Mrs Joanna Gash MP 2011-12 Entitlements January 2012 Prepared by: Ministerial and Parliamentary Services For further information contact the Entitlements Management Branch on (02) 6215 3542 or by e-mail to Monthly Management Report Noticeboard Change to Ticketing Arrangements - Virgin Australia As explained in Departmental Circular 2012/1, Virgin Australia has announced that from 19 January 2012 all tickets that have been booked at Premium Economy class will be automatically upgraded to Business Class at no additional cost. Senators and Members and their staff should be aware that staff employed at Adviser level or below can only travel at economy class. Despite there being no additional cost in some circumstances, there is no entitlement for staff other than Senior Staff to travel Business Class. We recommend that all staff take care to ensure that their travel bookings are within entitlement when travelling with Virgin Australia. Monthly Management Report (MMR) Certification A reminder that there is no longer a requirement to certify MMRs. Commencing from July 2011, MMRs reflect enhancements made to the structure and format of the reports, as suggested by Ms Helen Williams AO as part of her review of the administration of parliamentary entitlements during 2010. One of the key changes was the removal of the certification page from the MMR. On 28 June 2011, the Special Minister of State issued Ministerial Circular 2011/56 informing Senators and Members that the monthly certification of entitlements usage would be replaced by a certification process coinciding with the six-monthly entitlements expenditure reports tabled in Parliament and published on the Department of Finance and Deregulation’s (Finance) website. Also refer to Departmental Circular 2011/73. Correspondence in regards to Monthly Management Reports A reminder that should you require any assistance with your MMR, please contact the Entitlements Management Branch (EMB) on (02) 6215 3542 or email to Please do not respond directly to the email sent with your MMR, as it is an automated email and the inbox is not monitored. When advising EMB of any queries or corrections required, please attach the pages of the report relevant to your query. Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Airline Loyalty Points This form is to be completed and returned only if there have been flights taken using airline loyalty points. Please indicate below, any flights that you, your spouse (including de facto partner), nominee, dependent children, designated persons or staff have taken during January 2012 using airline loyalty points acquired at Commonwealth expense. Please also advise the number of airline loyalty points redeemed. If the points are not advised, Finance will use an approximated value. Airline loyalty points accrued as a result of travel at Commonwealth expense should only be used to reduce the cost of future official travel and can only be used by the person who accrued the points. Self, Spouse/Nominee, Dependent Children, Designated Persons Name Date of Travel Destination Airline From: Class: To: Flight: From: Class: To: Flight: From: Class: To: Flight: From: Class: To: Flight: From: Class: To: Flight: Destination Airline From: Class: To: Flight: From: Class: To: Flight: From: Class: To: Flight: From: Class: To: Flight: Point Value Staff Name Date of Travel Point Value I understand that knowingly giving false or misleading information is a serious offence. Signature: Date: If applicable, return this form to: Entitlements Management Branch Ministerial and Parliamentary Services Department of Finance and Deregulation John Gorton Building King Edward Terrace PARKES ACT 2600 Or Fax to: 02 6267 3279 _/ / Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP MONTHLY MANAGEMENT REPORT EXPLANATORY NOTES Purpose, timing and report coverage • Ministerial and Parliamentary Services (M&PS) provides monthly management reports (MMRs) to all Senators and Members on or before the 15th day of every month. • These reports provide Senators and Members with a range of information, including detailed expenditure and transactional data for all entitlements, budget details (including limits), family and employee details, and other relevant information pertinent to the particular reporting month and the current financial year. • MMRs are provided in arrears, and relate to accounts paid from the first to the last day of the month which this report covers, in respect of entitlement usage for the current financial year. Any invoices or refunds received subsequent to this time period will appear in a future report. • M&PS also provides Senators and Members with an End of Financial year report by October each year. This report includes any transactions processed from 1 July to 17 September that relate to entitlements usage for the preceding financial year. Review of MMRs and the certification of entitlements usage by Senators and Members As advised in Ministerial Circular 2011/56, Senators and Members are required to certify that their use of entitlements is in accordance with the relevant legislation on a six-monthly basis in conjunction with the tabling of Parliamentarians’ and former Parliamentarians’ expenditure paid by the Department of Finance and Deregulation (the six-monthly reports). As the expenditure information contained in the MMRs is consolidated into the six-monthly reports, Senators and Members are encouraged to carefully review their MMR each month to ensure that the information contained within the report is