John Drugan at a Glance 2015-2016 3 - 9 Weeks

- 9 Weeks at a Glance
Grade: 4th
Essential Question:______________________________________?
42 ½ Instructional Days : Novel: Shiloh & The Cay
Week 1
Jan. 5-8
4h Teacher work day
Week of:
Language Arts
(Genre &
Comprehension Skill)
4.2A- determine
the meaning of
academic English
words derived
from Latin, Greek,
or other linguistic
roots and affixes
4.2B- use context
of the sentence to
meaning of
e meaning words
words, phrases,
sentences, &
e meaning &
homographs/ insentence
n in the sentence)
4.2E- use a
dictionary or
glossary to
determine the
syllabication, and
pronunciation of
unknown words
Connections Across
Literary Text
4.3A- summarize &
explain the lesson or
message of a work of
fiction as its theme
(fables, legends, myths,
fantasy, realistic fiction,
historical fiction)
Supporting Standard
4.3B- compare/ contrast
the adventures or
exploits of characters
(e.g., the trickster) in
traditional and classical
literature (folk
literature) SS
Language Arts
Fig.19 Skill
4.Fig.19D- make inferences
about text and use textual
evidence to support
understanding (title, cover,
illustrations, plot,
fact/details, background
knowledge experience) RS
4.Fig.19E- summarize
information in text,
maintaining meaning and
logical order (main idea,
main characters, details)
RS(Fiction & Expository) &
Supporting Standard
(Literary Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
4.Fig.19F- make
connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis, own
experiences, ideas in other
text, larger community)
between literary and
informational texts with
similar ideas and provide
textual evidence (make
connections with all
Genres) -tie in with social
studies/science RS
See Writing
John Drugan 3rd
STAAR/District Benchmark
Financial Literacy
4.10(A) distinguish between fixed and variable
4.10(B) calculate profit in a given situation
4.10(E) describe the basic purpose of financial
institutions, including keeping money safe,
borrowing money, and lending
Social Studies
Patterns of Earth
4.8(A) measure and
record changes in
weather and make
predictions using
weather maps, weather
symbols, and a map key
Republic and Statehood
4.3(C) identify leaders important to the
founding of Texas as a republic and
state, including José Antonio Navarro,
Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, and
Anson Jones
4.3(E)* explain the events that led to the
annexation of Texas to the United States,
including the impact of the U.S.Mexican War
Students will create a
dot plot graph, stem
and leaf chart, and
frequency chart on
Excel Spreadsheet.
Week 2
Jan. 11-15
(District Benchmark window)
4.2A- determine
the meaning of
academic English
words derived
from Latin, Greek,
or other linguistic
roots and affixes
4.2B- use context
of the sentence to
meaning of
e meaning words
words, phrases,
sentences, &
e meaning &
homographs/ insentence
n in the sentence)
4.2E- use a
dictionary or
glossary to
determine the
syllabication, and
pronunciation of
unknown words
Connections Across
Literary Text
Drama- 4.5ADescribe the
structural elements
particular to
dramatic literature
(character, plot,
setting, theme,
dialogue, audience)
Standard) 4.6Asequence and
summarize the plot's
main events and
explain their
influence on future
(plot, conflict, rising
action, climax, falling
action, resolution)
Readiness Standard
4.6B- describe the
interaction of
characters including
their relationships
and the changes
they undergo RS
4.Fig.19D- make inferences
about text and use textual
evidence to support
understanding (title, cover,
illustrations, plot,
fact/details, background
knowledge experience) RS
4.Fig.19E- summarize
information in text,
maintaining meaning and
logical order (main idea,
main characters, details)
RS(Fiction & Expository)
& Supporting Standard
(Literary Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
4.Fig.19F- make
connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis, own
experiences, ideas in other
text, larger community)
between literary and
informational texts with
similar ideas and provide
textual evidence (make
connections with all
Genres) -tie in with social
studies/science RS
Data Representations
4.9(A) represent data on a frequency table, dot
plot, or stemand-leaf plot marked with whole
numbers and fractions
4.9(B) solve one- and two-step problems using
data in whole number, decimal, and fraction
form in a frequency table, dot plot, or stem-andleaf plot
Patterns of Earth
4.8(B) describe and
illustrate the continuous
movement of water above
and on the surface of Earth
through the water cycle
and explain the role of the
Sun as a major source of
energy in this process
Republic and Statehood
4.8(B)* describe and explain the location
and distribution of various towns and
cities in Texas, past and present
4.15(A)* identify the purposes and
explain the importance of the Texas
Declaration of Independence, the Texas
Constitution, and other documents such
as the Meusebach-Comanche Treaty
Students will create a
dot plot graph, stem
and leaf chart, and
frequency chart on
Excel Spreadsheet.
