Class Ground Rules Practical application of the MPTC core abilities. Arriving on time is a sign of respect for both your instructor and your classmates. Plan ahead to make sure you have sufficient time to get where you need to be. Questions are an important way of learning. Always let your instructor know if you wish to answer the question by raising your hand and being called on. If your question pertains to a grade, correction, etc., save it for a one to one discussion with your professor either during break, after class or an appointment. Let your instructor know if you are going to be late or absence by calling or e-mailing him/her in advance of the class. Please come prepare for class. In other words, complete your assignment before class so you are able to discuss the materials and concepts and contribute to your learning and others. Please eat before and after class or during break outside of the classroom. It is acceptable to bring bottled water, soda, etc., to class. Having students bring breakfast, lunch or dinner is distracting to other students and the professor. When someone has the “floor” and is speaking please respect this person by listening, this includes fellow students and your professor. Always show respect and courtesy to other students when they are speaking by giving your full attention regardless of the questions asked. Please refrain from gathering your materials, textbook, etc before the class is completely over. Reading non related materials, taking a nap are not considered acting responsibly. Have cell phones set to silent or vibrate while in class. Please no text messages during class. The classroom is a professional and public funded institution, therefore no “street language” in class. Academic misconduct subject to disciplinary sanctions included in the Student Information Handbook are: “Cheating on examination and seeking to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization of citation”. Just don’t do it. 1 IVC Classes Don’t make distracting sounds Don’t make distracting movements Don’t cover the microphone Don’t interrupt other speakers Don’t carry on side conversations 2