2014-2015 Student Handbook Socorro Middle School

Student Handbook
Socorro Middle School
Socorro Independent School District
321 Bovee Road
El Paso, TX 79927
Lori Diaz Principal
Lorraine Vidales Assistant Principal
Luis Reyes Assistant Principal
“Pride of the Valley”
All Children can and will Learn!
It is our mission to provide a safe and welcoming environment to our schoolcommunity at Socorro Middle School so that all students have an equal opportunity
to excel both academically and in personal development. It is our goal to prepare
our students for the future world of technology and to become life-learners and
productive members of society.
Important Numbers
Main Office
Parent Center
Socorro Middle School
2014-2015 School Year
Announcements/Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge/Moment of
Announcements are at 7:45 a.m. every day. All students are to be in their
classroom and seated. Everyone in the building is expected to be attentive. The
Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Pledge, and Moment of Silence are given at the
beginning of the announcements. All students, except those whose religion
restricts their participation, are expected to stand and recite the pledges in a
respectful manner. Those who are not participating may stand. Everyone who is in
the building during this time period is asked to stop wherever they are and respect
the pledges and moment of silence.
Discipline Plan
A partnership between parents and school is critical to student success.
Communication is the key element to this success. Your child’s teacher will be
your first contact person. More serious problems may require the involvement of
an administrator. Teachers will be sending home a copy of their classroom rules
and expectations. These are individually designed by each teacher and student and
posted in his or her classroom. It is very important to talk to your child about
appropriate behavior at school. A child cannot learn if there are disruptions of any
kind in the classroom.
Violence occurs whenever anyone intentionally or unintentionally harms or
threatens to harm a person’s body, feelings, or possessions. Violence will not be
tolerated at Socorro Middle School.
General Rules of Behavior (Please Refer to Teacher’s Classroom Management
Policies for Rules and Consequences)
No littering.
Keep hands and feet to yourselves
Students must only use designated areas at all times
Students must have hall passes at all times when out of the classroom
No food or drinks are to be taken out of the cafeteria
Violence and bullying will not be tolerated; Fighting is never allowed at
school. If students are fighting, call for help. Do not become involved or
attempt to separate them.
Throwing rocks or other objects is never allowed
Horse playing and games that are deemed unsafe are prohibited
Students may play touch football only (Tripping, shoving, or tackling is not
Only those students who have a pass and are supervised by their teachers
may go into their classrooms before school, during lunch, or after school
Only the restrooms outside the cafeteria may be used during lunch
Students must not be tardy after lunch or between class periods
Cell phones are not allowed during school hours; they are to be turned off at
all times
Students may not sell any items to other students at school without
administrative permission
Students may not bring magnets to school unless requested by the teacher as
they are dangerous to the computers in class
No Electronic devices other than cell phones (No: Ipads, Iphones, Ipods,
Game Centers)
Consequences-For Office Referral
Documentation of incident
Conference with child
Parent contact and/or parent conference by teacher and/or administration
Detention during the lunch period
Parent conference with Administration
In-School suspension (SAC)
Out of School suspension
Referral to a District Alternative program (i.e., KEYS Academy)
Other punishments assigned by administration
When a child is in immediate danger to self or others, the student will be
removed from the class. This is considered an emergency.
Any verbal/written threat to kill or threats to bring weapons to school will
result in automatic removal from school. We will enforce Zero Tolerance for
any acts of violence.
In order to maximize student learning and reach their highest potential, students
must be present and on time to school every day. Attendance is taken every class
period daily. Please see to it that your child(ren) attend school daily. Incentives are
provided for students with perfect attendance each year. When a student is absent,
the student needs to bring a note, the note needs to be given to the attendance clerk
before school. The note needs to include: the student’s first and last name, date,
reason for absence, and signed by the parent or legal guardian. In order to receive
an excused absence for any other reason, the parent must personally contact one of
the campus administrators in advance of the absence to sign an attendance
agreement. When a student is absent 3 or more days in a row, a doctor’s note is
required. A student who is absent 10 or more days during a school year may be in
danger of losing credit for the year. Students who are absent from school for 10 or
more days or part of days within a six-month period in the same year, or for three
or more days or parts of days within a four-week period are subject to go to court
under TEC section 25.093 and 25.094. Your help in ensuring your child attends
school daily is greatly appreciated.