4.4A- explain how
the elements (rhyme,
meter, stanza, line
breaks) of poetry
relate to form (free
verse, narrative)
Supporting Standard
3 week Assessment
4.Fig.19D- make inferences
about text and use textual
evidence to support
understanding (title, cover,
illustrations, plot,
fact/details, background
knowledge experience) RS
4.5C-use models to determine the formulas for
the perimeter of a rectangle (l + w + l + w or 2l
+ 2w), including the special form for perimeter
of a square (4s) and the area of a rectangle (l x
w). (not included in assessed curriculum)
4.5D- solve problems related to perimeter and
area of rectangles where dimensions are whole
numbers. Readiness
3 week Assessment
4.Fig.19E- summarize
information in text,
maintaining meaning and
logical order (main idea,
main characters, details)
RS(Fiction & Expository) &
Supporting Standard
(Literary Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
4.Fig.19F- make
connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis, own
experiences, ideas in other
text, larger community)
between literary and
informational texts with
similar ideas and provide
textual evidence (make
connections with all
Genres) -tie in with social
studies/science RS
3 week Assessment
Connections Across
Literary Text
Author’s Wall
Week 3
Jan. 19-22 No School 18MLK
4.2A- determine
the meaning of
academic English
words derived
from Latin, Greek,
or other linguistic
roots and affixes
4.2B- use context
of the sentence to
meaning of
e meaning words
words, phrases,
sentences, &
e meaning &
homographs/ insentence
n in the sentence)
4.2E- use a
dictionary or
glossary to
determine the
syllabication, and
pronunciation of
unknown words
week Assessment
Patterns of Earth
4.8(B) describe and
illustrate the continuous
movement of water
above and on the
surface of Earth
through the water cycle
and explain the role of
the Sun as a major
source of energy in this
3 week Assessment
Republic and Statehood
4.15(B) identify and explain the basic
functions of the three branches of
government according to the Texas
4.17(D) identify the importance of
historical figures and important
individuals who modeled active
participation in the democratic process
such as Sam Houston, Barbara Jordan,
Lorenzo de Zavala,
3 week Assessment
Students will create a
dot plot graph, stem
and leaf chart, and
frequency chart on
Excel Spreadsheet.
Week 4
Early Release Jan.27
4.2A- determine
the meaning of
academic English
words derived
from Latin, Greek,
or other linguistic
roots and affixes
4.2B- use context
of the sentence to
meaning of
e meaning words
words, phrases,
sentences, &
e meaning &
homographs/ insentence
n in the sentence)
4.2E- use a
dictionary or
glossary to
determine the
syllabication, and
pronunciation of
unknown words
week Assessment
Connections Across
Literary Text
4.4A- Explain how
the structural
elements of
poetry (e.g., rhyme,
meter, stanzas, line
breaks) relate to the
form Supporting
4.7A- identify
similarities and
differences between
the events and
experiences in a
fictional work and
the actual events
and experiences
described in an
author's biography
or autobiography.
