

115 East Upland Road

Ithaca, New York 14850

(607) 257-5455


Ph.D., 1985, Developmental Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca NY.

B.A., 1977, Social Science, Residential College, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.


Project Director, Family Life Development Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (9/97--present)

Currently serve as Project Director and Principal Investigator for Assets Coming Together (ACT) for Youth Center of

Excellence, a NYS Department of Health Initiative that promotes the health and wellbeing of adolescents in New York State.

Write proposals, negotiate grants and contracts to build, support, and expand youth development research, training and outreach. Develop and implement evaluation plans for comprehensive community initiatives that promote youth development and community change. Work closely with policy and decision makers in state government to advance statewide youth development agenda.

Visiting Research Scholar, Hebrew University School of Social Work, Jerusalem Israel (8/96-8/97).

Project Director, Prenatal/Early Infancy Project: Adolescent Follow-up, Family Life Development Center, Cornell

University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (8/93- 8/96)

Direct field work and oversee data collection for an NIMH sponsored study examining the long-term effects of a prenatal/early infancy nurse home visitation program on a sample of 350 families. Responsibilities include ensuring that all project data are collected in a timely and reliable manner; planning project activity, developing research instruments and protocols; managing the field office in Elmira; supervising and training interviewers and coding staff; initiating and monitoring agreements with social services and schools for securing access to students and records; developing quality control protocols for interview and record data; monitoring tracking of respondents for the purpose of securing current addresses; collaborating with the University of Rochester in constructing data files and in conducting data analyses; disseminating data from the project.

Project Director, National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect, Family Life Development Center, Cornell University,

Ithaca, NY 14853 (10/88- 8/93)

Develop, implement and manage the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect, a centralized facility which makes available readily accessible, computerized data sets for secondary analysis. Coordinate administration of Archive with

Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research; identify and acquire data sets for Archive; communicate with principal investigators regarding data set acquisition; monitor transformation of data sets; develop supporting materials and documentation; handle user requests; coordinate technical assistance; develop strategies for disseminating information about

Archive; make presentations at national conferences; organize research meetings and Summer Research Institute.

Program Manager for Evaluation and Research, Child Protective Services Training Institute, Family Life Development

Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (9/90-6/93)

Plan, implement, and supervise the delivery of the evaluation for child protective and residential child care services training programs within the Institute. Develop all evaluation methodologies, materials, and research instruments. Supervise data collection, data processing, data management, and data analyses. Oversee research activities within the Institute.

Communicate evaluation results to the New York State Department of Social Services. Prepare all quarterly and final program reports.


Research Coordinator, Human Development and Family Studies, Family Life Development Center, Cornell University,

Ithaca, NY 14853 (11/85-8/88).

Direct research activities for STAR (Statewide Teamwork for Abused Runaways), a federal research and demonstration project. Responsible for design, instrument development, implementation, data collection, and data analyses for three separate studies: 1) a statewide survey which described the nature of maltreatment among runaway and homeless youth; 2) a follow-up that explored what happens to youth once they leave runaway and homeless youth programs; 3) an in-depth qualitative study examining the impact of maltreatment on the lives of runaway and homeless youth. Developed evaluation instruments and evaluated all training and interagency coordination activities. Wrote and delivered papers for journals and conferences; wrote quarterly reports submitted to the federal government.

Project Director, Human Development and Family Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (1/85-9/86).

Managed the day-to-day operations of a major project investigating the reporting and substantiation of child maltreatment in

NY state; developed research procedures and data collection instruments; trained project staff at the State Central Register

(SCR) in Albany to sample and code maltreatment reports; supervised all data collection activities; served as liaison between the SCR and Cornell project staff; oversaw data entry and data management activities; responsible for cleaning data, constructing computer files, and conducting data analyses; wrote and delivered papers for journals and conferences, and assisted PI in disseminating the study's findings; coordinated meetings for project Advisory Committee.

Assistant Director of Admissions for Research and Information Systems, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY 14850 (9/83-1/85).

