THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO Enter department name here. ANNUAL REPORT Enter academic year here. INSTRUCTIONS Thank you for taking the time to complete this template. Your department provides essential services and programs that contribute to student success, and we want to document that in the best way possible. Please fill in the information requested, including any qualitative or quantitative data when possible. The timeframe covered by this report is June 1 to May 31. You will be asked to list the professional accomplishments of your team (points of pride), as well. This report is due June 15. You will save it to the Planning and Assessment folder on the S drive in the file designated for your department. Any attachments, such as pictures or links to videos, must also be saved to the Planning and Assessment folder on the S drive. Purpose: This report is intended to give your department a chance to reflect on and document your successes/challenges this year. This information will be submitted to the Executive Council for the Division of Student Affairs. Also, this information will be used to develop the Annual Report publication which is distributed to the division, university leadership, donors and other stakeholders. Additionally, the information submitted may be utilized for various reports (both print and online) and displayed internally and externally, as needed. This page can be deleted upon submission. INTRODUCTION Please provide a summary of your year. What were the highlights and themes for your department this year? Please enter text here. OUR COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE AND PROGRAMMING In the columns below, please explain ONE way that your department contributed to each of the Four C’s. COMMUNICATE CONNECT COLLABORATE Building on a foundation of excellence requires a great amount of discussion, some discord and eventually, much agreement and understanding. This year, we communicated by: Our goal inside and outside of the classroom is to provide opportunities for students to connect with each other, with UTSA and with the community. This year, we connected by: As we work to build and maintain lasting relationships, we collaborate with others in the Division and across the University. Enter one example here. Enter one example here. Enter one example here. This year, we collaborated by: CREATE The creativity of our diverse staff fosters the perfect environment for us to achieve excellence with unique and innovative experiences. This year, we created unique and innovative experiences by: Enter one example here. OUR INITIATIVES AND GOALS Duplicate the entire section below for each strategic initiative that has associated goals for your department. UTSA Strategic Initiative: Please enter the numeral (I-V) and title. Duplicate the remaining section below for each goal that is related to this strategic initiative. Goal Enter goal number (i.e. 3.1): Enter goal name. Please list the action steps that were identified for this year in your Departmental Strategic Plan for this goal. Note: The number of action steps will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Action Steps Step completed? If no, what is the status/progress? 1. 2. 3. Please list your outcomes for this goal for this year. Again, the number will vary for each goal. Please add or delete rows as needed. Outcomes 1. 2. Student learning or operational? Success Criterion Criterion met? If no, what is the status/progress? OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS Please list other accomplishments not captured in goals above, if needed. Click here to enter text. OTHER CHALLENGES Please list other challenges not captured in goals above, if needed. Click here to enter text. POINTS OF PRIDE What awards did your team or members of your team receive? What leadership positions do members of your team hold in professional associations/boards? Did anyone earn a terminal degree? Did you or your department present, in a professional setting, research or best practices? For each item, please provide the context, such as “national board” or “one of five in the nation.” Add additional lines if needed. Team, employee(s) or student(s) recognized. *Please indicate students by using the words “student” or “graduate student.” 1. 2. 3. Description of the recognition/accomplishment. What was the context of the recognition? For example, was the accomplishment at a local, regional or national level? PUBLICATION SUBMISSION Please provide an article to be considered for inclusion in the Student Affairs Annual Report publication. Enter text in the box below, up to 300 words. Additional stories for the publication may be composed from the other information provided in this report, as well. Here are some ideas to consider when submitting proposed text. [Note: These are suggestions, not requirements for submissions.] o Do you have a particular story that you would like to tell regarding your successes this year? o What would you like Student Affairs Annual Report publication readers (UTSA employees, donors, parents, alumni) to know about your department? ATTACHMENTS Please submit pictures, video, web links, articles, etc. about your department to be considered for inclusion in the Annual Report publication (online or printed). To be considered, they must be saved to the Planning and Assessment folder on the S drive. Save all items in the file designated for your department. This information may be used for publications or presentations, so please include as many details as possible such as first and last names, explanations of acronyms, etc.