Spring Has Sprung! 1 Mr. Thomas Tomczuk Director of Bands Office Phone 937-3200 ext. 3284 Cell Phone 497-3675 Email: ttomcz@sisd.net Mr. Curt Bushaw Mr. Porfirio Diaz Assistant Director of Bands Assistant Director of Bands Office Phone 937-3200 ext 3284 Cell Phone 915- 269-4019 Cell Phone 915-799-6402 Email: cbusha@sisd.net pdiaz01@sisd.net Mrs. Jennifer Romero Director of Color Guard Office Phone 915-937-3200 Email: jromer13@sisd.net All Absences must include a note SIGNED BY A PARENT in order for any absence to be excused. If you anticipate being absent from ANY performance, you must submit a notice a minimm of two weeks in advance so your drill position will be substituted with an alternate. Tuesday Evening 5:00-7:30PM Full Rehearsal Monday-Wednesday-Thursday 4:20-5:20PM-Sectional Rehearsals. Check the calendar for the specific day for your instrument. Enrollment in CONTINUOUS semesters of Band is mandatory. Students may not drop and re-enroll at their discretion. Students may be moved from one class to another during the Concert Season, based upon audition and director approval. 2 Perfect “Completely skilled or talented in a certain field or area”; “In a state of undiminished or highest excellence”. Habit “A constant, often unconscious inclination to perform some act, acquired through its frequent repetition”. Arrive early to all practices, classes and performances. This allows you to mentally prepare for the task at hand. Preparation includes properly maintaining your instrument, having all your music, drill charts, coordinate sheets, supplies and PENCILS at all practices and classes! Attitudes are infectious. A positive attitude makes the people around you try harder to succeed. A negative attitude distracts the people around you and deters them from achieving their goals. Address people by their names. It captures their attention and is the foundation of all good friendships. Associate yourself with successful people. They already know how to achieve certain goals and can help you achieve them without making the same mistakes they have made. Emulate someone who plays better than you, that marches better than you, and gets better grades than you. “Engage Brain Before Inserting Foot In Mouth”! THINK before you speak. Ask INTELLIGENT, well thought-out questions. Criticize YOURSELF, not others. The easiest thing in the world is finding fault with someone else. To criticize is to judge. Judge others as you would want others to judge you. “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Set yourself small, attainable goals. Do one thing at a time, do it very well, then move on to the next goal. You are a representative of the AZTEC Band all day, everyday. Your behavior and your actions will always be associated with the band. Think of how you want others to judge our band. LISTEN, MAKE EYE CONTACT, and SMILE! It shows you care. It shows that you are actively learning. It shows that you are happy. It makes people wonder what you are up to ! :-) SOCIAL MEDIA It is the intent of the AZTEC band to use Social Media in a professional and responsible manner to disseminate information about the successes and upcoming events of the Aztec Band. Please feel free to follow the Aztec Band on Facebook and Twitter for current updates. Private messaging will not be allowed on social media sites. The Aztec Band will follow all directives put forth by SISD regarding the application and use of all social media outlets. 3 ATTENDANCE: Attendance is one of the most important factors in determining your grade. Students who are absent do not learn the daily material. Students who are absent affect the balance and instrumentation of the band. Students who choose band as an elective agree that in addition to attending regularly scheduled daily classes, they MUST; Attend all Zero Period rehearsals without exception. 7:00-8:00AM EVERYDAY! Attend all Tuesday evening rehearsals 5:00PM-7:30PM EVERY WEEK Attend all scheduled Saturday rehearsals. (August 1, 8, 15 & 22, and others TBA) Attend all Football games. Attend all Band Contests. Attend all scheduled sectionals. Attend all scheduled rehearsals and football game performances during intersession. Find the time outside of all of the above for individual practice. The above conditions are NOT optional. Those who cannot agree to this schedule should see the band directors to get a written note so your counselor can help you choose another elective. Absences may be excused solely by the band directors. Excused absences MUST have a note signed by a parent. Parents should also present a note to the band director if students must leave early. Parents will be notified of absences so they know the whereabouts of their children. ENROLLMENT: Enrollment in Band is determined by the Band Directors. The Aztec Band enlists only those students who exhibit