare. Pellentesque lorem risus, euismod in ullamcorper vel, laoreet ac nisi. Cras sed
nisl ac augue auctor lacinia non eget velit. Suspendisse non ex quis mauris facilisis vehicula nec at
felis. Donec quam magna, congue vel massa in, semper feugiat nisl. Nulla nec tortor interdum,
consectetur dui eget, aliquet orci. Nulla tempus fringilla orci eu mattis.
A.A.3 (b) Security Requirements
Sed in venenatis metus, et faucibus magna. Nullam condimentum fermentum sem, eu blandit eros
finibus vel. Mauris mollis sed felis sit amet tempor. Vivamus eu lectus nisi. Praesent a metus vel
libero gravida condimentum sit amet a ex. Nullam tincidunt massa pellentesque risus sollicitudin,
viverra rhoncus velit dignissim. Praesent vel sapien vel libero viverra pellentesque ac non enim.
Nam eu tincidunt risus.
A.A.3 (c) Workplace Health and Safety
Prior to issuing and Order for the supply of the Goods and Services, the Customer’s Contract
Manager and the Supplier’s Contract Manager will identify any potential workplace health and safety
issues relevant to that Order and assign management of each issue identified to the party best able
to manage it.
A.A.3 (d) Delivery and Acceptance
Vivamus ullamcorper venenatis
Suspendisse eget bibendum diam
Reference No: 123456789
Delivery Address
111 Nulla vitae libero aliquet,
interdum dolor sit amet,
tristique urna. Sed congue maximus
111 Nulla vitae libero aliquet,
interdum dolor sit amet,
tristique urna. Sed congue maximus
Donec Quam
Donec Quam
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Approach to Market – Standing Offer – Goods and Services
Aliquam erat volutpat
111 Nulla vitae libero aliquet,
interdum dolor sit amet,
tristique urna. Sed congue maximus
Donec Quam
Service Description
Integer ut laoreet magna.
Delivery Location/Method
Aliquam porttitor at diam vel finibus.
Nunc elit augue, volutpat sed leo at,
aliquam tempor risus.
Sed ut accumsan ante, sed
venenatis lacus. Quisque accumsan
consectetur magna id posuere. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus.
Nullam Porttitor
Phasellus tellus orci, feugiat sed
tempor eget, posuere non arcu.
Nullam Porttitor
Delivery and Acceptance – Additional Instructions
Integer venenatis, nibh quis rhoncus condimentum, nunc erat porttitor lorem, vitae malesuada urna
magna ac nibh. In massa augue, imperdiet non sapien ac, ultricies sagittis dolor. Pellentesque
viverra interdum convallis. Maecenas et egestas mauris. Donec eget auctor libero. Aliquam ut quam
non tortor aliquam convallis. Aliquam auctor, mi in scelerisque gravida, odio libero sodales leo, id
gravida quam lectus ut neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque ut laoreet eros. Vestibulum sit amet velit laoreet, consectetur
dolor non, blandit odio. Curabitur consectetur sagittis est. Sed faucibus quam felis, id commodo
augue rutrum aliquet.
A.A.3 (e) Facilities and assistance offered by the Customer
None Offered
A.A.3 (f) Customer Material
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse sed nunc nec massa ornare sollicitudin. Etiam
posuere felis nec ante efficitur pretium. Vivamus ex tellus, blandit eget felis quis, efficitur malesuada
odio. Integer eu viverra dolor. Cras eu semper elit. Mauris at sem in ex ultrices commodo. Nulla
dapibus ipsum at lectus condimentum ornare. Phasellus tellus orci, feugiat sed tempor eget,
posuere non arcu.
Approach to Market (ATM) Distribution
Distribution via AusTender
This ATM and any updates will be distributed via AusTender and is subject to the following
Document Download
AusTender is the Australian Government’s procurement information system. Access to and use of
AusTender is subject to terms and conditions. In participating in this Approach to Market (ATM)
process, Tenderers must comply with those terms and conditions and any applicable instructions,
processes, procedures and recommendations as advised on AusTender.
All queries and requests for technical or operational support must be directed to:
AusTender Help Desk
Telephone: 1300 651 698
International: +61 2 6215 1558
The AusTender Help Desk is available between 9am and 5pm ACT Local Time, Monday to Friday
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Approach to Market – Standing Offer – Goods and Services
(excluding ACT and national public holidays).
Lodgement Method
Responses must be lodged electronically via AusTender before the Response Closing Date and
Time and in accordance with the Response lodgement procedures set out in this ATM
documentation and on AusTender.
