JOHN DRUGAN SCHOOL September 7-18 2015 july July Mrs. Rebecca KraftJohnson IN THIS ISSUE Dear Parents, We just finished being in school for six weeks. By now “our” children know what is expected of them; hard work and diligence. ELAR tutoring will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning September 9, 2015. Please be sure to check your student’s folders for their graded work and to see if they must come see me about any re do work; remember it is their responsibility. Also, if they are absent, they must check the absence folder; it is also their responsibility. Remember to have your child read for 20 minutes every night. Up-Coming Events Sept. 9-ELAR tutoring begins Sept. 9- progress reports Sept. 11-school dance Sept. 14-Reading Benchmark Sept. 15-Math Benchmark Sept. 14-18 Book Fair WELCOME STUDENTS TO 6TH GRADE! , | Issue # 2