Dr. Sue Shook Elementary Instructional Days: 42 Week of: Week 1 July 28-31 Components Math Numeracy Vocabulary/Word Wall/ Math PIC Numeral digit place value Base ten ones tens hundreds thousands Standard form Word form Expanded form Less than Greater than Whole number Symbols < > = Grade Level 2nd Math Warm-ups POD/Spiral/ Lone Star Process Skills Lone Star week 1 Fluency-number dot cards 1st Math Concepts Whole Group I do, We do,We do, We do, You do Number bonds-model ways to make numbers 0-500 2.2(A)* use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200 in more than one way as a sum of so many thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones SS 2.2(B)* use standard, word, and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200 RS 2.2(C) generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 1,200 SS 2.2(D)* use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,200 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols (<,>, or =) Stations Concept What is a Scientist? Establish routines Number bonds Puzzle from hundreds chart Social Studies Science Guided Math Instruction 2.1A ID safe practices 2.1B describe the importance of safe practices 9 Weeks Project (Health,Technology,Art) Lab Before LAB TEKS: (title hypothesis, materials, procedure) 2.2A plan/implement investigations During LAB TEKS 2.2B collect info by observing/measuring After LAB TEKS: (data, conclusion, results) 2.2C analyze & interpret info. 2.2D- communicate conclusions 2.2E- construct graphs, charts, tables Unit 1: I am a Citizen 2.4A ID contributions of historical figures including Thurgood Marshall. 2.14A recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. 2.13C ID other individuals who exemplify good citizenship. 2.13D ID ways to actively practice good citizenship Week 2 August 3-7 Numeral digit place value Base ten ones tens hundreds thousands Standard form Word form Expanded form Less than Greater than Whole number Symbols < > = Number line Intervals Partial interval Tick marks Lone Star week 2 Fluency-number dot cards 2.2(A) use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200 in more than one way as a sum of so many thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones SS 2.2(B) use standard, word, and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200 RS 2.2(C) generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 1,200 SS 2.2(D) use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,200 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols (<,>, or =) Number bonds-stations Place value stationsbuild a number, expand the number Number bonds-stations Open number lines Lone Star week 3 Fluency-number dot cards Week 3 August 10-14 501-1200 2.2(E) locate the position of a given whole number on an open number line SS 2.2(F) name the whole number that corresponds to a specific point on a number line Checkpoint- Place value stationsbuild a number, expand the number 2.3C Id what a scientist is and explore what different scientist do 2.4A collect, record, and compare information using tools: goggles, notebook, beakers, heat gloves, thermometer 2.4B measure and compare organisms and objects using nonstandard units that approximate metric units. 2.13A ID characteristics of good citizenship. 2.13B ID historical figures who have exemplified good citizenship (Sojourner Truth and Abigail Adams) Unit 2: Change occurs: Investigating Matter including Magnetism Unit 2: Our World 2.5A classify matter by physical properties, including shape, relative mass, relative temperature, texture, flexibility, & whether material is solid or liquid. Checkpoint- 2.5A Interpret information on maps and globes using basic map elements orientation map keys and legends (north, south, east, west) 2.5B Create map to show places and routes within the home, school, and community. Lone Star week 4 Number bonds-stations 2.7B 2.7(B) use an Less than, fewer than understanding of place value to determine the number that is 10 or 100 more or less than a given number up to 1,200 SS Increments 2.7A determine whether a Odd number up to 40 is even or odd using pairing of objects to represent the number SS Week 4 August 17-21 Greater than, more than Even Week 5 August 24-28 pairing Penny Nickel Dime Quarter Half-dollar Cent Decimal Dollar sign Collection value Place value stations-build a number, expand the number 2.5B Compare changes in materials caused by heating and cooling (popcorn popping, ice/chocolate, etc) 2.6A ID major landforms and bodies of water including each of the continents and each of the oceans on maps and globes. 2.6B Locate places of significance including the local community, Texas, State capital, US capital, major cities in Texas, the coast of Texas, Canada, Mexico, and the United States on maps and globes. 