The Closing Time will also be displayed in the relevant AusTender webpage together with a
countdown clock that displays in real time the amount of time left until Closing Time (for
more information please see AusTender Terms of Use).
For the purposes of determining whether a tender response has been lodged before the Closing
Time, the countdown clock will be conclusive.
Response File Formats, Naming Conventions and Sizes
The Customer will accept Responses lodged in Word Doc (.docx) Excel Workbook (.xlsx) PDF
The Response file name/s:
a. should incorporate the Potential Supplier's full legal entity name; and
b. should reflect the various parts of the bid they represent, where the Response comprises
multiple files.
Response files should/must not exceed a combined file size of 10 megabytes per upload.
Responses must be completely self-contained. No hyperlinked or other material may be
incorporated by reference.
Customer's Contact Officer
For all matters relating to this ATM, the Customer’s Contact Officer will be:
Blandit Nequ
00 1234 5678
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Approach to Market – Standing Offer – Goods and Services
Additional Deed Terms
An executed Deed will incorporate the Commonwealth Standing Offer Deed Terms and also the
following Additional Deed Terms (if any)
Additional Deed Terms
No Additional Deed Terms
Intellectual Property
The Supplier grants the Customer a fee free, non-exclusive, irrevocable, world-wide licence to
exercise the intellectual property rights in the Material provided under the Contract for any purpose.
The licence granted to the Customer under this clause includes a right to sub-licence those rights,
including to the public under an open access licence.
The Supplier warrants that it is entitled to grant this licence, and that the provision of the Goods
and/or Services and any Material under this Contract, and its use by the Customer in accordance
with this Contract, will not infringe any third Party’s intellectual property rights.
Interest on Late Payments
If the Customer fails to make a payment to the Supplier by the business day it is due and the
amount of interest payable under this clause exceeds $10, the Customer will pay the unpaid amount
plus interest on the amount.
Interest payable under this clause will be simple interest calculated in respect of each calendar day
from the day after the amount was due and payable, up to and including the day that the Customer
effects payment, calculated using the General Interest Charge Rate formula available at the
Australian Taxation Office website
Additional Contract Terms
No Additional Contract Terms
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Approach to Market – Standing Offer – Goods and Services
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Approach to Market – Standing Offer – Goods and Services
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Response to Approach to Market - Goods and Services
Before completing this form read the information below:
The Supplier is the business entity who will contract with the Customer if their Response is successful.
If you are the preferred Supplier and are an individual without an ABN, and do not meet the Australian
Taxation Office’s (ATO) definition of an independent contractor, you may be offered a different form of
contract OR we may not be able to contract with you. Before completing this Response Form, notify
the Nominated Contact Officer to enable them to seek advice.
For further guidance, refer to the ATO website:
Instructions to assist Potential Suppliers to complete their Response have been included throughout
this form.
Prior to submitting your response, you should remove Instructions and Handy Hints.
Handy Hints appear in shaded boxes.
Specific questions on this procurement should be directed to the Contact Officer nominated in the
Commonwealth ATM [Clause A.A.6] distributed with this Response to ATM form.
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
You must use this form to submit your Response, which must comply with the Commonwealth ATM
Terms, which are available here.
Before completing this Response read the Customer’s Approach to Market (ATM) distributed with this
Response to ATM form and decide whether your organisation has the necessary skills and experience
to meet the Customer’s requirement set out in that ATM.
In this Response, be as concise as possible while including any and all information that your
organisation wants the evaluation panel to consider. Do not assume that the evaluation panel has any
knowledge of your organisation’s abilities or personnel.
Your organisation’s participation is at your sole risk and cost. This is a competitive process, and you
should note that your organisation may incur costs in participating, and if not successful be unable to
recoup those costs.
Handy Hints
When completing this form, provide all information requested and submit the form as required in
Lodgement Method [Clause A.A.5]. Demonstrate that your organisation meets the Mandatory
Conditions of Participation [Clause A.A.2] if any, as failure to do so will result in your response being
excluded from consideration.
The Customer will assess all Responses received by the Closing Time [Clause A.A.1], which meet any
Mandatory Conditions of Participation [Clause A.A.2] and compare them to determine which Potential
Supplier has proposed the best value for money outcome for the Customer. In making this decision, a
panel will consider:
(a) which Response best meets the Customer’s requirement set out in the ATM;
(b) whether the Potential Supplier has proven capacity to provide the Customer’s requirement; and
(c) the total cost the Customer will incur in accepting the Potential Supplier’s proposal.
The successful Potential Supplier will have demonstrated its ability to provide the best value for the
Customer. This will not necessarily be the lowest price.