traits of responsibility, pride, and the pursuit of excellence. Enrollment MUST be in continuous semesters. Our music education plan is continuous. We do not “start over” at every semester. Exceptions may be made by the band directors in extreme circumstances after a parent conference. GRADES: Grades are earned upon attendance, discipline, musical/marching proficiency, written exams, ISN writing assignments, daily class work, equipment checks (proper cleaning and maintenance of instruments, materials, pencils, etc.) and the timely receipt of weekly progress reports. Weekly musical tests are given, even without the knowledge of the student. Formal music tests will be given at the discretion of the director. Extra credit for achievements above and beyond the standard expectations may be awarded at the discretion of the directors. “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” -Plato 4 DISCIPLINE PLAN: Discipline is a set of rules or limits upon our behavior which allow us to coexist in harmony. This means providing a safe environment in which to learn. It allows for trust and respect for oneself and property. The following are our Codes of Common Sense which will help propel the Aztec Band to a higher level of excellence: Achieve perfect attendance. Unexcused absences from any rehearsal may result in reduction from your weekly and final semester grade. An unexcused absence from any public performance such as Football games, parades, etc., may result in ONE full grade reduction of your final grade (10 points). An unexcused absence from any CONTEST may result in a THREE Grade reduction (30 points) from your grade. BE ON TIME! Late students will have their marching position replaced by an alternate. Students who are tardy to rehearsals will incur the consequences listed below. Never touch any property which does not belong to you. Never chew gum, eat candy, drink anything (except for water) during any rehearsals. Sugar speeds the deterioration of pads on woodwind instruments, corrodes metals on brass instruments, and creates biological cultures which the Science department may find interesting. Always use mature, socially acceptable language. Obscenities and vulgarity should never be used. Hazing and “rough housing” is strictly prohibited. Any physical abuse will result in the immediate expulsion from the band program and possibly the school. Personal safety and the safety of all instruments is of the utmost importance. Band lockers are a privilege. Keep them neat and tidy. Always put your instrument in its case while storing in the locker. Remember that our band room is a community room. Others use the facility on a regular basis and we must always present our room in a positive light. Students are expected to take great care with their uniform. Report all problems to the quartermaster. Illegal substances, alcohol and tobacco products are strictly prohibited. Anyone caught with any illegal substances WILL BE ARRESTED! Consequences for inappropriate behavior: First Offense: Second Offense: Third Offense: Fourth Offense: Verbal warning Teacher/Student Conference & Loss of chair/marching position Detention and call to parents Office referral, parent conference and detention Severe disruption will be addressed immediately by security escorting the disruptive student(s) to the proper authorities. This includes all practices, performances, travel, etc. 5 ELIGIBILITY: Every student is expected to pass all of their classes with a 70 or higher. Texas law mandates that students who receive a report card grade lower than 70 may not participate in our marching performances and contests. Eligibility is regained if after three weeks of the new semester, the student receives a progress report passing ALL COURSES with a 70 or higher. Exception: students receiving failing grades in any IB, AP and Dual Credit courses will receive a 10 point exemption and Pre-IB or Pre-AP courses receive a 5 point exemption below the standard of 70. Although these IB/AP students may still remain eligible, the student is still expected to receive a passing grade to receive credit for the class. Tutoring resources are abundant. Please see your directors if you need assistance in any of your classes. Students may be excused from certain rehearsals by the director to attend tutoring sessions. These arrangements must be made as far in advance as possible and are at the final discretion of the director. Students who demonstrate a consistent history of ineligibility by failing consecutive grading periods will be subject to removal from the band program! Passing all of your classes is EXPECTED. This is NOT a suggestion!!! INTERSESSION: We will have two intersession breaks during our academic school year. We are obligated to perform at the football games during intersession, and the marching contests