It is imperative that students arrive at school on time. Children who arrive late
disrupt the learning for the rest of the class. Being on time to school sets a pattern
of responsibility for later life. Please have your children at school by 7:37 AM
so they may get to class on time. Teachers will document each time a student is
tardy. On the third tardy, a parent contact will be required. Students with
excessive tardiness (4 or more in a 9 week period) will receive consequences. In
order to receive perfect attendance, a student cannot have any absences or tardies.
Excusing Students from School
A student is not permitted to leave school before the regular dismissal without
consent from the school administration. Parents or guardians must come to the
office to sign them out of school when leaving the campus early. Students will not
be released to relatives or friends without written permission and proof of
identification. Please limit early dismissals from school as they miss valuable
learning. Students can lose yearly credit due to lack of attendance, excessive
tardies, and excessive early dismissals. Parents who need to take children out of
school for more than one day for emergencies must contact an administrator prior
to the absence. Parents will be required to complete a form detailing this request.
Awards are given a minimum of once a year at the end of the year. Awards are
given for, outstanding achievement in academics, citizenship, and for improvement
in behavior and/or academics.
Students who participate in Literary Anthology, Math Team, Fine Arts, Science
Fair, Art Show, UIL, and/or athletics will also be honored at the end of the year.
Breakfast in the classroom is served to all students free of charge. Breakfast will
be ready to be served in the classroom from 7:37 to 7:45 each morning. In order to
qualify for free or reduced lunch, an application must be completed. A new
application must be completed each school year. Children who qualified for free or
reduced lunch in SISD the previous year will receive the same benefit during the
first 2 weeks of school. We ask that all students fill out an application, whether
they qualify or not. After that time, if a new lunch application has not been
completed, children must pay for their breakfast and lunch. Those new to the
school and district must pay for lunch until applications are approved. Applications
may be obtained in the cafeteria.
Meals may be free for eligible students. A la carte items are available.
Parents who do not wish for their child to purchase a la carte items must
notify the cashier in the cafeteria.
Students who pay for any portion of the meal and forget their lunch money will be
given an alternate meal (Peanut Butter Sandwich.) Parents may set up an account
with the cafeteria cashier. This account must always have money in it. It cannot be
used as a credit card. Parents may deposit any amount of money into the account
and as the student eats in the cafeteria, the cost will be deducted from the account.
When the student uses his/her last few dollars, the parent will be notified. Parents
may also send lunch money on a daily basis.
Students who fail to bring their meal or identification card to the cafeteria will be
sent to the end of the line. If a student has a lost, stolen, or abused meal card, the
cafeteria will issue an occurrence slip and a replacement card. One replacement
meal cards will be issued free of charge, thereafter, students will be expected to pay
$3.00 for a new meal card. Students will be charged $5.00 to replace a campus ID
card each time it is replaced. Students who share or steal meal or ID cards will
receive office referrals.
There is one counselor at Socorro Middle School; Mrs. Hilda Valles. A
Comprehensive counseling program will be followed which includes: individual,
small group counseling, and classroom presentations such as conflict resolution,
peer mediation, and career awareness.
Crossing Guards
Crossing guards will be on duty. Crossing guards are on duty from 7:00-8:00 AM
and from 3:15 – 3:45 PM. Please follow cross guard directions and always cross
the street at the crosswalks. Parents may use the area in the front of the school for
drop off or pick up.
Dismissal from School
All students will be dismissed at 3:15 PM. It is important that parents are here on
time to pick up their children or have made other arrangements. Student who are
not participating in tutoring or after school activities are to leave the campus
premises by 3:30 PM. Students who take the bus need to be in their designated area
on time.
