Vector Component Notes


Vector Component Notes

We can describe any vector V in terms of its magnitude V and its direction . Here, we are measuring angle from the positive x-axis. And angle is positive for counter clockwise directions. Other coordinate systems may also be used; it is also common to measure angles from North.

We can also describe a vector V in terms of its components along the x- and y-axes, so,

V = V x

+ V y

V x

= V cos

V y

= V sin

Now consider a second vector U. It, too, may be expressed in terms of its components,

U = U x

+ U y

How can we add vectors U and V in terms of their components? That is, we want a resultant vector R

R = (U x

+ U y

) + (V x

+ V y


R = (U x

+ V x

) + ( U y

+ V y


R x

= U x

+ V x

R y

= U y

+ V y

If we add the values for the x and y components we get:

So, added together we get:


Lets show the resultant vector components

To solve for the resultant use the pythagorean theorum

To solve for the angle theta, tan = opp / adj

= R y

/ R x

= arctan ( Ry / Rx)

The notes above were taken from