begin during the intersession, therefore, it will be necessary to have scheduled practices during the fall intersession. Students who cannot or will not attend intersession rehearsals will be removed from the competitive drill and placed into “alternate status” for the upcoming contests. You may expect to rehearse from 4:00PM to 7:00PM Monday through Friday during intersession. These times are subject to change. SECTIONALS: Sectional rehearsals are an integral part of every successful band program. It is vitally important for musicians to practice at least once a week with their own individual section to address notes, phrasing, tone production and general uniformity. Unexcused absences from sectional rehearsals may result in the loss of chair placement and drill position. Sectional rehearsals are a part of the weekly grade. BATTERY: The Battery is the Marching Percussion section of the Drum Line. Auditions for the battery are held daily during the school year. Students who desire to march in the Battery must display academic excellence by NOT failing ANY of their classes during the previous year. It is expected that students in the battery pass all of their classes with grades of 80 or higher. Students must also demonstrate instrumental excellence by participating in the All-Region and Solo & Ensemble contests (as a soloist) and demonstrate a high level of musicianship in both contests. Also, students who wish to be a member of the battery MAY NOT enroll for Driver’s Education during the competitive marching season. If percussion students must sign up for driver’s education during the fall, they may still be a participant in the competitive band, but they will not be eligible for the battery section. Students in the BATTERY also agree to NOT overextend their personal commitments where participation and attendance in all rehearsals may be jeopardized. DRUM MAJORS & Section Leaders: The Drum Majors are selected at the end of the previous school year. Juniors enrolled in band may audition for the position of Drum Major. Drum Majors are expected to have an exemplary knowledge of their instrument, all music, marching fundamentals, and a presence which commands respect of their peers. Section Leaders are selected by the band directors. Section Leaders are also expected to possess a strong knowledge of their instrument, their music and marching fundamentals. Section Leaders are expected to perform at the highest level of excellence at all times in order to demonstrate to others the quality of performance necessary for Superior performances. 6 INSTRUMENT RENTAL FEES: Band students are highly encouraged to own their instruments. However, because some instruments are very expensive, SISD has certain instruments available on a rental basis for $45.00 per year. This fee must be paid by everyone using an SISD instrument, including all percussion students. As per SISD policy, this fee may be waived if students own their own personal instrument(s) and/or Practice Pads, and other extenuating circumstances. Please see the directors if you have questions regarding waivers for instrument rental fees. Students are expected to properly care for and maintain their rental instruments. PARENTS ARE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST, STOLEN, AND/OR DAMAGED INSTRUMENTS! The band room is community property. We cannot always secure the room or individual lockers. Insurance for loss or theft may be acquired through either home owner’s insurance agents, or through private companies. Ask your directors if you need any further information. LETTERMAN JACKETS: Students are awarded letterman jackets when they complete the preferred criteria set by the SISD. These requirements are; 1) Participation and attendance at all public band performances for a minimum of two consecutive years (Football games, Marching Contests, Parades, Concert Contests, etc), 2) Participation in All-Region auditions and Solo & Ensemble Festivals for a minimum of two consecutive years, 3) Band Director approval based on student’s demonstration of superior attitude and skills as a bandsman. HONOR CORDS: 1) 2) 3) 4) Graduation Honor Cords (Silver) will be awarded to the band students who exceed the expectations set forth in this handbook. To receive the honor of wearing a band cord over their graduation gown, band students must; Participate and attend all public band performances for a FOUR consecutive years (Football games, Marching Contests, Parades, Concert Contests, etc), Participate in All-Region auditions and Solo & Ensemble Festivals for FOUR consecutive years, Must have advanced to the TEXAS STATE level of performance in either the All-State Concert Band, All-State Jazz Band, or Texas State Solo and Ensemble festival as a SOLOIST and PERFORM THEIR SOLO AT THE STATE CONTEST at least ONCE during their Junior