MOVIE REQUEST NAME OF MOVIE_______________________________________________________ RATING____________________ LENGTH_______________________ TEACHER__________________________________ SUBJECT TAUGHT________________________ Briefly describe how this movie will correlate with the curriculum of your class____________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Approved by building Administrator_______________________________________________________ Date________________________ ALL MOVIES MUST ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL BOARD POLICY: GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. 2. 3. 4. Videos rated X, R, or NC-17 will not be shown. Videos rated PG-13 will be shown only with written parental authorization. Videos must be previewed and carefully screened for inappropriate language and violence. Content of the videos must be appropriate for the age and interest level and must relate to the total instructional program. 5. Teacher must take responsibility for showing videos to students. 6. Video log must be completed. The log will include video title, date shown, rating, class viewing, and a statement of how the video correlates with the curriculum. 7. Videos used as incentives must be approved by the principal. This does not apply to instructional videos found in our Library. Copy of this request form will be kept in main office if movie is shown.