If your organisation is unsuccessful with this submission, request a debrief to assist with future
submissions. The Customer’s Contact Officer [Clause A.A.6] can arrange this for you.
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Response to Approach to Market - Goods and Services
Part 1 - Potential Supplier’s Details
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Provide the following organisational details, which will appear in any contract with the Customer.
These details should be for the legal entity that would be the Supplier under a Contract.
Full legal business name:
Registered business address:
ACN/ARBN (if applicable):
ABN (if applicable):
Web address:
What is the entity’s legal status (double click a box below to select):
Sole Trader
Sole Director Company
If none of the above apply, please state entity type:
Is the above entity a non-government employer with more than 100 employees?
Contact Officer
For all matters relating to this Response, the Potential Supplier’s Contact Officer will be:
Position title:
Postal Address:
Address for Notices (if different from the Contact Officer):
Position title:
Postal Address:
Contract Manager (if different from the Contract Officer)
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Potential Suppliers should provide the requested details of the person they propose to be their Contract
Manager if a contract is awarded. That person will be responsible for general liaison with the Customer
and accepting and issuing any written notices for that Contract.
Position title:
Postal Address:
(if different from above)
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Response to Approach to Market - Goods and Services
Part 2 - Executive Summary
Instructions for Potential Suppliers
Provide a brief (less than one page) Executive Summary of your proposal highlighting any key
Handy Hint:
You may find it useful to complete this Executive Summary last so that it is easier to summarise
your proposal’s key features.
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Response to Approach to Market - Goods and Services
Part 3 – Ability to meet the requirement
Detailed proposal to meet the Customer’s requirement
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
The information you provide in this section will be considered in evaluating the extent to which this
Response meets the Customer’s requirement. Be as concise as possible. Do not provide general
marketing material that does not relate to the specific requirement.
Provide a detailed description of your proposal to supply the Customer’s requirement, including any
delivery methodology. If there are any Mandatory Conditions of Participation [Clause A.A.2] you should
specifically respond to them here.
Handy Hint
This is your organisation’s opportunity to convince the evaluation panel that your organisation
understands the Customer’s requirement and can deliver it to a high standard.
This is the place to highlight your competitive advantage as well as any special or unique features of
your proposal. Depending on the requirement, your organisation’s response could propose a detailed
project plan including project milestones and completion dates, timeframes, quality standards or
performance indicators, which demonstrate success or progress. It could also detail any critical issues
or key delivery risks of which the Customer should be aware.
Do not rely solely on your organisation’s reputation as the evaluation panel can only consider
information you provide in this submission – this Response to ATM is the opportunity to promote your
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Response to Approach to Market - Goods and Services
Part 4 - Potential Supplier’s Proven Capacity
Statement of Skills and Experience
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
The information you provide in this section will be considered in evaluating your organisation’s proven
capacity to meet the Customer’s requirement.
Provide clear, concise details of your relevant abilities to deliver what you have proposed above.
This is your opportunity to prove to the evaluation panel that you can meet the Customer’s requirement
to a high standard.
Specified Personnel
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Usually it will not be necessary to include specified personnel for Goods and Services contracts.
However, if your proposal has referenced the skills of specific personnel provide details in the table
below. Include their role, the percentage of the project that they will complete (the total of all specified
personnel will add to not more than 100% of the project) and if relevant, their current Commonwealth
Government security clearance. Only propose personnel where you can reasonably expect them to
perform the roles nominated.
Also include the same details for any subcontractor personnel, if applicable.
Add extra lines to the table if required. If no Specified personnel are proposed insert “Not Applicable”
in the table.
Handy Hint
Where the person proposed is a recognised expert in their field and the quality of your proposal relies
on their expertise, they must be specified in the table below. Only include names for Specified
Personnel where their unique skills are relevant or a security clearance is required to perform a
particular role.
However, where you have a number of staff who could perform a particular role, include details of the
position/role, and the % of the project time which this role will perform. In these circumstances it would
not be necessary to name the person.
The % Time column is the % of the total project time each specified person/role will provide.
Include subcontractor personnel in this table, if applicable.
% Time Name
Total all project personnel
Current level of Security
(If requested at A.A.3(b))
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Provide details of each subcontractor organisation you will use below. If no subcontractors are
proposed write “Not Applicable”.
Note that the Customer is required to publicly disclose information about subcontractors.
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Response to Approach to Market - Goods and Services
Full legal name:
Postal address:
ACN/ARBN (if applicable):
ABN (if applicable):
Scope of works to be subcontracted
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Potential Suppliers must identify the roles or the specific parts of the contract each subcontractor will
perform. If no subcontractors are proposed write “Not Applicable”.
