Mrs. Garcia’s Class 1. hope 8. quote 2. nose

Mrs. Garcia’s Class
Nov.30-Dec. 4, 2015
1. hope
8. quote
2. nose
9. old
3. note
10. new
4. rope
11. make
5. cute
12. like
6. cube
7. close
1. resourceful
2. inspire
Practice word wave on a daily basis.
Study spelling words Monday-Thursday
Read everyday for 15 minutes
All spelling words and sentences will be
done in Homework Composition book
Spelling Connections
Write spelling words 2 times each.
Write 2 Sentences using one or more spelling word.
Spelling Connections
Drops in the bucket- Math
Write 2 sentences using one or more spelling word.
Spelling Connections
Drops in the bucket-ELAR
Write 2 sentences using one or more spelling word.
Spelling Connections
Write 2 sentences using one or more spelling word.
Turn in homework
3. hobby
Santa Pictures are being sold by the front office. Pictures will be taken December 10,
2015. If you would like to purchase please stop by the front office.
We will be having our Christmas celebration December 18, 2015. I am asking all students
to bring a wrapped gift for $5.00. Please do not send a gift less or more than $5.00. All
boys will bring a wrapped boy gift and all girls will bring a girl wrapped gift. Please let me
know ahead of time if your child is not going to participate to make necessary
arrangments for them during the gift exchange. Dec.18 will also be an Early Release Day.