CS 472 Network and Systems Security Fall 2003 Final Exam Time 2 & 1/2 hours Open Book & Notes Name: Login: A total of 10 questions, each question is assigned 10 points. Please be brief and try not to exceed the space allocated for each answer. 1 1) Given a public key <5,133>, p = 7 and q =19. Show that <65, 133> is a possible corresponding private key. 2) Assume we have a public key e=<3,10> and its corresponding private key d= <7,10>. Given a message m = 7, what are the values of: i. {m} e ii. [m] d 2 3) Calculate the value of 813 mod 100 without using a calculator. 4) Consider Diffie-Hellman with p=7 and g=5. Assume Alice picket 3 as her random number while Bob picked 4 as his random number. What is the value of the shared secret between Alice and Bob following the Diffie-Hellman message exchange? 3 5) Compare the advantage and disadvantage of storing user passwords at the server as: i. Encrypted using the server password. ii. As message digests. 6) Assume a server has a password file containing the hash of 1000 user passwords. Assume that a person has access to dictionary containing 100,000 possible passwords. How many hash operations are required to perform a dictionary attack on such password file if: i. The server is not using a salt. ii. The server is using a salt. 4 7) Briefly Describe: i. The “difference” and “similarity” between KDC and CA. ii. The role of nonce in security protocols. iii. The purpose of the six keys used during an SSL session. 5 8) A. How to establish a session key between Alice and Bob using: i. Public key cryptography. ii. Secret key cryptography. B. In sending signed-encrypted mail using openssl SMIME explain why the sender should have access to: i. The sender’s private key. ii. The recipient’s certificate. 6 9) A. Which protocol to use by Alice and Bob for mutual authentication that have the following property: i. The least number of exchanged messages. ii. The most number of exchanged messages. B. In Kerberos: i. Is it possible for Alice to see the content of the ticket to Bob? ii. How Alice and Bob can mutually authenticate each other? iii. List three major differences between Version 4 and Version 5. 7 10 ) The following are the listings of certificate request and a signed certificate. Certificate Request: Data: Version: 0 (0x0) Subject: C=US, ST=Virginia, L=Norfolk, O=ODU, CN=Andrew/Email=agood@cs.odu.edu Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) Modulus (1024 bit): 00:b5:ba:aa:1e:7f:71:0d:41:15:98:b5:d7:0f:c8: 29:59:36:10:a1:e0:1f:5d:c7:b5:b0:a0:d8:b2:30: 51:a9:24:e3:bb:a4:0c:6f:f8:ab:f5:9b:e0:a0:75: 6c:96:ec:12:e6:1d:90:bf:d9:50:93:5b:b7:0b:84: bf:8d:64:f0:94:17:e2:ab:f4:02:5e:ec:52:e1:83: f3:50:29:a5:da:33:5f:95:de:9d:e3:2f:af:4b:5c: d2:c8:e4:c6:f9:e0:7d:43:ff:bb:ab:96:7c:5a:ac: b4:4e:43:db:40:cb:73:7c:47:f3:1d:b6:30:8f:a0: 1c:88:61:2b:e3:76:c8:0c:79 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption 2a:84:f3:d3:ed:aa:b0:97:7f:22:02:ac:ec:bb:dd:8c:55:bc: 66:81:2c:81:cf:9a:17:da:a8:7e:17:bd:6f:7e:28:f0:9a:43: fe:d2:98:8d:c7:ca:00:3e:3f:fc:2e:34:b0:73:49:80:62:3f: fa:c3:14:e4:b1:08:86:3e:ad:3e:d5:cf:1b:c0:e4:b7:0f:99: 0e:32:da:59:ec:09:b5:16:eb:61:4d:7a:68:09:e0:60:b7:a7: 36:58:7c:a9:b0:10:2e:ad:41:1f:76:3f:82:98:ff:a4:2e:bc: 47:ff:93:1e:a3:53:cf:b2:b4:3d:0a:8f:0a:c8:1a:e4:33:37: e0:34 Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 2 (0x2) Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption Issuer: CN=Dr. Wahab, ST=Virginia, C=US/Email=wahab@cs.odu.edu,O=Old Dominion University Validity Not Before: Oct 28 02:21:18 2003 GMT Not After : Oct 27 02:21:18 2004 GMT Subject: CN=Andrew, ST=Virginia, C=US/Email=agood@cs.odu.edu, O=ODU Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) Modulus (1024 bit): 00:b5:ba:aa:1e:7f:71:0d:41:15:98:b5:d7:0f:c8: 29:59:36:10:a1:e0:1f:5d:c7:b5:b0:a0:d8:b2:30: 51:a9:24:e3:bb:a4:0c:6f:f8:ab:f5:9b:e0:a0:75: 6c:96:ec:12:e6:1d:90:bf:d9:50:93:5b:b7:0b:84: bf:8d:64:f0:94:17:e2:ab:f4:02:5e:ec:52:e1:83: f3:50:29:a5:da:33:5f:95:de:9d:e3:2f:af:4b:5c: d2:c8:e4:c6:f9:e0:7d:43:ff:bb:ab:96:7c:5a:ac: b4:4e:43:db:40:cb:73:7c:47:f3:1d:b6:30:8f:a0: 1c:88:61:2b:e3:76:c8:0c:79 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption 47:da:6f:44:3f:a3:f4:09:6e:8c:a2:0b:e8:a3:2d:f9:69:89: 12:55:9a:ae:1a:c3:43:34:b3:1e:66:fa:34:ae:07:9a:48:2a: 5f:aa:74:5c:0a:ff:e4:1a:17:a3:43:44:da:9a:96:a5:8f:86: 9e:99:f9:9a:e1:99:68:fc:aa:3b:1d:7b:9a:1b:71:c3:45:a4: 39:05:96:2a:16:47:f9:2d:9b:8f:ae:5c:e0:89:0a:f5:ca:88: 8 56:23:3a:0e:f7:99:8d:a4:ec:df:76:e6:67:5c:60:28:4a:c2: 0a:ce:a2:85:ea:86:ad:6b:8a:5f:77:37:64:d7:a9:9b:0b:06: 5b:97 9 i. Who is the requester? ii. Who is the Certificate Authority? iii. What are the algorithms used for generating the signatures? iv. For how many days the certificate is valid? v. Why the public key <e, n> are the same in both the request and the certificate? vi. What is the value of e of the public key <e, n>? vii. Why the signatures are different in both the request and the certificate? 10