Dress Code (A district Student Code of Conduct Handbook will be
provided to every student at the beginning of the school year)
It is our belief here at Socorro Middle School that the appearance of students has a
direct correlation with the atmosphere of good learning. It is important that
students follow the dress code in a way that will not cause disruption or
embarrassment. Students will be required to wear the school uniform;
Monday - Thursday
Pants: Blue or Khaki (No - denim, cargo, below the waist, torn, skinny type,
or excessively tight)
Tops: Uniform Logo Polo (red or baby blue) (logo not mandatory, but for
the safety of every child it is recommended that at least one polo have a
As part of our district policy, students may also wear;
Khaki pants and a white polo shirt without a school logo as an alternative
to the school uniform.
Jeans (Blue only) with…
1. Uniform Polo with school logo or
2. Any Bulldog Spirit Shirt or
3. Team Uniform Top (as permitted by coaches and on Fridays on
the day of a game only)
Students will also wear a PE uniform for physical education classes. Uniforms must
fit comfortably (not too tight or too loose), and may be over layered with other
shirts underneath the uniform shirt. Outerwear may be worn inside the building.
However, it must be worn unzipped so that the uniform shirt shows. Students may
wear shorts/skorts/skirts but of appropriate length. They must be at least the length
of the fingertips when arms are hanging down their sides. No skinny pants,
spandex, excessively tight, low rise, hip huggers, overly baggy pants, cut off shorts
or pants, are allowed. Shorts and pants must be worn at the waist or hip and remain
there with or without a belt. Students may wear a functional belt (must fit in belt
loops) at all times. Belt buckles with gang or letter initials, or upside down
crosses are prohibited. All functional sandals such as flip-flops, etc. are considered
dangerous and undesirable foot protection and cannot be worn to school. Dress
shoes with heels or platform tennis shoes are not appropriate and can cause injury
to the student. If students wear sandals with heel straps, it is recommended that
tennis shoes be brought for physical education and lunch. No excessive make-up
may be worn. No sunglasses inside the building unless a doctor’s note is provided.
No hats, bandanas or hairnets may be worn. Hats may be worn outside the building
during lunch and physical education. Only ¼ inch or smaller stud earrings may be
worn. No loop or gauge earrings will be allowed. No body piercing other than the
ears are allowed. No spike bracelets or dog collars may be worn at any time. No
unusual hair color (red, orange, green, blue, etc.) or style will be allowed. No
unusual haircuts, no dyed hair, will be allowed (example: over 1 inch mohawks,
shaved head with pony tails, red/green/blue hair).
The first time a student comes to school dressed inappropriately, he/she will be
asked to change their clothes. If the student does not change, he/she will receive a
discipline referral and placed in SAC. Parents will be called when students do not
dress appropriately for school and will be asked to bring appropriate uniform.
Socorro Middle School asks that parents support the student dress code. The
school dress code was written by a committee made up of parents, counselors, and
administrators. It was adopted by the School Improvement Team.
The cooperation and assistance of parents concerning student dress is greatly
appreciated. All students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations in the
District Code of Conduct, the campus plan, and the classroom agreement developed
by teachers and students within each individual classroom.
Drop Off Locations/Parking/Traffic Safety
It is the goal of Socorro Middle School to provide the safest environment for all
students. Parent cooperation with traffic around the school is needed in order to
ensure safety. Please abide by traffic laws. Drive the speed limit. No parking is
allowed within the school zones and the bus loading and unloading areas. No
parking or stopping is allowed in crosswalks. Use appropriate drop-off zone
especially during the morning. No passing or “U” turns are allowed in school
zones. These traffic laws are enforced by the Socorro Police Department. The
school has no authority to prevent parents from receiving traffic tickets.
In the interest of traffic safety for our students, parents may use the drop off area in
the side of the school by the gym or after 7:30 a.m. in the front of the school.
Early Release
Consult the calendar for early release dates. All students will be released at 12:00
noon. Please make arrangements for your child(ren) to be picked up on time on
these days.
Entering/Exiting the Building
Students are expected to be at the campus by 7:30 AM. Two bells ring each
morning. The first bell rings at 7:37AM. This is a signal to students to start
walking into the building and their classrooms. The tardy bell rings at 7:45 AM.
When students are dismissed in the afternoons, their teachers will monitor the
hallways. Parents should wait outside the building for their children. Hallways will
be cleared at 3:30 and again after tutoring at 4:30.
