
Hello Parents,
Thank you so to those parents who sent
in in Kleenex tissues and crayon boxes.
If you haven’t had a chance to donate if
you could please send some in the Kids and I
would so appreciate it. Due to the allergy
season we ran out of tissues quick this year
and our crayons are in bad shape.
We will be having a spelling test this
Friday on the words of the week below. Please
work with your child on writing the words for
their spelling test.
Weekly Learning Goals
3-D Shapes
Jobs and workers
Living -plants
Similes and sentences
Words of the week
Fluency Folders and Homework were sent out today.
Please note this week’s homework is a shape
museum. Please see homework sheet for
instructions. Please place items for shape museum
in a bag labeled with your child’s name and titled
Shape Museum. Due date this Friday March 4th.
Super Student Notes
 Please check red folder daily and
initial on your child’s behavior
 If there are other papers in folder
please read those as well. Keep
papers at home or return them to
school as needed.
 Girl Scout Meeting February 22th
 Dr. Seuss Week Activities
o Mon. Feb 29th- What a crazy day.
Wear your crazy hat(jeans and
uniform top)
o Tue. Mar 1st- Crazy hair Day! (jeans
and uniform top)
o Wed. Mar. 2nd – Happy birthday Dr.
Seuss! Wear your crazy socks(jeans
and uniform top)
o Thur. Mar. 3rd - Wear green for
green eggs and ham( with jeans)
o Fri. Mar. 4th - Dress like your favorite
Dr. Seuss character