+ Dear Aztec Families, Welcome to El Dorado 9th Grade Academy! With the start of a new academic year it is important for all our students to consider what their expectations are for the upcoming school year. It is equally important for them to think about the individual expectations they will have in each of their courses. This year students will be taking World Geography as their Social Studies course, and we encourage students, as well as their families, to embrace our core values of “commitment, discipline, and achievement.” Additionally, the Social Studies department will be engaged in activities that will involve dynamic learning and participation during class time. Along with the support from families throughout the school year, we believe positive goal setting is a key component to students’ academic success. We ask that you encourage this practice with the students through active involvement in their daily activities/homework. In the next few days, students will receive and discuss all classroom policies, which they will need to share with you as part of the “Policies and Procedures Student/Teacher Contract”. In the meantime, attached you will find a handout outlining course expectations and the materials that will be needed for this school year. Thank you for your cooperation and let’s have a GREAT start to the school year!! Mrs. Susana Franco Social Studies Department/C104 El Dorado 9th Grade Academy Dear Aztec Families, Welcome to El Dorado 9th Grade Academy! With the start of a new academic year it is important for all our students to consider what their expectations are for the upcoming school year. It is equally important for them to think about the individual expectations they will have in each of their courses. This year students will be taking World Geography as their Social Studies course, and we encourage students, as well as their families, to embrace our core values of “commitment, discipline, and achievement.” Additionally, the Social Studies department will be engaged in activities that will involve dynamic learning and participation during class time. Along with the support from families throughout the school year, we believe positive goal setting is a key component to students’ academic success. We ask that you encourage this practice with the students through active involvement in their daily activities/homework. In the next few days, students will receive and discuss all classroom policies, which they will need to share with you as part of the “Policies and Procedures Student/Teacher Contract”. In the meantime, attached you will find a handout outlining course expectations and the materials that will be needed for this school year. Thank you for your cooperation and let’s have a GREAT start to the school year!! Mrs. Susana Franco Social Studies Department/C104 Mrs. Susana Franco Conference Periods: 2nd Period Email: sfranc01@sisd.net Phone: 937- 9513 AVID World Geography 2014-2015 School Year Course Objective: The objective of this course is to help you understand how people, places, and environments have changed over time and the effects of these changes in history. The course will also help you understand the patterns and characteristics of major landforms, climates, and ecosystems of Earth and how people, places and environments around the world are connected and interdependent. Expectations: ALWAYS come to class prepared and with a positive attitude. AVID Materials: The following materials are required by all AVID teachers (1) Box of Crayola Colored Pencils/Markers (1) Pack of 5 Subject Dividers (1) Pack of multi-colored highlighters Flash Drive (4GB or more) Writing Utensils (pencil or pen) (1) Pack of graph paper * (1) 3 inch Binder * (1) Pen/Pencil Pouch (placed in binders) * (1) 2- Pack of Glue Sticks * 1 pack of loose leaf paper (college ruled) * (1) Ream of White Copy Paper * (1) 12” Ruler World Geography Materials: The following materials are required by Mrs. Franco- (1) Composition Book (all) 1st Period- Disinfectant Wipes 3rd, 4th, and 5th Period- colored pencils/markers/glue sticks (choose one) 6th Period- Box of Tissue Paper 7th Period- Bottle of Sanitizer 8th Period- Pack of construction or colored paper Classroom Policies and Procedures Class Rules: (1) Be Prepared (2) Respect Technology (3) Respect others (4) NO food/drink/grooming in the classroom (5) Follow Student Code of Conduct Positive Reinforcements: (1) Verbal Praise or a High Five (2) Positive Learning Environment (3) Treasure Chest Pick (4) Positive Phone Call Home Mrs. Susana Franco Conference Periods: 2nd Period Email: sfranc01@sisd.net Phone: 937- 9513 Consequences: - Verbal Warning - Phone Call Home - Parent/Teacher Conference w/ student - Referral and Phone Call Home - AVID Probation Letter ** As serious occurrences will result with an automatic referral and probation letter. ** Class Layout: Enter the classroom quietly and get materials ready for the class Place backpacks and purses away in designated space. Keep all technology out of sight. Complete the Quick Write assignment (either on a handout or by copying it). Always pay attention during instructional time and while taking notes. Work diligently on the class assignment When the bell rings, stay seated until I release you. (You will not be released until you are all in your assigned seats.) I, , agree to follow all the above rules and procedures as well as th those stated in the El Dorado 9 Grade Academy Student Code of Conduct. I understand that if I do not follow these rules, the teacher, Mrs. Franco, reserves the right to implement the appropriate consequences. . Student Signature . Date . Parent Signature . Date