Montwood Middle School Mighty Moose Orchestra Handbook 2015-2016 Eligibility Student must maintain a passing grade of 70 or above in all classes in order to participate in UIL events and athletics. This is extremely important and mandated by Texas State Law. Please do what is required to pass your classes. Turn in all homework on time, and remember to take advantage of tutoring and extra credit. If you are ineligible, you do not only impact yourself, but your fellow orchestra members as well! Remember that you are part of a team! Study hard and earn good grades! Practice Practicing is the way that good musicians become great, and beginners become experts! No growth and progress can be achieved without consistent practice. In order for your child to reap the full benefits of learning a musical instrument, they should practice a minimum of 20-30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. Practice records may be implemented throughout the year to ensure that successful practice habits are being maintained. Practice may also be assessed throughout the year through playing tests and quizzes. Students who are not prepared may not be allowed to participate in various activities or performances/contests throughout the year at the discretion of the director. Instrument Rental Policies Students that choose to rent an instrument from the Socorro Independent School District will need to pay the yearly fee of $45.00. This must be paid in CASH only. This yearly fee covers the use of the instrument for one school year, minus repairs and maintenance. Please remember that instruments are to be returned at the end of the school year in the same condition that they were issued out. Students who have been in the orchestra for 1-2 years or longer may want to consider purchasing their own instrument. This is a wonderful investment for students who plan on continuing music in high school or beyond. Many music stores offer a Rent-To-Own program in which the monthly fee goes toward the cost of the instrument and can be paid off within a couple of years. *Every student deserves the opportunity to make music, no matter their financial situation. If there is a financial issue, please speak with the director. The Montwood Middle School Orchestra will never turn away a student in need. 1 Instrument Storage Students will store their instruments on racks found in the orchestra room. Each student is responsible for dropping off their instrument in the orchestra room before the first bell every morning and for picking it up after school. Do NOT leave your instrument at school overnight. SISD, Montwood Middle, or the director are not responsible for any theft or damage to instruments left overnight. If you are tardy in the morning, there will be no access to the room until the director arrives later in the day. This is not a valid excuse to leave your instrument at home. If you arrive to school early, this will never be a problem you have to worry about. There are no lockers in the orchestra room, so please label all of your materials and your instrument clearly. Equipment and Instrument Maintenance Students are expected to take good care of school property and to respect the property of others. Students will be held 100% accountable for any damages or stolen property. All repairs will be the responsibility of the student and their parents/guardians. Students that are found defacing school property will be removed from the orchestra program immediately and given a referral. Please remember to practice regular instrument maintenance. Below are some basic guidelines to keeping your instrument in the best condition possible: - Please remember to loosen the hair on your bow after practicing. - Always wipe down your fingerboard and strings. - Do not keep music or any other items other than rosin inside your case. This will put unnecessary stress on the body of the instrument that could result in damage. -Always store your instrument in a room temperature environment. - Instruments should NEVER be left in a hot/cold car or garage; do not leave your instrument next to vents or windows. Drastic temperature changes may result in cracks or severe damage to your instrument. Rehearsals and Sectionals Students will be required to stay after school or come early in the morning on certain days throughout the year. This time is used to prepare for performances and contests. Attendance is extremely important and will be used as a grade. Punctuality is equally important, and students should strive to arrive at least 5 minutes early. Students that do not attend rehearsals/sectionals or are consistently tardy may not be allowed to participate in concerts or contests. This decision will be made by the director. If there are any conflicts with the rehearsal/performance schedule, please notify the director AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. A note should be sent to the director to be kept on record. 2 Performances Performances are wonderful opportunities to showcase hard work and progress! They are the final product of weeks and months or hard work. All performances are MANDATORY and will be used as a test grade. Dates will be given as far in advance as possible, so please make arrangements to be present at each and every performance. Students are required to stay for the entire duration of the performance as a courtesy to the other students who are performing. Please arrive at least 30 minutes early to each performance. If there is a conflict with a performance, please notify the director AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If a student does not attend a performance without previously notifying the director, he/she will receive a “0” for a test grade. In this case there will be no opportunities to make up a missed performance. In case of an emergency, please call (915) 937-5824 and leave a message explaining why your child could not attend the performance. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Dress Code Students who are in the Mighty Moose Orchestra will be required to purchase an Orchestra t-shirt and polo. They will be used for certain performances and field trips. The official dress code for contests and concerts is “Concert Black” unless specified otherwise. Below are the guidelines you must follow: - Black dress pants/slacks or black skirt/dress (must be below the knee) Black button down long sleeve dress shirt with collar for boys, black blouse for girls Black socks and black dress shoes (no athletic shoes, converse, vans, etc.) Belts, ties, and other accessories must also be black. There will be several occasions when students will not be required to wear concert black. All attire should remain professional and modest at all times. Remember that you are representing SISD, Montwood Middle, and the Mighty Moose Orchestra! Dress with respect and pride! Please be advised that students not wearing the proper attire will not be allowed to perform. Fundraisers Fundraisers are an important part of any organization. The money earned provides students with opportunities and resources that might not otherwise be available. Since the money earned benefits ALL students in the orchestra, it is expected that ALL students participate. Fundraising rules are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. All money and brochures/order forms are to be turned in on time. Lost/stolen items will be the responsibility of the student and their parents/guardians. Prizes will NOT be awarded to students who turn in fundraising items or money late. Please keep all receipts for your records. 3 Orchestra Code of Conduct: 1. Respect the teacher and fellow classmates. 2. Respect school property and the property of others. If something does not belong to you, DO NOT TOUCH IT! 3. Raise your hand before speaking or if you have a question. 4. Be on time to class and to all rehearsals/performances (early is even better). 5. Always be prepared – bring your instrument, binder, music, pencil, and other supplies with you every day! 6. Food, drink, and gum are not allowed in the orchestra room (water is okay). 7. Please do not use electronic devices during class/rehearsals (devices used without permission will be confiscated). 8. Stay focused and quiet during all classes and rehearsals. 9. Always use courteous language when speaking to others. 10. Try your best! Consequences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Verbal warning After school detention Parent/guardian phone call Parent/guardian conference Office referral Removal from orchestra program 4 *Please return this signed portion of the handbook.* Montwood Middle School Orchestra Handbook By signing this section of the handbook, you are agreeing to follow all policies and procedures as listed within the document. Students have chosen to be a part of the organization and have made a commitment to the Montwood Middle School Orchestra. Learning to play an instrument and read music can be one of the most rewarding and joyous experiences a person will have in their lifetime. By working together and communicating, we can make this a GREAT school year! I, ________________________________________, have read and understood the Montwood Middle (please print student name) School Orchestra Handbook and agree to follow all policies and procedures as listed within. Student signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________ I, ________________________________________, have read and understood the Montwood Middle (please print parent/guardian name) School Orchestra Handbook and agree to follow all policies and procedures as listed within. Parent/Guardian signature: _______________________________________ Date: ________________ 5