accurate and correctly reflects entitlements usage. Treatment of GST and the Raising of Invoices Goods and services purchased by Finance on behalf of Senators and Members are reported exclusive of recoverable Goods and Services Tax (GST). This is in accordance with the requirement that all agencies report all expenditure as exclusive of recoverable GST. It is important to contact the M&PS Entitlements Management Branch to obtain the correct amount before repaying any monies, as GST along with other fees that are not included on dockets or invoices provided directly to Senators, Members or staff by service providers needs to be included. At the time an invoice is raised by M&PS (e.g. for passengers on a charter flight) this transaction will appear as a negative amount in the report. This indicates only that an invoice has been raised, it does not report that the payment has been received. Monitoring expenditure against budgeted entitlements An MMR only covers amounts paid during the period of the report. Therefore, Senators and Members’ budgeted amounts and their associated transactional details which are contained within this MMR will not be up to date where expenditure has been incurred in the period but invoices have not been received and/or processed by M&PS. In order to manage budgeted (‘capped’) entitlements, it is the responsibility of each Senator and Member to maintain records of all purchases against this entitlement, to ensure that the relevant budget is not exceeded. The amount of any overspend is a debt repayable to the Commonwealth. Where a Senator or Member is unsure about the amount remaining in their budget for a particular entitlement, budget usage detail reports are available from M&PS on request and should be used in preference to the information contained in the MMR. Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP If you require up-to-date budget usage details or assistance in relation to your MMR, please contact the Entitlements Management Branch (EMB) by telephone on (02) 6215 3542 or email Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Table of Contents Persons Covered by Report................................................................................ 1 Parliamentarian, Spouse/Nominee, Dependents, Designated Persons ............................ 1 Electorate Staff..................................................................................................................... 1 Expenditure - Executive Summary PART A ................................................... 2 Office Budget Management 2011-2012* ............................................................................ 2 Parliamentarian's Travel .................................................................................................... 4 Expenditure - Executive Summary PART B.................................................... 5 Office Facilities..................................................................................................................... 5 Office Fit Outs ...................................................................................................................... 5 Office Administrative Costs* .............................................................................................. 5 Staffing Costs........................................................................................................................ 6 Expenditure - Executive Summary PART C ................................................... 7 Electorate Staff Domestic Travel........................................................................................ 7 Staff Salaries....................................................................................................................... 10 Relief Budget Summary .................................................................................................... 10 Transaction Details ........................................................................................... 11 Parliamentarian's Travel .................................................................................................. 12 Car Costs .......................................................................................................................... 12 Office Facilities................................................................................................................... 13 Property Operating Expenses........................................................................................... 13 Telecommunications - Residential - Official ................................................................... 13 Telecommunications - Usage........................................................................................... 14 Office Administrative Costs .............................................................................................. 15 Office Consumables and Services ................................................................................... 15 Printing and Communications.......................................................................................... 15 Publications ...................................................................................................................... 16 Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report ........................................... 17 Explanatory Notes on Appendices................................................................... 