4.Fig.19D- make inferences
about text and use textual
evidence to support
understanding (title, cover,
illustrations, plot,
fact/details, background
knowledge experience) RS
4.Fig.19E- summarize
information in text,
maintaining meaning and
logical order (main idea,
main characters, details)
RS(Fiction & Expository)
& Supporting Standard
(Literary Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
4.Fig.19F- make
connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis, own
experiences, ideas in other
text, larger community)
between literary and
informational texts with
similar ideas and provide
textual evidence (make
connections with all
Genres) -tie in with social
studies/science RS
4.8A- Identify relative sizes of
measurement units within the customary
and metric systems Supporting
4.8B- convert measurements within the
same measurement system, customary or
metric, from a smaller unit into a larger
unit or a larger unit into a smaller unit
when given other equivalent measures
represented in a table Supporting
4.8C- solve problems that deal with
measurements of length, intervals of
time, liquid volumes, mass, and money
using addition, subtractions,
multiplication, or division as appropriate
Patterns of Earth
4.8(C)^ collect and
analyze data to identify
sequences and predict
patterns of change in
shadows, tides, seasons,
and the observable
appearance of the Moon
over time
Civil War and Reconstruction
4.4(A)* describe the impact of the Civil
War and Reconstruction on Texas
4.11(A) describe the development of the
free enterprise system in Texas
Students will create a
dot plot graph, stem
and leaf chart, and
frequency chart on
Excel Spreadsheet.
Week 5
Feb. 1-5
4.2A- determine
the meaning of
academic English
words derived
from Latin, Greek,
or other linguistic
roots and affixes
4.2B- use context
of the sentence to
meaning of
e meaning words
words, phrases,
sentences, &
e meaning &
homographs/ insentence
n in the sentence)
4.2E- use a
dictionary or
glossary to
determine the
syllabication, and
pronunciation of
unknown words
week Assessment
Connections Across
Informational text
4.10A- explain the
difference between
a stated and an
implied purpose for
an expository text
4.Fig.19D- make inferences
about text and use textual
evidence to support
understanding (title, cover,
illustrations, plot,
fact/details, background
knowledge experience) RS
4.Fig.19E- summarize
information in text,
maintaining meaning and
logical order (main idea,
main characters, details)
RS(Fiction & Expository) &
Supporting Standard
(Literary Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
4.Fig.19F- make
connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis, own
experiences, ideas in other
text, larger community)
between literary and
informational texts with
similar ideas and provide
textual evidence (make
connections with all
Genres) -tie in with social
studies/science RS
Geometry- Points, Lines, and Angles
4.6A- expected to identify points, lines, line segments, rays,
angles, and perpendicular and parallel lines. Supporting
4.6B- identify and draw one or more lines of symmetry, if
they exist, for a two-dimensional figure. Supporting
4.6C- apply knowledge of right angles to identify acute,
right, and obtuse triangles. Supporting
4.6D- classify two-dimensional figures based on the
presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines or
the presence or absence of angles of a specified size.
Patterns of Earth
4.8(C)^ collect and
analyze data to identify
sequences and predict
patterns of change in
shadows, tides, seasons,
and the observable
appearance of the Moon
over time
Civil War and Reconstruction
4.11(B)* describe how the free
enterprise system works, including
supply and demand
4.11(C) give examples of the benefits of
the free enterprise system such as choice
and opportunity
Students will write a
play and present to
peers in the classroom
using props. Students
may have props when
presenting the play.
6 weeks assessment
4.Fig.19D- make inferences
about text and use textual
evidence to support
understanding (title, cover,
illustrations, plot,
fact/details, background
knowledge experience) RS
Geometry- Points, Lines, and Angles
4.6A- expected to identify points, lines, line segments, rays,
angles, and perpendicular and parallel lines. Supporting
4.6B- identify and draw one or more lines of symmetry, if
they exist, for a two-dimensional figure. Supporting
4.6C- apply knowledge of right angles to identify acute,
right, and obtuse triangles. Supporting
4.6D- classify two-dimensional figures based on the
presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines or
the presence or absence of angles of a specified size.
