THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO ISSUED DATE September 3, 2002 PURCHASING OFFICE OPERATING PROCEDURES REVISED DATE: October 29, 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------SECTION: 2 PROCUREMENT SUBJECT 2.45 ORDERS EXCEEDING 100K GENERAL INFORMATION This procedure is issued to established to assist in the processing of projects which may result in the issuance of a purchase exceeding $100,000.00. AUDIENCE Applicable to all official procurement staff. 1. GENERAL GUIDELINES AND PROCUREMENT OVERVIEW A. HUB requirements. 1. Procurements which equal or exceed, or is reasonable felt may equal or exceed $100,000.00 must include all HUB subcontracting documents. These documents should receive written pre-approval from the HUB Coordinator, (or designated representative), prior to the solicitation. 2. No bid, RFP, or alternative solicitation response exceeding $100,000.00 can be accepted or evaluated without the written consent of the HUB Coordinator or designated representative. Acceptance and evaluation includes the public notification of pricing. 3. For detailed information on the appropriate HUB requirements and/or documents, consult either with the HUB Coordinator, or TBPC regulations found at or the HUB website at 4. The establishment of the of HUB subcontractor payment schedule, (throughout the life of the contract), must be coordinated with the HUB Coordinator prior to contract implementation. B. Federal funds. 1. Prior to award, verification must be obtained that the selected vendor is certified by the Federal government as not debarred or suspended from receiving awards. See policy on Federal funds, section 2.80. B. Technology procurements 1. All technology procured on State funds which exceed $100,000.00 must be reported to the Legislative Budget Board, (LBB). 2. Documentation and reporting of these procurements is coordinated through the VPBA. Notification of procurements meeting these qualifications must be routed to the VPBA to ensure compliance with reporting requirements. C. Website Posting Contracts exceeding $100,000.00 should be posted to the UTSA website for the life of the contract.