23 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Table of Contents Appendices ......................................................................................................... 24 LeasePlan Transaction Report * ...................................................................................... 25 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Persons Covered by Report Parliamentarian, Spouse/Nominee, Dependents, Designated Persons Name Position GASH, Joanna Member Period Covered Home Base Nowra Electorate Staff Name Position Period Covered Work Base s22 s22 Electorate Officer A Relief Budget Electorate Officer Relief Budget Electorate Officer Electorate Officer B Electorate Officer A Electorate Officer A Electorate Officer A Electorate Officer C Relief Budget Electorate Officer Commenced 19/09/2011 Ceased 23/12/2011 Nowra s22 s22 s22 s22 s22 s22 s22 2011-12 - January 2012 Nowra Nowra Ceased 15/08/2011 Ceased 15/01/2012 Nowra Nowra 4/07/2011 to 24/11/2011 Page 1 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Executive Summary PART A Expenditure Executive Summary PART A Office Budget Management 2011-2012* Budget Name Budget This Month Year To Date Balance Remaining % Desktop and Handwaver Flags $900.00 $0.00 $678.40 $221.60 24.62% Electorate Staff Travel $43,104.00 $0.00 $18,540.67 $24,563.33 56.99% Office Requisites and Stationery $37,276.00 $4,350.88 $18,857.90 $18,418.10 49.41% Printing and Communications $131,663.64 $1,034.26 $78,676.95 $52,986.69 40.24% Publications $4,870.00 $383.64 $1,510.43 $3,359.57 68.99% Software $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00% * The figure shown for the amount remaining in a budget is a guide only and may not be up-to-date if purchases have been made or expenditure incurred where M&PS has not received and/or paid accounts and invoices during the period which the MMR covers. In order to manage budgeted (‘capped’) entitlements, it is the responsibility of each Senator and Member to maintain records of all purchases against this entitlement, to ensure that the relevant budget is not exceeded. The amount of any overspend is a debt repayable to the Commonwealth. Where a Senator or Member is unsure about the amount remaining in their budget for a particular entitlement, budget usage detail reports are available from M&PS on request and should be used in preference to the information contained in the MMR. EXPLANATORY NOTES ON BUDGETS Charter – Electorate Budget This budget is made up of charter travel undertaken by Senators and Members within and for the service of the electorate. Desktop and Handwaver Flags Budget This budget is made up of purchases of desktop and handwaver flags which are purchased by Senators and Members under the Constituent Request Program. Electorate Staff Travel Budget This budget is made up of Domestic Scheduled Fares, Travelling Allowance, Car Transport costs and Motor Vehicle Allowance payments made to electorate staff of Senators and Members. Family Interstate Travel Budget This budget is made up of trip counts available to family members of a Senator or Member. Family Pooled Travel Budget This budget is made up of Canberra/Intrastate Domestic Scheduled Fares and PVA costs. 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 2 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Executive Summary PART A Office Requisites and Stationery Budget This budget is made up of expenditure incurred for items that can be described as ‘office consumables’, under the following categories: - Computer consumables; - Copy printer consumables; - Facsimile consumables; - Office requisites and stationery; - Photocopier consumables; - Photocopier usage; - Photocopy paper; - Postage meter consumables; - Purchases of digital cameras; and; - Repairs and maintenance of office requisites. NB: Generally, all items that can be described as ‘office consumables’ will be included within the Office Requisites and Stationery Budget. All items under the janitorial section in the contracted supplier’s catalogue will not be in included in the cap, nor will chair mats, document holders or footrests as these are provided for occupational health and safety reasons. Office consumables not purchased through the contracted supplier will also be included in the budget. This includes all office machine consumables such as toner, ink, staples and photocopier copy and toner cartridges. Where supplied, filtered water and accessories will also be included. For further information on this budget please refer to Section 3.7.2 of the Senators and Members’ Entitlements Handbook. Printing and Communications This budget is made up of the costs of commercial services for printing and communication and distribution of information in hard copy and electronic format. Spouse of Sitting Life Gold Pass Holder Budget This budget is made up of Domestic Scheduled Fares undertaken by spouses of Sitting Life Gold Pass Holders. 