Extracurricular Activities
There will be opportunities for students to participate in a variety of contests, clubs,
and activities. Each year both the campus and the district hold an art show, and
Literary Anthology contest. The University Interscholastic League (UIL) is held
once a year and includes a variety of events. Other clubs include Student Council,
National Junior Honor Society, Math Club, Math Quest, and G/T. Athletics and
cheerleading will be available to all 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students. 6TH Grade
afterschool activities may form once a sponsor is found. If you’re interested in any
of these programs for your child(ren), you may contact the office for the sponsor’s
Homework may be assigned in all content areas as needed. Long-term project per
semester may be assigned, and it may be tied to the science fair, art show, or
literary contest.
Make-up Work
Teachers will provide make-up work for excused and unexcused absences. It is the
student’s responsibility to complete make-up work as follows:
A minimum of two-day make-up time is allowed for each absence. The student
returning from a suspension may have a grade adjustment on work made up.
Students who fall below 90% and are regaining their loss of credit shall have an
Alternative Learning Activity assigned as denoted by the principal’s plan.
The student with an unexcused absence may receive a zero for missed assignments.
The work has to be made up outside of class. It is the responsibility of students to
work with their teacher(s) to find out what work needs to be made up.
The Socorro Independent School District requires all 6th – 8th grade students be offered the following core
1. A foundation curriculum that includes:
a. English Language Arts and Reading;
b. Mathematics;
c. Science; and
d. Social Studies; Education Code 28.002(a) (1); 19T 74.1(B).
2. An enriched curriculum that includes:
a. Languages other than English, to the extent possible;
b. Health; (Currently SISD requires ½ year of health)
c. Physical Education; (Currently SISD requires 2 years of PE)
d. Exploring Careers; and
e. Fine Arts.
The district may offer courses for local credits, at its discretion, in addition to those in the required curriculum, but
it may not delete or omit instruction in the foundation and enrichment curricula specified above. Education Code
28.004(f); 19 TAC 74.1(b)
Report cards shall be issued every nine weeks. Performance shall be measured in accordance with this policy
and the standards
established in EIE (LOCAL).
Progress reports shall be sent home to the parents or guardians at the end of the third and sixth week of each
grading period for all students in PreK-12. The notice shall include information concerning the availability of
interventions relating to the subject area(s) in which the student is not meeting the grade level or subject area
Inclement Weather
When the weather prevents students from going outside, they will go to the gym
before school and during lunch. If the weather is such that school might be
canceled for the day, listen to radio stations, or one of the local TV stations for
information after 6:00 a.m.
The library is a learning resource center. It is open from 7:30 a.m. - 4.15 p.m. daily
for students to check out and return books. The librarian or library aide are
available to assist students.
A registered nurse or a licensed vocational nurse will be on duty from 7:45 AM –
3:45 PM daily.
The nurse needs to have current parent/guardian contact
information at all times. Please ensure she has the proper information available. If
your child has any kind of medical condition the school should be aware of, please
give written notification to the nurse. If your child is on medication (either short or
long term), please notify the nurse. The nurse must administer all medication at
school. District and State policy require a physician to provide documents and
prescribed medication for a student. Students may not bring nonprescription
medications (cold tablets, aspirin, etc.) to school. The nurse is not allowed to
administer nonprescription medications to students.
Fine Arts/Music Programs
At Socorro Middle School, our music programs (orchestra, band, Mariachi, and
choir) are emerging as a vital force in the educational development of our students.
It is our mission to help students develop an appreciation and passion for music.
All students are given the opportunity to enroll in the music program that enhances
an appreciation of music in all forms. These programs integrate music as part of the
academic program. Parents enrolling their child(ren) must understand that they are
making a commitment for the entire school year and may be responsible for renting
an instrument and purchasing materials/supplies needed for these classes.
Art, and Spanish are also catalyst for developing a wide range of learning skills that
transcend all subject areas.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences are held once each semester from 4:30 - 7:30 PM.
