DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO Enter department name here. STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2016 DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS INTRODUCTION Please provide an introduction here. (Your text does not have to fill the entire page.) DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS OUR MISSION Enter your department’s mission statement here. OUR VISION Enter your department’s vision statement here. OUR CORE VALUES Enter your department’s core values here. DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS OUR COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE AND PROGRAMMING In the columns below, please explain at least one way that your department contributes to each of the Four C’s. COMMUNICATE CONNECT COLLABORATE Building on a foundation of excellence requires a great amount of discussion, some discord and eventually, much agreement and understanding. We communicate by: Our goal inside and outside of the classroom is to provide opportunities for students to connect with each other, with UTSA and with the community. We connect by: As we work to build and maintain lasting relationships, we collaborate with others in the Division and across the University. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. We collaborate by: CREATE The creativity of our diverse staff fosters the perfect environment for us to achieve excellence with unique and innovative experiences. We create unique and innovative experiences by: Click here to enter text. DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS STRATEGIC ADVANTAGES Please list/describe the strategic advantages of your department here. What strengths do you possess, and what opportunities do you foresee that will support this strategic plan? STRATEGIC CHALLENGES Please list/describe the strategic challenges of your department here. What areas of weakness need attention, and what are the potential threats to be addressed in order to support this strategic plan? DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS OUR INITIATIVES AND GOALS UTSA Strategic Initiative I: Enriching Educational Experiences to Enable Student Success Click here to enter text. Duplicate the remaining information below for additional goals that are related to Strategic Initiative I. Goal 1.1: Fill in goal here. Below, please identify your action steps and the timeframe for implementation/completion of each step. Note: The number of action steps will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Action Steps and Timeline 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 1. 2. 3. Please list your outcomes below. Again, the number will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Outcomes 1. 2. Is this a learning outcome or an operational outcome? Success Criterion Will this be entered into TracDat? (Y/N) DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS UTSA Strategic Initiative II: Serving Society through Creativity, Expanded Research, and Innovations Click here to enter text. Duplicate the remaining information below for additional goals that are related to Strategic Initiative II. Goal 2.1: Fill in goal here. Below, please identify your action steps and the timeframe for implementation/completion of each step. Note: The number of action steps will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Action Steps and Timeline 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 1. 2. 3. Please list your outcomes below. Again, the number will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Outcomes 1. 2. Is this a learning outcome or an operational outcome? Success Criterion Will this be entered into TracDat? (Y/N) DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS UTSA Strategic Initiative III: Ensuring Access and Affordability Click here to enter text. Duplicate the remaining information below for additional goals that are related to Strategic Initiative III. Goal 3.1: Fill in goal here. Below, please identify your action steps and the timeframe for implementation/completion of each step. Note: The number of action steps will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Action Steps and Timeline 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 1. 2. 3. Please list your outcomes below. Again, the number will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Outcomes 1. 2. Is this a learning outcome or an operational outcome? Success Criterion Will this be entered into TracDat? (Y/N) DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS UTSA Strategic Initiative IV: Serving the Public through Community Engagement Click here to enter text. Duplicate the remaining information below for additional goals that are related to Strategic Initiative IV. Goal 4.1: Fill in goal here. Below, please identify your action steps and the timeframe for implementation/completion of each step. Note: The number of action steps will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Action Steps and Timeline 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 1. 2. 3. Please list your outcomes below. Again, the number will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Outcomes 1. 2. Is this a learning outcome or an operational outcome? Success Criterion Will this be entered into TracDat? (Y/N) DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS UTSA Strategic Initiative V: Expanding Resources and Infrastructure Click here to enter text. Duplicate the remaining information below for additional goals that are related to Strategic Initiative V. Goal 5.1: Fill in goal here. Below, please identify your action steps and the timeframe for implementation/completion of each step. Note: The number of action steps will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Action Steps and Timeline 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 1. 2. 3. Please list your outcomes below. Again, the number will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Outcomes 1. 2. Is this a learning outcome or an operational outcome? Success Criterion Will this be entered into TracDat? (Y/N)