Provided research and information for the Office of Admissions including statistical analyses, data-based marketing strategies and projections of new student enrollments; evaluated cost-effectiveness of all admissions activities; supervised admissions computing operations; coordinated processing activities and projects requiring the support of Systems and Data

Processing; managed data entry and reporting activities to ensure admissions data base integrity; conducted large survey research project which examined college selection behavior; served as liaison with Systems and Data Processing,

Institutional Research and Planning, and Financial Aid; assisted in the selection and recruitment of applicants to the college.

Instructor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Cornell University, (Summer 1982).

Taught "Adolescence and Youth," an introductory undergraduate course covering major theoretical and empirical findings in the area of adolescence and human development.



Powers, J. and Jaklitsch, B. (1989) Understanding Survivors of Abuse: Stories of Homeless and Runaway Adolescents

Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts.


Garbarino, J., Eckenrode, J., and Powers, J. (1997) The maltreatment of youth. In J. Garbarino and J. Eckenrode (Eds.),

Understanding Abusive Families . (2nd ed.) San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.

Eckenrode, J., Powers, J., and Garbarino, J. (1997) Youth in trouble are youth who have been hurt. In J. Garbarino and J.

Eckenrode (Eds.), Understanding Abusive Families . (2nd ed.) San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.

Powers, J. and Jaklitsch, B. (1992)Adolescence and Homelessness: The Unique Challenge for Secondary Educators, in J.

Stronge, Ed. Educating Homeless Children and Adolescents: Evaluating Policy and Practice . CA: Sage Publications.

Powers, J., Jaklitsch, B., and Eckenrode, J. (1989) Behavioral Indicators of Maltreatment Among Runaway and Homeless

Youth. In J.T. Pardeck (ed.) Child Abuse and Neglect: Theory, Research, and Practice . London: Gordon and Breach

Science Publishers.



Eckenrode, J, Campa, M., Cole, R., Kitzman, H., Anson, E., Sidora, K., Luckey, D., Powers, J., Henderson, C., Olds, D.

(2010) Long-Term Effects of Prenatal and Infancy Nurse Home Visitation on the Life-Course of Youth: 19-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Trial. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine ; 164(1): 9-15.

Whitlock, J. and Powers, J. Places to Be and to Belong: Youth Perceptions of Life in Community, The Prevention

Researcher , Vol 15 No. 2, April 2008.

Whitlock, J., Powers, J., and Eckenrode, J (2006) The Virtual Cutting Edge: The Internet and Adolescent Self Injury.

Developmental Psychology, 42(3):1-11.

Powers, J. and Tiffany, J. (2006) Engaging youth in participatory research and evaluation. Journal of Public Health

Management and Practice, November Supplement, p 68-76.

Eckenrode, J., Zielinski, D., Smith, El., Marcynszyn, L., Henderson, C., Kitzman, H., Cole, R., Powers, J., and Olds, D.

“Child Maltreatment and the early onset of problem behaviors: Can a program of nurse home visitation break the link?”

Development and Psychopathology , 13 (2001), 873-890.

Eckenrode, J., Ganzel, B., Henderson, C., Smith, E., Olds, D., Powers, J., Cole, R., Kitzman, H., and Sidora, K. Preventing

Child Abuse and Neglect with a Program of Nurse Home Visitation: The Limiting Effects of Domestic Violence, , Journal of the American Medical Association , September 20, 2000, Vol 284, No. 11.

Olds, D., Henderson, C., Cole, R., Eckenrode, J., Kitzman, H., Luckey, D., Pettitt, L., Sidora, K., Morris, P., Powers, J. Longterm Effects of Nurse Home visitation on Children's Criminal and Antisocial Behavior: 15-Year Follow-up of a Randomized

Controlled Trial, Journal of the American Medical Association , October 14, 1998, Vol 280, No. 14.

Olds, D., Pettitt, L., Robinson, J., Henderson, C., Eckenrode, J., Kitzman, H., Cole R., & Powers, J. (1998) Reducing risks for antisocial behavior with a program of prenatal and early childhood home visitation . Journal of Community Psychology ,


Olds, D., Eckenrode, J., Henderson, C., Kitzman, H., Powers, J., Cole, R., Sidora, K., Morris, P., Pettit, L., Luckey, D. (1997)

Long-term effects of home visitation on maternal life course and child abuse and neglect: Fifteen-year follow-up of a randomized trial, Journal of the American Medical Association , 278(8):637-643.

