Dragons! 1st - 9 Weeks at a Glance 2015-2016 Grade: 3rd Essential Question: How have changes in the community affected the environment overtime? Fluency Goal: 3.3A- read aloud grade-level stories with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension (90-110 wmp) 3.11A- read independently for a sustained period of time and paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning and logical order (4 times a week, 20 minutes, generate a reading log or journal; participate in book talks) Language Arts Vocabulary 3.4A ID meaning of common prefixes (un-, dis-, non-) Language Arts Reading (Genre & Comprehension Skill) Tumblebooks: ocorro books %= STAAR 2014 POETRY (narrative/ Lyrical) Review Components of Poems 3.6A Describe the characteristics (narrative) and how they create imagery (S) % 3.6/Fig.19D % Poem of the Week set up poetry probe book Poem: Twas the night before school started Week 1 July 28- July 31 Targeted TEKS Spiral 3.4(A) identify the meaning of common prefixes (e.g., in-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -full, -less), and know how they change the meaning of roots 3.5(A) paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, myths, or stories 3.8(A) sequence and summarize the plot's main events and explain their influence on future events 3.10 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Sensory Language. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about how an author's sensory language creates imagery in literary text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. 3.10(A) identify language that creates a graphic visual experience and appeals to the Senses 3.19 E summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order 3.13 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their Understanding. Language Arts Fig.19 Skill Math %= STAAR 2015 3.1A Place Value to read, write, and describe the value up to 999, 999 (S) Fig 19A Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own and others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension (to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment). (1-9,999) % 3.2A- compose and decompose numbers to 100,000 as a sum of so many ten thousands, so many thousands, so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones using objects, pictorial models, and numbers, including expanded notation as appropriate. 3.1B Use place value to compare and order through 1-9,999 (S) 3.2D- compare and order whole numbers up to 100,000 and represent comparisons using the symbols >, <, or =. Fig 19C Monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, reading a portion aloud, generating questions, use context clues, ask for help) Spiral with Target the TEK See Writing Plan Week of: Language Arts Writing Trait & Process Novel Ideas: Third Grade Angels; Superfudge, double fudge & Fudge a mania 3.2 B: describe the mathematical relationships found in the base-10 place value system through the hundred thousand place; Supporting Standard (2.2D – place value) 3.5 B: represent and solve one- and twostep multiplication and division problems within 100 using arrays, strip diagrams, and equations; Readiness Standard (2.1B – Place Value comparative language) 3.5E: represent real-world relationships using number pairs in a table and verbal descriptions 3.6D decompose composite figures formed by rectangles into nonoverlapping rectangles to determine the area of the original figure using the additive property of area; and Supporting Standard 3.7C: determine the solutions to problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes using pictorial models or tools such as a 15-minute event plus a 30-minute event equals 45 minutes; Supporting Standard (2.6A – multiplication) Science Science Fair,Thurs., Sept. 26 Social Studies Health Technology %= STAAR 2014 SAFETY & JOURNALING Mapping Your Community 3.1A Demonstrate safe practices 3.2A ID reasons people have formed communities 3.1B ID Pierre-Charles L’Enfant, Benjamin Banneker 3.1C Describe how Juan de Onate has contributed to the expansion of existing communities or to the creation of new communities 3.5A Use cardinal/intermediate directions to locate local community on map/globes (Rocky Mountains, Mississippi River, Austin, TX in relation to local community) 3.5B Use scale to determine distances on maps/globes 3.5C ID/use compass rose/grid system/symbols on maps/globes 3.5D Create/interpret maps of places/regions that contain map elements (title, compass rose, legend, scale, grid system) Spiral 3.3A Use