Week of November 16th Dear Fine Arts Parents and Students,

Week of November 16th
Dear Fine Arts Parents and Students,
We are excited to announce that we will be offering a Fine Arts t-shirt for purchase this year.
The shirt was designed by one of our own Serna wolves. The shirt will cost $6. The shirt may be worn
for spirit day on Fridays and at performances at the Director’s discretion. Parents, if you would like to
order a shirt for yourself or your child please send $6 in a sealed envelope to school. Please fill out
and enclose the bottom portion of this note in your sealed envelope. Make checks payable to Ernesto
Serna School.
Money is due by Thursday, November 19.
Please give your envelope to your fine arts teacher when you get to class.
Thank you,
Fine Arts Teachers
Serna Middle School
Return this portion
CLASS: art choir band orchestra
Circle one
PERIOD: ____________
Shirts are ADULT sizes
Student name ______________________________________ shirt size: S M L XL
Parent name
______________________________________ shirt size: S M L XL
ADDITONAL SHIRT _____________________________________ shirt size: S M L XL
Amount enclosed ____________________________