Handy Hint
The Supplier remains solely responsible to the Customer for all obligations under the Contract and
therefore is responsible for subcontractor performance and management.
If you are intending to include subcontractors read and understand what your obligations would be
under the Commonwealth Contract Terms; including in particular the obligations set out in
Subcontracting [Clause C.C.8]; Supplier not to make representations; [Clause C.C.18]; Compliance
with Laws [Clause C.C.19] and Compliance with Commonwealth Laws and Policies [Clause C.C.20].
Conflict of Interest
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Would a real or perceived conflict of interest exist, or a potential conflict arise, if the Potential Supplier,
or where applicable the subcontractor, entered into a contract with the Customer? If so, include full
details and strategies to manage the conflict here.
Has this Response been prepared with any assistance from a current or former employee of the
Customer? If so, include full details here.
If none, write “Nil”.
Handy Hint
A perceived Conflict of Interest is one in which a reasonable person would think that the person’s
judgement and/or actions may be compromised.
It is important that the Potential Supplier notify the Customer immediately if an actual, perceived or
potential conflict of interest arises or may arise after the Response has been submitted or during the
Contract period.
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Provide daytime contact details for three (3) referees who can attest to your capacity to meet the
Customer’s requirement. Note that the Customer reserves the right to contact the Potential Supplier’s
referees, or any other person, directly and without notifying the Potential Supplier as set out in
Referees [Clause A.B.14].
Handy Hint
A reference is stronger if your organisation and/or specified personnel has recently provided the
referee with similar Goods and Services.
It is also good practice to make sure that any referees nominated are aware they might be contacted.
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Response to Approach to Market - Goods and Services
Referee Name
Phone No
Email Address
Additional Information
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Are there additional details relevant to this proposal that you have not already included but want
the Customer to consider? Any information included here should be relevant to this proposal and
be as concise as possible.
Handy Hint
Potential Suppliers may use this opportunity to identify any pre-existing intellectual property or
unique methodology. This section should not be used to include generic marketing information
that is not specific to the Requirement. Be as concise as possible.
Confidentiality of Potential Supplier’s Information
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Potential Suppliers must identify, in the table below, any aspects of their Response or any aspect of the
proposed Contract that they consider should be kept confidential, with reason. If none, complete the
table with “Not Applicable”.
Information to assist you to assess whether the Customer is able to treat particular information as
confidential is available at
Add extra lines to the table as required.
Handy Hint
The Customer will only agree to treat information as confidential in cases that meet the
Commonwealth’s guidelines and which the Customer considers appropriate. In the absence of the
Customer’s agreement, the Customer has the right to disclose any information contained in the
Information in the Contract considered
necessary to be confidential
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Reasons for requesting confidentiality
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Response to Approach to Market – Goods and/or Services
Additional Facilities and Assistance
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Any requirement is set out in Facilities and Assistance offered by the Customer [Clause A.A.3(e)].
If only the Facilities and Assistance offered by the Customer are required, insert “No additional facilities
and assistance required” in the space below.
If no Facilities and Assistance are offered by the Customer and none required by the Potential Supplier,
insert “Not Applicable” in the space below.
If the Potential Supplier’s proposal and pricing is based on the Customer, providing any Additional
Facilities and Assistance these should be stated here.
Handy Hint
Any costs the Customer would incur in providing any Additional Facilities and Assistance will be
included in the costs assessment.
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
If your proposal is successful, you will be offered the opportunity to enter into a contract, which
incorporates the Commonwealth Contract Terms. These terms have been designed to enable
Commonwealth officials to comply with their legislated responsibilities and are therefore not negotiable.
If you have reasons why any of the Additional Contract Terms should be changed, fill in the table below,
as these may be negotiable.
Add extra lines to the table if necessary.
Handy Hint
Any costs the Customer would incur from non-compliance (e.g. Cost of negotiation) will be included
when assessing value for money.
Reason for non-Compliance
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Proposed new wording
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Schedule 1 – Fees and Charges – Goods and/or Services
Fees and Charges
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Fill out the tables below including prices for each item. These prices must include any taxes, duties and any other government charges
which may be imposed or levied in Australia or overseas. Add extra rows to the table if required.