vocabulary (past, present, future) 3.3C Apply the terms (year, decade, & century) 3.3B Create and interpret timelines 3.4A- use safety equipment 3.4B- demo. that repeated investigations will increase reliability of results Scientific Process Before LAB TEKS: (title hypothesis, materials, procedure) 3.2A- Plan/implement investigations (w/ 1 variable)% During LAB TEKS 3.2B- collect data information by observing/measuring (measure-metric system, id differences in measuring) % After LAB TEKS: 3.2C- construct simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts to evaluate data (maps, graphic organizers, tables, charts, bar graphs) 3.2D- analyze/interpret information (patterns in data) % 3.2E- Demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results. 3.2F- communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, through verbal discussion PROJECT IDEAS: Map of school/classroom Map of neighborhood Read Aloud: Mapping Penny, Roxaboxen Boom Town, p. 160-181 (Book 1) Treasures (how a community changes) Neighbors Poem, p. 240 (Treasures Book 1) 3.9A Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communicati on 3.9B Demonstrate strategies for resolving conflicts 3.9C Explain how to be a good friend Olweus 3.10A-use font, color, white space and graphics for audience 3.10B-use font, color, white space and graphics for printed materials Rules in the computer lab 3.4A ID meaning of common prefixes (in-, ir-)% POETRY (narrative/ Lyrical) Review Components of Poems 3.6A Describe the characteristics (narrative) and how they create imagery (S) % 3.6/Fig.19D % Poem of the Week set up poetry probe book Poem: Twas the night before school started Week 2 Aug. 3-7 STAMPS (mini lesson needed) S=setting T=theme A= agent M= motivation P= purpose S=senses Week 3 Aug. 11-14 3.4A ID meaning of common prefixes (de-, re-, pre-) % POETRY (humorous/ Free Verse) 3.6A Describe the characteristics (narrative) and how they create imagery (S)% 3.10A Identify language that creates a graphic visual experience and appeals to the senses in poetry (ID text that describes, characters % (emotional/physical)details/events, settings, mental images) (S) ASSESSMENT #1- Poetry Poem: Boogie Man – Outside the box poems Fig 19A Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own and others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension (to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment). Fig 19C Monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, reading a portion aloud, generating questions, use context clues, ask for help) Fig 19C Monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, reading a portion aloud, generating questions, use context clues, ask for help) Fig 19D Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding(title, cover, illustrations, plot, facts/details, background % knowledge/experiences) Spiral Fig 19A –establish purpose for reading(to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment 3.1A Place Value to read, write, and describe the value up to 999, 999 (S) (1-99,999) % 3.2A- compose and decompose numbers to 100,000 as a sum of so many ten thousands, so many thousands, so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones using objects, pictorial models, and numbers, including expanded notation as appropriate. 3.1B Use place value to compare and order through 1-99,999 (S) 3.2D- compare and order whole numbers up to 100,000 and represent comparisons using the symbols >, <, or =. Math Process Skills: 3.2B; 3.5B; 3.5E; 3.6D; 3.7C; 3.8B; 3.9A 3.5B: describe and classify samples of matter as solids-definite shape, liquids-take shape of container, and gases- take shape of container and demonstrate that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gases take the shape of their container 3.5A Measure, test, and record physical properties of matter, including temperature, mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float in water Scientific Process Skills Before LAB TEKS: (title hypothesis, materials, procedure) 3.2A- Plan/implement investigations (w/ 1 variable)77% During LAB TEKS 3.2B- collect data information by observing/measuring (measure-metric system, id differences in measuring) % After LAB TEKS: 3.1A Place Value to read, write, and describe the value up to 999, 999 (S) (1-999,999) 3.2A- compose and decompose numbers to 100,000 as a sum of so many ten thousands, so many thousands, so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones using objects, pictorial models, and numbers, including expanded notation as appropriate. 