Powers, J., and Ben-Arieh, A. (1997) Home Visiting Programs in Israel: A cross-Cultural Perspective. Family

Futures ,1(3):23-28.

Cappelleri, J., Eckenrode, J. , & Powers, J. (1993) The epidemiology of sexual abuse and physical abuse: Findings from the second national incidence study, American Journal of Public Health. 83 (11):1622-1624.

Powers, J. and Jaklitsch, B. (1993) Reaching the unreachable: Educating homeless adolescents in urban settings, Education and Urban Society , 25 (4):394-409.

Holden, M. and Powers, J. (1993) Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems , 2 (1):49-


Hamilton, S. and Powers, J. (1990) Failed expectations: Working-class girls' transition from school to work, Youth and

Society , 22 (2):241-262.

Powers, J., Mooney, A. and Nunno, M. (1990) Institutional Abuse: A review of the literature, Journal of Child Care , 4 (6):


Powers, J., Eckenrode, J. and Jaklitsch, B. (1990) Maltreatment Among Runaway and Homeless Youth, Child Abuse and

Neglect: The International Journal 14 : 87-98.

Powers, J. (1990) Survivors of abuse tell their stories, Human Ecology Forum 18 (2): 8-11.


Powers, J., Jaklitsch, B., and Eckenrode, J. (1989) Behavioral Characteristics of Maltreatment Among Runaway and

Homeless Youth, Early Child Development and Care , 42 : 127-139.

Eckenrode, J., Powers, J., Doris, J., Munsch, J., and Bolger, N. (1988) Substantiation of Child Abuse and Neglect Reports,

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,56 (1) : 9-16.

Powers, J. and Eckenrode, J. (1988) The Maltreatment of Adolescents, Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal

, 12 :189-199.

Eckenrode, J., Munsch, J., Powers, J., and Doris, J. (1988) The Nature and Substantiation of Official Reports of Sexual

Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal, 12 : 311-319.


Powers, J., Zeldin, S., Christens, B., and Collura, J. Youth Adult Partnerships: From Theory to Practice to Impact, Paper session presented at the Children, Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR)Conference , San Francisco, CA , 5/5/10.

Powers, J. Enhancing Program Quality Through Engaging Youth in Evaluation, American Evaluation Association

Conference, San Antonio, TX, 11/10/10.

Powers, J. Evaluating Technical Assistance: ACT for Youth Strategies. American Evaluation Association Conference, San

Antonio, TX, 11/10/10.

Powers, J., Kreipe, R., and Mesler, K. ACT for Youth in NYS, Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs Annual

Meeting, Washington, DC, 2/6/11.

Powers, J and Kreipe, R. Youth Development in ACTion, a half-day Institute presented at the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, March 29, 2011.

Powers, J. “What NYS Youth Say About Sexual Health: Implications for Planning Reproductive Health Programs”

Presented at the Region II Infertility Prevention Project Meeting, 5/13/09, New York City.

Powers, J. “Using a Participatory Approach to Understand Youth Homelessness and Create Community Change” Presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Denver, CO, 11/6/08.

Powers, J. and Purington, M. “Using Self Assessment Data for Program Development Dialogues: Lessons Learned from

ACT for Youth” Presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Denver, CO, 11/6/08 .

Powers, J. “Engaging Youth as Research Partners to Understand the Scope and Nature of Youth Homelessness” Presented at the Annual Conference Association of New York State Youth Bureaus, Syracuse, NY, 10/27/08

Powers, J. “Promoting Youth Participation in Communities and Organizations Through the ACT for Youth Initiative” presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Meeting, Chicago, IL, 3/8/08.