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 3 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Executive Summary PART A Parliamentarian's Travel Entitlement This Month Travelling Allowance Year To Date $9,334.00 Overseas Travel Overseas Study Entitlement Parliamentary Delegations $5,029.85 Domestic Scheduled Fares $3,986.07 Car Costs Private-Plated Vehicle $2,091.57 $13,007.80 $2,091.57 $31,357.72 Private Vehicle Allowance Hire Cars Other Total 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 4 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Executive Summary PART B Expenditure Executive Summary PART B Entitlement Office Security Property Operating Expenses Repairs and Maintenance Telecommunications - Purchases Telecommunications - Repairs and Maintenance Telecommunications - Residential - Official Telecommunications - Usage Total Entitlement Office Establishment and Relocations Total Entitlement Office Consumables and Services Desktop and Handwaver Flags Office Equipment Office Expenses Office Requisites and Stationery Software Reimbursement Office Facilities This Month Year To Date $8,190.30 $55,841.80 $221.86 $570.00 $137.31 $142.61 $998.83 $611.74 $5,700.34 $8,944.65 $63,470.14 This Month Year To Date $0.00 $388.59 $388.59 This Month Year To Date Office Fit Outs Office Administrative Costs* $678.40 $1,575.00 $250.00 $5,926.29 $4,350.88 $18,857.90 $1,500.00 Printing and Communications PO Box Rental Printing and Communications Publications $1,034.26 $78,676.95 $383.64 $1,510.43 Total $6,018.77 $108,724.97 *Details of Office Administrative Costs budgets (Desktop and Handwaver Flags, Office Requisites and Stationery, Software, Printing and Communications and Publications) amounts and usage can be found in the Office Budget Management table. 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 5 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Executive Summary PART B Staffing Costs Entitlement This Month Staff Expenses Year To Date $745.00 Training Course costs Total 2011-12 - January 2012 $0.00 $745.00 Page 6 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Executive Summary PART C Expenditure Executive Summary PART C Electorate Staff Domestic Travel Entitlement Budget This Month Year To Date Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance $7,033.67 Travelling Allowance $11,507.00 Total* $43,104.00 $0.00 $18,540.67 $24,563.33 *Please note: The Electorate Staff Domestic Travel figures shown in this table do not include travel costs paid against temporary travellers. Please refer to the Office Budget Management Table in Part A of your MMR for more detailed budget expenditure information on electorate staff travel, which does include costs incurred against temporary travellers where those costs are drawn from the electorate staff travel budget. s22 titlement Budget This Month Year To Date $0.00 $0.00 This Month Year To Date Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance Travelling Allowance Total s22 titlement Budget Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance $569.42 Travelling Allowance Total 2011-12 - January 2012 $0.00 $569.42 Page 7 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Executive Summary PART C s22 Entitlement Budget This Month Year To Date Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance $281.52 Travelling Allowance Total $0.00 $281.52 This Month Year To Date s22 titlement Budget Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance $101.53 Travelling Allowance Total $0.00 $101.53 This Month Year To Date s22 titlement Budget Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance $345.60 Travelling Allowance $223.00 Total $0.00 $568.60 This Month Year To Date s22 titlement Budget Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance $2,419.20 Travelling Allowance $4,517.00 Total 2011-12 - January 2012 $0.00 $6,936.20 Page 8 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Executive Summary PART C s22 Entitlement Budget This Month Year To Date Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance $590.00 Travelling Allowance $1,115.00 Total $0.00 $1,705.00 s22 titlement Budget This Month Year To Date $0.00 $0.00 Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance Travelling Allowance Total s22 titlement Budget This Month Year To Date Balance Car Transport Fares Motor Vehicle Allowance $2,726.40 Travelling Allowance $5,652.00 Total 2011-12 - January 2012 $0.00 $8,378.40 Page 9 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Executive Summary PART C Staff Salaries Total • This Month Year To Date $25,930.87 $234,087.23 The salaries shown above are the gross amounts (including allowances and employer superannuation) paid during this month and since 1 July, respectively for all Electorate and/or Personal staff. Relief Budget Summary Name Budget Used/Committed Balance $33,099.87 $20,996.55 $12,103.32 Salary Hours Days Amount s22 s22 $43,942 $59,055 39.00 477.00 5.20 63.60 s22 $43,942 30.00 s22 $60,570 163.00 Total 2011-12 - January 2012 From To $876.07 $14,399.68 8 Jul 11 4 Jul 11 23 Dec 11 26 Jun 12 4.00 $673.88 4 Jul 11 7 Jul 11 21.73 $5,046.92 4 Jul 11 24 Nov 11 $20,996.55 Page 10 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Transaction Details Expenditure Transaction Details 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 11 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Transaction Details Parliamentarian's Travel Car Costs Private-Plated Vehicle Reference Supplier Details Amount PPV - Electorate 1076515 s22 GILMOR Admin charge 31 Oct 11 GILMOR Fuel 4 Nov to 4 Dec 11 GILMOR Admin charge 7 Nov 11 GILMOR Admin charge 22 Nov 11 GILMOR Admin charge 30 Nov 11 GILMOR Admin charge 30 Nov 11 GILMOR Lease 1 Jan to 31 Jan 12 1077564 s 22 Deduction of Personal Contribution for Private-Plated Vehicle 31 Jan 12 Total 2011-12 - January 2012 $4.35 $627.71 $0.36 $0.36 $0.36 $8.42 $1,512.25 -$62.24 $2,091.57 Page 12 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Transaction Details Office Facilities Property Operating Expenses Reference Supplier Invoice Details Amount 1077286 s22 Cleaning 7 Dec 11 $380.00 1077220 s22 Cleaning 1 Jan to 31 Jan 12 $684.19 s22 Electricity 1 Nov to 30 Nov 11 Electricity 1 Nov to 30 Nov 11 $21.98 $762.40 s22 Air conditioning maintenance 19 Dec 11 $605.00 s22 Rent charges 1 Feb to 29 Feb 12 Cleaning Power 1077286 Property Repairs 1077286 Rental of Offices 1077220 $5,596.73 Statutory Outgoings 1076274 s22 Air conditioning maintenance 30 Sep 11 Total $140.00 $8,190.30 Telecommunications - Residential - Official Reference Supplier Invoice Details Amount Dedicated Data Line 1076126 s22 Dedicated data line 1 Jan 12 $63.59 s22 Residential phones 8 Jan 12 $79.02 Usage 1077269 Total 2011-12 - January 2012 $142.61 Page 13 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Transaction Details Telecommunications - Usage Reference Supplier Invoice Details Amount s22 Mobile phone (satellite) 2 Jan 12 $72.72 s22 Office fax 7 Jan 12 $74.75 s22 Office phones 7 Jan 12 $312.95 s22 Mobile PDA 20 Dec 11 $68.13 Supplementary mobile phone 20 Dec 11 $83.19 Mobile Phone 1076054 Office Fax 1077518 Office Phone 1077518 PDA 1076073 Supplementary Mobile Phone 1076073 s22 Total 2011-12 - January 2012 $611.74 Page 14 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Transaction Details Office Administrative Costs Office Consumables and Services Office Expenses Reference Supplier Invoice Details s22 Pest control 21 Dec 11 Amount Pest Control 1076274 Total $250.00 $250.00 Office Requisites and Stationery Reference Supplier Invoice Details Amount Office Requisites and Stationery 1075889 s22 Office requisites and stationery 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 1075873 s22 Water refills 5 Dec 11 $11.00 1075924 s22 Water refills 20 Dec 11 $11.00 $149.43 Photocopier Consumables 1075675 s22 4 Staple cartridges 14 Dec 11 s22 Photocopier usage 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 $231.20 Photocopier Usage 1076633 $47.40 Printer Consumables 1075889 s22 Printer consumables 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 Total $3,900.85 $4,350.88 Printing and Communications Printing and Communications Reference Supplier Invoice Details Amount 1077746 s22 Distribution 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 Distribution credit 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 $1,056.99 -$22.73 Total 2011-12 - January 2012 $1,034.26 Page 15 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Transaction Details Publications Reference Supplier Invoice Details 1075683 s22 25 The Australian 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 25 The Australian Financial Review 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 5 The Land 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 25 Illawarra Mercury 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 5 Milton Ulladulla Times 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 30 South Coast Register 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 25 The Sydney Morning Herald 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 25 The Daily Telegraph 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 4 Time 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 1 Time 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 5 The Weekend Australian 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 5 The Weekend Financial Review 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 5 Illawarra Mercury (Sat) 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 5 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 5 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 5 The Sun-Herald 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 5 The Sunday Telegraph 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 Administrative fees 31 Oct to 4 Dec 11 Total 2011-12 - January 2012 Amount $38.64 $68.18 $15.45 $27.27 $7.27 $43.64 $34.09 $22.73 $23.64 $6.82 $11.82 $13.64 $9.09 $11.36 $7.27 $9.09 $9.09 $24.55 $383.64 Page 16 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report Please Note: The explanatory notes provided below are provided as a guide for Senators and Members to assist in understanding the information contained in each section of the MMR, including within each sub-section of the MMR. The headings below may not all appear within each section of your report. The appearance of certain headings in your MMR as described in the notes below will depend on whether a particular entitlement is available to you in accordance with the relevant legislation. Senators and Members should refer to the relevant entitlements handbook for further information in relation to the Parliamentary entitlements provided to them. PERSONS COVERED BY REPORT This section lists the persons covered by the report and states the location of the Home Base (for the Senator/Member, spouse/de facto partner, nominee, dependent child(ren), and/or designated person(s)) or Work Base (for staff) where the person is currently employed or residing. Where a staff member has held more than one type of position during a financial year, for example an electorate staff member became a personal staff member during the financial year, only the position which is current during reporting period is displayed. Where a staff member has ceased employment, no Work Base will be displayed. EXPENDITURE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART A Office Budget Management Table The Office Budget Management Table is used to summarise the budgeted (or ‘capped’) entitlements which apply to Senators and Members. Amounts appearing in this table will include amounts paid until the last day of the current reporting month. The ‘Expenditure Executive Summary Part A’ section on page 2 provides further