3.1B Use place value to compare and order through 999, 999 (S) 3.2D- compare and order whole numbers up to 100,000 and represent comparisons using the symbols >, <, or =. Math Process Skills: (%) 3.2B; 3.5B; 3.5E; 3.6D; 3.7C; 3.8B; 3.9A ASSESSMENT #1 3.2C- construct simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts to evaluate data (maps, graphic organizers, tables, charts, bar graphs) % 3.2D- analyze/interpret information (patterns in data) % 3.2E- Demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results. 3.2F- communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, through verbal discussion *3.5C: predict, observe, and record changes in the state of matter caused by heating melting/evaporation or cooling freezing/condensation SS 3.5A Measure, test, and record physical properties of matter, including temperature, mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float in water Scientific Process Skills Before LAB TEKS: (title hypothesis, materials, procedure) 3.2A- Plan/implement investigations (w/ 1 variable)% During LAB TEKS 3.2B- collect data information by observing/measuring (measure-metric system, id differences in measuring) % After LAB TEKS: 3.2C- construct simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts to evaluate data (maps, graphic organizers, tables, charts, bar graphs) % 3.2D- analyze/interpret information (patterns in data) % 3.2E- Demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results. 3.2F- communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, through verbal discussion Mapping Your Community 3.2A ID reasons people have formed communities 3.1B ID Pierre-Charles L’Enfant, Benjamin Banneker 3.1C Describe how Juan de Onate has contributed to the expansion of existing communities or to the creation of new communities 3.5A Use cardinal/intermediate directions to locate local community on map/globes (Rocky Mountains, Mississippi River, Austin, TX in relation to local community) 3.5B Use scale to determine distances on maps/globes 3.5C ID/use compass rose/grid system/symbols on maps/globes 3.5D Create/interpret maps of places/regions that contain map elements (title, compass rose, legend, scale, grid system) Spiral 3.3A Use vocabulary (past, present, future) 3.3C Apply the terms (year, decade, & century) 3.3B Create and interpret timelines Mapping Your Community 3.2A ID reasons people have formed communities 3.1B ID Pierre-Charles L’Enfant, Benjamin Banneker 3.1C Describe how Juan de Onate has contributed to the expansion of existing communities or to the creation of new communities 3.5A Use cardinal/intermediate directions to locate local community on map/globes (Rocky Mountains, Mississippi River, Austin, TX in relation to local community) 3.5B Use scale to determine distances on maps/globes 3.5C ID/use compass rose/grid system/symbols on maps/globes 3.5D Create/interpret maps of places/regions that contain map elements (title, compass rose, legend, scale, grid system) Spiral 3.3A,B,C PROJECT IDEAS: Map of school/classroom/neighborhood Roxaboxen 3.9A Demonstrat e effective verbal and nonverbal communica tion 3.9B Demonstrat e strategies for resolving conflicts 3.9C Explain how to be a good friend 3.11Apublish information through printed copy 3.4A-apply appropriate electronic search strategies in acquiring information Olweus 3.9D Demo. effective listening skills 3.9E Identify ways to communicate with parents/truste d adults about health concerns 3.9F Demonstrate refusal skills 3.10A Demonstrate respectful communicati on with family members, peers, teachers, and others Olweus 3.4Bselect strategies to navigate the internet 3.2A-use mouse, keyboard Week 4 Aug. 18-21 3.4A ID meaning of common suffixes (-able, -ful, -less)- % FABLES 3.5A Paraphrase the themes and supporting details (S) % 3.8B Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo (relationships, before/after and event, intellectual, emotional, physical changes) (R) % 3.8C –Identify whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person Fables: The Dog with a Bone Nacho & Lolita-p. 42-61 Treasures Text Book Lion & the Mouse-p. 230 The Ant & the Grasshopper (bookroom) Fig 19B Ask literal, 3.2C Round whole numbers to the nearest 10’s or 100’s to approximate reasonable results in problem solving solutions(S) % interpretive, and evaluative questions of text (ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text) (S) 3.4B- round to the nearest 10 or 100 or use compatible numbers to estimate solutions to addition and