January 25, 2016 Hello!

January 25, 2016
I hope you had a fabulous weekend! We are finishing up Unit 8 and should be
assessing sometime next week. I have provided the unit 8 notes on the class
notes tab on my web page for any students who may have been absent. Please
be on the lookout for progress reports. It is important that the students keep up
with their assignments and redo anything that is below 70%. I will begin after
school tutoring this week (T-TH 3:30-4:30) as well as Saturday school (8:0011:00). I have sent home permission slips for tutoring to those who need it. As
always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank
Important Reminders:
Progress reports January 27, 2016
Early release 11:30 January 27, 2016
Benchmark coming up soon dates to be announced
Tutoring begins Tuesday January 26, 2016
Mrs. Chacon