Introduction CMSC 104 Spring 2000 Problem Solving and Computer

CMSC 104
Spring 2000
Problem Solving and Computer
CMSC 104
Am I in the right class?
CMSC 104
o Assumes NO programming experience
o Does NOT count towards your CS major
o Prepares you for CMSC 201
CMSC 201
o Assumes some programming experience
o First CMSC course for CS majors
o More challenging
CMSC 104
Getting a GL Account at UMBC
You MUST have a GL account
Go to room ECS 005 (in the basement)
 Sign-on to one of the PCs there
o Type in the word register as the Login ID
o No Password
o Follow the instructions
CMSC 104
Your account can be used in 24 hours
Changing your Unix password
Login by entering your id and password
given on the sheet
 At the Unix prompt type:
passwd <Return>
 You will be prompted for your new
password; type it in and press <Return>
 You will be asked to type the new
password again
CMSC 104
Changing your Unix password
You will be given a message that the
password has been changed
 OR you will be given a message that
rejects your new password
 Passwords should be at least 5
characters long, should be something
you will remember.
 Your password will be rejected if it is a
CMSC 104 commonly used word or name
Computer Science at UMBC
CSEE Administrative Offices
o ECS 210
CSEE Student Services Office
o ECS 201
CSCM (Sea Scum)
o Computer Science Council of Majors
CSHC (Computer Science Help Center)
o ECS 332 In the Mechanical Engr Dept.
CMSC 104
UCS Labs
University Computing Services are
responsible or all the computers
 24 hour labs
o ECS 021 -- IBMs, MACs
Open Labs
o ECS 005 -- SGI Workstations
o ECS 104 -- IBMs (but not 104A)
o ECS 122A -- IBMs
CMSC 104
Print Dispatch -- ECS 019 ($$)
UCS Labs (Cont'd)
Open, but sometimes reserved
o ECS 333 -- IBMs
o ECS 336 - MACs
Hours of Operations
o Monday - Thursday
o Friday
o Saturday
o Sunday
CMSC 104
7 AM - 3 AM
7 AM - Midnight
8 AM - Midnight
Noon - 3 AM
Consultants vs Tutors
UCS Labs are staffed by consultants
using software (pine, xrn, netscape, etc.)
some text editors (emacs, pico)
operating system commands (Unix)
cleaning floppy disks
communicating with UMBC computers
CSHC is staffed by tutors
o Help with homework and projects
o emacs and Unix questions
o ECS 332 -- Hours to be announced
CMSC 104
Connect to your Internet Service
Provider (ISP)
 Windows 95/NT/98
o Start
o Run
o telnet
CMSC 104
Hardware & Software Needs
Do I need my own computer?
o No, but it is more convenient for you
If I have my own computer, can I use it?
o Sure, but you will using it mostly to login to
your GL account or for word processing
Do I need a C Compiler?
o No, and if you buy one, you will be wasting
your $$$. All programming should be done
in your GL account.
CMSC 104
Course Overview
Introduction to Computer Organization and
Data Representation and Memory Usage
Introduction to Operating Systems
Problem Solving and Algorithm Development
Introduction to Software Engineering Using TopDown Design
Compiling, Linking and Execution
C Programming
Reuse Based on Algorithm Selection and Design
CMSC 104