Consult the yearly or monthly calendar for the dates. In addition, you are
encouraged to contact the office to schedule an appointment with your child’s
teacher during his/her conference period at any time. All students benefit from
frequent contact between teacher and parent.
Morning and Lunch Supervision
There is no supervision prior to 7:00 AM or after 3:30 PM. Teachers and
administration along with monitors will supervise students in the morning and
lunch. During lunch there are adult monitors.
Everyone is encouraged to join the Socorro Middle School Volunteer Program.
Parents are encouraged to volunteer in school activities. Adult volunteers are
needed in the library, office, school grounds, and nurse’s office. Parents interested
in volunteering may contact the office. Volunteers make a big difference at Socorro
Middle School and are appreciated. They are asked to sign in daily in the office and
to obtain a volunteer pass. All volunteers must have a yearly background check
before performing any volunteer duties. All volunteers must wear a volunteer
Report Cards/Progress Reports
Progress reports are sent out the Wednesday of the 4th week of each nine weeks.
Report cards are sent home 7-10 days after the end of the nine weeks.
For your child’s safety, all exterior doors will be locked during the school day. All
visitors must enter through the front of the building and report immediately to the
office. Visitors will be asked to sign for a visitor’s pass before proceeding through
the building. Parents should never go directly to the child’s classroom as this
disrupts instruction. Please do not expect staff members to open these doors during
the day. Please do not prop doors open with rocks as this creates a safety hazard.
Student Cell Phones and Electronic devices
All electronic games and music devices are prohibited on campus. The campus
will not be responsible for theft of cell phones or electronic devices. Items will be
confiscated and returned to parents after school between 3:45 and 4:15. Cell
phones or electronic devices during the instructional day (7:30 to 3:15) are
prohibited. All cell phones must be off during this time. Students may use the
office or classroom phones with permission. Confiscated cell phones and
electronic devices will be returned to parents on the first offense without a fee. A
$15.00 fee will be charged for subsequent confiscations.
Please stop by the office and pick up a visitor’s pass or volunteer pass when you
are in the building during the school day. A current Texas or Military ID will be
required. This helps to ensure the safety of all our students. Although we want to
get to know all of you, it is not possible to remember everyone. We want to be sure
no one is in the building that shouldn’t be here. Your cooperation in this matter
will be greatly appreciated.
SIT (School Improvement Team)
This is the campus committee that is involved with site-based decision-making.
The committee is composed of teacher representatives, administrators,
paraprofessional staff, a counselor, parents, and community members. Parents are
invited to participate on the committee and bring concerns to the monthly meetings.
Schedule of meetings are posted on the calendar. SIT provides input to the
administration in many areas.
STAAR (Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness)
The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is the criterionreferenced assessment in Texas for grades 3-8 and End of Course (EOC) for
Algebra 1. The STAAR assessments increased in length at most grades and
subjects and overall test difficulty was increased by including more rigorous items.
The rigor was increased by assessing skills at a greater depth and level of cognitive
complexity. Performance standards will be set so that they require a higher level of
student performance. For example, in science and mathematics, the number of
open-ended (griddable) items on most tests was increased to allow students more
opportunity to derive an answer independently. 7th grade Writing will be
administered over two days to assess writing more comprehensively as students
will be required to respond to two writing tasks (including personal narrative,
literary, expository, persuasive, and analytic) rather than one task.
Use of School Telephones
Children will be allowed to use the office phone to call home or to call a parent.
Please schedule when and where you will meet your child on regular basis. It is
important that you pick your child up on time after school.
Any writing and/or defacing, of any kind on school property is strictly forbidden.
This includes writing on and/or defacing books, tables, chairs, walls, vending
machines and any other item or material that is considered school property. Failure
to comply with this rule will result in immediate and severe disciplinary action.
Vandalizing and/or defacing school property will not be tolerated.
Minimizing Classroom Disruptions
Parent, it is important that your child come to school prepared with all of his/her
materials. Items dropped off in the front office will not be given to students
during classroom time. Students may come to pick up items during their lunch or
2014-2015 Student Handbook
Signature Form
Student Name (please print)
We the undersigned have read and understand this student handbook.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Please tear out this completed sheet and return it to your homeroom teacher.