subtraction problems. Fig 19C Monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, reading a portion aloud, generating questions, use context clues, ask for help) Spiral Fig 19A –establish purpose for reading(to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment Math Process Skills: %, %) 3.2B; 3.5B; 3.5E; 3.6D; 3.7C; 3.8B; 3.9A 3.5D: explore and recognize that a mixture is created when two materials are combined s (gravel and sand/ metal and plastic paper clips/iron fillings & salt/ soil & rocks/pens & pencils-student supplies/contents in recycling box) Scientific Process Skills Before LAB TEKS: (title hypothesis, materials, procedure) 3.2A- Plan/implement investigations (w/ 1 variable)% During LAB TEKS 3.2B- collect data information by observing/measuring (measure-metric system, id differences in measuring) % After LAB TEKS: 3.2C- construct simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts to evaluate data (maps, graphic organizers, tables, charts, bar graphs) % 3.2D- analyze/interpret information (patterns in data) % 3.2E- Demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results. 3.2F- communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, through verbal discussion Physical Characteristics of Communities 3.1C Describe how individuals (Daniel Boone & Christopher Columbus) contributed to the expansion of existing communities or to the creation of new communities 3.5A Use cardinal/intermediate directions to locate local community on map/globes (Rocky Mountains, Mississippi River, Austin, TX in relation to local community) 3.5B Use scale to determine distances on maps/globes 3.5C ID/use compass rose/grid system/symbols on maps/globes 3.5D Create/interpret maps of places/regions that contain map elements (title, compass rose, legend, scale, grid system) Spiral 3.3A,B,C 3.9D Demo. effective listening skills 3.9E Identify ways to communicat e with parents/trust ed adults about health concerns 3.9F Demo. refusal skills 3.10A Demo. respectful communicat ion with family members, peers, teachers, and others Olweus ASSESSMENT #1 FABLES 3.5A Paraphrase the themes and supporting details (S) % 3.8B Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo (relationships, before/after and event, intellectual, emotional, physical changes) (R) % 3.8C –Identify whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person Fables: The Dog with a Bone Nacho & Lolita-p. 42-61 Treasures Text Book Lion & the Mouse-p. 230 The Ant & the Grasshopper (bookroom) Fig 19F Make connections (thematic links, author analysis, own experiences, ideas in other texts, larger community) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence. (text to text, text to self, text to world) Spiral Fig 19A –establish purpose for reading(to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment 3.2C Round whole numbers to the nearest 10’s or 100’s to approximate reasonable results in problem solving solutions(S) % 3.4B- round to the nearest 10 or 100 or use compatible numbers to estimate solutions to addition and subtraction problems. Author’s Wall Post Week 5 Aug. 25-28 Early Release- Aug.26 3.4A ID meaning of common suffixes (ment, -ly, -er) % Math Process Skills: %, %) 3.2B; 3.5B; 3.5E; 3.6D; 3.7C; 3.8B; 3.9A 3.6A Explore different forms of energymechanical, light, sound & heat/thermal in everyday life 3.3D: Nikola Tesla- “lightning man”, physicist, inventor, mechanical & electrical engineer) Scientific Process Skills Before LAB TEKS: (title hypothesis, materials, procedure) 3.2A- Plan/implement investigations (w/ 1 variable)% During LAB TEKS 3.2B- collect data information by observing/measuring (measure-metric system, id differences in measuring) % After LAB TEKS: 3.2C- construct simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts to evaluate data (maps, graphic organizers, tables, charts, bar graphs) % 3.2D- analyze/interpret information (patterns in data) % 3.2E- Demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results. 