Powers, J. and Petrokubi, J. "Making Quality Youth Participation an Organizational Priority," presented at the Children

Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 5/2/07

Powers, J., Kreipe, R., Jalloh, M., and Whitlock, J. "Implementing a Statewide Youth Development Initiative," presented at the Search Institute Annual Conference, Rochester, NY 11/8/07

Powers, J. "Adolescent Self Injury and the Internet", presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 3/23/06, San

Francisco CA

Powers, J. "Implementing and Evaluating a Statewide Youth Development Initiative: Lessons Learned from ACT for

Youth", presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 3/24/06, San Francisco CA


Powers, J. "Fostering Resiliency in Adolescents", presented at the Juvenile Detention Association of NYS conference,

10/3/06, Syracuse, New York

Powers, J. "Understanding Youth Homelessness Using a Participatory Approach", presented at the American Public Health

Association Meeting, Boston, MA, 11/8/06

Powers, J. Bullying: What we Know, What we Can Do about it, all day workshop presented to Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Council of Delaware County, 5/3/05, Delhi, NY

Powers, J. and Jaklitsch, B. Fostering Resiliency in Children and Youth, all day workshop presented to Broome County

Children & Youth Services Council, 5/16/05, Binghamton, NY

Powers, J. and Zeldin, S. Assessing and Improving Youth Programs: The Youth and Adult Leaders for Program Excellence

Resource Kit, workshop presented at the Children, Youth and Families at Risk Program Conference, 5/26/05, Boston, MA

Powers, J. Communities as Contexts for Adolescent Development, a paper presented at the Society for the Study of Human

Development Conference, 10/28/05, Asilomar, CA

Mobilizing Communities: Lessons Learned from ACT for Youth, a workshop presented at the New York State Summit on

Suicide Prevention, 11/14/05, Saratoga Springs, NY

Demonstrating Program Effectiveness, presented at the Forming Links to Align Support-Services and Healthcare for

Pregnant Women and Families 3 rd annual conference, 3/10/06, Owego, NY

Powers, J. (chair and presenter) Engaging Adolescents as Researchers: Opportunities, Obstacles, and Innovation . An

Innovative Session presented at the Society for Research on Adolescents, March 13, 2004

Powers, J. and Ryan, S. Not about us without us: Incorporating Positive Youth Development and Youth Voice into Effective

Programming and services for Youth , Presented at Society for Adolescent Medicine, 3/24/04, St. Louis, MO

Powers, J and Jaklitsch, B. Fostering Resiliency in Youth , Prevent Child Abuse NYS Conference, Albany, NY April 20, 2004

Powers, J. and Thomas, M. An introduction to Second Step: Preventing Violence by Increasing Children’s Social

Competence , Prevent Child Abuse NYS Conference, Albany, NY April 20, 2004

Powers, J. Engaging Youth as Research Partners . Presented at Children, Youth and Families at Risk Program (CYFAR)

Annual Conference, 5/12/04, Seattle WA

Powers, J. A participatory approach to studying youth homelessness , The Strength of Diversity: Building Inclusive

Organizations and Outreach Conference, Syracuse, NY, November 10, 2004.

Powers, J. Engaging Youth as Research Partners . Presented at Children, Youth and Families at Risk Program (CYFAR)

Annual Conference, May 12, 2004, Seattle WA

Powers, J. and Ryan, S. Not about us without us: Incorporating Positive Youth Development and Youth Voice into Effective

Programming and services for Youth , Presented at Society for Adolescent Medicine, March 24, 2004, St. Louise, MO

Powers, J., Wade, N., Kreipe, R, and Ryan, S. Positive Youth Development: Mobilizing Communities to Improve Adolescent

Health . Presented at the Building Bridges: From Research to Practice Federal State Partnership Meeting, Alexandria VA,

October 20, 2003

Powers, J. Youth Evaluators Promote Organizational Change , Presented at the ACCEE Conference, October 16, 2003,

Kerplink, NY

Powers, J, Kreipe, R., Ryan, S. and Klein, J. Supporting and Evaluating Coalitions to Promote Positive Youth Developmen t,

Presented March 10, 2003 at AMCHP Annual Conference, Arlington, VA,


Powers, J. Forming Partnerships to Promote Positive Youth Development and Community Change: the NYS ACT for Youth

Initiative , Presented at 14 th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, April 4, 2003, St. Louis, MO

Powers, J. Evaluation that Benefits Programs and the Youth Served , NYSDOH Providers Meeting, Albany NY, June 5 and

6, 2003, Albany NY

Powers, J. and Goggin, S. Youth Voice Efforts in New York State: What leads to youth involvement?

(Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, April 13. 2002, New Orleans, LA).

Powers, J. Bullying: What we know and how we can prevent it (Presented at the Prevent Child Abuse NYS Annual

Conference, Albany, NY April 1, 2001).

Powers, J. Recognizing Bullying as Abuse: Strategies for Intervention (Preventing Tomorrow's Problems Today: NYS

Corrections Annual Conference, Elmira, NY, April 19, 2001)

Powers, J. and Dotterweich, J. Strengthening Communities to Prevent Child Abuse: Two Community Development Strategies

(Presented at the National Child Abuse Conference, Albequerque, NM, April, 2001)

Powers, J. and Thomas, M. Bullying: What we know and what we can do about it.

(Presented at Parson’s/SUNY Empire

College 35 th Annual Fall Institute, Albany, October 12, 2001)

Powers, J. Bullying Prevention Strategies (Presented at the Association of New York State Youth Bureaus, 31 th Annual

Conference, Chautauqua, NY , October 16, 2001)

Powers, J. and Goggin, S. Youth Voice in New York State: Preliminary Results from a Profile Study (Presented at the

Association of New York State Youth Bureaus, 31 th Annual Conference, Chautauqua, New York, October 16, 2001).

Powers, J. and Dotterweich, J. Principles of Youth Development (Presented at the Coordinated Children’s Services Initiative

Biannual Conference, Albany, NY, November, 11, 2001)

Powers, J. and Bedard, C . Interviewing Adolescents: Lessons Learned from the Youth Violence Project (Presented at the 4 th

Annual NYS Child Abuse Prevention Conference, April 1999)

Eckenrode, J., and Powers, J. Long-term effects of a Nurse Home Visitation Program on Child Abuse and Neglect: Findings from the Prenatal Early Infancy Project (Presented at the 4 th Annual NYS Child Abuse Prevention Conference, 1999)

Powers, J., Hanna, T.., and Forbes, D . Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome: Lessons Learned from Evaluation (Presented at the 12 th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Cincinnatti, OH, November 1998)

Powers, J., Hanna, T.., and Forbes, D. Shaken Baby Syndrom Evaluation , (Presented at the Second National Conference on

Shaken Baby Syndrome, Salt Lake City Utah, September 1998)

Powers, J., Hanna, T., and Forbes, D. Evaluation of a Public Awareness Campaign to Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome

(Presented at Army Family Adovcacy Program Worldwide Conference, Salt Lake City Utah, July 1998)

Powers, J. The Contribution of Ongoing contacts with Young Mothers to the Avoidance of Child Abuse and Neglect: Findings from a Longitudinal Study (Invited keynote at the National of Conference of Nurses, July 1997, Tel Aviv, Israel)

Eckenrode, J., Powers, J., Olds, D., Kitzman, H., Cole, R. Long term effects of early home visitation on rates of state-verified cases of child abuse and neglect.

(Presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, May 1996, Washington,


Olds, D., Kitzman, H., Cole, R., Eckenrode, J., Powers, J., Henderson, C. Long term effects of early home visitation on mother's use of welfare and rates of subsequent births.

(Presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, May

1996, Washington, DC)


Powers, J., Bolger, K., Morris, P., Eckenrode. Preliminary Findings from the Prenatal Early Infancy Project: Adolescent

Problem Behavior (Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, March 1996, Boston).

Morris, P., Powers, J., Eckenrode, J., Bolger, K. Parenting behavior and adolescent functioning: Preliminary findings from the Prenatal Early Infancy Project (Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, March 1996, Boston).

Powers, J., Eckenrode, J., and Olds, D. The Prenatal Early Infancy Project Adolescent Follow up: A Status Report

(Presented at the San Diego Conference on Responding to Child Maltreatment, January 1995).