Goods Price Schedule
Item Description
Unit Price
ex GST
Unit Price
inc GST
Total Price
inc GST
Total Goods Price Schedule
Services Fees and Charges Schedule
Services Description
Total Cost
Total Services Price Schedule
Support/Maintenance Price Schedule
Unit Price
ex GST
Total Support/Maintenance Price Schedule
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
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Unit Price
inc GST
Schedule 1 – Fees and Charges – Goods and/or Services
Time and Materials Hourly Rate Price Schedule
(Hourly rate should reflect the role and or experience of the contractor/consultant)
Hourly Rate
ex GST
Hourly Rate
inc GST
Total Hourly Rate
Time and Materials Daily Rate Price Schedule
(Daily rate should reflect the role and or experience of the contractor/consultant)
Title Activity
Daily Rate
ex GST
Daily Rate
inc GST
Total Daily Rate
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Include only those charges which are not included in the prices quoted above. An example of this could be a delivery fee for split deliveries
where the total number of deliveries are not able to be calculated in advance. Add extra rows to the table if required.
Additional Price Schedule (not described elsewhere)
Discount %
Unit Price
ex GST
Total Additional Price Schedule
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 18 of 46
Total Price
inc GST
Schedule 1 – Fees and Charges – Goods and/or Services
Payment Schedule
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
Only complete this table if you are proposing that progress payments be made. If there are no progress payments, leave this table blank.
Do not propose a payment schedule that reflects more than the value of the milestones or deliverables achieved at any stage.
Add extra lines to the table if necessary.
Progress payments for the Goods and Services(inclusive of any GST and all taxes and charges) will be as follows:
Estimated Date
If the Supplier incurs any of the variable costs, the Customer will reimburse the Supplier at cost (exclusive of GST) on submission of a Correctly
Rendered Invoice and production of satisfactory evidence in accordance with Clause C.C.17 [Payment].
Pricing for Extension Period
If this Deed is extended, pricing will be agree in writing between the Panel Owner and the Supplier.If this Deed is extended, pricing will be as
set out in the table below.Not Applicable
Unit Cost
ex GST
Unit Cost
inc GST
Total Pricing for Extension Period inclusive of GST
Instruction to Potential Suppliers:
In the space below, explain how the above prices would be adjusted, if at all, if a contract variation (for either an increase or a decrease for
the Goods and Services) or if an extension is awarded.
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
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Draft CCS - Deed of Standing Offer – Goods and/or Services
Commonwealth of Australia
CCS - Deed of Standing Offer – Goods and/or Services
This Deed is for the provision of xxxxxxxx
Reference No: xxxxxxxxx
Panel Owner
Panel Owner Name
The Commonwealth as represented by xxxxxxxx (the Panel Owner)
Panel Owner ABN
Panel Owner Address
Supplier Name
Supplier ABN
Supplier ACN (if applicable)
Supplier ARBN (if applicable)
Supplier Address
Portfolio Panel.
The Panel Owner and all Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies in the same portfolio as
the Panel Owner are Customers for the purpose of this Deed and may obtain Goods and/or Services under
this Deed. Information about agencies in each Portfolio is available at Government Directories.
Whole of Government Panel.
The Panel Owner and all Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies are Customers for the
purpose of this Deed and may obtain Goods and/or Services under this Deed.
Named Entity Panel.
The Panel Owner and the Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies listed below are
Customers for the purpose of this Deed and may obtain Goods and/or Services under this Deed.
At any time, the Panel Owner may notify the Supplier that additional customers wish to obtain Goods
and/or Services under the Deed by notifying the Supplier in writing. Any such customer will be a Customer
for the purposes of the Deed from the date specified in the notice.
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
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Draft CCS - Deed of Standing Offer – Goods and/or Services
Deed Scope
Key Information
This Deed commences on the Deed Start Date and continues for the Deed Term unless:
it is terminated earlier; or
if a Deed Extension Option is set out in the table, the Customer exercises the Deed Extension
Option, in which case this Deed will continue until the end of the extended time (unless it is
terminated earlier).
Deed Start Date
Deed Term
This Deed will commence on the Deed Start Date or the date the Deed is
executed, whichever is the latter and remain in force for a period of
This Deed will commence on the Deed Start Date or the date the Deed is
executed, whichever is the latter and will terminate on xxxxxxxxxx
Deed Extension Option
The Customer may extend the Deed for a period of up to xxxxxxxxxx
The Customer may extend the Deed for a period of up to xxxxxxxxxx
The Requirement
D.A.2 (a) Standards
Any standards which a Customer may require to be met will be detailed in individual Orders.
D.A.2 (b) Security Requirements
Any security which a Customer may require from time to time will be detailed in individual Orders.
D.A.2 (c) Workplace Health and Safety
Throughout the Deed period and during the performance of any Contract, the Customer and the Supplier
will proactively identify and cooperate to manage any Workplace Health and Safety issues that may arise.