and/or Senior years, and Band Director approval based on student’s demonstration of superior attitude and skills as a bandsman. PRIVATE LESSONS: All students are HIGHLY encouraged to take private lessons. In the highly competitive state of Texas, students who have aspirations of placing in the top chairs of All-Region, All-Area, and All-State, must consider taking private lessons from a teacher of high qualifications in their respective instrument. “All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff.” -Frank Zappa 7 FOOTBALL GAME PROCEDURES: The appearance of the Aztec Band in all public appearances will be with Pride and Professionalism. Bandsmen will show school spirit and enthusiasm respectful to the Band, the student body, the cheerleaders, the administration, the cities of El Paso and Socorro, and your PARENTS! Disrespect to any of the above will result in disciplinary action and/or expulsion from the Band. Public appearance is very important, so the following procedures will be followed; 1) Meet at the designated place and time EARLY. Preparation and time to fix “last minute” problems is essential. 2) Be responsible for yourself and your equipment at all times. Bus procedure: remain seated at all times, file on and off in an orderly fashion. Do not allow any part of your body to stick out of the windows. Do not shout or scream—keep conversation at a mature level. Never exit the bus without permission of a band director. Respect and follow all directions from chaperones, and Never, EVER allow the bus driver to leave a performance sight until Mr. Tomczuk has physically entered your bus and authorized your bus to depart. If your bus begins to leave without the verification from Mr. Tomczuk, you must instruct the bus driver to STOP IMMEDIATELY. Students must travel to and from all performances in the school buses. Any exception must be with written consent at a parent conference. Notes from students to the director will not suffice. The only way to wear your uniform is COMPLETE and with Pride! Take your assigned seat in the stands quickly and stay there. You are NOT allowed to leave your seat without permission from the band directors. Chaperones MUST escort any student who must leave our formation for any reason. Non-Band personnel are NOT ALLOWED to move in and out of our band ranks. Please inform your family and friends that you will meet them after you have finished your obligation with the band. No “noodling”. We perform as ONE BAND. Do not play your instrument until instructed to do so by a band director or drum major. Food and drink are prohibited at all times while in uniform. Water is the ONLY exception. Cell Phones are prohibited while in any public performance. Phones will be confiscated and turned into the office administrators ($15.00 reclamation fee). Ladies will prepare their hair in a UNIFORM, neat bun. NO BANGS shall hang on the forehead. Please make arrangements for preparing hair and plan your time so you are completely in Uniform at the assigned time. NO JEWELRY is allowed in Uniform. Earrings, necklaces, rings, gauges, piercings, etc. No fingernail polish is allowed in Uniform. Uniform means UNIFORM. Stay focused on the purpose of our performance. Watch the Directors, the Drum Majors and the Game at all times. We are a spirit organization representing the school and supporting our teams. EVERYONE will CHEER together, PLAY together, and have FUN together. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Any verbal or physical comments embarrassing to the Band or El Dorado High School will not be tolerated. COPYWRITE PROCEDURES (Video Recording, YouTube, etc): The El Dorado Aztec Band pays strict adherence to copywrite laws as they apply to our music and performances. Appropriate fees are paid to be in compliance with the protection of the performers, arrangers, composers and publishing houses. Although the desire to record our public performances and practices may be great, and some people wish to share the accomplishments of our students with friends and relatives through the mass media of You Tube, Facebook, etc., we do not pay for, or have the authority to post these performances on the internet. If you wish to share the progress and successes of our band, please do so through private files and “coded access only” transmissions. 