Munsch, J., Powers, J., and Eckenrode, J. Substantiation of Reports from Non-mandated reporters (Presented at the San

Diego Conference on Responding to Child Maltreatment, January 1995).

Powers, J. and Eckenrode, J. The National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect as a Resource for Researchers

(Presented at the Ninth International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Chicago, IL, August 1992).

Powers, J. and Eckenrode, J. The epidemiology of adolescent maltreatment (Presented at the Fourth Biennial Society for

Research on Adolescence Conference, March 1992, Washington, DC)

Powers, J. and Eckenrode, J. Estimating the scope of adolescent maltreatment with the Second National Incidence Study

(Presented at the Second Annual Interdisciplinary Research Symposium on Child Abuse and Neglect, Temple University,

Philadelphia, PA, October 1991).

Powers, J. , Eckenrode, J. and Cappelleri, J. Adolescent Maltreatment: Findings from the second national incidence study

(Presented at the Ninth National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, September 1991, Denver, CO).

Cappelleri, J., Eckenrode, J., and Powers, J. Working with the second national incidence study . (Workshop presented at the

Ninth National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Denver, CO, 1991).

Eckenrode, J. and Powers, J. Sharing Data: The National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect . ( Workshop presented at the 1991 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, April 1991, Seattle WA).

Powers, J. and Eckenrode, J. Alternative data sources: The National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (Presented at the sixteenth annual conference of the International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology,

June 1990, Poughkeepsie, NY).

Powers, J. and Eckenrode, J. The impact of maltreatment on homeless and runaway adolescents (Presented at the sixth biennial National Symposium on Child Victimization, April 1990, Atlanta, GA).

Powers, J. and Eckenrode, J. Preserving and Disseminating Data: The National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect

(Presented at the sixth biennial National Symposium on Child Victimization, April 1990, Atlanta, GA).

Eckenrode, J. and Powers, J. The National Archive for Data on Child Abuse and Neglect (Presented at the Eighth National

Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, October 1989, Salt Lake City, Utah).

Powers, J., Jaklitsch, B. and Eckenrode, J. Identifying maltreatment among runaway and homeless youth (Presented at the

Sixth National Conference on Research Demonstration and Evaluation in Public Human Services, June, 1988, Washington,


Powers, J. and Jaklitsch, B. Abused Runaway Survivors: Themes from the Life Histories Project (Plenary Session presented at the Regional Conference for the New England Consortium for Families and Youth, June ,1988, Fairlee, Vermont).

Powers, J., Jaklitsch, B. and Eckenrode, J. Behavioral indicators of maltreatment among runaway and homeless youth

(Presented at the National Symposium on Child Victimization, April 1988, Anaheim, CA).


Powers, J. , Eckenrode, J., and Jaklitsch, B. Running away from home: A response to adolescent maltreatment (Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, March 1988, Alexandria, Virginia).

Eckenrode, J., Munsch, J., Powers, J., and Doris, J. The substantiation of sexual abuse reports (Presented at the Third

Annual National Family Violence Research Conference, July 1987, Durham, NH).

Powers, J. and Eckenrode, J. The substantiation of adolescent maltreatment reports (Presented at the Third Annual National

Family Violence Research Conference, July 1987, Durham, NH).

Powers, J. and Eckenrode, J. The maltreatment of runaway and homeless youth (Presented at the Third Annual National

Family Violence Research Conference, July 1987, Durham, NH).

Eckenrode, J., Levine-Powers, J. and Doris, J. The substantiation of child maltreatment reports (Presented at the Fifteenth

Annual Child Abuse and Neglect Symposium, May 1986, Keystone, Colorado).

Levine, Jane A. The transition from school to work for non-college bound teenagers (Presented at the Second Conference on Critical Social Issues, April 1986, Lehman College, NY).

Levine, Jane A. The impact of early work experience on the vocational development of young women workers (Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, March 1986, Madison, Wisconsin).


Married to David S. Powers, Professor of Arabic Studies & Islamic History, Cornell University

Children: Kate (25), Sarah (23), and Andrew (18)