D.A.2 (d) Delivery and Acceptance
The Supplier will be required to meet the general Delivery and Acceptance requirements set out in Clause
C.C.10 of the Commonwealth Contract Terms as well as any specific Delivery and Acceptance
requirements which are notified in the relevant Orders.
D.A.2 (e) Facilities and Assistance
Any facilities and assistance which a Customer may provide from time to time will be detailed in individual
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
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Draft CCS - Deed of Standing Offer – Goods and/or Services
D.A.2 (f) Customer Material
Any Customer Material which the Customer may provide from time to time will be detailed in individual
Fees and Charges
Schedule 1 must be used for all fees and charges associated with this Deed of Standing Offer.
Deed Managers and Addresses for Notices
Deed Managers are responsible for issuing or accepting any written Notices under the Deed and are the
contact points for general liaison.
D.A.4 (a) The Customer’s Deed Manager:
The person occupying the position of:
Postal Address:
Email Address:
D.A.4 (b) The Supplier’s Deed Manager:
Position Title:
Postal Address:
Email Address:
Specified Personnel
Current level of Security
None Specified
Services to be performed/Goods to be
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
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Draft CCS - Deed of Standing Offer – Goods and/or Services
Additional Deed Terms
Panel Deed
The Supplier acknowledges that it is one of a number of suppliers on the Panel which may be requested by
the Customer to supply Goods and / or Services.
Criminal Code
The Supplier acknowledges that the giving of false or misleading information to the Commonwealth is a
serious offence under section 137.1 of the schedule to the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).
The Supplier agrees to ensure that any of its subcontractors are aware of the information in this clause.
Confidential Information of the Supplier
The Customer agrees that the following information meets the Commonwealth’s confidentiality guidelines
and agrees to treat the information as confidential unless required by law to disclose the information. The
Customer retains the right to disclose any other information contained in the Contract.
Information to be kept confidential
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property (if any) will be set out in each individual Order.
Terms and Conditions
CCS Standing Offer Deed Terms (link to be created once published)
Commonwealth Contracting Suite Glossary
Commonwealth Contract Terms
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
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Draft CCS - Deed of Standing Offer – Goods and/or Services
Order Form
Orders will be issued under this CCS Deed of Standing Offer substantially in the form of the attached
Request for Quote/Order at Schedule 2.
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
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Draft CCS - Deed of Standing Offer – Goods and/or Services
Deed of Standing Offer Signing Page
The Parties agree that by signing this CCS Deed of Standing Offer –Goods and/or Services they enter into
a Deed comprising:
Additional Deed Terms (if any);
Deed Statement of Work;
Commonwealth Standing Offer Terms;
Commonwealth Contracting Suite Glossary; and
Deed Annex 1 – Supplementary information (if any)
EXECUTED as a Deed
Signed for and on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia as represented by xxxxxxxxxx ABN
xxxxxxxxxx by its duly authorised delegate in the presence of
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
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Draft CCS - Deed of Standing Offer – Goods and/or Services
Deed Annex 1 – Supplementary Information
Not Applicable
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 26 of 46
CCS - Deed of Standing Offer Terms – Goods and/or Services
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 27 of 46
CCS - Deed of Standing Offer Terms – Goods and/or Services
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 28 of 46
CCS Glossary– Goods and/or Services
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 29 of 46
CCS Glossary– Goods and/or Services
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 30 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Commonwealth of Australia
Commonwealth Request for Quotation/Order
For the provision of XXXXXXXXX
This Request for Quote is issued by the Customer:
Customer Name:
To the Supplier
Supplier Name:
under the Commonwealth Deed of Standing Offer dated XXXXXXXXXX Reference No:
XXXXXXXXXX (Deed of Standing Offer)
Note: When the Supplier completes, signs and returns this RFQ to the Customer and the Customer accepts this RFQ,
by countersigning it, this RFQ becomes and executed Order under the Deed of Standing Offer Reference No:
XXXXXXXXXX and is subject to the Commonwealth Contract Terms.
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 31 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Statement of Work
Key Events and Dates
Closing Time
Expected Order
Start Date
Term of Order
This Order will commence on the Contract Start Date or the date the Order is
executed, whichever is the latter and remain in force for a period of
Option 2
This Order will commence on the Contract Start Date or the date the Contract
is executed, whichever is the latter and will terminate on XXXXXXXXXX.
Option 1
Order Extension
The Customer may extend the Order for a period of up to XXXXXXXXXX.
Option 2
Not Applicable
The Requirement
RFQ.2 (a) Standards
Specified standards in the Deed of Standing Offer apply.
