Functions: Supplemental Lecture CMSC 104—Section 4, Spring 2011

Functions: Supplemental Lecture
CMSC 104—Section 4, Spring 2011
Purpose of Functions
• Three main motivations for dividing our program
into smaller pieces:
– Sharing a chunk of logic
• We often want to do the exact same thing in several places
in a given program
– Modularizing
• Human beings think better in smaller chunks
• Even for large lists, breaking things up into hierarchies helps
– Easy reuse
• Code has already been tested in other cases
• Functions are modern way of creating these
modular chunks of reusable code
Early Modules: “goto”s
• In the old days (before structured
programming) you used “goto” to jump to
another chunk of code
– Had to somehow communicate where to “goto”
back to.
– Led to contorted flow of control:
• “goto”s are BAD!
Functions for Reuse:
Before functions:
do {
input = prompt(“Enter number:”);
input = parseInt(input):
if (input < 0) {
alert(“Number must be > 0”);
} while (input < 0);
num1 = input;
do {
input = prompt(“Enter number:”);
input = parseInt(input):
if (input < 0) {
alert(“Number must be > 0”);
} while (input < 0);
num2 = input;
do {
input = prompt(“Enter number:”);
input = parseInt(input):
if (input < 0) {
alert(“Number must be > 0”);
} while (input < 0);
num3 = input;
do {
input = prompt(“Enter number:”);
input = parseInt(input):
if (input < 0) {
alert(“Number must be > 0”);
} while (input < 0);
num3 = input;
With functions:
function getPositive() {
do {
input = prompt(“Enter number:”);
input = parseInt(input):
if (input < 0) {
alert(“Number must be > 0”);
} while (input < 0);
return input;
Structured version of “goto”:
Function Calls
Function calls are still essentially an alteration of
flow of control, but:
• Where to jump to, is meaningfully named
• Where to return to, is automatically managed
• Protected context is created
– local variables, parameters
Functions Have Protected Scope
• It is as though function’s code is executed
inside a sealed box
• Local variables cannot be seen by outside
– All variables used in function should be local
– Local variables recreated anew with each call
– Local variables are destroyed upon return
• Scope is “per call”—more on this later…
Function Scope (cont)
• Get all information about task at hand from
– Inside function, parameters are effectively local
– Start off with a copy of the values caller used as
actual parameters
• Only pass back information to outside world
via return value
Designing Functions
• Should package up an intuitively related set of
– Good e.g.: function to prompt user, get input, test
validity, and repeat until user enters good value
– Bad e.g.: get move from user, then if deck empty,
shuffle new deck, then compute computer’s play.
• How to break things up into functions is an art
– Some helpful heuristics:
• # lines of code
• Repeated sections of code
Nesting Function Calls
• A function can easily call other functions for help
– No reason not to be able to!
• Analogous to nesting control structures:
– If/else blocks
– while loops
• A function can even call itself!!
– Recall: we said function’s scope (set of local variables,
parameters, what line it is up to, etc.) is per-call
– This is true even when a function calls itself
• (But why would you want to do this?? Hint: see exercise #5)
Expressions as Arguments
• Terminology:
“arguments” == “actual parameters”
• Can use any expression in place of an
argument to a function call
• Can even use other function calls
– Value of argument is whatever is returned by the
function call
– E.g.:
input_num = parseInt(prompt(“Enter a number”));
In-Class Exercises
For each task, write a function to do it, then call it from inside
your <body> section:
1. A function that outputs “Hello, world” with an alert box
2. A function that takes 1 parameter, and outputs it with an
alert box.
3. A function that takes 2 numerical parameters, and outputs
the sum with an alert box
4. A function that takes 2 numerical parameters, and returns
their sum; caller should output result with an alert box.
5. A function that computes the “factorial(x)” function, and
returns the value of “X!”; caller should output answer.
6. Extra Credit: write “factorial(x)” without using loops!