Socorro Middle School 2014-2015 SIT AGENDA

Socorro Middle School
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Call to order:
3:30 p.m.
meeting to order
Members Present:
- Mr. Valdez – Principal
- Mr. Reyes – Assistant Principal
- Mrs. Vidales – Assistant Principal
- Mrs. Valles – counselor
- Mrs. Frenda Gerardo – SCEI Coach
- Mr. David Esparza – DSC
representative-NOT PRESENT
- Ms. Olivas – parent representative
- Student Representatives – Mr. Alec
Rodela and Brandon Contreras
- Tigua Representative- David Gomez
- Secretary-Monica Madrid
- Mr. Paugh for Mr. Vogan – Fine Arts
- Mrs. Garcia – Math dept.
- Mrs. Holguin – science dept.
- Ms. Portillo – SPED department
- Mr. Melendez – Social Studies
- Mrs. C. Esparza – ELAR dept.
- Mr. Paugh- CATE
- Ms. Conrad-Athletic Coordinator
II. Confidentiality
 During the SIT meeting, if we plan to talk
about specific students and mention their
names, we need to have our student
representatives step out due to
III. EPAC minutes Review
 Mrs. Gerardo presented the PBMAS report
to SIT.
 Under this report, 4 programs are
 CTE (9 indicators)
IV. New Broadcast System approval
IV. Direction 1: Safe and Supportive
NCLB (10 indicators)
SPED (22 indicators)
BE/ESL (10 indicators)
Compared to the State, we are above
them; however, we are not meeting the
performance levels in Social Studies, ESL
and SPED.
WE need to take action now
The expectation is to invite ALL your LEP
and SPED students to Saturday Schools
and Intersession.
Admin will call those parents who do not
allow their child to attend.
Mrs. Saldana, one of the DSC Bilingual rep,
has done observations in ELAR and Social
Studies classes.
She has debriefed teachers with Glows and
Mrs. C. Esparza asked if she can coteaching with some of our teachers who
need the support.
Our broadcast system needs to be
Morning announcements set the tone for
the rest of the day.
If approved, all new equipment would be
With the new equipment videos and
power points can be viewed.
There will be an ICON on your computer so
that you can click on it and watch
David Gutierrez put a system together
It will cost $6200
New mixer will cost $1800 but we already
have one
We can probably get it for $4500.
Mr. Valdez wants to ensure that everyone
is watching the announcements
Ms. Conrad – Is the big speaker in the
cafeteria working? It’s been there for a
long time.
Mr. Valdez – will look into it; however the
concerned: is it going to be used on a daily
Mr. Valdez – Does anyone oppose to
getting a new system? NO.
If your IWB is not working, you need to fill
out a repair request form.
 Safety procedures and drills update: Mr.
Learning Environment
 Mr. Reyes: How many of you took
everything with you?
 Mr. Conrad – the power point states it is
optional to take your personal items.
 Mr. Reyes – Please make sure you inform
everyone that they must take personal
belongings with them because in a drill like
this, the possibility of returning is minimal.
 Mrs. Conrad is having trouble printing
 It might be the settings on her computer.
 WE had an INTRUDER:
 Intruder jumped the fence and went in
through the 200 hallway.
 Yesterday we had an intruder running
around the track.
 People wanting to use the track or any
other court/field are not allowed to be in
school grounds while school is in session.
 FIRE DRILLL: We will be having a fire drill
tomorrow to avoid interruptions during
testing week (next week).
 When you are going to be absent, make
sure you inform the sub about drill
procedures and have copies of updated
rosters in your EOP (emergency operation
plan) folder.
 Mr. Reyes would like to thank everyone
for being outside their door during
 OLWEUS – Mrs. Vidales
 Mondays is Olweus.
 DSC will continue to send personnel to
check if we are following Olweus schedule.
 Questionnaire results are back.
 The report is 72 pages long.
 There will be a faculty meeting to present
this information (such as the hot spots,
how students feel about trusting an
adult/teachers), etc.)
 LOBBYGUARD installation: Mrs. Vidales
 The equipment/machine will be installed
on Monday.
 Visitors must provide ID and the system
scans it. It identifies sex offenders. This
machine is for safety purposes.
 The machine will take a picture of visitor.
 It will give office personnel an alert.
V. Direction 2: College and Career
IV. Direction 3: Highly qualified
and effective faculty and staff
 SPRING BENCHMARK exams: Mr. Valdez
 Spring benchmark schedule was passed
out. Department heads will share with
their departments.
 We want to treat benchmark tests like the
STAAR test: testing security, etc.
 We want to make sure students are rested
and had breakfast.