In addition, the supplier will be required to comply with the following standards
RFQ.2 (b) Security Requirements
Specified security requirements in the Deed of Standing Offer apply.
In addition, the supplier will be required to comply with the following security requirements
RFQ.2 (c) Workplace Health and Safety
Specified workplace health and safety requirements in the Deed of Standing Offer, apply.
Throughout the Contract period, the Customer and the Supplier will proactively identify and cooperate to
manage any Workplace Health and Safety issues that may arise.
In addition, the supplier will be required to comply with the following Workplace Health and Safety
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
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Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
RFQ.2 (d) Delivery and Acceptance
Services Description
Delivery Address
Contact Details
Delivery Location/Method
Contact Details
Any delivery and acceptance requirements set out in the Deed of Standing Offer apply. In addition, the
supplier will be required to comply with the following requirements
RFQ.2 (e) Facilities and Assistance
Specified facilities and assistance in the Deed of Standing Offer apply.
In addition, the following facilities and assistance will be provided for this Order:
RFQ.2 (f) Customer Material
Specified customer material in the Deed of Standing Offer apply.
In addition, the following additional Customer Material will be provided
Fees and Charges
Fees and Charges quoted will be consistent with the fees and charges set out in the Deed of Standing
Offer Schedule 1 (Fees and Charges).
Approach to Market (ATM) Distribution
This RFQ/Order and any updates will be distributed via email.This RFQ/Order and any updates will be
distributed via AusTender and is subject to the following conditions.
Document Download
AusTender is the Australian Government’s procurement information system. Access to and use of
AusTender is subject to terms and conditions. In participating in this Approach to Market (ATM) process,
Tenderers must comply with those terms and conditions and any applicable instructions, processes,
procedures and recommendations as advised on AusTender.
All queries and requests for technical or operational support must be directed to:
AusTender Help Desk
Telephone: 1300 651 698
International: +61 2 6215 1558
The AusTender Help Desk is available between 9am and 5pm ACT Local Time, Monday to Friday
(excluding ACT and national public holidays).
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 33 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Lodgement Method
Option 1.
Responses should be lodged via Email to:
Email Address:
Reference No:
by the closing time specified above.
The Customer will accept Responses lodged in Word Doc (.docx) Word 97-2003 Doc (.doc) Rich Text
Format (.rtf) Excel Workbook (.xlsx) Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls) CSV (.csv) PDF (.pdf).
Response files should/must not exceed a combined file size of XXXXXXXXXX megabytes per upload.
Option 2.
Responses must be lodged electronically via AusTender before the Response Closing Date and Time and
in accordance with the Response lodgement procedures set out in this ATM documentation and on
The Closing Time will also be displayed in the relevant AusTender webpage together with a countdown
clock that displays in real time the amount of time left until Closing Time (for more information please see
AusTender Terms of Use).
For the purposes of determining whether a tender response has been lodged before the Closing Time, the
countdown clock will be conclusive.
Response File Formats, Naming Conventions and Sizes
The Customer will accept Responses lodged in Word Doc (.docx) Word 97-2003 Doc (.doc) Rich Text
Format (.rtf ) Excel Workbook (.xlsx) Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls) CSV (.csv) PDF (.pdf).
The Response file name/s:
a. should incorporate the Potential Supplier's full legal entity name; and
b. should reflect the various parts of the bid they represent, where the Response comprises multiple
Response files should/must not exceed a combined file size of XXXXXXXXXX megabytes per upload.
Responses must be completely self-contained. No hyperlinked or other material may be incorporated by
Customer’s Contact Officer
The Customers Contact Officer is responsible for issuing or accepting any written Notices under this
Contract and is the contact point for general liaison.
The Customer’s Contact Officer:
The person occupying the position of:
Email Address:
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 34 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Additional Contract Terms
Additional Contract Terms set out in the Deed
The parties acknowledge that any Additional Contract Terms set out in the Deed will be ‘Additional Contract
Terms’ for the purposes of any Order.
Intellectual Property
The Intellectual Property arrangements set out in the Deed of Standing Offer apply.
Option 2.
The following Intellectual Property arrangements will apply to this Order.
The Supplier grants the Customer a fee free, non-exclusive, irrevocable, world-wide licence to exercise the
intellectual property rights in the Material provided under the Contract for any purpose. The licence granted
to the Customer under this clause includes a right to sub-licence those rights, including to the public under
an open access licence.
The Supplier warrants that it is entitled to grant this licence; and that the provision of the Goods and/or
Services and any Material under this Contract, and its use by the Customer in accordance with this
Contract, will not infringe any third Party’s intellectual property rights.