explanation in relation to the entitlements which are captured under some of the budgets that appear in the table. Parliamentarian’s Travel Travelling Allowance These are payments made in the current reporting period to Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, Presiding Officers, Opposition Office Holders (OOH), Leaders of a Minority Party and Senators and Members. Overseas Travel These are payments made in the current reporting period for travel overseas for Ministers, former Ministers, Presiding Officers, the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Senators and Members on parliamentary delegations and study tours, and also includes payments for travel undertaken for Ministerial or official visits, travel representing a Minister and travel representing Australia. - ‘Ministerial Visits’, ‘Official Visits’, ‘Overseas Study Entitlement’, ‘Parliamentary Delegations’, ‘Representing a Minister’ and ‘Representing Australia’. 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 17 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report Payments appearing under this heading are payments made in the current reporting period for costs such as fares, transport, accommodation, meals, official hospitality, travel and expense advances, passport, equipment, medical and other related travel costs associated with overseas travel. Domestic Scheduled Fares These are payments made in the current reporting period for the purchase of tickets on domestic scheduled services. The total includes any refunds received during the period but does not necessarily cover the cost of all flights taken in the period. The reporting of tickets purchased on domestic scheduled services is dependent on when the tickets are processed by M&PS. For example, travel may have been undertaken before the beginning of the period, or booked for travel in a subsequent period, but the account paid during the current period, which means the travel will be reported in the MMR for the current period. Alternatively, travel may also have been undertaken during the period but the account will be paid for in a subsequent reporting period, which means that the travel will be reported in a subsequent MMR. When a flight or leg has not been flown then the refund will appear in the MMR when the credit is received from the Travel Service Provider. This usually occurs within a month of the date of travel and, as a result, will appear in the next MMR. For checking purposes, it is advisable to delay any refund query until the subsequent month's report. Charter These are payments made in the current reporting period to charter operators for the provision of air or surface charter transport. Charter payments made during the period are categorised as ‘Ministerial’, ‘Opposition Office Holder’ (for Opposition Office Holders),‘Presiding Officer’, ‘Electorate’, ‘SMOS Approved’, Leader of a Minority Party), and ‘Representing a Minister’. The charter entitlement is available to Members representing large electorates and all Senators (except those representing the Australian Capital Territory) in and for the service of their State or Territory, and to Ministers, Opposition Office Holders, the Leader of a Minority Party and Presiding Officers, for official business. Provision also exists for the Special Minister of State (SMOS) to approve charter travel in special cases. Car Costs - ‘Private-Plated Vehicle’ (PPV) These are payments made in the current reporting period for the hire, insurance, maintenance and fuel costs of Commonwealth-leased electorate PPVs. It also includes any financial contributions made by the Senator or Member. - ‘Private Vehicle Allowance (PVA)’ These are payments made in the current reporting period to Senators and Members for the use of their private vehicles for travel between Canberra and their home base on parliamentary business. - ‘Hire Cars’ These are payments made in the current reporting period for the hire, insurance, maintenance and fuel costs of Canberra based Commonwealth-leased PPVs (including any financial contributions made by the Senator or Member), as well as invoices for hire cars not supplied through COMCAR. - ‘Cabcharge’ These are payments made in the current reporting period for car transport services accessed via Cabcharge. - ‘Other’ 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 18 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report These are payments made in the current reporting period for parking fees. Family Travel Overseas Travel These are payments made in the current reporting period for travel overseas for accompanying spouses (including de facto partners) of Ministers, former Ministers, Presiding Officers, the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Senators and Members on Ministerial or representative travel, parliamentary delegations and study tours. Overseas Travel payments made during the period are categorised as ‘Ministerial Visits’, ‘Overseas Study Entitlement’, ‘Parliamentary Delegations’, ‘Representing a Minister’, ‘Official Visit’ and ‘Representing Australia’. Domestic Scheduled Fares These are payments made in the current reporting period for domestic travel undertaken by the Senator or Member’s spouse/de facto partner, nominee, dependent child(ren) or designated person(s). - ‘Family Interstate’ These are payments made in the current reporting period for fares for interstate travel undertaken by the Senator or Member’s spouse/de facto partner, nominee, dependent (child(ren) and/or designated person(s), and including travel