(September 17, 2010)
ARTICLE III Membership
ARTICLE V Meetings
ARTICLE VI Dues and Finances
ARTICLE VII Committees
ARTICLE VIII Dissolution
ARTICLE X Amendment
The name or this organization is the McGill University Student Chapter of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T).
ARTICLE II – Purpose
The purpose of the Student Chapter is to provide an organization through which student
members within the McGill University School of Information Studies community may
participate in and carry forward the programs and purposes of ASIS&T. The Student
Chapter shall promote the interests of the Society and its programs, including every
reasonable effort to involve students of information science who are located within its
ARTICLE III – Membership
Section 1. All student members of ASIS&T whose academic affiliations are within the
community established by these Bylaws shall automatically be members of the Student
Section 2. In addition to Student Members, the Student Chapter must include one
Regular Member of ASIS&T who shall serve as Advisor, but who shall not hold a vote in
the Student Chapter.
Section 3. All members of the Student Chapter shall receive Student Chapter publications
and official notice of Student Chapter meetings.
Section 4. Only Student Members may vote on any question submitted to the Student
Chapter at a meeting (or by mail/email) and only they may serve as officers.
Section 5. A Student Chapter Member whose membership in ASIS&T has been
terminated shall no longer be a Student Chapter Member.
ARTICLE IV - Officers
Section 1. The Officers of a Student Chapter shall include, inter alia, a presiding Officer
to be known as the Student Chapter Chair, a Chair-elect, and a Secretary-Treasurer, and a
Webmaster. Chapter Officers shall serve for one Administrative Year. The Student
Chapter Officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The Student Chapter Chair shall see that an annual financial report of the
Student Chapter, as part of the annual report, is filed with the Headquarters within thirty
days of the close of the ASIS&T fiscal year.
Section 3. The Student Chapter Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Executive
Committee. The Chair shall appoint the Chairs and Officers of all committees, subject to
the provisions of these Bylaws, and subject also to the consent of the Executive
Section 4. The Chair-Elect shall actively assist the Chair, shall preside at Executive
Committee or Student Chapter meetings in the absence of the Chair, and shall
automatically succeed to the Office of Chair upon completion of the Chair's term, or upon
the death or resignation of the Chair.
Section 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall carry out the customary functions of these
offices and shall execute the decisions and policies of the Executive Committee.
Section 6. The webmaster shall carry out the functions of designing, creating and
implementing a Student Chapter website.
Section 7. The Officers of the Student Chapter must be Student Members. They shall be
elected by a plurality of members present and voting at a Student Meeting or by
mail/email ballot. The report and recommendations of the Nominating Committee shall
be distributed to all voting members of the Student Chapter with a ballot or with a notice
of the Student Chapter meeting at which a vote is taken. Additional nominations may be
submitted in writing or via email or made from the floor.
Section 8. In the event of the death or resignation of an elected Student Chapter Officer
other than the Chair, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member to serve until the
next election.
ARTICLE V - Meetings
The Executive Committee shall provide for an Annual Business Meeting. The Annual
Business Meeting shall not occur within fifteen days of the ASIS&T Annual Meeting.
Written notice of the Annual Business Meeting shall be distributed to all members of the
Chapter not fewer than 30 days before the date of the meeting. Special business meetings
of the Chapter may be held at such times and places as the Executive Committee may
determine, upon 15 days prior notice to the members.
ARTICLE VI - Dues and Finances
Section 1. All Student Chapter dues and assessments shall be set by two-thirds of the
members present and voting at an annual meeting or voting by mail/email ballot,
becoming effective the next succeeding January 1. Student Chapter dues may be assessed
against any ASIS&T member who is a Student Chapter Member, but non-payment of
such dues shall not deny such member the privileges of Student Chapter membership,
except that the Student Chapter shall withhold the privilege of voting and holding office
for nonpayment of such dues.
Section 2. The Student Chapter may collect monies from persons and institutions who are
not members of the Society to place them on a mailing list for meeting notices and other
mailings, but such persons and institutions shall have no vote in Student Chapter
meetings or in mail/email balloting.
Section 3. The fiscal year for the Chapter shall be in conformity with the fiscal year of
Section 4. The Executive Director of ASIS&T must be a signatory on all Chapter
ARTICLE VII – Committees
Section 1. The Executive Committee of the Student Chapter shall consist of the Chapter
Officers. The Executive Committee shall conduct and manage the affairs of the Student
Chapter, subject to these Bylaws, and shall possess all powers necessary or incidental to
that purpose, including the right to appropriate and expend Student Chapter funds.
Section 2. The standing committees of Student Chapters shall include a Nominating
Committee and such other standing committees as the Executive Committee or the
membership may determine.
Section 3. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chair and two Student Chapter
members, designated by the Student Chapter Chair. This Committee shall present a list of
nominees to the members of the Chapter, as provided in Article IV, Section 7. The
Nominating Committee, at its discretion, may present more than one candidate for any
one office.
ARTICLE VIII – Dissolution
The Student Chapter retains its charter at the discretion of the ASIS&T Board of
Directors. In the event of dissolution of the Student Chapter, the assets of the Student
Chapter shall, after satisfaction of all just liabilities and obligations thereof, be paid into
the general treasury of ASIS&T.
For matters not covered under these bylaws, the ASIS&T Bylaws will be followed.
ARTICLE X – Amendment
These Bylaws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of
the Student Chapter voting on the proposed amendment. Such amendment may be
proposed by petition of a minimum of ten percent of the Student Chapter members filed
with the Chair, or by proposal of the Executive Committee of the Student Chapter or the
ASIS&T Board of Directors. Such amendment shall be voted upon by mail/email ballot
within 60 days after receipt by the Chair. The Student Chapter Secretary-Treasurer, shall
prepare and distribute via mail/email a copy of the proposed amendment together with an
invitation to vote via mail/email ballot to each voting member of the Student Chapter
setting forth a date not less than 20 nor more than 30 days from the date of the mailing of
the ballot, by which date all valid ballots which are returned are counted. No amendment
to these Bylaws may take effect unless and until it has been certified by the ASIS&T
Board of Directors as being in harmony with the Charter, Constitution, and Bylaws of
ASIS&T. If so certified, the amendment shall be effective as of the date of the next
regularly scheduled meeting of the Student Chapter.
McGill University Student Chapter
American Society for Information Science and Technology
3661 Peel Street, Montreal
Quebec H3A 1X1, Canada