Option 3.
The Supplier hereby assigns to the Customer all rights and interests in the intellectual property rights in the
Material provided under the Contract. The Supplier agrees to create, execute or sign any document which
may be necessary to transfer those rights to the Customer.
The Customer grants to the Supplier a fee free, non-assignable, irrevocable, licence to exercise the
intellectual property rights in the Material for the sole purpose of fulfilling its obligations under the Contract.
The Supplier warrants that it has full legal authority to assign the rights in this Contract; and that the
provision of the Goods and/or Services and any Material under this Contract, and its use by the Customer
in accordance with this Contract, will not infringe any third Party’s intellectual property rights.
Option 4.
Not Applicable
Additional Contract Terms
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 35 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Part 1 - Supplier’s Details
Full legal business name:
Registered business address:
ACN/ARBN (if applicable):
ABN (if applicable):
Web address:
Contact Officer
For all matters relating to this Response, the Potential Supplier’s Contact Officer will be:
Position title:
Postal Address:
Address for Notices (if different from the Contact Officer):
Position title:
Postal Address:
Contract Manager (if different from the Contract Officer)
Position title:
Postal Address:
(if different from above)
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 36 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Part 2 – Ability to meet the requirement
Detailed proposal to meet the Customer’s requirement
Specified Personnel
% Time Name
Current level of Security
Total all project personnel
Full legal name:
Postal address:
ACN/ARBN (if applicable):
ABN (if applicable):
Scope of works to be subcontracted
Conflict of Interest
Referee Name
Phone No
Email Address
Additional Information
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 37 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Confidentiality of Potential Supplier’s Information
Information in the Contract considered
necessary to be confidential
Reasons for requesting confidentiality
Additional Facilities and Assistance
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 38 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Attachment 1 – Fees and Charges
The Supplier confirms that the Order Price has been developed in accordance with and otherwise meets the requirements of the Deed of Standing Offer.
Select the Fees and Charges option that suits your supply of the Goods and/or Services. Type “Not Applicable” in the schedules not suitable.
Goods Price Schedule
Item Description
Fixed Price
ex GST
Fixed Price
inc GST
Total Fixed
inc GST
Services Price Schedule
Services Description
Total Cost
Unit Price
ex GST
Unit Price
inc GST
Support/Maintenance Price Schedule
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 39 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Time and Materials Hourly Rate Price Schedule (Hourly rate should reflect the role and or experience of the contractor/consultant)
Hourly Rate
ex GST
Hourly Rate
inc GST
Time and Materials Daily Rate Price Schedule (Daily rate should reflect the role and or experience of the contractor/consultant)
Title Activity
Daily Rate
ex GST
Daily Rate
inc GST
Unit Price
ex GST
Total Price
inc GST
Additional Price Schedule (not described elsewhere)
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Page 40 of 46
Schedule 2 – Draft Request for Quotation/Order – Goods and/or Services
Payment Schedule
Progress payments for the Goods and/or Services (inclusive of any GST and all taxes and charges) will be as follows:
Estimated Date
Payment Amount
If the Supplier incurs any of the variable costs, the Customer will reimburse the Supplier at cost (exclusive of GST) on submission of a Correctly
Rendered Invoice and production of satisfactory evidence in accordance with Clause C.C.17 [Payment].
Pricing for Extension Period
If there is an extension period stated in the Request for Quote, detail any costs associated with the extension here.
Reference No: XXXXXXXXXX
Unit Cost
ex GST
Page 41 of 46
Unit Cost
inc GST
Draft Schedule 2 – Request for Quotation – Goods and/or Services
Contract Signing Page
The Parties agree that by signing this Order –Goods and/or Services they enter into a Contract
Additional Deed Terms (if any);
Deed Statement of Work;
Commonwealth Standing Offer Terms;
Commonwealth Contracting Suite Glossary; and
Deed Annex 1 – Supplementary information (if any)
EXECUTED as a Contract
Signed for and on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia as represented by XXXXXXXXXX
(the Customer) ABN XXXXXXXXXX by its duly authorised delegate in the presence of
Reference No: xxxxxxxxxx
Page 42 of 46
Commonwealth Contract Terms – Goods and/or Services
Reference No: xxxxxxxxxx
Page 43 of 46
Commonwealth Contract Terms – Goods and/or Services
Reference No: xxxxxxxxxx
Page 44 of 46
Commonwealth Contract Terms – Goods and/or Services
Reference No: xxxxxxxxxx
Page 45 of 46
Commonwealth Contract Terms – Goods and/or Services
Reference No: xxxxxxxxxx
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