8 UNIFORM REGULATIONS: Your uniform is to be treated with pride and respect at all times. It is very expensive and parts of it are very delicate. Uniforms will be kept in the school uniform room at all times until they are needed for public performances. If an emergency causes you to leave a performance with your uniform, you will be expected to return it the band room the next school day. In order for the uniforms to maintain their excellent appearance and last for many more years to come, please follow these procedures when handling your uniform. Wash your hands before handling your uniform. Avoid touching the plume feathers as oils from your hand will damage them. Always wear your band T-Shirt under your uniform. Never put your uniform pants over other long pants. Wear spandex or other flexible material shorts under your uniform. NO baggy shorts or other material that may cause the uniform material to expand. Students will wear appropriate clothing that allows them to change into and out of their uniform in any public venue. Trousers do not break at the shoe. A clean, straight line must be maintained on the hem. Always return the uniform on its own hanger and in the garment bag with your name inscribed on the outer name sleeve. Take your time when zipping any part of your uniform. Avoid “cross teething” and foreign objects getting stuck in the zipper. Uniforms are worn COMPLETE at all times—-from your shoes being tied to your collar hooked together! Never be seen in public in partial uniform. Uniform Shoes must be purchased by the student. We wear a flat black Drillmaster or Sport-Set shoe. They are available at most local music stores. Note: Black sneakers, dress shoes, or any other shoe is NOT ACCEPTABLE. We wear a UNIFORM shoe! Black athletic socks should be worn, and Black, LONG WRISTED gloves must be worn by all wind players. No jewelry is allowed. Leave watches, rings, bracelets, strings, earrings, gauges, etc. at home. DO NOT come to any performance with any new piercing and say “I just got a new earring-Lip-ring, Nose ring, etc., and my doctor said I can’t take it out”. You will not march! Colored Hair Spray, Nail Polish, Body Paint and other items which are not part of our uniform are not allowed. Deviation from the uniform makes the uniform no longer Uniform. Makeup is not allowed. If you wish to wear Goth makeup, the Theater department will welcome you in room B110. Young women must prepare their hair in a UNIFORM bun. Ladies will also be provided with a uniform headband to wear exclusively with their uniform. Replacement cost of the headband will be $3.00. Do not use adhesives on any part of your uniform. *Inappropriate uniform care will result in a fine and/or other disciplinary action!* “One Measure a DAY”! -Mr. T 9 INSPECTION: Inspection is a serious part of our performance preparation. Students will stand in full uniform with equipment while the Drum Majors and Section Leaders inspect the ranks. Anyone who is not in COMPLETE uniform will not be allowed to accompany the band until the problem is remedied. Students will adhere to the following guidelines for passing inspection: Stand at attention until the director or drum major gives you further instructions, Shoes must be clean and polished, Trousers must be hemmed with no break at the shoe, No jewelry, nail polish, colored hair spray, etc., may be worn, No make-up, Long hair must be prepared into a bun, Check for any lint or any other foreign objects on your uniform, Hat must be correct size and correctly stowed in its carrying box, ABSOLUTELY NO GUM OR CANDY may be eaten AT ANY TIME while wearing ANY PART of the uniform!!! No substitutions of any uniform part without director approval will be tolerated. Do not embarrass yourself, your parents, your school and your community by disgracing your uniform. UNIFORM REPLACEMENT COSTS: COAT: $172.00 PANTS: $77.42 HAT: $34.42 HAT BOX: $10.00 PLUME: $9.45 HANGER: $4.17 COLLAR LINER: $4.00 GAUNTLETS $25.00 (Replacement costs are subject to change according to manufacturer market prices) Students are responsible for the WHOLE uniform, all of the time. Parents will be assessed the replacement cost of any uniform parts lost or stolen. Students will not be able to graduate or register until all fees are paid. BAND FEES There will be a band enrichment fee of $150.00 for every member of the El Dorado Aztec Band to cover the cost of band shirts, individual contest entry fees and general operational fees not allowed by district funding. This fee can be paid by cash or by check made out to El Dorado Band Boosters. Anyone with financial difficulties should see the directors immediately to work out other solutions for the required band fees (installment plans, fundraising, etc) Money will never be an issue for anyone to participate in the Aztec Band. The Band Fee MUST BE PAID IN FULL BEFORE STUDENT WILL BE ISSUED A UNIFORM. 10 Important Dates 2015-16 Please post these dates on your calendar and on your refrigerator! This will help you plan your yearly calendar and avoid conflicts with important band obligations. Please keep in mind that this list is as complete as we can make it as of its printing. There will be times when we need to modify the schedule during the course of the year. JULY 20, 21, 22 AUGUST 27 (Mon ) 28 (Tues) Full Band Rehearsal- Dress appropriately for marching outside and music inside. 