Current Events Articles

Current Events Articles
Throughout the year you will be expected to keep apprised of current world events.
These are ways for you to learn more about the regions that we study. This is also
an important way to help you develop skills related to citing articles, developing
main ideas with supporting evidence, analyzing bias and point of view, and applying
geographic concepts to readings.
1. This nine weeks, you will complete one current event. For the rest of the
year, you are required to complete two current events per nine weeks. Due
dates are provided in class.
2. Each current events article counts as a daily grade.
3. The articles that you review must be at least 4 good paragraphs in length (or,
at least 16 sentences).
4. Each article must come from a reputable source, such as newspapers (the
New York Times, the London Times, the Washington Post, etc.) one of the
major network news divisions (ABC News, the BBC, CNN, etc.), or magazines
(National Geographic, the Economist, U.S. News & World Report, etc.).
a. Links for many good news sources are on the Links page of my
b. Note: some of the sources do require free site registration; get
permission from your parents or guardians before you register.
5. You will need to attach a hardcopy of your article (you may print these from
websites of the above mentioned sources) to the review form (which is
located on my website; I am providing the first form).
a. You may complete a review on notebook paper, so long as you follow
the required format.
b. Note #1: A 20 point deduction could take place for missing articles.
Article Review Form
Author (if no author, list news service, such as AP or
Location/Country(ies) involved:____________________________________________
Briefly state the main idea of this article in your own words in COMPLETE
List three important facts in your own words that the author uses to support
the main idea in COMPLETE SENTENCES:____________________________________
What information or ideas discussed in this article are related to information
previously read or discussed in class? This means that you are looking for
how to apply geographic concepts. Answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES:
List any examples of bias or point of view that you found in the article in your
won words, and explain why they are examples of bias or point of view; in
COMPLETE SENTECES:____________________________________________________________
List any new terms/concepts that were discussed in the article, and write a
short definition of each in your own words (in COMPLETE