Ethics 809-166-000 mail Assignments for week ten.

Ethics 809-166-000
Joe Halter, email
Assignments for week ten.
 Review Chapters 5, 6 & 7 in Ethics Textbook and Student’s Power Points on
eCollege for LP 5 Ethical Theory exam.
 Read chapters 8, 9 and 10 in Ethics textbook.
 Work as a team (2 students) to complete the Stolen Drug Case written report.
Review the instructions and scoring guide pages 37-39 in Ethics module to assist
you and your team member. The scoring guide on the web site provides
additional details that will assist you. Use the sample paper format on the course
web site. Also, start to think of a substantial ethical dilemma to research with
another student.
 Quote for the week.
“There is a story about a Navajo grandfather who once told his grandson, two
wolves live inside me. One is the bad wolf, full of greed and laziness, full of anger
and jealousy and regret. The other is the good wolf, full of joy and compassion and
willingness and a great love for the world. All the time, these wolves are fighting
inside me. But grandfather,” the boy said. “Which wolf will win?” The
grandfather answered, “The one I feed.”
From Better Business Bureau presentation by JoEllen Wollangk at MPTC October