6 week Assessment
4.Fig.19E- summarize
information in text,
maintaining meaning and
logical order (main idea,
main characters, details)
RS(Fiction & Expository)
& Supporting Standard
(Literary Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
4.Fig.19F- make
connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis, own
experiences, ideas in other
text, larger community)
between literary and
informational texts with
similar ideas and provide
textual evidence (make
connections with all
Genres) -tie in with social
studies/science RS
Connections Across
Informational text
4.11A- summarize
the main idea and
supporting details in
text in ways that
maintain meaning
Author’s Wall
Week 6
Feb. 8-12
4.2Adetermine the
meaning of
English words
from Latin,
Greek, or other
linguistic roots
and affixes
4.2B- use
context of the
sentence to
meaning of
ple meaning
words, phrases,
sentences, &
tiple meaning &
homographs/ insentence
tion in the
4.2E- use a
dictionary or
glossary to
determine the
pronunciation of
unknown words
Energy Flow in Living
4.8(B) describe and
illustrate and explain
the role of the Sun as a
major source of energy
in the process of growth
in plants
Texas Frontier
4.4(B) explain the growth, development,
and impact of the cattle industry,
including contributions made by Charles
Goodnight, Richard King, and Lizzie
Students will write a
play and present to
peers in the classroom
using props. Students
may have props when
presenting the play.
Week 7
Feb. 15-19
4.2Adetermine the
meaning of
English words
from Latin,
Greek, or other
linguistic roots
and affixes
4.2B- use
context of the
sentence to
meaning of
ple meaning
words, phrases,
sentences, &
tiple meaning &
homographs/ insentence
tion in the
4.2E- use a
dictionary or
glossary to
determine the
pronunciation of
unknown words
Connections Across
Informational text
4.11B- distinguish
fact from opinion in
a text and explain
how to verify what
is a fact SS
4.Fig.19D- make inferences
about text and use textual
evidence to support
understanding (title, cover,
illustrations, plot,
fact/details, background
knowledge experience) RS
4.Fig.19E- summarize
information in text,
maintaining meaning and
logical order (main idea,
main characters, details)
RS(Fiction & Expository)
& Supporting Standard
(Literary Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
4.Fig.19F- make
connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis, own
experiences, ideas in other
text, larger community)
between literary and
informational texts with
similar ideas and provide
textual evidence (make
connections with all
Genres) -tie in with social
studies/science RS
Geometry-Measuring Angles
4.7A- illustrate the measure of an angle as the part of a
circle whose center is at the vertex of the angle that is “cut
out” by the rays of the angle. Angle measures are limited to
whole numbers. (not included in assessed curriculum)
4.7B- illustrate degrees as the units used to measure an
angle, where 1/360 of any circle is one degree and an
angle that “cuts” n/360 out of any circle whose center is at
the angle’s vertex has a measure of n degrees. Angle
measures are limited to whole numbers. (not included in
assessed curriculum)
Energy Flow in Living
4.9(A)* investigate that
most producers need
sunlight, water, and
carbon dioxide to make
their own food, while
consumers are
dependent on other
organisms for food
Texas Frontier
4.8(A)* identify and explain clusters and
patterns of settlement in Texas at
different time periods such as prior to
the Texas Revolution, after the building
of the railroads, and following World
War II
4.8(B)* describe and explain the location
and distribution of various towns and
cities in Texas, past and present
Students will write a
play and present to
peers in the classroom
using props. Students
may have props when
presenting the play.