for spouses/de facto partners or nominees of ACT Senators and Members. - ‘Canberra/Intrastate’ These are payments made in the current reporting period against the Senator or Member’s budget for family members to accompany of join them on travel to Canberra and to locations within their home state or territory. - ‘Official Functions’ These are payment made in the current reporting period for fares for travel to attend Parliamentary, official Government or Vice Regal functions, where the travel is undertaken by the Senator or Member’s spouse/de facto partner, nominee, dependent child(ren) and/or designated person(s). - ‘Office and ‘SMOS Approved’ These are payments made in the current reporting period for fares for travel within Australia undertaken by spouses of Office Holders, and for additional travel within Australia (including to Canberra) as approved by the SMOS, undertaken by dependent child(ren) and/or designated person(s). Car Costs These are payments made in the current reporting period for the cost of car transport (including the payment of Private Vehicle Allowance) which is accessed by spouses/de facto partners, dependent(s) and/or designated person(s) of Senators and Members. Payments for car costs under this section are categorised as ‘Private Vehicle Allowance’, ‘Hire Cars’, and ‘Cabcharge’. EXPENDITURE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART B Office Facilities These are payments made in the current reporting period which relate to property operating costs for offices (including lease, power, security, cleaning, repairs and maintenance of both the property and its fixtures, fittings and office equipment, and property management costs) and for 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 19 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report fixed and mobile telecommunications costs (including call usage for Senators, Members and their staff as well as the purchase, service and repairs and maintenance charges associated with telecommunications equipment located in the office and at residential locations). Office Facilities payments are further categorised as ‘Office Security’, ‘Property Operating Expenses’, ‘Repairs and Maintenance’, ‘Telecommunications – Purchases’, ‘Telecommunications – Repairs and Maintenance’, ‘Telecommunications – Residential Official’ and ‘Telecommunications – Usage’. Office Fit Outs - ‘Office Establishments and Relocations’ These are payments made during the current reporting period for office establishments, refurbishments and relocations. Office Administrative Costs Office Consumables and Services These are payments made during the current reporting period which relate to all office consumables, such as office requisites and stationery, photocopier, printer and fax consumables, and the purchase, hire and repair and/or maintenance of office equipment items. Payments made under this heading also include the cost of flags ordered under the Constituent Request Program, as well as claims made against the Software Reimbursement entitlement. Office Administrative costs are further categorised under this heading as ‘Desktop and Handwaver Flags’, ‘Office Equipment’, ‘Office Expenses’, ‘Office Requisites and Stationery’, and ‘Software Reimbursement’. Printing and Communications These are payments made during the current reporting period which relate to Post Office box rentals, expenditure under the printing and communications entitlement, and postage costs for Opposition Office Holders, Leaders of a Minority Party and former Prime Ministers. Printing and communications costs are further categorised under this heading as ‘PO Box Rental’, ‘Printing and Communications’ and ‘Communications – OOH and LoMP’. Publications These are payments made during the current reporting period which relate to the purchase of publications and service/administrative fees associated with such purchases. Staffing Costs Staff Expenses These are payments made during the current reporting period which relate to the purchase of staffspecific OH&S equipment, reimbursement of study fees and HELP Studies Assistance, Career Transition payments, costs associated with the advertising for and recruitment of staff (including medical examinations and relocations costs), costs associated with attendance at meetings of certain MOP(S) Act employee representative groups, and purchases of business cards and airline club memberships. Training Course costs These are payments made during the current reporting period relating to electorate officer computer systems training course fees and the cost of transport for staff to attend such training courses (including Travelling Allowance claims associated with course attendance). 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 20 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report EXPENDITURE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART C Note: * denotes the entitlement appears in the MMR only where such entitlements are applicable to the Senator or Member.) Personal Staff Domestic Travel * This table summarises expenditure against each personal staff member, for travel undertaken within Australia, within the personal staff domestic travel entitlement. Expenditure is summarised under the following entitlement categories: - ‘Car Transport’ (including car transport services accessed via Cabcharge); - ‘Fares’ (Domestic Scheduled Fares); - ‘Motor Vehicle Allowance’; and - ‘Travelling Allowance’. Personal Staff Overseas Travel * This table summarises expenditure against each personal staff member for overseas travel undertaken within entitlement, summarised under the following entitlement categories: - ‘Accommodation and Meals’; - ‘Additional Equipment Allowance’; - ‘Basic Equipment Allowance’; - ‘Fares’; and - ‘Travel Advance.’ Nominated Electorate Staff Domestic Travel * The nominated electorate staff travel entitlement is provided to certain office holders (Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, Opposition Office Holders, Leaders of a Minority Party and Chairs of Parliamentary Committees). The entitlement allows one electorate staff member to be nominated to travel as directed on official business within Australia. This table summarises expenditure against the electorate staff member who has been nominated to receive these travel entitlements, under the following entitlement categories: - Car Transport’ (including car transport services accessed via Cabcharge); ‘Fares’ (Domestic Scheduled Fares); ‘Motor Vehicle Allowance’; and ‘Travelling Allowance’. Travel undertaken by a nominated electorate staff member is not debited against the electorate staff travel budget. Electorate Staff Domestic Travel This table summarises expenditure against the electorate staff travel budget which is provided to Senators and Members annually to cover travel costs (including Domestic Scheduled Fares, Travelling Allowance, Motor Vehicle Allowance taxis and self-drive cars) for official travel undertaken by electorate staff at the Senator or Member’s discretion, within the electorate staff travel entitlement. Expenditure is summarised against each electorate staff member under the following entitlement categories: - Car Transport’ (including car transport services accessed via Cabcharge); - ‘Fares’ (Domestic Scheduled Fares); - ‘Motor Vehicle Allowance’; and 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 21 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report - ‘Travelling Allowance’. Temporary Traveller Domestic Travel * This table summarises expenditure for travel undertaken within Australia by temporary travellers (for example, individuals travelling to attend interviews for vacancies advertised by a Senator or Member). Travelling Allowance – Days in Canberra * This table summarises the annual limits and claims made for Canberra Travelling Allowance against each Personal staff member. Staff Salaries The salaries shown in this table are the gross amounts (including allowances and employer superannuation) which were paid during the month and since 1 July, respectively for all electorate and personal staff employed by the Senator or Member. Relief Staff Budget Summary This table summarises expenditure against the Relief Staff Budget which is provided to Senators and Members annually for engaging extra electorate officer employees to meet peak workloads and fill short-term vacancies. 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 22 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Explanatory Notes on Appendices Explanatory Notes on Appendices COMCAR This appendix contains details of the cost of COMCAR trips billed for each Senator and Member in the period including use by the Senator or Member’s spouse (including de facto partner), nominee, dependent child(ren) or designated person(s) for the period. The figures exclude costs associated with the Parliament House shuttle service. LeasePlan The appendix supplied to M&PS by LeasePlan containing details of fuel transactions is approximately two months ahead of their billing cycle. Therefore the transactions that are shown in the appendix will not match the total expenditure shown in the body of the report for that month. The report is dependent on the forwarding of costs by service stations and, some months, data may be missing due to lateness of receipt by LeasePlan. 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 23 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Appendices Appendices 2011-12 - January 2012 Page 24 Senators and Members Management Report Mrs Joanna Gash MP Appendices LeasePlan Transaction Report * Registration Number GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR Driver Name Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Date 4-Dec-11 4-Dec-11 7-Dec-11 7-Dec-11 12-Dec-11 12-Dec-11 13-Dec-11 Fuel Station Location BEWONG BEWONG NOWRA SOUTH s22 NOWRA SOUTH s22 NOWRA s22 NOWRA s22 ALBION PARK RAIL s22 s22 Product Category Description Transaction Fees Unleaded Transaction Fees Unleaded Transaction Fees Unleaded Transaction Fees GILMOR Joanna Gash 13-Dec-11 s22 ALBION PARK RAIL s22 ULP Ethanol Blend GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR GILMOR Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash Joanna Gash 17-Dec-11 17-Dec-11 20-Dec-11 20-Dec-11 24-Dec-11 24-Dec-11 28-Dec-11 28-Dec-11 29-Dec-11 29-Dec-11 31-Dec-11 31-Dec-11 s22 s22 s22 s22 s22 s22 s22 s22 CULBURRA CULBURRA ULLADULLA ULLADULLA BEWONG BEWONG CULBURRA CULBURRA Transaction Fees Unleaded Transaction Fees ULP Ethanol Blend Transaction Fees Unleaded Unleaded Transaction Fees Transaction Fees ULP Ethanol Blend Card Fee Card Fee s22 s22 s22 s22 TAREE s22 TAREE s22 # # 2011-12 - January 2012 * This report is provided for information only and does not require certification. Fuel Litres 49.00 49.00 49.00 45.00 54.00 50.00 41.00 44.00 39.00 Purchase Cost $0.35 $65.84 $0.35 $63.70 $0.35 $63.38 $0.35 Odometer Reading $55.59 92020 $0.35 $72.06 $0.35 $64.53 $0.35 $55.11 $59.21 $0.35 $0.35 $50.37 $4.35 $4.35 $561.64 90469 99102 91946 92557 93007 93476 93934 94413 Page 25