3.2F- communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, through verbal discussion Physical Characteristics of Communities 3.1C Describe how individuals (Daniel Boone & Christopher Columbus) contributed to the expansion of existing communities or to the creation of new communities 3.5A Use cardinal/intermediate directions to locate local community on map/globes (Rocky Mountains, Mississippi River, Austin, TX in relation to local community) 3.5B Use scale to determine distances on maps/globes 3.5C ID/use compass rose/grid system/symbols on maps/globes 3.5D Create/interpret maps of places/regions that contain map elements (title, compass rose, legend, scale, grid system) Spiral 3.3A,B,C 3.10B Describe the mental-health value of respectful communicati on such as reducing the potential for angry behavior 3.10C Express needs, wants, and emotions in healthy ways 3.5B Demonstrate the ability to locate school and community helper 3.2E-use capitalizati on, punctuation , spelling, word division, numbers and symbols 4.3B-model respect of intellectual property by not illegally copying electronic work Week 6 Sept. 2-4 3.4A ID meaning of common suffixes (-ing, s, -ed, -es) % LEGENDS 3.5A Paraphrase the themes and supporting details (S) % 3.8A Sequence and summarize the plot’s main events and explain their influence on future events (R) % 3.8B Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo (relationships, before/after and event, intellectual, emotional, physical changes) (R) % Spiral 3.10A Identify language that creates a graphic visual experience and appeals to the senses in fiction (ID text that describes, characters (emotional/physical)details/events, settings, mental images) (S) % Read Aloud: The Story Telling Stone, p.60-63 Why do Mosquitos Buzz in People’s Ear The Hunter Man & the Crocodile The Indian Paintbrush The Legend of the Blubonnet Fig 19E Summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order (main idea, main characters, (BME/Somebody wanted, but, so…/) (R) % Spiral Fig 19A –establish purpose for reading(to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment 3.3A Model addition/subtraction using pictures, words, and numbers (up to 999, using models/pics/ words/numbers, ID inverse relationship, fact families) (S) % 3.6A Explore different forms of energymechanical, light, sound & heat/thermal in everyday life 3.3D: Nikola Tesla- “lightning man”, physicist, inventor, mechanical & electrical engineer) 3.5A- represent one- and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 1,000 using pictorial models, number lines, and equations Before LAB TEKS: (title hypothesis, materials, procedure) 3.3B Select add/sub and use the operation to solve problems involving whole numbers through 999 (multi step/operations in single problem, with/out regrouping, justify reasonableness, tie with real-life situations) (R) % After LAB TEKS: 3.4A- solve with fluency one-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction. Math Process Skills: (%)3.2B; 3.5B; 3.5E; 3.6D; 3.7C; 3.8B; 3.9A ASSESSMENT #2 Scientific Process Skills 3.2A- Plan/implement investigations (one variable)% During LAB TEKS 3.2B- collect data information by observing/measuring (measure-metric system, id differences in measuring)% 3.2C- construct simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts to evaluate data ( tables, charts, bar graphs) % 3.2D- analyze/interpret information (patterns in data) % 3.2E- Demonstrate that repeated investment increase the reliability of results. 3.2F- communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, through verbal discussion ASSESSMENT #2 Physical Characteristics of Communities 3.1C Describe how individuals (Daniel Boone & Christopher Columbus) contributed to the expansion of existing communities or to the creation of new communities 3.5A Use cardinal/intermediate directions to locate local community on map/globes (Rocky Mountains, Mississippi River, Austin, TX in relation to local community) 3.5B Use scale to determine distances on maps/globes 3.5C ID/use compass rose/grid system/symbols on maps/globes 3.5D Create/interpret maps of places/regions that contain map elements (title, compass rose, legend, scale, grid system) PROJECT IDEAS: Regional Map (US Region) 3.10B Describe the mentalhealth value of respectful communica tion such as reducing the potential for angry behavior 3.10C Express needs, wants, and emotions in healthy ways 3.5B Demo. the ability to locate school and community helper ReviewPrefixes/suffix es LEGENDS 3.5A Paraphrase the themes and supporting details (S) % Week 7 Sept. 8-11 Labor Day-No School,Sept.7 3.8B Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo (relationships, before/after and event, intellectual, emotional, physical changes) (R) % Fig 19E Summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order (main idea, main characters, (BME/Somebody wanted, but, so…/) (R) % Mixed Operations- apply strategies for Spiral Fig 19A –establish purpose for reading(to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment 3.4B- solve with fluency