4:00PM – 7:00PM Full Band Rehearsal. 9:00AM-11:30 Marching, Lunch Break, 1:00-3:00PM Music First Day of School! Zero Period Begins! 7:00AM on the Marching Field 1,8,15,22 4(Tues) Saturday Practices 8:00AM - 4:00PM (Lunch on your own 11:30 – 1:00) Tuesday Night Practices begin and continue throughout marching season. Mandatory Band Parent Meeting – Bandroom @6:00PM-At least one parent/guardian MUST attend 22 25 26 27(Thurs) Saturday Practice/Band Bar-B-Que 8:00AM- 3:00PM Lunch will be served PREVIEW NIGHT PERFORMANCE 6:00pm Band Parent Meeting in Auditorium at 5:00PM (Game Procedures) Early Release – Band Rehearsal from 1:30 – 3:00PM FIRST GAME – El Dorado vs. Eastlake @SAC 6:30PM – Also MIDDLE SCHOOL NIGHT (No zero period practice Friday, Aug 28th) SEPTEMBER 4 (Fri) 7(Mon) 10(Thurs ) 12 (Sat) 18(Fri) El Dorado @ Frenship Football Game (We will NOT be traveling to this game) Labor Day – No School El Dorado vs. Gadsden Football Game. 6:30PM 23 (Wed) ACT Testing date. Please use this date for testing to avoid further performance conflicts.) El Dorado at Midland Lee. (We will NOT be traveling to this game) Early Release Day 24(Thurs ) Homecoming parade/Pep Rally 25(Fri) El Dorado vs Coronado @SAC 7:30PM (This is the 2nd game of a double 5:00PM at EDHS header)HOMECOMING GAME 28 30(Wed) INTERSESSION BEGINS. Rehearsal times To Be Announced. Reminder: All students are REQUIRED to attend all intersession rehearsals and performances. Drumline Contest @ Eastlake HS Time: TBA 2(Fri) 3 (Sat) Bye Week – N0 Game. SISD Marching contest day! Keep the whole day open on your calendar. OCTOBER SAT Testing Day 9(Fri) 10(Sat) 15(Thurs) 22(Thurs) El Dorado at EASTWOOD Football game. 7:00PM U.I.L. Marching Contest Day! Keep the whole day open on your calendar. El Dorado vs Montwood @SAC Football Game. 6:30PM (Military Night) Proposed Departure date for Band Trip to Long Beach California Bands of America Marching Competition. October 22 – 26 23(Fri) 24 28 (Wed) (El Dorado at Socorro @SAC Football game 4:00PM) (ACT testing day) Early Release 30(Fri) El Dorado vs. Franklin Football Game @SAC 7:00PM Senior Night 11 NOVEMBER 6(Fri) 7(Sat) El Dorado at Americas HS Football Game @SAC Veteran’s Day Parade 4:00PM SAT Testing Day 11(Wed) 23 – 27 Veteran’s Day Holiday – No School Thanksgiving Vacation 5(Sat) 7(Mon) 8(Tues) 18(Fri) High School All Region Auditions @Hanks High school - SAT Testing Day 9th Grade All-Region Auditions @Chapin HS 5:00PM Holiday Concert 6:00PM EDHS Theater Early Release – Begin Christmas Break – (December 18 – January 4th) 5(Tues) 9(Sat) 18(Mon) 23(Sat) Return to School TMEA AREA Auditions in Midland, TX (for those who advanced from the December auditions) Martin Luther King Holiday – No School TMEA All-REGION Band Concerts at UTEP (SAT Testing Day) 6:00PM DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY 6(Sat) MARCH APRIL MAY ACT testing day. (SISD Middle School Solo & Ensemble) 10-13 TMEA All-State Convention, San Antonio, TX (for those students who advance in the All Region Auditions) 20 27 U.I.L. Solo & Ensemble Contest @Hanks HS SISD Jazz Festival @Montwood High School 5 7-18 25 SAT Testing Day 9 7-9 12-14 19-21 ACT Testing Day 7 14 27 28-30 SAT Testing Day Intersession Break Good Friday – No School SISD Concert & Sight Reading Contest @El Dorado HS U.I.L. Concert & Sight Reading Contest @Socorro HS Theater Middle School U.I.L. Concert & Sight Reading Contest @El Dorado HS Band Banquet 5:30PM Awards, EDHS Theater Early Release Day, Graduation? TMEA Texas State Solo & Ensemble Contest, Austin, TX 12 IMPORTANT PAGES TO BE RETURNED Please keep the previous pages of the handbook at home for future reference of dates and phone numbers. ALL of the following pages MUST BE RETURNED or you will be unable to accompany the band on the bus to football games, contests, trips, etc. These pages are due NO LATER than August 7, 2015. This will be for a grade! Socorro Independent School District Permission To Take School Trip August 1, 2015 My son/daughter_________________________________has my permission to travel to all functions and performances of the El Dorado High School Band for the 2015-2016 School Year. I understand that the school and the teachers are not responsible for any accident or injury on the trip. I also understand that the students will be properly supervised by qualified school personnel. ______________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian _______________ Date 13 PARENT QUESTIONNAIRE Parents, please complete the following survey. The following information is extremely helpful to the success of our band. Would you be interested in being a chaperone to football games and contests? (SISD requires police background checks for anyone involved in the responsibility of school children. If you answer “YES”, please