Week 8
Feb. 22-26
4.2Adetermine the
meaning of
English words
from Latin,
Greek, or other
linguistic roots
and affixes
4.2B- use
context of the
sentence to
meaning of
ple meaning
words, phrases,
sentences, &
tiple meaning &
homographs/ insentence
tion in the
4.2E- use a
dictionary or
glossary to
determine the
pronunciation of
unknown words
Connections Across
Informational text
4.11C- describe
explicit and implicit
relationships among
ideas in texts
organized by causeand-effect,
sequence, or
comparison RS
4.Fig.19D- make inferences
about text and use textual
evidence to support
understanding (title, cover,
illustrations, plot,
fact/details, background
knowledge experience) RS
4.Fig.19E- summarize
information in text,
maintaining meaning and
logical order (main idea,
main characters, details)
RS(Fiction & Expository)
& Supporting Standard
(Literary Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
4.Fig.19F- make
connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis, own
experiences, ideas in other
text, larger community)
between literary and
informational texts with
similar ideas and provide
textual evidence (make
connections with all
Genres) -tie in with social
studies/science RS
Geometry-Measuring Angles
4.7C- determine the approximate measures of angles in
degrees to the nearest whole number using a protractor
4.7D- draw an angle with a given measure Supporting
4.7E- determine the measure of an unknown angle formed
by two non-overlapping adjacent angles given one or both
angle measures. Supporting
Energy Flow in Living
4.9(B)* describe the
flow of energy through
food webs, beginning
with the Sun, and
predict how changes in
the ecosystem affect
the food web such as a
fire in a forest
Texas Frontier
4.9(B)* identify reasons why people
have adapted to and modified their
environment in Texas, past and present,
such as the use of natural resources to
meet basic needs, facilitate
transportation, and enhance recreational
Students will write a
play and present to
peers in the classroom
using props. Students
may have props when
presenting the play.
9 weeks assessment
4.Fig.19D- make inferences
about text and use textual
evidence to support
understanding (title, cover,
illustrations, plot,
fact/details, background
knowledge experience) RS
Review and test 9 weeks Assessment
4.Fig.19E- summarize
information in text,
maintaining meaning and
logical order (main idea,
main characters, details)
RS(Fiction & Expository)
& Supporting Standard
(Literary Nonfiction,
Poetry, Drama)
4.3(D) connect gradelevel appropriate science
concepts with the
history of science,
science careers, and
contributions of
Review what was learned
through the 9 weeks and
Present Take Home
9 weeks assessment
4.Fig.19F- make
connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis, own
experiences, ideas in other
text, larger community)
between literary and
informational texts with
similar ideas and provide
textual evidence (make
connections with all
Genres) -tie in with social
studies/science RS
Connections Across
Informational text
4.11D- use multiple
text features (e.g.,
guide words, topic
and concluding
sentences) to gain
an overview of the
contents of text
and to locate
information. RS
Author’s Wall
Week 9
Feb 29- Mar 4
4.2Adetermine the
meaning of
English words
from Latin,
Greek, or other
linguistic roots
and affixes
4.2B- use
context of the
sentence to
meaning of
ple meaning
words, phrases,
sentences, &
tiple meaning &
homographs/ insentence
tion in the
4.2E- use a
dictionary or
glossary to
determine the
pronunciation of
unknown words
4.5(A)* identify the impact of various
issues and events on life in Texas such
as urbanization, increased use of oil and
gas, the Great Depression, the Dust
Bowl, and World War II
4.5(B)* explain the development and
impact of the oil and gas industry upon
industrialization and urbanization in
Texas, including important places and
people such as Spindletop and Pattillo
9 weeks assessment
Students will write a
play and present to
peers in the classroom
using props. Students
may have props when
presenting the play.
9 weeks assessment
Technology Projects: Students will conduct research on a historical figure
Take Home Project:
4.3(D) connect grade-level appropriate science concepts with the
history of science, science careers, and contributions of scientists – Students will create a
biography Power Point on Millie Hughes-Fullford- Astronaut
S.T.A.A.R Dates
March 29- 4&7 Writing. 5 & 8 Math (Tuesday)
March 30– 5&8 Reading (Wed)
May 9 - Math 3, 4, 6&7 retest 5& 8th (Tuesday)
May 10- Reading 3, 4, 6, & 7 Retest 5th &8th (Wed)