one-step and twostep problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction. Spiral 3.10A Identify language that creates a graphic visual experience and appeals to the senses in fiction (ID text that describes, characters (emotional/physical)details/events, settings, mental images) (S) % Read Aloud: The Story Telling Stone, p.60-63 Why do Mosquitos Buzz in People’s Ear The Hunter Man & the Crocodile The Indian Paintbrush The Legend of the Blubonnet ASSESSMENT #2 Celebrate Freedom Week Sept. Constitution Day, Sept 17 Week 8 Sept. 14-18 Assessment #2 3.4B –Use context clues (relationships, surrounding words, phrases, sentences & paragraphs) % TRADITIONAL FOLKTALES 3.5B Compare & contrast the settings (timepast, present, future; time of day; placegeographical, topographical; cultural background; historical background; psychological background) (Stone Soup, Treasures, p. 282 Spiral 3.8A Sequence and summarize the plot’s main events & explain their influence on future events (R) %-Mentoring Minds (climax diagram/sequence, main events) (learner.org- interactive stories/Cinderella) 3.8B Describe the interaction of characters (relationships (family, friend, enemy), before/after and event, intellectual, emotional, physical changes) (R) % 3.8C –ID 1st or 3rd person narrator 3.10A ID language that creates a graphic visual experience and appeals to the senses (ID text that describes, characters emotional/physical)details/events, settings, mental images) (S) Nacho & Lolita-p. 42-61 Martina the Beautiful Cockroach, read aloud Fig 19F Make connections (thematic links, author analysis, own experiences, ideas in other texts, larger community) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence. Spiral Fig 19A –establish purpose for reading(to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment Fig 19E Summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order (main idea, main characters, (BME/Somebody wanted, but, so…/) (R) % whole number operation for efficiency & accuracy 3.3A-add/sub % Celebrate Freedom Week 3.6C Observe forces – magnetism & gravity acting on objects 3.5A- represent one- and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 1,000 using pictorial models, number lines, and equations. Before LAB TEKS: (title hypothesis, materials, procedure) 3.3B-add/sub in word problems % During LAB TEKS 3.4C- round to the nearest 10 or 100 or use compatible numbers to estimate solutions to addition and subtraction problems. Math Process Skills: (%, %) 3.2B; 3.5B; 3.5E; 3.6D; 3.7C; 3.8B; 3.9A 3.1C Determine the value of a collection of coins & bills (S) 3.4C- determine the value of a collection of coins and bills. Math Process Skills: 3.2B; 3.5B; 3.5E; 3.6D; 3.7C; 3.8B; 3.9A Scientific Process Skills 3.2A- Plan/implement investigations (w/ 1 variable)% 3.2B- collect data information by observing/measuring (measure-metric system, id differences in measuring) % After LAB TEKS: 3.2C- construct simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts to evaluate data (maps, graphic organizers, tables, charts, bar graphs) % 3.2D- analyze/interpret information (patterns in data) % 3.2E- Demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results. 3.2F- communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, through verbal discussion 3.1A Describe how individuals, events, and ideas have changed communities, past and present 3.1B ID individuals Benjamin Franklin who have helped to shape communities (one of the Founding Fathers) 3.1C Describe how individuals (Founding Fathers) have contributed to the expansion of existing communities or to the creation of new communities 3.10A ID the purposes of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution , including the Bill of Rights 3.10B Describe/explain the importance of the concept of “consent of the governed” as it relates to the functions of local, state, and national gov’t 3.14A Identify and analyze the heroic deeds of individuals, including military and first responders such as Todd Beamer 3.11E Practice assertive communicat ion and refusal skills 3.11F Describe goal-setting skills 3.11G Explain the importance of time passage with respect to a goal PROJECT IDEAS: biography poem, timeline, poster (flip book) The Flag We Love A More Perfect Union *3.6B: Demonstrate & observe how position & motion can be changed by pushing & pulling objects to show work being done - swings, balls, pulleys, & wagons (motion-speeding up/slowing down/turning ; Forces can cause motion -pushing a toy car, pushing a