see the directors for background check forms and return to the Band Office as soon as possible) YES NO Would you be willing to volunteer your time for a band parent organization? YES NO Would you be willing to be on an equipment crew for performances? (Loading and lifting equipment on to the equipment truck and carrying equipment to the performance field) YES NO Would you be willing to volunteer your time to sell concessions at the SAC to help with our band fundraising projects? YES NO Would you be willing to volunteer your time during the school day to help sell concessions during the spring contest dates? YES NO Would you be willing to help with the uniform alterations? YES NO Do you have any special skills that you would be willing to donate to the band program, i.e., Sewing, Welding, Construction, etc? Please list them below.___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 14 HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CONTRACT STUDENT I have read and understand the rules and regulations governing my participation with the El Dorado High School Band program. I realize that my best performance and contribution to my school and my group will result from my following these rules and guidelines. I accept personal responsibility in doing so as a matter of my word and honor. I pledge my support to other members of this group in meeting their responsibilities. ______________________________ Student Name (Please Print) ______________________________ Student Signature e-mail address:__________________cell phone #____________ _____________________ Date PARENT or GUARDIAN I acknowledge receiving and reading the El Dorado High School Aztec Band Handbook with the rules and regulations governing my son/daughter’s participation in the El Dorado Aztec Band Program, and I accept my responsibility in supporting and assisting my son/daughter in accepting the responsibilities and obligations listed in this handbook. _____________________________ Parent Name (Please Print) _____________________________ Parent Signature e-mail address:_________________Cell Phone #__________ ____________________ Date This document will remain on file for the entire school year and must be on file before the student will be issued a uniform or allowed on a school bus for any band function. 15 16 17 18 19 AZTEC Band Fall Conflict Sheet 2015-2016 It is essential that students are at all rehearsals and performances. Please take time now and use the space below to list any conflicts your child will have over the course of the upcoming band season. The dirctors will review all conflicts and determine if the absence will be excused or unexcused. A decision will also be made about any penalty that will be assessed due to an absence. Attendance will be a major factor in determining permanent marching positions. Students that miss rehearsals or performances that are not listed on this form will be subject to removal from their positions. Student Name__________________________________________Student Signature________________________ Parent Signature________________________________________DATE_________________________________ ____________ I have NO conflicts with the dates listed and will attend all rehearsals and performances ____________ I have conflicts with rehearsals or performances and listed them below. _______________________________________________________________ (Email address of parent) Summer Rehearsals: August 1,8,15 Morning Marching Rehearsals M-F 7:00AM-8:00AM Beginning August 3, End 10-26, 2015 No rehearsals on holidays (Note-zero period music rehearsals will continue after the competitive marching season concludes) Night Rehearsals 8-4, 8-11, 8-18, 8-25, 9-1, 9-8. 9-15, 9-22, 9-29, 10-6, 10-13, 10-20, 10-27 Intersession rehearsals 9-28-through 10-9 (Time TBA) Football Games: 8-27, 9-10, 9-25, 10-9, 10-15, 10-30, 11-6 Band Contests: 10-3, 10-10, 10-24 ______________ _______________________________________________ (Date of Event) (Type of Event, i.e., rehearsal, game, Contest) ______________ _______________________________________________ (Date of Event) (Type of Event, i.e., rehearsal, game, Contest) ______________ _______________________________________________ (Date of Event) (Type of Event, i.e., rehearsal, game, Contest) ______________ _______________________________________________ (Date of Event) (Type of Event, i.e., rehearsal, game, Contest) ______________ _______________________________________________ (Date of Event) (Type of Event, i.e., rehearsal, game, Contest) _____________________________ (Reason for missing the event) _____________________________ (Reason for missing the event) _____________________________ (Reason for missing the event) _____________________________ (Reason for missing the event) _____________________________ (Reason for missing the event) 20