 Math to STAAR test at the end of April
 ONGOING TEAM planning: Mr. Valdez
 Mr. Valdez – Thank you to those who
continue to plan on a daily/weekly basis.
 Make sure it is data-driven
 Find the best way to spiral in those low SEs
 Reminder: Lesson plans are due by
Thursday so that feedback is given by
 HB5: Mrs. Valles
 Feb. 9th and 10th parent night in the
 HB5 is a state initiative
 Every student must graduate with an
 Students can see the different
endorsements they can choose from.
 8th grade teachers, please help spread the
word so that attendance is at 100%.
 January 20th – HS registration for our 8th
 AVID: Mr. Valdez
 Mr. Valdez is a huge believer of AVID.
 Applications will be distributed to our
incoming 6th graders.
 In the spring, visits to our feeder pattern
elementary schools where applications will
be distributed.
 Interviews will be conducted as well.
 WE are looking for those students whose
parents have never gone to college, etc.
 AVID is on a volunteer basis.
 It is a powerful program. IF they start in
6th grade, by the time these students
graduate, they will be in AVID for 7 years.
 2 AVID elective teachers will be chosen.
These teachers do not necessarily have to
teach 6th grade.
 Priority sub will be hired soon.
V. Direction 4: Home, School, and
Community partnerships
VI. Direction 5: Accountability for
Coffee with the principal: Mr. Valdez
Coffee with the principal went well.
A lot of new faces.
Mr. Valdez distributed the agenda that
was presented to the parents.
 He went over his philosophy.
 HE went over the action plan: where we
are and what we plan to do?
 Mr. Valdez explained to parents his open
door policy.
 He went over open dress code power
point presentation.
 There was good discussion.
 Parents seem to understand the logic
behind tucking in shirts.
 13 student names were submitted.
 Only 7th grade submitted names.
 Only a few teachers participated
 Mr. Valdez: continue to encourage your
colleagues to continue to submit names
throughout the school year. We need to
build trusting relationships.
 Our board members are: Mr. Guerra and
Mr. Gandara
 We need send them a couple of
appreciation gifts
 Mrs. Carrick is working with his art
students and putting something together.
 Thank you letters will be accepted.
Mr. Reyes
 Due January 30th in electronic format.
 Must be emailed.
 Technology is very old.
 With the installation of HVAC, our school
will go through an overhaul. New carpet,
ceiling tiles will be installed.
 Some teachers might have to be relocated
to another classroom due to the HVAC
 Installation might start in May.
 Thank you to department heads for
working on the schedule.
 Mr. Valdez plans on being at every
Saturday if possible.
 He will help out in any subject that he can;
however, his strength is science.
 Transportation will be provided.
 EXPECTATION: Every single LEP and SPED
student must be invited.
 We need 100% participation.
 DRESS CODE initiative and Changes: Mr.
 Thank you to those who have helped with
the implementation of our dress code.
 Dress code is a safety issue.
 83% of advisory classes voted for Option 1.
 Pre-orders will start o Monday.
 Cash only
 It is on our website.
 Available colors: Red, Columbia blue and
 Sizes are in youth and adult.
 Good feedback from students
 T-shirts are less expensive than polo shirts.
 Tuesday, January 6th – ALL students must
be tucked in. Safety purpose!
 Girls have to be tucked in.
VII. Questions or concerns:
 Make sure you turn in Pink sheets when
attending power planning or training.
 When power planning, please fill out as
Tier 3 Collaboration
 Attendance: Help us out!
 Mrs. Holguin and Mrs. Esparza:
Procedures keep changing for attendance.
Can we have the procedures written/typed
 Mr. Valdez will be working on these
expectations by January.
 Teachers must take attendance by 2nd
period and by 2:30 for all other classes.
 2nd period is the accountability period.
 Best practice is to take at the beginning of
each period.
 Students will still have perfect attendance
is they come to school and leave after 10
am. However, they will be counted absent
in their other classes.
 Monday, December 15th
 Thursday, December 18th
 Concerts at elementary schools. We are
trying to build our fine arts program.
 A. Portillo – girls are taking of their shoes
 PE students are coming out of PE with
their PE clothes still on.
 This will be addressed with PE teachers.
 Students may not come to school with
clothes even if they have PE first period.
 Students can wear any type of shorts or
shirts for PE.
 In the SPRING, there will be a dress code
 To have more options
 Take pride
 Expected to do this when they get a job
 First impression is your smile and how well
you are groomed.
 Baby shower for Claudia Esparza on Friday,
December 12th
VIII. Next SIT meeting
 January 27th, 2015 @ 3:30 p.m.
 4:24 pm