swing, pulling a wagon; forces can stop motion or change its direction-catching a ball, hitting a ball, throwing a ball, using a pulley) SS % Campus Science Fair Thurs., Sept. 26 (3-5th) Science Fair Projects Presentations Celebrate Freedom Week 3.1A Describe how individuals, events, and ideas have changed communities, past and present 3.1B ID individuals Benjamin Franklin who have helped to shape communities (Founding Fathers) 3.1C Describe how individuals (Founding Fathers) have contributed to the expansion of existing communities or to the creation of new communities 3.10A ID the purposes of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution , Bill of Rights 3.10B Describe/explain the importance of the concept of “consent of the governed” as it relates to the functions of local, state, and national gov’t 3.14A Identify and analyze the heroic deeds of individuals, including military and first responders such as Todd Beamer PROJECT IDEAS: biography poem, timeline, poster (flip book) 3.11E Practice assertive communicat ion and refusal skills 3.11F Describe goal-setting skills 3.11G Explain the importance of time passage with respect to a goal TRADITIONAL FOLKTALES 3.5B Compare & contrast the settings (time-past, present, future; time of day; place-geographical, topographical; cultural background; historical background; psychological background) (Stone Soup, Treasures, p. 282 Spiral 3.8A Sequence and summarize the plot’s main events & explain their influence on future events (R) 77%-Mentoring Minds (climax diagram/sequence, main events) (learner.org- interactive stories/Cinderella) 3.8B Describe the interaction of characters (relationships (family, friend, enemy), before/after and event, intellectual, emotional, physical changes) (R) % 3.8C –ID 1st or 3rd person narrator 3.10A ID language that creates a graphic visual experience and appeals to the senses (ID text that describes, characters emotional/physical)details/events, settings, mental images) (S) Nacho & Lolita-p. 42-61 Martina the Beautiful Cockroach, read aloud Bring Writing Samples to TEKS Academy Fig 19C Monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, reading a portion aloud, generating questions, use context clues, ask for help REVIEW COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT Fig 19F Make connections (thematic links, author analysis, own experiences, ideas in other texts, larger community) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence. COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT Spiral Fig 19A –establish purpose for reading(to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment Fig 19E Summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order (main idea, main characters, (BME/Somebody wanted, but, so…/) (R) % *3.6B: Demonstrate & observe how position & motion can be changed by pushing & pulling objects to show work being done - swings, balls, pulleys, & wagons (motion-speeding up/slowing down/turning ; Forces can cause motion -pushing a toy car, pushing a swing, pulling a wagon; forces can stop motion or change its direction-catching a ball, hitting a ball, throwing a ball, using a pulley) SS % REVIEW Author’s Wall Post Week 9 Sept. 21- 25 Early Release- Sept.23 3.4B –Use context clues (relationships, surrounding words, phrases, sentences & paragraphs) % Celebrate Freedom Week 3.1B ID individuals Benjamin Franklin who have helped to shape communities ( Founding Fathers) 3.1C Describe how individuals (Founding Fathers) have contributed to the expansion of existing communities or to the creation of new communities 3.10A ID the purposes of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution , Bill of Rights 3.10B Describe/explain the importance of the concept of “consent of the governed” as it relates to the functions of local, state, and national gov’t 3.14A Identify and compare analyze the heroic deeds of Todd Beamer 3.14-ID and analyze the heroic deeds of military Grades 3-12 Study and recite the following text: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident • Constitution Day PROJECT IDEAS: biography poem, timeline, poster (flip book) REVIEW Technology Projects: Teach Microsoft Word Features-Final product will be Bio Poem using features that were taught (font, color, size, borders, pictures, etc.) (saving opening documents in proper folder) Take Home Project: Students will create a bio poem Teach Microsof t Word FeaturesFinal product will be Bio Poem using features that were taught (font, color, size, borders, pictures, etc.)