2.5C Demonstrate that things can be done to materials to changes their physical properties (cutting, folding, sanding) Unit 3: My Community is Special/Where I Live Number line station Intervals of 50 100 20 5 Fact Fluency 2.4A Lone Star week 5 2.5A determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar RS Number bonds-stations Place value stations-build a number, expand the number 2.5B use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and the decimal point to name the value of a collection of coins SS Number line station Intervals of 50 100 20 5 Fact Fluency 2.4A Coin station-memory match History: 2.2A Describe the order of events by using designations of time periods such a historical and present times. 2.2B Apply vocabulary including past, present, and future. 2.2C Create and interpret timelines in the past and present. Week 6 August 31-September 4 Penny Nickel Dime Quarter Half-dollar Cent Decimal Dollar sign Collection value Lone Star week 6 2.5A determine the Number bonds-stations value of a collection of coins up to one dollar RS Place value stations-build a number, expand the number 2.5B Number line station Intervals of 50 100 20 5 use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and the decimal point to name the value of a collection of coins SS Checkpoints 2.5D Combine materials that when put together can do things that they cannot do by themselves such as building a tower or a bridge and justify the selection of those materials based on their physical properties. Checkpoint Geography: 2.7A Describe how weather patterns and seasonal patterns affect activities and settlement patterns. 2.7B Describe how natural resources and natural hazards affect activities and settlement patterns. 2.7D ID the characteristics of different communities including urban, suburban,, and rural. Fact Fluency 2.4A Coin station-memory match Week 7 September 7-11 Labor Day Sept. 7 No Classes Lone Star week 7 Sum Addend Regroup Trade “do I have enough to make a trade?” 2.4B two digit problems with regrouping add up to four two‐digit numbers and subtract two‐digit Number bonds-stations Place value stations-build a number, expand the number numbers using mental strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and properties of operations SS Number line station Intervals of 50 100 20 5 Fact Fluency 2.4A Coin station-memory match 2. 6B Observe & Id how magnets are used in everyday life (separation of metals, computers) Culture: 2.15A ID selected stories, poems, statues, paintings, and other examples of local heritage. 2.15B Explain the significance of stories, poems, statues, paintings, and other examples of local heritage. 2.16A ID significance of various ethnic and cultural celebrations. 2.16B Compare ethnic and cultural celebrations. Generate Solve Inequality unknown 2.4(C)* solve one‐step and Lone Star week 8 multi‐step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using Number bonds-stations Place value stations-build a number, expand the number Week 8 September 14-18 a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms RS 2.4(D)* generate and solve problem situations for a given mathematical number sentence involving addition and Number line station Intervals of 50 100 20 5 Fact Fluency 2.4A subtraction of whole numbers within 1,000 RS Coin station-memory match Unit 3: Change Occurs: Investigating Force and Motion Unit 4: Celebrate Freedom Week 2.6A Investigate the effects on an object by increasing or decreasing amounts of light, heat & sound energy (heat melts butter) Citizenship: 2.14A recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag and the Pledge to the Texas Flag; 2.14B identify selected patriotic songs: "The Star Spangled Banner" and "America the Beautiful 2.14C ID selected symbols such as state and national birds, flowers, patriotic symbols, such as US and Texas flags and Uncle Sam. 2.14D ID how selected customs, symbols, and celebrations reflect an American love of individualism, inventiveness, and freedom. Generate Solve Inequality unknown 2.4(C)* solve one‐step and multi‐step word problems Lone Star week 9 involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using Number bonds-stations Place value stations-build a number, expand the number 15 more days needed to finish unit 3 in the 2nd nine weeks. a variety of strategies based on place value, including Week 9 September 21-25 algorithms RS 2.4(D)* generate and solve problem situations for a given mathematical number sentence involving addition and Number line station Intervals of 50 100 20 5 Fact Fluency 2.4A subtraction of whole numbers within 1,000 RS 2.6A Investigate the effects on an object by increasing or decreasing amounts of light, heat & sound energy (heat melts butter) Coin station-memory match Comprehensive Bookflix: drsue/bookflix Tumblebooks: socorro/books Art Categories: Aug/September: Drawing—crayon, pencil, chalk October: Paint Cumulative Assessment Review Cumulative Assessment