Class Information Sheet- 2014-15 Americas High School – U.S. HISTORY * CLASS DESCRIPTION: In this course, which is the second part of a two-year study of U.S. history that begins in Grade 8, students study the history of the United States since Reconstruction to the present. Students will: focus on the political, economic, and social events and issues related to industrialization and urbanization, major wars, domestic and foreign policies of the Cold War and post-Cold War eras, and reform movements including civil rights; examine the impact of geographic factors on major events and analyze causes and effects of the Great Depression; examine the impact of constitutional issues on American society, evaluate the dynamic relationship of the three branches of the federal government, and analyze efforts to expand the democratic process; describe the relationship between the arts and the times during which they were created; analyze the impact of technological innovations on the American labor movement; use critical-thinking skills to explain and apply different methods that historians use to interpret the past, including points of view and historical context; analyze landmark cases of the U.S. Supreme Court; interpret primary sources, graphs, maps and charts which are targeted for successful End of Course results. *CLASS PHILOSOPHY: All students can find SUCCESS. All students can turn in QUALITY WORK. All students are capable of SELF-DISCIPLINE AND RESPONSIBILITY. ALL THREE WILL BE EXPECTED!!!! *CLASS RULES: 1. BE COURTEOUS: Respect yourself and others. 2. LISTEN: If you are not listening, you cannot learn. Follow directions and do not disrupt. 3. BE PREPARED: Arrive to class on time, ready to work, and bring necessary materials. 4. Keep off the teacher’s area and its components. 5. Obey all school and district rules. 6. Class is dismissed by teacher, not the bell. 7. Attention must be paid to all announcements. 8. The Dress Code will be strictly enforced in my classroom – NO EXCEPTIONS!! There is both an SISD and an Americas HS policy concerning how you dress. Follow it. * POSITIVE REWARDS: Teacher recognition, goodie bag prize, extra credit, music time while working on class assignment. * WARNING: Disruptive behavior will warrant immediate removal of the student from the classroom, a phone call to the parent with a referral to follow. If severe disruption is displayed then the OFFENDER will not be admitted back into class until a Teacher-Parent-Administrator conference has been held. * HALL PASS: Going outside of the classroom is not permitted during class time (i.e. no library, computer lab, counselor’s, book room) unless it is an emergency. There is NO requirement that a student must be given a hall pass. Hall passes are a PRIVILEGE and for emergencies only! * ABSENCES: Obvious – If you are not here, you will be counted absent! The attendance office determines the type of absence not the teacher. It is your responsibility to ask for missed work on the day you return to class and it must be turned in in a timely manner. Only excused absence work will be graded; unexcused absences will result in zeros! * TARDIES: Being late to class is unacceptable; follow AHS tardy policy. In accordance to SISD policy, a student must be present for 90% of the class or they are considered absent. * CHEATING/PLAGIARIZING: Cheating/copying is NOT tolerated in my class! There will be parent contact and a zero will be given for that test/ quiz/ assignment. * LATE WORK: I WILL ACCEPT LATE WORK, BUT IT WILL COST YOU! The HIGHEST grade you can make is a 70! Late work will not be accepted after the assignment has been graded and passed out. ALWAYS HAND IN ALL WORK! Zeros, incomplete work, and late work are the most common reasons for loss of credit. * REDO POLICY: Follow the campus and district redo policy. * ELECTRONIC DEVICES: The use or display of electronic devices (cell phones, etc.) is strictly prohibited unless permitted for educational purposes. These devices can and will be confiscated in accordance to Americas High School policy. 1st violation: Parent must pick up device, 2nd violation: Parent picks up device and pay a fine. (There is a clock in class, so student does not need to check time) * GRADES: 50% Daily (class participation, daily work & quizzes) 30% Major Grades (Tests, Projects, and Notebook) 20% Nine Weeks Test. * MATERIALS: Pen, Pencil, Highlighter, color pencils, glue stick or double –sided tape 8 ½ X 11 OR 9 X 11 --- 3-5 subject spiral notebook with divider pockets (NO COMPOSITION BOOKS) * NOTEBOOK: ALL students must maintain a neat and well-organized notebook. Notes must be on Cornell format with a summary at the end of each set of notes. Notebooks will always be due as soon as the bell rings on announced due date. * ASSIGNMENT LOG ALL students will keep an assignment log in their notebook. Assignments and grades will be recorded everyday. GUARANTEE: YOU WILL FAIL THE NINE WEEKS WITHOUT YOUR NOTEBOOK! * HELP: DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE! Tutoring in the mornings and afternoons on most days. (lunch time during certain times). Any questions? *PLEASE ASK! Don’t ever feel that a question is unworthy of asking. I wish you the best of luck in all of your classes! Make sure you and parents sign below. Return this paper NO LATER than the end of this week. I have read this paper and fully understand its contents. _________________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature □ I do grant my child permission to watch documentaries that deal with mature themes. □ I do not grant my child permission to watch documentaries that deal with mature themes. (Examples: documentaries (America: The Story of Us, The Men that built America, other History Channel/ National Geographic programming etc..), series (Crash Course U.S. History, other Military/History channel series, etc..), Movies (Historically themed such as 13 days, The Butler, Saving Private Ryan, etc…) Parent/Guardian Signature Let’s have a great year! Online textbook (website): Username: TAR2TX Password: taqe2E4usw